ChitChat Final Business Plan

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Business Plan


Presented by:

Writing 107B: Business Writing
Professor Robert Krut
Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30PM

Michael Mittelman
Clint Gordy
Melanie Monifi
Katsuya Fujisaki
Chief Operating & Technology Officer
Chief of Market Development & Expansion
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Financial Officer

ChitChat, LLC
250 Executive Park Blvd., Suite B2
San Francisco, CA 94134

September 10
, 2012

Peter Thiel, Managing Partner
The Founders Fund
One Letterman Drive Building C, Suite 420
San Francisco, CA 94129

Dear Mr. Thiel,

Thank you for looking at our business plan for the online search and review company ChitChat.
We are dedicated toward satisfying the needs of the online event seeker. As you read on, we
hope you will see the advantages in investing with this company.

ChitChat will be a website which allows internet users to search for events, venues, concerts, and
other forms of social interaction in their local area through a simple, unique interface. Using
social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, we plan on allowing consumers
to find an event that best pertains to an individuals specific taste, while still maintaining social
interactions with old and new friends.

Thank you again for your time in looking at our business plan. If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact me at my email address We look forward to
hearing from you in the near future.


Clint Gordy
Clint Gordy
Chief of Marketing Development and Expansion

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.........1
1.0 Business Development...3
1.1 Introduction....3
1.2 Facebook Plug-In...5
1.3 Attracting Interns & Employees.5
1.4 Attracting Investors6
1.4.1 Momentum...7
1.4.2 Money..7
1.4.3 Market Size..8
1.4.4 Management Team...8
1.5 Business Management Team...9
2.0 The Market...11
2.1 Introduction......11
2.2 Target Market & Analysis....11
2.3 Increase of Social Media......11
2.4 Market Trends & Growth Potential..12
2.5 Competitive Analysis...13
2.5.1 Competitors Profiles.14 Citysearch.........14 Yelp...14
2.5.2 Service Comparison...14
2.6 Conclusion....15
3.0 Marketing Strategy.16
3.1 Introduction...16
3.2 Acquiring Event Promoters...16
3.2.1 Primary Marketer Ticketmaster.16
3.2.2 Primary Marketer Insomniac.17
3.2.3 Secondary Marketer ChitChat17
3.3 College Campaigning18
3.3.1 Where to Campaign...18
3.3.2 Branding.19
3.4 Online Campaigning.20
3.4.1 Hashtags & At Handles.20
3.4.2 Social Networking Shares..20
3.5 Social Responsibility21
3.5.1 Blood Drives..21
3.5.2 Green Business...22
3.5.3 No H8 Campaign....22
3.6 Conclusion....23
4.0 Financial Plan..23
4.1 Introduction..23
4.2 Initial Capital....24
4.3 Start-Up Costs..24
4.3.1 Insurance25
4.3.2 Inventory25
4.3.3 Purchase of Assets.25
4.4 Operating Expenses..25
4.4.1 Cost of Goods Sold25
4.4.2 Rent25
4.4.3 Office Equipment...26
4.4.4 Salaries & Wages...26
4.4.5 Utilities...26
4.4.6 Advertising.27
4.4.7 R & D, Depreciation, Interest & Other Expenses..27
4.5 Revenue....27
4.6 Profitability...28
4.6.1 Sensitivity Analysis...28
4.6.2 Projected Income Statement..28
4.6.3 Tax Treatment28
4.6.4 Return on Investment.29
4.6.5 Projected Balance Sheet.29
4.7 Conclusion....29
5.0 Conclusion................................29


Executive Summary
Business Development
This section will contain the key interworking ideas about how the business will be developed
and operated, from four angles: gaining initial momentum, money (raising capital), market size,
and our executive management team. The breakdown of the features ChitChat will borrow from
currently existing social media and Internet promotion websites will be discussed; these websites
include Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, UrbanSpoon, LiveNation, Goby, Groupon, LivingSocial, and
Instagram. Each of these elements will be tied together, to create one easy-to-use social media
plug in for both traditional web browsers and mobile devices.
The summaries and qualifications of the executive board will also be found here, coupled with
the duties each will carry out on a day-to-day basis. Each board member will have a sub-team of
unpaid interns. However, the interns will be given stock options once they have remained with
the company long enough; this will incentivize them to work hard for the success of the company.
The Market
ChitChat is an online search engine, which seeks local events and venues through the online
market. It utilizes the social media industry through networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,
and Tumblr. Social media is a growing industry, expanding by use each year. We plan to utilize
this expansion by creating our own Facebook page with unique innovations, our own Tumblr
account for users to associate with one another, and a Twitter page sensitive to hash-tags and at
handle symbols. Our official ChitChat website will have an easy interface with its own ranking
system based on the amount of reviews each user submits, leaving competition, such as Yelp,
Yahoo Local, and Citysearch, behind in the online market.
The social media industry has been growing in consumers since its creation, and ChitChat plans
to take advantage of this expansion with its own unique innovations. For example, we will create
a dynamic three-part search engine, allowing users to find events, concerts, or other social
gatherings pertaining to their individuality. In addition, we will also create a ChitChat
Application for all smartphones and other similar devices so consumers can find events on the go.
With these innovations in mind, there is no doubt that ChitChat will rise to the top of the online
Marketing Strategy

Before ChitChat is launched, the agreements between our company and event promoters will be
made. This will be done by contacting large event promoters such as Ticketmaster and

Insomniac to use other website logos and ticket purchasing embedded into our site. This will
make a successful relationship between our site and these event promoters because we can work
with them, instead of against them. We will use their information and add to it a way in which
users can bond with other users of the site and make an experience they will want to ChitChat
about for days.

From campaigning on college campuses to campaigning online, ChitChat will make sure our
brand will be widely known. We will first campaign to students in our area so that it can reach an
audience interested in finding events to attend. We will brand ourselves through the distribution
of products with our logo at college campuses. This will result in our brand name to be spread by
word of mouth to their fellow students at universities around the nation and later the world.
Online campaigning will be done through social networking in addition to the social base of
ChitChat. We will brand our company as one that will not only care about their online
community, but also the community we reside in. This will be done with events that show our
companys support for those in need.

Financial Plan
In this section, we clarify the breakdown of ChitChats initial capital, start-up and operating costs,
revenue, break-even analysis, profitability, and projected financial statements. The detailed data
analysis provides facts to the investors about how we are profitable and probable to succeed. Our
low initial and operating costs, liabilities, and long-term assets exhibit the sound liquidity and
solvency of ChitChat. Furthermore, the considerable potential growth and returns on the
investments will be explicit by the provided information.

1.0 Business Development
1.1 Introduction
[The] Best startups generally come from somebody needing to scratch an itch. Michael

There are many social-media based event finding utilities on the internet, and in fact, many of
them are extremely good at the one thing they do. The only problem with these websites, are that
they only offer to solve one specific problem of the user, in their elusive search for fun, local
nightlife and entertainment.
This is where ChitChat sees its opportunity.

ChitChat will fill the void of a complete social-media based event finding experience through the
innovation of current ideas, and the invention of new ones. Currently websites such as Yelp,
UrbanSpoon, Goby, and Groupon (among others) all offer the user an attractive experience in
one isolated area, but they fail to tie together these crucial elements into one user-friendly, all-in-
one social media-based experience.

The following page holds Table 1.1, which summarizes what features ChitChat will be
borrowing from current websites, why it is advantageous to do so, and how we will improve
upon them.

Startup Quote, Technology, Startup Quote website,,
accessed September 2012.
Full list of website whose logos were used in Figure 2.1 are available in Appendix A.
Figure 1.1: An artists visual representation
of just some of the many websites that will
go into the making of ChitChat.


Feature Used/Borrowed
What does this feature do particularly well /
How would this help our business?
What is (are) its shortcoming(s)?
How would ChitChat improve
upon the shortcoming(s)/
What are any challenges in
doing this?
Base media for our plug-in.
Provides the relatively infinitely expandable
market share, and virality needed to expand the
business through digital word-of-mouth means.
A.1, A.2
!"#$$%& (%%) *+& ,-.$/-$ 01)/$%.2
Succint, to-the-point, real-time quick-updating
news feed that can be constantly updated and
added to without annoyance to the user.
Limited text length - may need a lot
more space to explain more complicated
details of deals.
Would not improve/change, but
would only utilize the feature to
promote newest announced and
updates on new happening events.
Review System.
Trusted review source, not overcomplicated, and to-
the-point information from other "real people" who
have been there before. A one-star increase in
reviews is associated with a 5.4% increase in
Poor Facebook Integration: Does not
highlight places that friends have been or
reviews of places friends have written
Link review with Facebook
profile, display reviews written
on social media profile to
extend advertising virility.
"Slot Machine" Restaurant
Innovative, visual way of choosing where user
should go (to obtain their meal; in our case, the
meal is the form of entertainment).
Where Facebook friends are
sitting at venues.
Actually is integrated with Facebook, very
straightforward and seemingly easy to use.
Registering where you are sitting is not
mandatory, so users almost never put
where they are sitting. Although feature is
barely used at all.
Automatically add to their profile
and application exactly where they
are sitting, and display it to the
Simple, straightforward query
3-Step Query Field of what user a) "Wants to do",
b) "Where they want to do it", and c) "When they
want to do it". Would make for great home page
Basically no Facebook integration, no
significant social-media experience tied in
Integrate social media aspect. A.7
Localized deals for the
consumer's customized location.
Partnered with companies to
provide excellent deal margins for
the consumer of the deal.
Gives the consumer what they want to do, with
new options every day, keeping traffic flowing
on the site daily and enticing new users to sign up
through e-mail alerts.
Revenues for the company offering the
deal are very little when regularly giving
50% off. No social media integration.
Will honestly be quite hard for
us to entice entertainment
companies to allow replication
of these margins, when first
launching ChitChat. Will integrate
social media aspect.
Bright pictures. Very similar to
Groupon in functionality and
business goal of website.
Gives better localized options for entertainment
than Groupon.
No social media integration. Deals are not
as competitive as Groupon's.
Integrate social media aspect. A.9
Pictures directly uploaded to
Facebook automatically, and
posted to their timeline.
Users would take pictures (in a similar manner)
off of their smart phone, to instantly attach to
their review (if they are doing it on their mobile
None - for what it is designed for.
Integrate the ease of use of the
photo-taking and multiple photo
effects into mobile application, to
attach as a part of mobile reviews.
**No shortcoming - This is our base module off of which we will
develop our clientele and create growth.**
[No actual shortcomings] We would simply expand and replace this feature
with event types (rather than restaurants).

Images are copyright their respective websites and are used for informational display purposes only. See references for full list of logo sources.
Michael Luca, Reviews, Reputation, and Revenue: The Case of, HBS Working Paper No. 12-016, 2011, pp. 13.
Table 1.1: Schedule of Borrowed & Utilized Features

An expanded feature list that displays large, physical screen shots of each of the ideas we will be
borrowing is available for the readers convenience in Appendix A. We urge you to browse
through them, as they contain full page images with more detailed explanations, and should help
the reader in comprehending all of the borrowed features.
1.2 ChitChat as a Facebook Plug-In
ChitChat will be developed as a Facebook-based plug-in application. This provides us with the
huge social market needed for the business to expand rapidly in a short amount of time.
Concurrent iOS and Android applications will be developed with strong location-based services
and mobile-reviewing and Facebook-integrated capabilities directly from our proprietary
application. This will make event finding extremely easy, whether the user is at their desk at
home or work, or already on the go.
By publishing reviews and pictures instantly to users Facebook timelines, the application will
spread through the users friends so they will see all of the fun and exciting things the user has
done, the unique places the user has been, etc. Badges will be earned and displayed by the user
on their profiles, for each event they have been to.
1.3 Approach to Attracting Interns & Employees

Interns will gain valuable experience through the diverse but direct role they will each play in the
development of the company. Although we will not be offering interns actual cash payments
until much later down the road, they will be incentivized to remain with the company and
become a valuable, trusted part of the team by being given small stock option amounts, making
them part owners in the company, and therefore increasing their dedication to make ChitChat
become successful. By paying them in stock, ChitChat will save a great deal on initial wage
expenses, while at the same time give the interns motivation to help ChitChat succeed. By giving
stock, there is the potential for significant financial wealth if and when the company becomes
more valuable and is either sold or goes public in the ensuing years of the company.

Only computer programmers and engineers will become paid employees before significant
revenues are earned. These wages will be decided on a case-by-case basis, and they will depend
on the merit and experience of the programmer/engineer. Likewise, amounts will not be decided
until management develops a better budget of how much capital it will be receiving from initial

5Anne Field, How to Pay your Employees when your Startup is Just Getting Started, OPEN
your-startup-is-just-getting-started-anne-field, accessed September 2012.

1.4 Approach to Attracting Investors
ChitChat will be marketed as having the strong potential for fulfilling the missing void of all-in-
one social media-based event-finding software. Besides raising initial small capital funding from
friends and family, ChitChat will seek out angel investors (AIs) and venture capitalist firms
(VCs) to raise capital and own a significant part of our venture through both common and
preferred stock options. Note that this will not be explained in this section, but will be negotiated
in-person on a case-by-case basis, depending on the firm we are dealing with and how much
money they are willing to invest. We know that AIs and VCs will be able to provide us with the
initial, significant capital that we will need to continue development of our Facebook plug-in and
mobile applications throughout the short and medium-term development of our endeavor.

Mark Suster has identified four main things that investors look for in a startup, which he dubs the
Four Ms of any successful entrepreneurial endeavor.6
He is a businessman that has founded
strong success with both of his technology-based startups, BuildOnline, which was sold to a
publicly traded company, and Koral, which was sold to the reputable He is now
a partner at GRP Partners, Inc., which is the largest venture capital firm in the Southern

" Mark Suster, The Four Main Things that Investors Look for in a Startup, Both Sides of The
Table (2010),
investors-look-for-in-a-startup/, accessed September 2012.

Length of time the Intern
has been with ChitChat
Stock Options

Length of time the Intern
has been with ChitChat
Stock Options

0-8 Months .25%
8-14 Months .75%
Beyond 14 Months 1% - 4%
Figure 1.2: A pie-chart showing that
approximately 2/3 of all internships are unpaid.
This shows that unpaid internships are indeed a
viable and standard source of initial recruitment.
*Data as of February 2011.

If intern/employee leaves ChitChat before end
time limit, no stock option will be awarded. If
intern completely quits ChitChat, they will forfeit
95% of the stock they own from the previous time
category they have reached (i.e., 8-14 months with
the company will yield 5% of .75%, less than 8
months of employment will yield no stock award).

Amount awarded to intern is based on performance
and is subject to change from the above estimates at
any time.

Table 1.2: Employee Stock Option Awards Schedule

California area. As such, he has been on both sides of the table of the entrepreneurial world,
and as such he has wittily named his entrepreneurial advice blog
We will look at one of his key components of advice for attracting initial capital from investors,
in his article, The Four Main Things that Investors Look for in a Startup. The ChitChat
management team has taken careful consideration to possess these four key traits, which are
Momentum, Money, Market Size, and Management Team. Below they will be shown as to
how we have applied them to our start-up.
1.4.1 Momentum
The number one thing that investors get their checkbooks out [for] is momentum, Suster writes.
But he also strongly emphasizes that, if you want to raise money from VCs you should see them
early. Mark advises that by taking this approach, venture capitalists can see how the start-up has
developed over time. Showing improvement and development over time is absolutely key in
securing capital for medium and long-term development. We are following this approach by
beginning to market now, what we know can eventually become a trusted and widespread
service in finding local entertainment, albeit we do not currently have the actual product to
demonstrate yet. We know that by following Marks approach, by marketing our venture now,
improving over the next 6 to 12 months, and returning to these firms with new, concrete
developments, they will be impressed with our work and see that we are absolutely serious about
making ChitChat a reality.
1.4.2 Money
When Mark Suster talks about money from the venture capitalists perspective, he knows that the
most significant number is not how much money the firm will be investing in an endeavor, but
how much of the endeavor they will own as a result of investing. Most VCs want to own
between 20-25% minimum of amount of your company, Mark warns. We heed this warning,
have considered the strengths and drawbacks, and are absolutely comfortable with allowing such
a significant chunk of our company being partially owned by a VC firm. The ChitChat team
understands how the investment world works and is prepared to make such a sacrifice. VC firms
that invest with us will be given a vote on the executive board, but will have absolutely no
internal day-to-day control of the company. Also concerning money, with regard to startup costs,
note the figure below, that shows the cost of founding an internet technology start-up has
dramatically decreased over the past 10 years.

Figure 1.3: The costs to launching a startup have dramatically declined since the year 2000.

1.4.3 Market Size
This is one area that ChitChat excels in due to the nature of the business. Our initial market size
is the young adult group of the San Francisco Bay Area, and will be explained in much more
depth in the Market section of this business plan. Mark writes, almost all VCs care about
investing in big markets with ambitious teams. So NEVER talk about early exits, quick flips,
tuck-in acquisitions, previous interest shown by acquirers, etc., during your meeting. ChitChats
management views already perfectly align with this philosophy. We have absolutely no intention
of attempting to make any sort of early exit or sale of our company (unless some unforeseen,
extraordinary offer is made for our company), and our team is a highly ambitious, diverse group
that strongly wishes to see ChitChat succeed, as both employees and investors in the start-up
1.4.4 Management Team
When marketing a startup to AIs and VCs, Mark writes that it is not just about what the start-up
is in itself, but that he likes to judge companies on a rule of thumb of 70% management, 30%
product, and that for any investor it takes a miracle to get investment dollars out of them if
theyre not impressed with the team. As such, the next section will expand on the details of the
qualification of our core management team.


1.5 Business Management Team
Michael Mittelman, Chief Operating & Technology Officer Michael is earning a Bachelors
of Arts in Economics, and a Bachelors of Arts in Political Science. He spearheads most of the
internal creative control behind ChitChats features, and is likewise the head of technological
development of the website, Facebook plug-in, and mobile applications. He has had a passion for
technology for his entire life and is the most technologically savvy of the founders, despite not
directly having a degree in a computer-related field.
! Mike will eventually hire approximately one to two interns to assist him in the more
minor day-to-day tasks of operating the company and sending out digital and traditional
letter-based correspondence with investors and other businesses.
! He will also look over approximately four to six interns with computer programming and
engineering knowledge, to help spearhead the development of the Facebook plug-in, the
website, and the Android and iOS-based applications.

Melanie Monifi, Chief Marketing Officer Melanie Monifi is in the process of earning her
Bachelors of Arts in Communication. She is the main specialist and driving force behind the
creative advertising, through both traditional and nontraditional means. She specializes in
unorthodox marketing techniques and has extensive knowledge in social media advertising and
virility. She will be the main correspondent with entertainment businesses, artists, and venues,
and as such will directly market the unique, unprecedented opportunity ChitChat can provide
them in the social media advertising space.
! Melanie will start off with one assistant intern, and will eventually expand to having
approximately three creative individuals under her control. They will assist her in
researching and seeking out local event-promoting companies, venues, and other
businesses in this area that can be featured on ChitChat for a nominal fee.
Clint Gordy, Chief of Market Development & Expansion Clint is the main expansionary
force of ChitChat, when it comes to getting new users. He is the process of earning his B.A. in
Economics/Accounting, with a minor in Chinese. Specializing in spreading new ideas through
nontraditional means such as viral marketing, he has big plans for spreading ChitChat through its
first target metropolis, the San Francisco Bay Area. Easily the most social person of the founders,
it is only fitting that he helps expand our product through the diverse S.F. Bay Area. He
oftentimes finds himself more outside of the office than in it, traveling to numerous college
campuses every week, to study our base target age market the 18-30 year olds.
! Clint will start off by himself and after approximately a month, will develop an intern
program on the local college campuses. He will Skype with them on most days, to keep
them updated on company happenings. He will also be sending them out packet guides
on how to locally advertise through e-mail. He will also hold in-person meetings with
them approximately once a month to check up on them. Clint aims to have 4 to 8
localized college campus interns, and eventually expand up to 16-22, with up to 3
managing interns helping him keep correspondence with them.

Katsuya Fujisaki, Chief Financial Officer The genius that is Katsuya is currently the closest
to finishing his degree, which is in Economics/Accounting, and is projected to finish school by
the end of 2012. Hailing originally from Japan, his prowess in financial ratio analysis, statistical
reasoning, and budgeting have proven critical in helping ChitChat move from a mere fledgling
idea, to a financial reality on paper. He is the main person responsible for organizing the
revenues we receive from investors, and keeping track of both our common and premium stock.
! Katsuya will start off by himself. After the first couple of months go by and the business
starts to see more traffic, he will acquire one to two interns to assist him in the novice and
intermediate bookkeeping, and other more minor financial organization.

1.6 Conclusion
ChitChat has a unique, jack-of-all trades business model that aims to fill the significant gaps of
the currently existing event-finding websites that are already in existence. Interns will be paid in
stock, thereby also incentivizing them to work hard so the company will succeed. A dedicated,
highly motivated management team will ensure that the project continues to develop and hit key
goals efficiently. With relatively small initial costs compared to most start-ups, we know that
initial investors will be able to find value in the prospects of what ChitChat.

Figure 1.4: ChitChat executive board.
From left to right: Clint Gordy, Chief of Market Development & Expansion; Michael Mittelman,
Chief Operating & Technology Officer; Melanie Monifi, Chief Marketing Officer; Katsuya
Fujisaki, Chief Financial Officer.

2.0 The Market

2.1 Introduction

The impact of social networking sites on the human population is growing every day. As seen in
Table 3.1, companies are predicted to increase their spending on the use of sites such as
Facebook remarkably more than any other form of social media. In this section, we will show
how ChitChat plans to utilize this increase in social networking and display examples of what
sets us ahead of competitors such as Yelp and Citysearch.

2.2 Target Market and Analysis

ChitChat will be a company, which will set its foundation in the city of San Francisco, California.
However, we will target the online market, expanding its horizon to other pertinent cities such as
Los Angeles or New York City. The size of the online market is immeasurable, ranging across
the entire planet. ChitChat will focus
its aim on the social media industry,
linking its sources to websites such as
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and
LinkedIn. Social media is defined as
online tools where content, opinions,
perspectives, insights, and media can
be shared
. At the core, social media
is about relationships and connections
between people and organizations,
which is a foundational goal for

2.3 The Increasing of Social

The number of consumers who use
social media is rapidly expanding.
From 2009-2010, a 43% increase in
time devoted to socializing erupted,
occupying each individuals time for

Amy L. Parsons, Social Media From a Corporate Perspective: A Content Analysis of Official
Facebook Pages Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of
Marketing Studies 16, no. 2 (2011): 14. Business Source Complete via EBSCOHost, accessed
September 2012.
Table 2.1: Projected Increase in Social Media Spending
Source: Social Media Spending to Increase


more than 13.5 minutes per day
. Currently, the top ten social networking sites contain 2.93
billion registered users, approaching nearly half the population of the planet
. ChitChat seeks to
take advantage of this increase in socialization by allowing individuals to find events, concerts,
or venues in any location around the world using these social media instruments.

Social media users engage in peer-to-peer conversation to collaborate, share, tag, edit, or create
information. This helps make decisions toward deciding what kind of events or places users
would like to attend because they rely on the recommendations given to them by friends
. In
addition, social media allows users to interact with a company through the domain of that social
network, permitting customers who use ChitChat to share their opinions with others, helping
influence the companys reputation to consumers. Due to this interactivity, we can generate
feedback from customers that will help make the company grow while still helping the consumer
in the long run
. To utilize social media efficiently, a company must first determine strategically
why creating a Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or other similar account would help establish the
goals of a company.

2.4 Market Trends and Growth Potential

ChitChat aims to create a social environment for users through a simple user-interface, exploiting
social media and social image to find events, venues, shows, restaurants, and anything else in a
consumers surrounding area. The creation of the ChitChat Application for all smartphone
devices will allow users to customize their profiles, share their night life preferences, chart their
travel histories to different locations, and share information between friends on other social
networking websites. The use of this application will be effective for influencing and tracking
consumer beliefs and attitudes related to our service
. However, this is not the only form of
social media we will create. As seen in Figure 2.1, ChitChat will utilize a plethora of social
media websites to give users more options to find an event which best pertains to their individual

Marilyn A. Dyrud, Social Networking and Business Communication Pedagogy: Plugging into
the Facebook Generation Business Communication Quarterly (2011): 475. Business Source
Complete via EBSCOHost, accessed September 2012.

Ibid., pp. 476.
Amy L. Parsons, Social Media From a Corporate Perspective: A Content Analysis of Official
Facebook Pages Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of
Marketing Studies 16, no. 2 (2011): 16. Business Source Complete via EBSCOHost, accessed
September 2012.
Ibid., pp. 13.

In a recent study, approximately 93% of brands across the globe have established an official
Facebook page. Facebook alone has grown to 750 million users, making social media available
to anybody across the planet
. Our URL will focus on developing
relationships with consumers rather than solely providing information. Only ChitChat will be
able to control wall content, but users may respond to current postings. We will create postings
related to event information and voting systems
based on how consumers felt about past venues.
ChitChat will ensure that these postings will not
exceed more than 20 a day so we do not bombard
consumers with excessive information in their
news feed
. These postings will entail details
such as theses relating to future event information:
asking users to discuss previous experience at the
venues, voting on how they thought of past events,
selecting favoring aspects of an event such as
sound system and crowd dynamics, and creating
postings with images of events so consumers can
tag themselves on their Facebook, allowing
friends to get a visual of the venue before they are
even there.

The creation of ChitChats micro blog on URL
www.tumblr/tagged/ChitChat will allow users to post
pictures of themselves at events, take polls pertaining
venues and past artists, write reviews on past shows, or simply communicate between individuals
on the same social network. Micro blogging creates an opportunity for establishing the ChitChat
brand while still developing relationships with the customer. This Tumblr URL will create a
positive attitude for us and customers with aspirations of higher turn-out ratios at events

2.5 Competitive Analysis

Online reviews are becoming increasingly important sources of customer information. These
reviews will affect the selling of tickets at each venue positively, allowing the revenue of not
only ChitChat to increase, but the location the concert is being held at as well. However, other
companies such as Yelp and Citysearch present themselves as the largest competitors towards
our growth. Tens of millions people have visited all three websites at least once by April 2009.
These forces will not intimidate ChitChat. With its new innovations and unique, simple interface,
ChitChat will be put on the map using simple ideas from these competitors while adjusting them
to meet the expectations of investors and consumers.

Ibid., pp. 14.
Amy L. Parsons, Social Media From a Corporate Perspective: A Content Analysis of Official
Facebook Pages Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of
Marketing Studies 16, no. 2 (2011): 20. Business Source Complete via EBSCOHost, accessed
September 2012.
Ibid., pp. 12.
Figure 2.1: Interconnecting of Social


2.5.1 Competitors Profiles Citysearch

In 2006, Citysearch was the 42
most popular website in the United States with 15.1 million
. This company follows the anonymity strategy, a theory which makes online reviews
independent, meaning reviewers cannot engage in any personal communication or social
interaction due to a lack of personal profiles and instant messaging devices. In fact, user reviews
were found to be buried under professional reviews since they hired professional staff to write
editorial reviews of local businesses
. Their use of the anonymity strategy made minimal
attempts to attract a constant reviewing ratio. In turn, Citysearch showed statistics of 71.2% of
reviewers writing a single review, 0.6% wrote 20 or more reviews, 64.4% of reviewers writing
five or less, and an average of two reviews per account, calculations which ChitChat does not
intend to emulate.
19 Yelp

Yelp launched in 2004 and received $31 million in funding by the end of July 2009.
innovation such as the elite member advantages, a talk forum, and compliment letters, Yelp
rose quickly to the top of the online review market. Using a foundation of intrinsic incentive of
social image, volunteers came to work for Yelp with the desire to be conceived as righteous
from a large number of reviews or a profile picture, righteous meaning being a model
individual for others to follow. With statistics such as 9.2% reviewers writing one review, 27.1%
writing twenty or more, 2.3% of reviewers writing five or less reviews, and an average of 25
reviews per reviewer account, Yelp is capitalizing in this market with their innovations, until
ChitChat comes and matches, if not beats, these numbers with its own unique innovations.

2.5.2 Service Comparison

Online companies hold a strong incentive to invest in innovations that reduce advertising costs
and increase appeal to all consumers equally (Druehl & Porteus 595). Each aspect of a company
is a strategic complement, meaning that implementing one aspect increases the value of another,
and decreasing one aspect decreases the value another.
For example, implementing fast, open-
source software for our search engine will increase the value of the company, and decreasing the

Zhongmin Wang, Anonymity, Social Image, and the Competition for Volunteers: A Case
Study of the Online Market for Reviews, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10,
Iss. 1: 1. Business Source Complete via EBSCOHost, accessed August 2012.
Ibid, pp. 2.
Ibid, pp. 7.
Ibid, pp. 2.
Cheryl T. Druehl & Evan L. Porteus, Strategic Product/Service Innovations of an Online
Firm A Journal of the Decision Science Institute 41, no. 3 (2010): 595. Business Source
Complete via EBSCOHost, accessed September 2012.


speed of our search engine will do the opposite. However, we only plan on using the first option,
enabling a fast search engine for our users to find events quickly and the use of open-source
software to create social interactions between our consumers.

ChitChat will utilize the intrinsic incentive of social image to create reviews of events from
volunteers. We will also enable and encourage reviewers to establish a social reputation by
evaluating others reviews, chatting online, becoming friends via the official ChitChat page, and
users having the ability to meet each other at offline social events they found on the website.

Once a user has registered with ChitChat and has made 15 credible reviews, the member will be
promoted to a Frequent Chatter position, 30 credible reviews promotes the user to
Mr./Ms./Mrs. Popular, and 50 credible reviews promotes the user to The It Guy/Girl. Not
only does this approach promote credibility of each individuals reviews, but it also gives them
incentive to continue reviewing and finding locations on ChitChat, creating an even more social
environment for consumers.

ChitChat will also give incentives to customers
through discounts at events by frequent reviews
or sweepstakes to win VIP tickets to different
venues, allowing consumers to get involved in
the social networking aspect and return to
locations which they found suitable
. This will
be accomplished by the use of open-source
software, where each user will be able to state
their own opinions of venues and see those who
won sweepstakes as incentive for future
. The advertising discussed in later
sections will fund these promotions.

2.6 Conclusion

With the populations use of social media
increasing rapidly, now is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the online review market.
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are increasing in registered users
each day. This allows ChitChat step in and create a unique and simple interface, permitting
consumers to link with old and new friends to meet at events of their particular taste. As seen in
Figure 2.2, we will utilize a three-part dynamic engine integrating the ideas of social media,
organic search, and a local search to find an event which is truly unique to each individuals taste.

Zhongmin Wang Anonymity, Social Image, and the Competition for Volunteers: A Case
Study of the Online Market for Reviews, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10:
Iss. 1: 1. Business Source Complete via EBSCOHost accessed August 2012.
Amy L. Parsons, Social Media From a Corporate Perspective: A Content Analysis of Official
Facebook Pages Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of
Marketing Studies 16, no. 2 (2011): 2. Business Source Complete via EBSCOHost accessed
September 2012.
Figure 2.2: Venn Diagram of ChitChat Search

With this search engine, consumers can find a venue that is not only close-by and pertains to
their individuality, but also allows users to maintain a social standard and be with their friends as

3.0 Marketing Strategy

3.1 Introduction

ChitChat will help people come together and make a wonderful interaction that they can talk
about for days. It will help users be the center of what is hot in their town and be able to find
deals for themselves as well as all their friends. It is a place to come together and talk together.
ChitChat will work with other successful businesses to make our business thrive. ChitChat will
be focused on college students in the early years through strategic campaigning in personas well
as online. We will also work with our local community to support those around us.

3.2 Acquiring Event Promoters

In order to acquire event postings on our website, ChitChat will need to contact major promoters
in the San Francisco area as well as the Los Angeles area. This is so we can make sure that our
site has up-to-date events that college students will want to go to. This is because they are our
main consumers at the beginning of our business. Raves, which are electronic music carnivals,
and outdoor music festivals, are now the college go-to for weekend events throughout the year.

3.2.1 Primary Marketer Ticketmaster
Two primary event promoters popular today are Ticketmaster and Insomniac. These primary
promoters sell tickets for the venues of events that they are directly promoting. This means that
their cost per ticket will be fair. Our site will be a secondary promoter once we sell tickets for
these events.
Unlike most websites, such as StubHub, which adds extra fees to tickets they
offer for events, we will not have to add that extra fee.
ChitChat will make this possible by
meeting with event promoters and showing them that our website will be a more efficient way to
sell tickets and publicize their website as well as their events in an easier way. Since our site will
have no extra cost, people will use our website with the reliability of buying tickets on main
promoter websites. We offer an arena in which consumers can talk to other event-goers while
rating venues they attend.

We do not want to waste consumers time and money, instead we want to show that ChitChat is
about making the process of buying tickets and going to events more social. By making our site
social, people will more easily be able to share their fun life with those on Facebook and Twitter.
In 10 Things Your Ticket Broker Wont Tell You, Jason Kephart states that Ticketmasters

Jason Kephart, 10 Things Your Ticket Broker Wont Tell You, The Wall Street Journal:
Smart Money, April 14, 2009,
broker-wont-tell-you-23109/#articleTabs, accessed September 2012.

new involvement in the secondary market has introduced more consumer protection.
Ticketmaster has decided to work with secondary promoters, it can only mean that once
ChitChat works with them, we will be able to do the same. If we advertise their events on our
website, it will make for a wonderful relationship in which consumers can show their love for
primary marketers events as well as their love for ChitChat.

3.2.2 Primary Marketer Insomniac

Insomniac is an online promoter that is not as large as Ticketmaster. Insomniac is more focused
on outdoor music festivals. Similar to what we will do with Ticketmaster, we will do with
Insomniac. We will work with them and have their events posted on our site so that college
students, which we will focus on through our campaigning stated later, will know where to go to
listen to their favorite artists. This will make for these promoters to achieve a better turnout, with
consumers purchasing tickets earlier on, which would make the tickets more expensive, and
therefore increases the income for the promoter and for us. We will not ask the promoters for a
share, showing the cost the same as if consumers went on, but use
advertisements for future events from this promoter on our website. This shows our reliability as
well as our dedication to our users for a good price and a great time.

3.2.3 Secondary Marketer ChitChat

Kephart states that the online portion of the secondary market for tickets is expected to top $4.5
billion in 2012, so its no surprise that opportunists are trying to claim their piece of the pie.

Putting money into the online ticket and event market is what ChitChat wants to successfully do.
We want to make sure that events are advertised and sold on a social level, while acquiring
business with the support of primary sources. This support makes it so that instead of a fierce
competition in which we split the
costs unequally, this makes for a
fair sharing of consumers time.

Some may ask why ChitChat is
better than using or directly; it is
because we will provide more
information about the venue and
event the previous year directly
below the posting. This makes for
a more socially open way in which
to buy tickets. Since we will work
with primary promoters to
advertise events on our website,
we will have all the aspects of

Educational activities
(3.4 hours)
Leisure and sports
(3.6 hours)
Eating and drinking
(1.1 hour)
(1.5 hours)
(2.2 hours)
NOTE: Data include individuals, ages 15 to 49, who were enrolled full time at a university or college.
Data include non-holiday weekdays and are averages for 2006-10.
Working and related
(3.0 hours)
(8.4 hours)
Time use on an average weekday for full-time
university and college students
(0.8 hour)
SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, American Time Use Survey
Total = 24.0 hours
Table 3.1: College Students Time Use

their website embedded onto our website.

3.3 College Campaigning
ChitChat will have users and consumers of many different ages, but we hope that our website
will become famous with the college generation when we launch. This will be our ideal audience
to begin with because of the interest of college students to get out and find something to do with
friends almost everyday. Since this will be the main point of ChitChat, we find that it is
important that we advertise to college campuses and on college based websites and/or networks.
Research shows that most college students spend a lot of time each day on leisure activities,
approximately four hours a day.
In Table 3.1 it can be seen that full-time students spend more
time on themselves than on any other activity. This shows why there is such a need for a
company like ours. We will campaign to college students because they enjoy spending time with
their friends and ChitChat will use this to our advantage.

3.3.1 Where to Campaign

We would like to campaign at the
nearest large college campuses,
which are University of California
at Berkeley and University of
California at Davis. These two
college campuses are in the Bay
and surrounding area, will make it
so that our branding will be spread
across California. This will occur
because once one campus gets
better access to events in their area,
other campuses students will want
to be able to do the same. Just as
Facebook spread throughout the
Ivy League Universities, we would
like ChitChat to be spread
throughout the Universities of
California (UCs). Since most people around the nation, as well as the world, know about the UCs,
once all these schools have access and capabilities to spend time at events and at great venues,
people across the world will want to have access to ChitChat. Once the want and need is visible
for ChitChat, we will make sure to open up the website to other areas around the state, nation,
and the world.

American Time Use Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics (December 2011), United States
Department of Labor,, accessed August 2012.

Figure 3.1: ChitChat College Poster
Source: Created on

3.3.2 Branding

We will make sure that our website is exposed to college students by giving out free items
weekly on campus-grounds,
showing them who we are and
what our site can do for them. A
slogan that we will use for our
website would be What are you
doing tonight? We will use this on
a poster that we will print out and
post around campuses as well as at
our booth. A poster can be seen in
Figure 3.1. We want to make sure
that what people remember when
they walk away from our booth is
not only that our company is made
for them to enjoy a night out, but to remember our name. Along with having Clint Gordy, Chief
of Market Development & Expansion, and/or Melanie Monifi, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO),
at the booth we will have at least two interns by their side. This is because we will want to have
students, be they graduate students or undergraduate students, speaking to other college students
at the campus of visit to tell them how much they will enjoy using ChitChat. We want students to
use ChitChat and make it a trendy new way of communicating with friends as well as a new way
to finds things to do each day.

We will have successful branding from visiting campuses to advertise to students. We will use
our brand to get out to consumers and ensure that they will want to use our website. Robert
Kozinets, Kristine de Valck, Andrea Wojnicki, & Sarah Wilner studied the results of word of
mouth (WOM) marketing and they found that there are three main ways to advertise to
consumers and get them to do the advertising for the company.
The form of WOM marketing
that we will use is shown in Table 3.2. The linear marketer influence makes it so that there are
opinion leaders who tell other consumers, who can be their family and friends, about the product
they originally heard about. This is an active attempt by the marketer to influence consumer
WOM through the use of traditional means, such as advertising and promotions.
By giving
promotions to the opinion leader, ChitChat will be able to successfully advertise to a wide range
of consumers on college campuses. We will give out key-chains with the ChitChat logo as well
as stickers and magnets they can place on cars, bikes, and much more. These will not only make
for branding to be spread by WOM, but also by seeing the logo and wanting to find out what
ChitChat is. Once we successfully brand ChitChat at college campuses we will see our website-
use grow for specific campuses. This shows more proof of why we will be better competition
against sites that are similar to ours.

Robert V. Kozinets, Kristine de Valck, Andrea C. Wojnicki, & Sarah J.S. Wilner, Networked
Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities, Journal of
Marketing 74, (2010): 72, Business Source Complete via EBSCOhost, accessed August 2012.
Table 3.2: Linear Marketer Influence Model
Source: Journal of Marketing

3.4 Online Campaigning

3.4.1 Hashtags & At Handles

A large way in which our business will thrive is through the use of our site as a Facebook
application and as an addition to other social media databases. We want to be able to use
Facebooks members to our advantage and
have them display to friends on their walls
that they use ChitChat so that their friends will
do so as well. We hope to create a strong
social media backing through using hashtags
(#) and at handle symbol (@) links to our
Twitter and Facebook pages.
Links such as
#ChitChat and @ChitChat will be used to advertise our Twitter account as well as our Facebook

This means that each time, consumers and/or ChitChat staff use these symbols; we will see the
outcome on our social networking pages. In the article Idiot Proof by Brad Stone, he
continually states that, tweets could double as ads.
This is because when people use these
symbols, they spread online WOM marketing. When this occurs we will know that our
consumers are thinking about ChitChat and will want to use it more often. We will want to
advertise in any way possible and if hashtags are the way to easily get to our consumers, than we
should use it to our advantage. Hashtags and at handles are trends that are here to stay and we
will use them on our site as well as appreciate when our consumers link themselves to ChitChat.

3.4.2 Social Networking Shares

We will also have Facebook, Twitter, and many other access buttons placed under each event
that users are either looking at or have already purchased tickets for. An example of the share
buttons that the Ticketmaster website uses is shown in Figure 3.2. Doing this makes the sharing
process easier as well as good advertising for our event promoters. If our site has the same share
buttons and more, it shows that we want our users to spread the word to enjoy the product
together. By using all social networking websites we will complete our branding, with the use of
our logo as well as the use of other successful website advertising and connections, we make
those using our site happy to use ChitChat to show-off events that they are attending to their

According to Pierre Berthon, Leyland Pitt, Kirk Plangger, and Daniel Shapiro, social media is
considered a product of those consuming it.
Because of this, we believe that ChitChat will

Brad Stone, IDIOT PROOF, Bloomberg BusinessWeek 4269, (March 2012): 64, Business
Source Complete via EBSCOhost, accessed September 2012.
Ibid., pp. 65.
Pierre R. Berthon, Leyland F. Pitt, Kirk Plangger, & Daniel Shapiro, Marketing meets Web
2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy,
Figure 3.2: Social Media Shares & Likes

thrive. We want to be the product for those using our website because then those using the site
will become campaigners and as stated before will be online opinion leaders.
One persons use
of our website can spread into many people using our website. For online campaigns, we will put
our output of information, access to great events, and know that our consumers will use the site
to their benefit. If opinion leaders use the site than we can be sure that they will tell friends and it
will be an escalating use of our website.

3.5 Social Responsibility

As part of our campaigning process as well as what is means to be part of ChitChat, we want to
be involved in our community. Based in San Francisco, we will make sure that we have certain
events such as blood drives, greener business, LBGTQ support and much more. At ChitChat we
find that being involved in the community you reside in is key in ChitChats brand. As it states in
Business Involvement in the Community: Everyone Wins by David Berezin, in order to be
successful, businesses should be investing in their communities and giving back by supporting
organizations that provide essential services and make a positive impact every day.
shows that we will succeed better as a business if we are a larger part of our surroundings. So,
ChitChat wants to make a great online community by starting at a great local community. Being
part of our local community will not only help those in the community, but it will also help those
in our company.

Just as many businesses have shown their community involvement, if ChitChat does the same it
shows that we not only care to show support, but that we show our support in the form of
volunteerism. This act of volunteering and working together in a place other than our offices will
make a different form of leadership within our staff.
This new leadership will help our staff get
to know one another in a way other than professionally, but still appropriately.

3.5.1 Blood Drives

We will want to show that ChitChat supports saving lives in the act of donating blood. We will
host blood drives in our building, which will be ran by the American Red Cross Bay Area
If we advertise to our members that we will be hosting a blood drive, we can get to
know our customers face to face and even learn what else we can do for them. This can help us
brand our business as one that wants to give back to those in our community. These blood drive

Business Horizons 55, no. 3 (2012): 263, Business Source Complete via EBSCOhost, accessed
August 2012.
Robert V. Kozinets, Kristine de Valck, Andrea C. Wojnicki, & Sarah J.S. Wilner, Networked
Narratives: Understanding Word-of-Mouth Marketing in Online Communities, Journal of
Marketing 74, (2010): 72, Business Source Complete via EBSCOhost, accessed August 2012.
David L. Berezin, Business Involvement in the Community: Everyone wins, National Civic
Review 100, no. 2, (2010): 58, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, accessed September
Ibid., pp. 59.
American Red Cross, Hosting a Blood Drive, American Red Cross website,, accessed September 2012.

events can be listed under our Socially Responsible Events
Run By ChitChat. This makes for a different kind of event
other than concerts for people to come together and socialize
about on our website and in real life.

We believe that it is a good idea to donate blood because not
only are donators cleansing their bodies, but they will also save
up to three lives by donating their blood. We want people to
think of others not solely for hanging out with them when on
our site, but think about saving others by overcoming their fear
of needles and reach the place of being a hero. Donations are
needed and ChitChat wants to make sure that we help as much
as we can.

Figure 3.3: No H8 Advertisement

3.5.2 Green Business

Another way in which we want to be socially responsible is to use green energy. We would like
for the building we reside in to install solar panels. San Francisco is ranked the highest in green
energy buildings, so we will join the initiative.
Before we own our own building we will ask
the business owners to consider using green energy as the source of energy so that it makes for a
better outcome for all of us. Once we own our own building we will make sure that our energy
comes from a renewable resource.

Since our website requires all user to be plugged-in at some point, as a company we will try and
be as green as possible. We will have advertisements on the side of our website about green and
renewable energy because it shows our consumers that we not only use it, but recommend that
they do so as well. We will also find other ways in which to make a greener product, being that
we will always be connected to a power source. One way in which we can do this is to make sure
that our offices recycle and use materials that are not harmful towards the environment. We will
make sure that we reduce, reuse and recycle our used goods. We believe that being greener is
important for everyone and we should now exclude ourselves from this green movement. This is
one way in which we can go along with a trend that has taken over America in a wonderful way.

3.5.3 No H8 Campaign

Since ChitChat is based in California, a state in which same sex marriage is still not permitted,
we would like to show those in our community that we support any marriage. We will do this by
having a photo-shoot event hosted by ChitChat and run by the No H8 Campaign. This
campaign has shown support for those who are of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transvestite, and

Sustainable Business, San Francisco Ranked Top Green Building Market Again, Sustainable
Business website,,
accessed September 2012.

Queer (LBGTQ) community and we would like to support those in California fighting for their
freedom to marry those they wish to, against proposition 8. At No H8 they are silently
protesting through a no hate approach and supporting those who want to have the freedom to
marry whomever they please.
Seen in Figure 3.3 is an advertisement for No H8. In these
photos, participants put duct tape on their mouths representing their silent protest with a
temporary No H8 tattoo on their faces.

This event will be open to those in our immediate community to come and support the LBGTQ
community by taking these photos. Like the blood drives, this campaign will be posted under the
Socially Responsible Events Run by ChitChat on our website. We believe that not only should
our website bring people together to enjoy great events and venues, but also be able to freely
enjoy one another.

3.6 Conclusion

ChitChat will successfully bring together those that want to go to events in their area. Our
website will be the place to go to socialize as well as get
a great deal on our featured events. Through working
with different event promoters we will solidify our site.
Our campaigns on campuses as well as online will make
our sites visibility spread so that many will use it.
ChitChat will be the place to go for socializing as well
as saving time and money.

4.0 Financial Plan

4.1 Introduction

Yelp is the word-of-mouth of our generation, said by
Illinois REATLOR Ron Knoll, agent-owner of Saffron
Realty Group in Chicago
, it distinctly pointed out
the important role of social media on a successful
business in the current economy. According to
eMarketer, 71.2% of the U.S. population was Internet
users at year-end 2010, and any given generation of
Americans spends about 5 hours per day doing activities related to leisure, sport, and
. As such, Internet and social media has drastically extended its influence. Under this
continuously rapidly spreading industry, we are inviting you the opportunity to invest in our

No H8 Campaign, About, No H8 Campaign website,, accessed September 2012.
Stephanie Sievers, Yelp: Word-of-mouth for todays world,, accessed September 2012.
Richard K. Miller & Associates, (2012), Consumer Behavior 2012 8th Edition,, accessed September 2012.
Figure 4.1: Social Media Marketing


!"#$#%& (%)#$%& *$+,-$,+.
(/#$ (/%$0 1((2
unique business of providing event related
social media that contains great potential
to explode in the near future.

The following financial analysis clarifies
the initial capital, start-up and operating
costs, revenue, break-even analysis,
profitability, and projected financial
statements. Our objective is to maximize
profit as well as returns on the investments
and to anatomize the data in order to
provide the best service to the customers and
communities. In medium-term prospects, we
aim to go public in 3-5 years.

4.2 Initial Capital

The initial capital to launch and drive the business smoothly requires an expected amount of
$246,850. The breakdown is contributions by the 4 executives and the capital provided by
investors. Since the initial investment does not require a large amount of funds, we decide not to
borrow money from banks to avoid paying interests so that there will be no long-term debts and
interest payments. Besides an amount of $150,000 equally contributed by each executive, we are
seeking the amount of remainder of $96,850. Figure 4.2 shows the sources of our initial capital.

4.3 Start-Up Costs

As an Information Technology (IT) venture, our start-up costs will be moderate compared to the
standard commercial businesses that would require a large office complex. The major costs
originate from the computers, office rentals, labor costs, advertising costs, and the California
LLC Filing Fee of $70
. Table 4.1 clarifies our start-up costs.

Incorporate Fast Company State Filing Fees, Incorporate Fast Company website,, accessed September 2012.
Figure 4.2: Initial Capital Structure


Table 4.1: Start-up Costs
Start-up Costs
Current Assets
Prepaid Insurance $8000
Long term Assets
Computers 14,500
Operating Expense of the 1
Cost of Goods Sold 1,050
Rent 80,000
Equipment 12,000
Salaries 96,800
Utilities 5,000
Advertising 140,000
Other Expense 2,000
Total Start-up Cost 359,350

4.3.1 Insurance

We will hold Business Property Insurance, Liability Insurance, and Workers Compensation
Insurance. Our estimated insurance premium is $8,000 in total for the first year based on our
predicted number of employees, salaries, and income

4.3.2 Inventory

Chit Chat will not have initial inventory since our service is purely Internet based. Even though
we are projecting to sell our brands T-shirts and mug cups, they will be purchased or produced
after the orders are made. Also, they will be given away for free at the beginning as a part of
advertising expense.

4.3.3 Purchases of Assets

Computers are the center of the Chit Chats business, and users and customers data are
extremely important to the social media industry. Thus, we will purchase 3 computers to be our
own servers to maintain Chit Chat being alive online for 24 hours every day instead of having
rental. The cost is a total of $14,500 ($1,500!3+$500!20).

Cameron Easey, The Average Cost of Small Business Insurance,, accessed
September 2012.
AllBusiness, How Much Does Workers Compensation Insurance Cost, AllBusiness website,
1.html#axzz25Rb4nQxR, accessed September 2012.

4.4 Operating Expenses

4.4.1 Cost of Goods Sold

Our initial products will only be T-shirts and mug cups, the estimated costs are $0.5 per T-shirt
and $1 per mug cup including labor and overhead costs
. The reason that we will sell mug cups
is not simply aiming for the revenue and advertising effects but also trying to contribute to the
green by reducing the usage of paper cups.

4.4.2 Rent

Because our headquarters is in San Francisco, and we need either a single office or one floor
which is able to afford about 20 workers, the reasonable estimate will be an annual rental fee of
$80,000 a year (year rate of $40!2,000 Square Feet)
. Also, we anticipate an inflation rate of
2% in the rental fee because of the current economy and the location

4.4.3 Office Equipment

To cut costs, the office equipment will be all
subjecting to operating lease. It contains desks,
chairs, phones, etc. The total will cost $1,000
per month and $12,000 per year

4.4.4 Salaries & Wages

While these employee numbers are estimates,
and they are subject to fluctuate. Chit Chat
will initially have 4 executives accompanied
with 15 employees that contain 2 web
designers, 2 network engineers, 4 programmers, Figure 4.3: Designer vs. Programmer

AliExpress, Sublimation Mug, AliExpress website,, accessed September
LoopNet, San Francisco, CA Office Properties For Lease, LoopNet website,
Francisco,CA/Office/For-Lease/c!ARYC$BAQ, accessed September 2012.
STARBOARD TCN, San Francisco Office Space for Lease, STARBOARD TCN website,, accessed September 2012.
Blanca Torres. East Bay office lease rates steady, attractive vs. San Francisco, San Fransisco
Business Times,
office-lease-rates-steady.html?page=all, accessed September 2012.
One Work Place,, One Work Place website, accessed
September 2012.


and 2 for each section of business, marketing, market development, and finance department.
Other than the technology department, most of the employees will be interns. Also, we are going
to offer stock options to the employees in order to lower the salaries. The total annual salaries
and wages expenses are about $96,800 ($10,000!4 executives + $7,100!8 full-time employees,
interns will be unpaid) in the first year.

4.4.5 Utilities

Utilities include water, electricity, Internet, and telephone payments. The total estimates will be
$5,000 ($2.5!2,000Sq.Ft.) per year.

4.4.6 Advertising

Our advertising costs will be dominantly accounted by the Internet advertisement and the
publicity on the social media because our business is targeting on the Internet users primarily.
Since the number of unique visitors to our website is vital to the business, we will spend mostly
to pay for Google AdWords because of it dominates the Internet traffic by its search engine.

The estimated advertising expenditure is $140,000.

4.4.7 Research and Development, Depreciation, Interest, and Other Expenses

Because our service will be centrally provided on an Internet technology basis, we will inject
budgets into this key segment in order to thrive at the highly competitive industry.

Since our only assets are computers, we will only add up depreciation for computers. We
anticipate the useful life that will be 4 years and no salvage value at the end with a straight line
method. The annual depreciation expense will be $3,625 ($14,5004).

We are going to try not to finance by loan so that there will be no interest expenses. Other
expenses include office supplies, and we predict a cost of $2,000 annually.

4.5 Revenue

The pillars of Chit Chats revenue stream will be the advertising revenue and sponsors revenue.
Since our revenue will initially depend on the advertising revenue, the user base and the unique
visitors are essential to our business to be successful. The predicted users and monthly unique
visitors are 1,000 and 20,000 in the first month, 15,000 and 120,000 in a half of a year, 70,000
and 500,000 in one year, 200,000 and 1,200,000 in year 2, 500,000 and 2,000,000 in year 3, 2
million and 6 million in year 4, and 30 million and 20 million in year 5, respectively. We
estimate the advertising revenue by using Google AdSense that assuming 3% of our visitors will
click the advertisements. Our estimated sponsor revenue will also be moderate since we have not

Google Company, The Cost of AdWords, Google Company website,, accessed September

yet gained the popularity in the industry. We expect a monthly sponsors revenue of $1,000. The
other revenue consist our original goods sales such as T-shirts and mug cups. We predict that a
total of 700 of T-shirts and cups will be purchased by 1% of our websites users. We anticipate
all of our revenue will rise dramatically along with the increase of the users and visitors. Table
4.2 demonstrates the forecasted 5-year revenue.

Table 4.2: Projected 5
Projected Total Revenue of the First 5-Year
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Advertising Revenue $93,600 $306,000 $576,000 $960,000 $1,560,000
Sponsor Revenue 12,000 38,760 72,960 128,250 197,600
Other Revenue 10,500 30,000 75,000 90,000 112.500
Total Revenue $116,100 $374,740 $723,960 $1,178,250 $1,870,100

Foot-notes: The Advertising Revenue is calculated by {[the 1
month of the years unique visitors (UV) + the
last months UV] / 2 !12 months ! $1 !3%}. The Sponsor Revenue is calculated by {[the 1
months UV +
the last months UV] / 2 !12 !0.38%}. Other Revenue is calculated by [the number of year-end users ! 1% !
sales price per T-shirt ($10) and mug cup ($5)]. We make a downward revision after year 3.

4.6 Profitability

4.6.1 Sensitivity Analysis

Chit Chats business is not price sensible, seasonal, or cyclical because our service is to provide
useful information and connection to the people. People like to spend time to hang out and have
fun regardless the economic condition. However, even if we take an economic downturn into
account such as we decrease our estimates by 20%, we will still break-even at the beginning of
the year 4 and begin to turn a respectable profit.

4.6.2 Projected Income Statement

As seen in Appendix B.1, demonstrates the strong growth rate and the future potential of Chit
Chat. Since we already included all costs of the 1
year into our initial costs, along with the
dramatic increase of our revenue, we will break-even in the middle of year 3.

4.6.3 Tax Treatment

There is no tax expense on the income statement since our companys formation is a Limited
Liability Company. The income tax will only be taxed on the members, and the company is
exempted from the double taxation

Internal Revenue Service,, Internal Revenue
Service website, accessed September 2012.

4.6.4 Return on Investment

Although we will spend two and half year to break-even, we should be able to pay back the
whole investments by the end of year 3. In addition, our revenue will increase by about 60 % in
both years 4 and 5. Please remember that our estimates are not only reasonable but are also
represented in a truly conservative manner. The increase in income should be rather large; we
anticipate a 127% growth in year 4 and a 102% growth in year 5. We will contribute 30% of year
4s and year 5s income ($183,000 and $363,000) to the investors. The total amount will result in
a 563.76% of return on investment within 5 years.

4.6.5 Projected Balance Sheet

As seen in Appendix B.2, illustrates the simple and sound financial status and projected
mushroom growth. We assume that we have paid out all expenses by our revenue at the end of
each year, and we are attempting to not borrow money from anywhere so that there will be no
liabilities shown on. For simplicity, we assume all of our annual revenue will be fully collected
at the year-end.

4.7 Conclusion

Chit Chats objective is simple: provide useful information and connection to the people who are
seeking something to do. We will maximize our users satisfaction by continually injecting
budget to the human capital. Our unique and convenient services will enhance the rapid increase
of users that will bring our eventual huge revenue, as well as abundant returns to our investors.
Since we likely should not have any liabilities and massive long-term assets, the business
liquidity and solvency are extremely healthy. We are confident that we should eventually be able
to represent the highest growth and returns to our investors.

5.0 Conclusion

Thank you again for your consideration of our business plan. We hope that we made the benefits
towards investing in this company understandable. With your help, we will become the top
website in the social networking. We will be the leaders in finding social entertainment for
online consumers nationwide, diminishing the need for competitors.
To touch base on each subject covered throughout the plan, ChitChat will develop its business by
creating sub-teams of non-paid interns to formulate the foundation of our company. These
interns will eventually be given stock options once they have shown enough dedication to the
company, allowing us to expand ChitChats ownership through the individuals representing the
social networking base we created. We will use currently existing social media such as Facebook
and Twitter and tie them together to formulate a simple social media plug in which will help
establish our foundation as a top competitor among the online market.
The social media industry is growing every day, making the reason for a website like ChitChat
more valuable. The establishment of a Facebook page, which allows users to interact with one
another as well as find local events and consult us for improving search methods, allows

ChitChat to maintain direct social connections with our consumers. These connections will help
us build a foundation for finding better events and venues for our customers, while still building
ChitChat as a company to satisfy every users unique individual needs. The creation of a Tumblr
page will also enable us to post pictures of events and receive even more feedback from our
consumers, making ChitChat even better in customer requisitions.
In order to create a solid launch, agreements between event promoters and ChitChat will be made.
These agreements will entail ideas such as website logos and ticket purchasing embedded into
our website, allowing us to work with our promoters instead of posing a threat. In addition, we
will campaign on colleges throughout the San Francisco area by distributing products with our
logos throughout each campus. College students will then spread the knowledge of our brand
through word of mouth to their friends, helping establish our position in the social media
Finally, ChitChat will prove be a profitable force. With low initial operating costs, liabilities, and
long-term assets, we will create more current assets, such as cash, through sound liquidity and
solvency. From these financial factors and our many innovations, ChitChat will have substantial
growth, making us a prime target for all interested investors.
We hope that you decide to invest in ChitChat as we will be invested in our new business. We
will show perseverance in succeeding and becoming the best new social media network in the



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September 2012. Appendix items A.1.
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Incorporate Fast. State Filing Fees. Incorporate Fast website., accessed September 2012.
Easey, Cameron. The Average Cost of Small Business Insurance.,
accessed September 2012.
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compensation/824-1.html#axzz25Rb4nQxR, accessed September 2012.


AliExpress. Sublimation Mug. AliExpress website., accessed
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One Work Place., One Work Place website, accessed September
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Internal Revenue Service, Publication 3402. Internal Revenue Service website., accessed September 2012.


A.1: Facebook home page. Facebook is the website within which we will launch and spread ChitChat.
Facebook is advantageous because it provides a large friend selection from each user gained, so that the application
can spread rapidly. It also has the infamous 'news Ieed feature, that constantly updates connected users on things
they are connected to, such as ChitChat. Thus, updates and special deals from event partners will be displayed to
users frequently, which will become a pivotal source of revenue for ChitChat.

Appendix A: Online Businesses from which ChitChat will Borrow Features

A.2: New users will be able to sign up in two easy
clicks, using the trusted 'Sign Up/Log-in with
Facebook feature (leIt) that nearly every
Facebook-based plug-in application is spread
Once they have allowed the standard permissions
(below), they will be brought to the application`s
page on Facebook, where they can begin finding
events and deals, and connecting with friends on
fun things to do together.


A.3: Sample Twitter Feed.
ChitChat will use Twitter feeds to post live updates on:
! Newly listed events
! New event deals*
! Promotions*
*Ad revenue will be gained through these posts

High-rated reviews will also periodically automatically be posted
through a URL in the tweet, to further promote events from the
perspective oI a trusted, 'real person.


A.4: Sample Yelp Page of Review.
Yelp is the website off of which we
will be basing the model for our own
proprietary review system.
ChitChat users names and photos will
be automatically extracted from
Facebook, providing an unparalleled
degree of personability and reviewer
authenticity. Direct social media
integration is a feature that Yelp does
not possess.


A.5: UrbanSpoon 'Slot Machine mobile application Ieature.
This feature is an extremely handy, popular, and quick way of
deciding where people who use UrbanSpoon want to eat.

The same idea would be utilized for the ChitChat user to
decide what he or she should do for entertainment.

The user will be able to employ this feature on their mobile
device and on the main Facebook plug-in/website (unlike
UrbanSpoon, which has this feature available on their mobile
application only).


Column I, the city, would remain the same.

Column II would become the activity category.
Sample activity categories:
bowling, concert, comedy, philanthropy, bar/pub, nightclub,
nature/outdoors, adventure, sports, amusement parks,
museum/educational, special/unique other.*

Column III on the feature (the location and the price) would
remain the same, but column three would become a range of
prices: free, $1-$15, $16-$39, $40-$79, $80-$149, $150+.
Source: UrbanSpoon mobile application.

*This is only a sample of categories and is subject to change.
More will be added.

A.6: LiveNation Interactive Seating Map. Note the well designed Facebook integration that shows where users`
Facebook friends are sitting. ChitChat would use basically the same exact feature set shown above. We would hope
that it would become one of the main drawing points of our plug-in, when used in combination with all of the other


A.7: Goby 'What? Where? When?` Feature. This feature is extremely clean and concise. The simple three-part, horizontal
layout adds to the user`s eIIiciency and easy. ChitChat would utilize a similar Ieature, which would be in the same area oI the
website as the UrbanSpoon feature seen in appendix item A.5 above. Having several methods of letting the user specify or
search what they want to do adds to the overall utility of the website.


A.8: Groupon Sample Deal. Note the prominent, unabashed statistics on how much the user is saving, the gift feature on the left
center oI the page, and the 'ReIer a Friend Ieature at the top left of these pages. ChitChat would use all of these features as the
basis for our deals section. However, there is basically no direct- Facebook/social media tie-in feature at all (besides the menial
'Like button on the bottom leIt). We would improve upon this by having an easy, direct 'invite Facebook Iriends Ieature that
would also increase revenues for our event-supplying clients.



A.9: LivingSocial Home Page. Note the bright, elongated pictures displaying critical representations of the activity. LivingSocial
organizes well by category, and their website is easily navigable and extremely aethestically pleasing to looking. Their business
is extremely similar to Groupon`s. ChitChat will employ a similar suggestion page Ieaturing bright, tantalizing photos Ior
popular events.


A.10: Instagram Mobile Application. Note on the left how the user can take a picture easily within the app. ChitChat would use
this feature on the mobile application so that the reviewer can take pictures on location, on the spot, and immediately upload
them to be attached to their review. This would then be logged on the map in a similar manner to the above right picture. Also,
the user`s Iriends picture uploads showing what events/entertainment they have done would show up on this same map, with a
feature to disable one or the other.
Source: Instagram mobile application.

A.11: An artist`s rough sample rendition oI what the home page would look like. Note that this is only an extremely basic,
preliminary version of the website and does not include many of the features listed previously in Appendix A. The design of the
website will likely change many times before the final product is released.

Source: Original content creation borrowing partially from elements of websites previously cited above.
Appendix B: Financial Statements

B.1: Projected 3-Year Income Statement
Chit Chat, L L C.
Proj ected I ncome Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, Year 1 to Year 3
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total Revenue $116,100 $374,740 $723,960
Cost of Goods Sold 1,050 3,000 7,500
Gross Profit 115,050 371,740 716,460
Operating Expenses
Salaries 96,800 96,800 96,800
Rent 80,000 96,000 115,200
Equipment 12,000 14,880 18,048
Advertising Expense 140,000 140,000 170,000
R&D 0 0 10,000
Insurance Expense 8,000 10,000 12,000
Utilities Expense 5,000 6,500 8,450
Depreciation Expense 3,625 3,625 3,625
Other Expense 2,000 3,000 5,000
Total Operating Expenses 347,425 370,805 439,123
Net I ncome (232,375) 935 277,337

B.2: Projected 3-Year Balance Sheet
Chit Chat, L L C.
Proj ected Balance Sheet
December 31, Year 1 to Year 3
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash 3,600 8,160 289,122
Computers 14,500 14,500 14,500
Less: Accumulated Depreciatio (3,625) (7,250) (10,875)
Total Assets 14,475 15,410 292,747
Liabilities - - -
Stockholders` Equity
Paid-in Capital 246,850 246,850 246,850
Retained Earnings (232,375) (231,440) 45,897
Total Liabilities and Equity 14,475 15,410 292,747


!" "# #$ $% %& &' ' %
) !
!" "* ** *& &' '! !% %+ +


Seeking an engaging internship in intellectual property litigation where teamwork, education,
professionalism, and experience can be enthusiastically applied.

Education &
Related Activities

University of California, Santa Barbara Sept. 2010 June 2014
Economics B.A. & Political Science B.A.

Treasurer, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Complete and total management of fraternity's finances: Singlehandedly collect over $100,000
annually from approximately 80 young male individuals; payment plans are set and properly
enforced. Management of all past, present, and future bills & expenses; finances are completely
accounted for in a proper and professional manner. Prudent budgeting and cash flow

UCSB Mock Trial Team, 2011-2012 Season
Competed in intercollegiate mock legal tournaments across the states of California and Arizona.
Utilized dense legal code heavily based on United States federal statutes. Moderated by actual
judges and attorneys. Coached by the assistant district attorneys of Santa Barbara County.
Outstanding Witness Award, Fresno State Intercollegiate Tournament
Most Valuable Player, UC Irvine Invitational Tournament

Business Valuations/Accounting Intern July 2012 Present
Anacapa Valuations, Inc.

Assist in writing business valuation appraisal reports that are often challenged by opposing parties
in legal disputes, and generally upheld in the clients favor.
Use several complex computer bookkeeping database programs in preparation of creating
business valuation reports, tax returns, and other miscellaneous consulting uses.
Organize and update intricate filing system daily, consisting of dozens of actively-engaged
clients at any given time.
Utilization of advanced Microsoft Word and Excel skills

Social Media/Marketing Intern April 2012 Present
UC Santa Barbara Summer Sessions

Interviewed and filmed dozens of students using state-of-the-art production equipment to produce
professional marketing advertisements and informational videos for both students and parents.
In charge of the Facebook page and other social media content for the entire summer school
Create exciting online contests and other stimulating content that strongly promote the summer
schools academic transition programs for new students.
Position created uniquely for my expertise and experience, based on the merits of my previous
film and media portfolio.
Notable Skills &
Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America April 5th, 2007
Eagle Scout Project: remodeled local Boys & Girls Club industrial kitchen from the ground up,
logging over 150 hours of dedicated work and leadership with the aid of fellow scouts and

Best Anchor/Broadcast Journalist, Orange County Film Festival January 2
, 2010
Won for Man-on-the-Street comedic skit that brought together the community in a lighthearted
and fun manner.

Proficient in Latin Translation & Vocabulary

6519 Cervantes, Apt. A1
Goleta, CA 93117

(949) 422-8269

Appendix C: C.1 Michael Mittelman's Resume
Melanie E. Monifi
6550 El Colegio Rd #5112, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 | (818) 522-9828 |

To obtain experience in public relations, advertising and marketing to expand horizons while applying
current skills.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication
University of California at Santa Barbara
Graduation: June 2014
Elite Meetings International Santa Barbara, CA
Marketing Intern Summer 2012.
Consulted customers across the nation to update contact information.
Edited website to update contact information and amenities for hotels.
Promoted clients on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

United Nations Association Santa Barbara, CA
Communications & Media Relations Chair May 2012 Present
Developed press releases to submit to local newspapers and college campuses.
Constructed and maintained social media website events to advertise and gain better turnout.

Leadership Education & Action Program of UCSB Santa Barbara, CA
Leadership Student January 2011- April 2011
Participated in a three-month long course on building leadership and teamwork skills.
Completed the Leadership Challenge Workshop.

Residence Halls Association of UCSB Santa Barbara, CA
San Miguel Hall Council President September 2010 June 2011
Voted on financial matters on behalf of my fellow residents.
Worked with United Blood Services to organize quarterly blood drives.
Awarded Best Hall Council Correspondent.

Operating Systems: Apple OS X and Microsoft Windows.
Computer Skills: Excel, Facebook, IBM Statistical Package, LinkedIn, Outlook, Pinterest,
PowerPoint, Word, Wordpress, and Twitter.
Languages: Reading Level Spanish & Conversational Farsi.

Advanced Public Speaking
Communication Research Methods
Communication Theories
Media Effects on Society and
Public Speaking
Small Group Communication
Social and Cultural Environment
Statistical Analysis for Communication
C.2: Melanie Moni!'s Resume
!"#$% '()*+
6S64 Bel Playa Biive uoleta, CA 9S117 | (8uS) 698-uu2u |
Seeking an oppoitunity to expeiience piofessional life anu get a heau stait in my
accounting caieei befoie leaving my place of euucation.
Bacheloi of Aits in Economics anu Accounting, 0niveisity of Califoinia Santa Baibaia;
Ninoi in Chinese; uiauuation: }une 2u14

Seivei at Sanubai Cocina anu Bai, Santa Baibaia, CA (2u11-piesent)
Communicate effectively with customeis anu manageis
Tiusteu to hanule laige sums of money at once
Count anu uispeise piopei change to customeis
Beliveiy Biivei at Bomino's Pizza, Santa Baibaia, CA (2u11)
Responu quickly anu efficiently to customei iequests
Communicate cleaily with customeis ovei the phone


Computei Skills (Niciosoft Excel, Niciosoft Woiu)
Effective Customei Seivice
Business Communication
Woiks efficiently in a team enviionment


Nembei, 0CSB Stiategic Business Piogiam (2u12-piesent)
Couisewoik in auvanceu accounting mateiial (Foiensic Accounting, Financial

8$5$(-/& 9.,26$:.24

Accounting I
Accounting II
Business Wiiting
Chinese III
Economics I & II
vectoi Calculus I
C.3: Clint Gordy's Resume
Katsuya Fujisaki
6550 El Colegio Rd Apt. 5230 Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(619) 993 2085

To apply knowledge earned in college and gain experience through work in ChitChat

University of California Santa Barbara
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Accounting
Latest Cumulative GPA: 3.74 Major GPA: 3.69
Graduation: December 2012
! Honors Program
! Award: Deans Honors

Grossmont College, San Diego, California June 2009 ~ May 2011
Completed 60 UC transferable (77 in total) semester units in University Studies
Cumulative GPA: 3.96
! Presidents list 3 times, 2010 & 2011 (GPA 4.0 on 4.0 scale)
! Vice Presidents list, 2010 (GPA 3.85 on 4.0 scale)

Volunteer Activities: UC Santa Barbara September 2011 ~ Present
! Engage in cleaning activities and help operating events

International Club: Grossmont College June 2009 ~ May 2011
! Serve as an officer (Event Coordinator) through the 2
year, contribute to the clubs
meetings and plan and manage clubs activities and events

! Japanese (Fluent in Verbal & Written)
! Chinese Mandarin (Fluent in Verbal & Proficient in Written)
! English (Proficient in Written & Moderate in Verbal)
Computer Skills
! Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, STATA, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl
C.4: Katsuya Fujisaki's Resume

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