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May Street, Chicago, IL 60643

EDUCATION Xavier University &$A' 2.0"1 Hales Franciscan High School &$A' 3.12 &ra*+ate*' May 2011 WORK EX ERIENCE Xavier University Hel! Des"# Cincinnati# OH 09#11 , $re%e t Technical Help Desk Representative A*-i i%ter e-ai. a * +%er acco+ t% Create tic/et% i A.tiri% 0ech ica. tro+1.e%hooti g E a1.e %t+*e t%, 2ac+.ty, a * %ta22 to +%e 3a4ier et5or/% C.ari2y i 2or-atio 5ith Micro%o2t !22ice 6ro*+ct% $oston %ar"et# Chicago# I& 'trans(er to Cincinnati# OH) 06#117 0(#12 Crew Member/Server &reet c+%to-er% $re6are a * %er4e 6.ate% 2or c+%to-er% 86/ee6 .o11y a * 1athroo-% Mo itor c+%to-er% 2or 6ro6er %er4ice S*ish Drea+s S!orts an, E,-cation Fo-n,ation# Chicago# I& 0"#0" , 0)#11 Junior Board of Directors 9aci.itate* *i%c+%%io % 2or yo+th gro+6% Co..a1orate* 5ith *irector% 2or 2o+ *atio :% %ocia. -e*ia A%%i%te* 6+1.ic re.atio % o c+%to-i;i g 6ro-otio a. 6rogra-% Me tore* yo+th -e-1er% ro.ect $rotherhoo,# Chicago# I& 10#0" , (#10 Student ntern 9i.e* a.. 2or-% a * *oc+-e t% $re6are* $ro<ect =rotherhoo* -eeti g% a * acti4itie% $re6are* a * %er4e* 6.ate% 2or t% Re6re%e te* 6rogra- i 2air% a * %e-i ar% E ha ce* t%: re%+-e% a * *irecte* <o1 %earche% A%%i%te* i co..a1orate* 6rogra-% Chicago, IL Ci ci ati, !H


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ACADE%IC/SCHOO& ACTI0ITIES 3a4ier 8 i4er%ity Re%i*e t St+*e t A%%ociatio , Me-1er >2011 , 2012? 3a4ier 8 i4er%ity C.+1 9oot1a.. , @+arter1ac/ >2011 , 2013? Ha.e% 9ra ci%ca High Schoo. =a%e1a.. 0ea- , Ce ter2ie.*er >2010 , 2011? Ha.e% 9ra ci%ca High Schoo. 9IRS0 Ro1otic% C.+1 , Me-1er >2010 , 2011? Ha.e% 9ra ci%ca High Schoo. 9oot1a.. 0ea- , @+arter1ac/ >200( , 2011? Ha.e% 9ra ci%ca High Schoo. =a%/et1a.. 0ea- , $oi t &+ar* >200( , 2009? &EADERSHI /EXTRACURRICU&AR ACTI0ITIES Ho* Soccer E1!lains Chicago2Doc-+entary/$oo"3 Ho5 Soccer % the Bor.* i% a 4i*eo *oc+-e tary# 1oo/ that I he.6e* createC that +%e% %occer a% a co *+it to the c+.t+ra., %ocia. a * eco o-ic *i%6aritie% o2 Chicago. Chicago Ur4an &eag-e 5IE 3 0he Chicago 8r1a Leag+e Do+th I 4e%tor E E tre6re e+r%hi6 $ro<ect >DIE$? o22er% area high %choo. %t+*e t% the 6ractica. 1+%i e%% %/i..%, 6er%o a. 2i a ce e*+catio , a * 6ro2e%%io a. co ectio % that they ca -a/e +%e o2 thro+gho+t their co..ege e*+catio a * career%. $artici6ate* i thi% 6rogra- a * 2i i%he* i 4th 6.ace i the 2i a.% 5ith -y 1+%i e%% 6.a .

Jeremiah A. Harlan 312.344.3963

St6 Col-+4an-s Foo, antry '7reater Chicago Foo, De!ository)3 0he &reater Chicago 9oo* Fe6o%itory 2oo* 1a / i% a o 6ro2it 2oo* *i%tri1+tio a * trai i g ce ter 6ro4i*i g 2oo* 2or ee*y 6eo6.e 5hi.e %tri4i g to e * h+ ger i co--+ itie%. I 4o.+ teere* at St. Co.+-1a +% Ch+rch t5e ty ho+r% a 5ee/ to he.6 2ee* the .e%% 2ort+ ate. Franciscan O-treach Association So-! Kitchen3 9or three ho+r% e4ery 2ir%t 9ri*ay o2 the -o th I 4o.+ teere* at the 9ra ci%ca !+treach, 5hich 2ee*% -e , 5o-e , a * chi.*re o2 a.. age% *ai.y.

REFERENCES 8ason Ca+!4ell# EAec+ti4e Gice $re%i*e t7S5i%h Frea-% 9o+ *atio Da*n 7raha+# Ha.e% 9ra ci%ca High Schoo.7 Co..ege Co+ %e.or 8ohn Irving# Ha.e% 9ra ci%ca High Schoo.7 Hi%tory I %tr+ctor

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