Situational Approach Essay

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Situational Approach This method was created bit he British in the decade of the 1950s is a method based on a structural

view of language, what makes it different from other oral approach method is the emphasis on situations that this method uses. In this method a student receives oral information using the target language in the classroom this information is derived from arranged according to their presentation, then the student memorizes the information by repetition and uses the information in controlled activities in order to become familiar with the information and a habit as a result. According to this mistakes are not allowed as long as their learning will become a habit, and grammar is not explicit to students because it is induced through examples in sentence patterns (Rogers, 1986). One of the characteristics of this method is that controlled activities are used by the teacher; in that case the student will not take an active role in the learning process and the induction of imaginary situations that may not be the situations according to the students reality, moreover, likewise other methods some other

characteristics like the environment and the real needs of the students are not taken into consideration. However, a teacher cannot overlook the usage of this method provided that there are some characteristics that a teacher can use to improve their own methodology. References Rogers, J. C. (1986). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

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