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How To Use and Learn SS

by Alphahot1
OK, I've been reading this group for a while and I find this stuff very >interesting. But frankly, quite useless. You get su h an a!ount of infor!ation you an hardly find your way into it. "as so!eone set up a website with #lessons#, who build up your skills gradually, be ause if I have to take are of all the $%%$ things !entioned on the en y lopedia on http&''www.fastsedu tion. o! , I think I'll never be able to see the essen e. One of the very frequent !istakes that so !any of the lukers here !ake, is that they onfuse this (), *+,, with +peed +edu tion I-+./,. -his () is (O- a tutorial in ++ and never will be. I re!e!ber a poster on e asking, #how well does *+, work0#, as if this () were ++ itself. It is not. +ure, you an gain an .(O12O3+ a!ount of pra ti al knowledge here whi h is related to ++ and general sedu tion !ethods *,-.1 sifting through all the garbage posts, but it absolutely I+ (O- a repla e!ent for the a tual ++ +tudy 4ourse or going to a se!inar. -he only way to 5O6.1,3//Y and .,,.4-I7./Y learn ++ is as we all did8 ,1O2 -". )1O3(9 35. You have to ).- -". 2*-.1I*/ I-+./, and a tually +-39Y it: ++ is so!ething you si!ply annot learn overnight. But if you're willing to put the -I2. and .,,O1- into it, it an easily give you a /I,.-I2. of power and 4"OI4. with wo!en. On a !ore personal note, you're talking to a guy who on e felt as you did. I was never a o!plete loser with the hi ks, in fa t I did quite well, but in a 1*(9O2 and 3(51.9I4-*B/. sort of fashion. I re!e!ber ba k in $;;<, thinking to !yself, #there has )O- to be +O2. kind of !aterial out there that is 9.9I4*-.9 to the art of nothing but how to get hi ks into bed.# *t the ti!e, it see!ed al!ost ra=y to !e. I thought I would (.7.1 find any su h thing, but reali=ing how big the world is, I knew it >ust "*9 to e?ist so!ewhere. +o!eti!e later in ';@, I was in a BarnesA(oble bookstore looking through the #love, dating and relationships# se tion and I a!e a ross a book entitled '"ow -o Be -he Berk 6o!en /ove' by ,.B. +hark. -hat book had a 51O,O3(9 i!pa t on !y life and forever hanged how I view hi ks and

relationships. It was also that book that first led !e to 1oss Beffries' !aterial, as there was an #interview# between 1oss and +hark in last few pages of the book. It was only a few days later that I ordered the ++ +tudy ourse, the unstoppable onfiden e tapes, and threw in the #)et 6o!en Into Bed' book for good !easure. *s I was sitting there waiting for that stuff to arrive, I an >ust re!e!ber how I felt about it. I >ust K(.6 that when that stuff arrived, I was going to be an I(+-*(- sedu tion genius right away, being able to get *(Y hi kCsD into bed with o!plete ease with these new #language patterns# I was going to learn all about. *fter all, I was a fairly fast reader Cand listenerD and !y ognitive o!prehension was good. I even had a ouple hi ks in !ind that I was going to go use !y al!ost #!agi al# sedu tion power on. *s you an already i!agine, this was not e?a tly how things turned out. It took !e a while to 1.*/IE. that ++ is not so!ething that an !ake you a sedu tion genius overnight, but it easily 4*( !ake you a sedu tion genius with -I2. *(9 51*4-I4.. One of the !ost profound aspe ts of ++, other than the te hniques the!selves, are the B./I.,+ and *--I-39.+ of the sedu er, whi h is also taught in depth. Be ause, you see, without the orre t beliefs and attitudes about yourself, wo!en, and what sedu tion is really all about, the B.+- te hnique an fall short. 1eading *+, is not a substitute for learning ++ itself and it never will be. You have to learn the ourse, step by step by step. It all depends on your drive and your deter!ination to learn. If a virtual neverFending supply of pussy sounds appealing to you, and you are 6I//I() to put in a few !onths of real pra ti e and effort, then ++ is for you. If you're looking for a #!agi spell# or oneFliners that will get *// wo!en into bed and .7.1Y-I2., you !ay as well give up now be ause it doesn't e?ist. ++ is not perfe t in every sense8 it's si!ply the B.+- rapid sedu tion strategy out there. *"$ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH It's +o ,u kin .asy, But (othin +ee!s -a 5lease 2e *. 1ose One 2erely (eeds -o Know "ow -o -alk -o * 4hi k In Order -o +e ure +edu tive 1esults *"$ HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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