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Management is one of the important aspects in establishing a business. It is the performance of conceiving and achieving desired results by means of group effort consisting of utilizing human talents and resources. Therefore, management is considered as the force that runs an enterprise and is responsible for its success or failure. This aspect includes a study of the officers and key personnel, basic consideration in forming the organization, form of ownership, organizational chart and project schedule. The objective of the management aspect of a feasibility study is to determine the option effective of the organizational setup and the qualifications of the individuals who will make up the organization. This aspect will determine the successful realization of the project study. What kind of organization? The type of business is partnership. It is to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the contract called articles of partnership. By the Contract of Partnership, two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, and industry with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.

Mighty Hardware as partnership will be registered with the different government agencies as Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Business Permit and Licensing Office Butuan City (BPLO), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and Social Security System (SSS). The project will have its full blast after it has complied with all the necessary documents and technical requirements needed to operate and engage in this type of business. Extent of Operation Mighty Hardware is an integrated hardware where customers tend to purchase their needs in one stop and a go. The business operations will be a 12-hr basis. It serves from a single bolt or screw to household needs and furnishing. The location is a factor also of walk-in customers. Proposed Organizational Structure and why? The business chose the functional type of organization. This is one of the most commonly used types of organizational structure which all activities in the firm are group together according to certain functions like production, marketing, service and administrative. This is the best structure

that will fit to the overall operation. This is quite complex but effective and efficient for every partners and employees of the organization since the work is divided into specialized functions. There is also a direct flow of authority but may associate or collaborate to other employees for the betterment of the business and there is also a mutual relationship between them. The specialists must be consulted before any decision is taken no matter relating to his specialized area. The manager can totally focus on his/her tasks and can perform managerial activities as well.

This type of structure can be applicable for a long time as long as it fits in the business since it offers a greater scope for expansion as compare to line type of organization. It does not face the problem of limited capabilities of a few line of managers facilitates better control and supervision in the business firm. Despite of the disadvantages of this type which are the confusion and conflict in roles and responsibilities, it still our choice for it can supervise a large number of subordinates while in line type and this is more efficient in accomplishing task and there is teamwork and cooperation of all members of the organization. We need it as our consideration in choosing our organizational structure is the size of the business. Job Description and Specification It is very vital in all business organization to know their manpower requirements to operate systematically and effectively at all times. It will help also to determine the capacity or capabilities of the employees to fit in the flow of business as well as to have clear duties and responsibilities. Having standard qualifications in hiring and selecting, the employee will establish efficient business operations.


JOB DESCRIPTION Responsible for

JOB SPECIFICATION -college graduate of a 4-year course the -25-35 years of age male or female Must have at least 2 years of working management

supervision of all areas and its subordinates Responsible for

administration of all the management planning, controlling directing. functionorganizing, and

experience. Effective



communication maintains/exhibits


implementation of the policies, regulations rules, and

professional conduct at all times.


the organization. Monitors performance subordinates. Responsible overall including management control, for the of the its

operations inventory and

scheduling, and

documentation quality control.


Accurately efficiently ring

and on

At least high school or college graduate. Male or female Good skills Has experienced similar job. communication

registers and maintain all cash at registers. Maintain orderly area and supplies stocked. Perform other tasks as assigned from time to time by store

management. Maintain awareness o f all promotion and

advertisement Salesman/Driver/Technician Respond to sales At least a high school or college TESDA customer graduate/ graduate for

inquiries via phone or personal Ensure

driver and technician

service satisfaction and good client relationships follow activity. Perform quality checks on product and service delivery Participate events. Accurately document in sales up on sales

18-25 years old male or female. (driver) must have 2 to 3 years of license work for

experience. Drivers driver Flexible of time.

instances of hardware failure, repair,

installation, and removal Assist in developing

long-term strategies and capacity meeting hardware needs. Support development planning for


and implementation of new projects and new hardware installations

Salaries Starting salary is Php 150.00. Employees are subject to 6 months probationary period. Managers starting salary is based on minimum wage of Php 238.00 (Php223 + 15 COLA: applicable for entities with less than 10 employees)

Legal Requirements Municipality of Paraaque


1903 Form

SSS -5 -1 -1A SEC

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