Riding Pattern or Motorcycle Pattern: by Alphahot1

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Riding Pattern or Motorcycle Pattern

by Alphahot1
Here's the story of my Saturday night sargin' session. Short and sweet. I have been dickin' around with a few ideas over the last couple of week's as evidenced by some previous posts. (Motorcycle's and The Ice ream !attern" #s you can tell i am a guy who seek's approval so give me your feed back good or bad. I'm new here but this constant flaming is getting boring. I don't know how you guy's put up with it so long. $et's get back to sharing and criti%uing each other's idea's shall we not& 'n with the show..eerr...movie....uummnn..story. That's it. Story. Sorry I am still reliving the whole e(perience in my head. Saturday )pm we go out to a local college bar. #fter an hour of trying to generate conversation's with a few girlies we give up nobody wants to play. *+,- pm in line at a night club one of the lub hick's over hears us talking about Hypnosis and something about patterning. .enuinely curious she asks me to trance her. 'f course not wanting to play her game/ I refuse and tell her no but my powers are not to be used frivolously. 0ut if she and her friends can come up with two good reasons why it would be so much more fun to get T1#2 34 then hang out at the same club doing the same old same old then feel free to act on the impulse curiosity will generate for her and we will be hangin' out at (a local coffee shop". If she will show up then SH3 5I$$ SH'5 6!.. If not with her friends then she may 'M3 alone but it would far more fun if she can M#73 TH3M 'M3 T''. 5e didn't even get down to the corner and all three of these girlies were chasing us telling us to wait. #ll threee of these girls were only 0 or 08 depending on your tastes. #nd at this time of the night i felt like i needed to run this once or twice to see how well i could run this pattern. we get to the coffee shop and get to talking and making nice to sort of feel each other out. To cut down on time i am going to 9ust 9ump to the script. The girl is T and i am of course M in the dialogue. :ust for set up sake/ the girl who originally asked me to hyp her wasn't that attractive in the be scale so I 9ust ;apped her gave her some pretty standard stuff 9ust to shut her up same with her friend. Then the other one who 9ust happened to be the %uiet one and the better of the three body and face wise(personality i find later is lacking" pipe she 43<I2IT$3=

does not want to e(perience trance.#t this point my buddy started to chat up one of the other girls as i turned my attention to the other one. M>That's okay everybody has a fear or phobia of things they don't understand. T>It's not that i don't understand i 9ust don't want to e(perience it and I think i can't be hypnoti;ed. M> 1eally you can't be Hypnoti;ed& T> I don't think you can... 6> M> make you rela( enough right& T >yes M >=es you can rela( enough or yes you don't need to rela( right now& T> I'm not sure what you 9ust said but it's close enough(laughing" 6> M >(laughing" close enough i think/ let's talk about something else shall we. I sometimes bore myself otherwise. :ust by talking I can put myself to sleep. T> (laughing still" you don't seem that boring/ 5hat else do you do besides go around making people forget their names and bark like dogs& 6> ?> $ike dog's that's no fun/ bark like a cat is far more entertaining. 0ut T i would rather ask you what you do/ you seem so curious about certain things but i think your curiosity has gotten you into trouble before and you tend to be a little wary about things that could possibly affect your beliefs. $ike when you were little how if you thought about it now/ you remember thinking things were a certain way and then being slightly annoyed but even more surprised how if you looked at things differently they took on a new meaning/ making you 9ust that little bit more curious as to how that particular appuratus works on you. T> I guess& M> you guess/ did or do you ride a bike& T> =es. 6> ?> 5hen you were little& T> yes M> #nd 9ust as normaly you fall off a couple times and scrape your knee you still get up and do it again don't you(nods" you will keep doing it until you get the knack the hang of it. #nd one day in the future you master the bike and the two of you become one inseperable to each other feet pounding furiously on the pedals gathering speed are there leaves out yet&(nods" and the warm wind is moving your hair and .....you are having so much fun.....skins flush with warmth....hands clutching and steering the handle bars.....the freedom for the first time to go where you want.... it's a great present(nods"..the bike&(nods" T> This is curious to me as you are talking to me but i don't see you. M> I can barely keep up with you

T> 'h why are you running after me& M> i can't find my bike T> =ou don't get one until your 3ight M> not till i'm eight T> My mom gave me money and i bought you # g>force ship and you stole my brush M> 0etter birthday's&(nods" the bike takes you there you know (closes eye's again"....one block....two blocks.....five blocks and who's house are we at now& T> Hummm& M> where are we now& T> 'ttawa dummy@ M> #nd what is the signifigance of us being here together& T> =ou play hockey with my brother and we came too M> so you know who i am T> Here your . and later you are M M> i am .>and>M together right now yes you see it that way now right T> yes that seems to make more sense M> do you see me now what do i look like T> (she describes me now but with hair" M> and . can you put his picture up now (nods" stop the bike here and take that picture.... that one and shrink it...small..tiny..insignifigant.....now make picture of me no hair (she smiles and nods" can you make it move a little....lots of colour there isn't there...did you have fun riding the bike (nod" and as fun as that was can you H#?3 M'13 !$3#S613...as the bike tuns into a motorcycle.... it dosen't matter if you never rode one before.. T> i have M> 9ust like this one & 2> '> 6mmHmm.. M> and as you rode it did you e(perience certain feelings.... that may have started at your centre...and spread...the vibrations.... the power...speed...sometimes having to s%uee;e to control your position as we turn this corner up here....unfamiliar this area....look there is the coffee shop we were in last month...(looks strangely apprehensive"...remember how you didn't want to be hypnoti;ed and we anded up talking about what each other wanted in a relationship....(smiles and nod's"since we have passed that and the future is looking bright....and the freedom to let your self do anything is going to keep spreading....like that..that's right.....since the motorcycle is slowing down the vibrations and pulsing are getting stronger and longer....as you s%uee;e to get off...keep your balance...you seem to be looking back now trying to see how we got to this state of bliss and happiness....i can feel the connection we have 9ust as you do (I lifted her wrist" and since you are curious as to how we

got here you can walk back S$'5$=....see everything that got us hereand when you get to the coffee shop.... your arm will come down only as fast as you bury everything that will inevitably happen as.....it is not for your concious mind to know..it 9ust happens magically...riding motorcycles...thinking of them seeing them causes you to see that face in the picture....so familiar and yet new....interesting.....the image re #1'6S3S your curiosity...moving toward a solution to M#73 IT 13#$ to you.....S$'531...9ust us tailing and having a good time like old friends who have a new insight....feels right...everything will be .... T> !ardon& M> I said bark like a cat would be more fun. or forgetting letters and numbers. 5e continued talking for a few minutes as her friends came back to talking to us after my buddy kept them occupied for awhile. That was Saturday boy's and yesterday she called M3 to go out. She 9ust left this morning if you get my drift and i still have the other one going from last week (Motorcycles" who should be here soon

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