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In this chapter discusses about: (1) background, (2) the problem of the study, (3) the limitation of the problem, (4) the formulation of the problem, (5) the ob ecti!e of the study, (") the significance of the study#

A. Background $anguage has an important part for human life# %uman transfers their mind to another &ith language# %uman communicates each others by using language# $anguage is not only in the form of sound, but also body gestures# It is related to Fromkins definition of language is a system that relates sounds as means as hand and body gestures &ith meanings ('romkin, et all# 2((): 3")# $anguage has function in human beings# $anguage is used by human to attend misunderstanding and miscommunication# *ccording to finch (2((3: 21), language has t&o functions, it is micro and macro functions of language# +icro function is co!er the particular indi!idual uses# 'or e,ample, language is as a means of communicating ideas and feelings# 'rom the definition that it can be concluded by human use language is to deli!er ideas and &hat they feel# $anguage need to understand and be understood in human life# In other &ay, +acro function is the larger, more general purposes underlying language use# 'or e,ample, $anguage performs all acti!ities of daily li!ing of e!ery member of community# $anguage

represents all of daily li!ing in a community# %uman tend to use a language in the daily acti!ities, for e,amples, in seminar, conferences, bargaining for foods in the market, getting together and talking to each other in the &ay home to school, &ork places, etc# In the other hand, $anguage use as a communication tool in daily life# -ommunication is the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another ($unenburg, 2(1(: 1). -ommunication uses a communication system, it is named as code# -ode is a language !ariety that uses by human to make social interaction in life# It is related to .ardhaugh definition of code is a language !ariety (.ardhaugh, 2((": //)# 0he !ariety of using language is carried out by human in communication# 0he use of t&o and more languages is due to the di!ersity of moti!ations in communication# 0he use of t&o or more languages is influenced by listener and speaker1s solidarity, the selection of topics, and participants embraced social distance# 0he using t&o and more language is not become an odd thing# %uman needs it to make communication is clearer and brighter# In social communities, there are many languages in the &orld &ith many !arieties in the form and usage# *mong these languages, 2nglish is the most &idely used# 3o&adays, 2nglish spreads out all o!er the &orld# +ore people use 2nglish for interaction &ith other countries either in spoken or &ritten forms, for instances in go!ernment, education, la&4court, banking, and teaching and learning 2nglish acti!ities# 0hese facts are the proofs that 2nglish is the most important language# In

the other hand, people in Indonesia use 2nglish as a foreign language# .hen people speak &ith others they al&ays use more than one language# Indonesia is as one of bilingual country, the societies communicate each other by using se!eral languages# 0he members of human in an area accept the other human# 5eople mi, and shift from one language to another as a &ay that enables them to build an effecti!es and communicati!e# 6ilingual is one of the alternati!es# +acnamara (in %amers and 6lanc, 2(((: ") proposes that a bilingual is anyone &ho possesses a minimal competence in only one of the four language skills7 listening, speaking, reading and &riting, in a language other than his mother tongue# 0herefore, this is again the case of code s&itching and code mi,ing# -ode s&itching and code mi,ing are con!ersational strategies# 0arone (1)8/) cited in $ingga (2(1(: 2) uses the term language s&itch as one of the communication strategies# 0&o languages use in the speech pattern of the a!erage bilingual in any human society the &orld o!er# 'or instance, 6okamba (1)/)) as cited by *yeomoni (2((": 2), defines the concept thus: -ode s&itching is the mi,ing of &ords, phrases and sentences from t&o distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries &ithin the same speech e!ent9code4mi,ing is the embedding of !arious linguistic units such as affi,es (bound mophemes), &ords (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a cooperati!e acti!ity &here the participants, in order to infer &hat is intended, must reconcile &hat they hear &ith &hat they understand# 'urthermore, for a formal situation such as in 2'$ teaching and learning process, teachers at times s&itch and mi, the languages used in the classroom# In

fact, not all of students can communicate in 2nglish# 0eachers tend to s&itch and mi, 6ahasa and 2nglish as one of the &ay to communicate &ith the students# In addition, code s&itching and code mi,ing may be considered as a useful strategy in classroom interaction, especially if the aim is to make meanings clear and to transfer the kno&ledge to students in an efficient &ay (:abusi, 2((8) cited in $ingga (2(1(: 2)# 0his study deals &ith a research at 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang, one of the schools of ;6I (;ekolah 6erstandar Internasional)# It is called ;6I since it is an international school# 0he policy of International -lasses or ;ekolah 6ertaraf Internasional (;6I) is stated in <#< 3o# 2(=2((4 ;istem 5endidikan 3asional pasal 5(, ayat 3, &hich declares that : Pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurangkurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi satuan pendidikan bertaraf internasional. (0he national and=or local go!ernment implement minimally one school in all le!els of education to de!elop to&ards international standard educational institution)# 0he purpose of ;6I is to produce graduates &ho ha!e national and international le!el as mentioned in << 2(=2((3 and elaborated in 55 23=2((" about the standard of graduates competency of 2lementary, >unior and ;enior %igh ;chool# 0he aim is at impro!ing intelligence, personality, morality and skills for independent life and be able to continue to further education# 0he concept of ;6I is similar as -ontent and $anguage Integrated $earning (-$I$)# 0he term -$I$ means the study content (geography, physics, music, math,

etc#) through and &ith a second language, and they study language through and &ith the content (%armer, 2(12: 22")# 'or e,ample, the teaching of mathematics using 2nglish means studying +athematics and 2nglish at the same time# %armer (2(12: 22") also claims that people &ho like and use -$I$ say that students (especially at primary and secondary le!els) ha!e more success as language learners &hen they are taught by using -$I$# 0hey also do &ell in their kno&ledge of the content# $anguage is integrated into the curriculum, learners are more moti!ated &hen studying a natural language integrated in a content4based sub ect# ;o the students are learning the language &hile learning the sub ect# 0his study only focuses on the phenomenon of code s&itching and code mi,ing done by teachers in the teaching process# It only sees the learning of +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt through 2nglish as a foreign language# 0herefore, it focuses on finding out the phenomena of code s&itching and code mi,ing happened in teaching process at 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang in terms of the reason and the causes of them# It is a case study in &hich the &riter typically obser!ed the characteristics of the teachers of +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt in 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang in terms of their use of code s&itching and code mi,ing during the teaching process# 0his study in!estigated the use of code s&itching and code mi,ing phenomenon in 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang, and some possible ad!antages or disad!antages of that in relation to the application of ;6I program in 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang#

?egarding the e,planation abo!e, the &riter &as interested in conducting a descripti!e research due to the use of code s&itching and code mi,ing by the teachers of 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang, she focuses her research for the +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers &ho teach at the fourth grade and fifth grade students of 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang# 0he &riter is encouraged to kno& ho& far 2nglish code mi,ing and code s&itching is used by the teachers# 'rom the statement abo!e, the &riter proposes CODE MIXING AND CODE SWITCHING FOUND IN THE TEACHING PROCESS AT


B. T#$ %ro&'$() o* +#$ )+ud, 0he problems of this study are formulated in the @uestions: 1# Ao the +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers use -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itchingB 2# .hy do the +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers use -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching during the process of teachingBC

C. T#$ O&-$c+./$ o* +#$ S+ud, 'rom the problems abo!e, the ob ecti!es of the study are to find out:

1# .hether the +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers use -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching at the 'ourth and 'ifth grade students of 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang# 2# .hether the +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers of using -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching during in the process of teaching#

D.*.canc$ o* +#$ S+ud, 0his thesis entitled D-ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching found in the teaching process at 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang#C %opefully, the &riter can ha!e some significant result# 5ossible significant results that can be e,pected: (1) 0o the ;chool 0he application of ;6I program in the school, &hether all the components of 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang are ready to be face and are ready to be called the school &ith international standard# (2) 0o the teachers 0he result of the study could be contributed to the teachers in the term of teaching +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt sub ect and gi!e information about -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching# (3) 0o the ;tudents 0his study &ould gi!e the students some inputs about -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching# ;o they &ould be better bilingual students and the process of communication runs successfully#

(4) 0o the .riter 0he result of this study is e,pected to gi!e the benefits for the &riter, so she could increase her kno&ledge and e,pand her e,perience by doing this research#

E. .(.+a+.on o* +#$ S+ud, 0he limitation of the study as follo&s: 1# 0he +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers use -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching at the 'ourth grade and 'ifth grade students of 5aramount 2lementary ;chool 5alembang# 2# 0he +athematics, ;cience, ;ocial, ;port and *rt1s teachers use -ode +i,ing and -ode ;&itching during the process of teaching#

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