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Getting To Sexual YES

by Alphahot1
What is the bottom-line reason any woman decides to sleep with you? Haven't you ever wondered? This is a question I've probably asked myself a thousand times. come to some interestin" conclusions and answers. aybe you have to! and over the years I've

To be"in with! take into consideration the most "lobal factor as to why anybody does anythin"# to "ain pleasure and$or avoid pain. It's almost always a mi% of the two! althou"h some people will be motivated more by one than the other. &ather than elaborate "reatly! I'll simply say that there is nothin" you can do! or have done or will do that is not either an attempt to! in some way! "ain pleasure or avoid pain. 'onsider now that the prime "oal in any seduction interaction is to motivate the sub(ect to T)*+ )'TI,or! to simply become ', ./I)-T to our will. 0ependin" on the chick! she'll eventually come to the point where she'll either actively (ump your bones! or (ust /+T you (ump hers. 1or further reference in this post! let's call this moment the Threshold ,f )ction! or simply! T,). T,) comes about when the chick has lost all of her ambivalence and$or prior inhibition to screwin" you and will either )*+ it happen or allow 2,3 to make it happen. 4o the overridin" question becomes! e%actly H,W do we "et the chick we're seducin" to T,)? /et's "o back to the "ain pleasure-avoid pain rule a"ain. *nowin" that this is the case! it would be completely reasonable to assume that before )-2 chick can ultimately come to the Threshold of )ction! she must 5+/I+6+! on a subconscious level! that her decision and action will brin" her more pleasure than pain! or! to alleviate or &+ ,6+ some sense of pain in 1)6,& of pleasure. If the chick is pretty stable and "enerally happy in life! then she'll look at it as merely an opportunity to )00 additional pleasure to what she already has. 'an you think of a time where there may have been some specific action! some opportunity for possible fun that you were simply indifferent to? aybe you went to an amusement park at one time! and there was a ride there that you were sceptical of "oin" on at first! but your friends persuaded you7 82ou'll /,6+ this ride... it's a blast9 The feelin" is awesome9 )fter you ride this thin" you'll (ust want to "o on it a"ain and a"ain98 :yes I know! very similar to 0' pattern! ironic?; 4o after a bit of blatant persuasion! you finally decide to ride the damn thin"! and... you find out that you 0, love it.

What's important to "et out of this is! H,W and WH2 were you ultimately persuaded! and when you 8made the decision!8 what e%actly was the process of makin" it? The key here! is to "et a powerful 1++/I-< of e%actly what it felt like ri"ht at some crucial persuasion moment! like bein" convinced to do somethin" that! prior to that moment! you may have been indifferent! or perhaps even somewhat opposed! to doin". 'onsider for a moment! that concernin" any woman :women; you have slept with up to this point! there was more than likely a period in which she may have had no intention of sleepin" with you. .erhaps she was opposed! or maybe she (ust didn't really think about it either way. )t what point! "oin" back throu"h the e%perience now! do you think it was that she came to the Threshold of )ction? The point at which there was no lon"er any limitin" ambi"uity as to whether or not she *-+W she wanted to (ump you? 'hicks sleep with "uys for different reasons. 4ome do it because they're simply horny and the ri"ht "uy is in the ri"ht place at the ri"ht time. ,thers do it because they feel they've established an 8emotional connection8 with the "uy. ,thers still may do it because it is their means of feelin" valued and desired! or like they're worth somethin". However! )// chicks sleep with "uys because they ultimately believe it's "oin" to <+T TH+ 4, +THI-< TH+2 W)-T. Think about the colle"e chicks who won't sleep with the 8"eeks!8 even thou"h the "uy may not be bad lookin" at all. In secret she mi"ht actually desire the e%perience. However! it probably W,3/0 ruin her reputation on campus and$or with all her friends. The pain of the real or .+&'+I6+0 consequences of sleepin" with the "eek! far outwei"h any pleasure that mi"ht be "ained from the e%perience. +ver been turn down by a chick in school? ) club! a bar or a party? +ver worked on a chick half the ni"ht only to see her walk in the end! and you never see her a"ain? .erhaps you tried to "et somethin" "oin"! she definitely knew were up for se%! and she still walked? There could be a million different specific reasons for her actions that you'll never know! but the one thin" that is for certain :and this )2 be the one area in seduction where anythin" can be as close to =>>? certain as possible; is that whatever was "oin" on in this chicks mind! she did -,T believe that sleepin" with you was "oin" to brin" her more pleasure! make her life any happier or interestin" than the cross she would have to bear! the bad emotions she would have to endure! whether her own or others! if she 0I0 sleep with you. +ven if she thou"ht you mi"ht (ust be a closet psycho and that by "oin" home with you she may be raped or killed! it is 4TI// some sense of @pain@ associated with (ust tryin" to fi"ure out whether you really are! or whether you aren't... and it (ust isn't worth the effort. )nd obviously! the massive pain that would be brou"ht about by a perceived potential rape. If a chick W+-T to the bar with only the a"enda of seein" how many "uys would buy her drinks in hopes of "ettin" se%! what would she later have to think of herself if she 0I0 "ive in and "o home with some "uy for se%? 4he would more than likely! at least in H+& mind! have to feel like a cheap slut who puts out for drinks. )"ain! the pain not bein" worth the pleasure. 1rom the perspective of this "lobal model :which is about as "lobal as you can "et; we see that our mission! our "oal with any chick we're tryin" to nail! is to '&+)T+ a situation and a set of circumstances that will plainly and unambi"uously present her with an @opportunity@ to <)I- far more pleasure than any pain she would ever stand to incur. )lthou"h our seductive interaction with a woman is continuum! a "radual pro"ression of steps smoothly leadin" from one to the other! there is a well defined point where any chicks is methodically swayed to the point of T,).

3nlike the =-A minute rule! where the chick is initially and somewhat randomly evaluatin" what the "eneral .,44I5I/ITI+4 of fuckin" you are! The Threshold of )ction is much more well defined. It probably happens in somewhat of a sin"ular moment! the moment at which the scales have been unmistakably tipped in favor of the fuck. )lthou"h we may never truly know precisely when this 8moment8 occurs! we don't need to. )ll we need to know is that we must! throu"h our persuasive lan"ua"e and behaviors! drive her .)4T this point to secure the lay. 'onsider my 8instant-kino8 rule. that is! you hu" and kiss the chick I +0I)T+/2 upon meetin" her and introducin" yourself. This effectively and B3I'*/2 removes all the =-A minute demons that may otherwise be set free to chaotically run around and create havoc in her mind. )nd most importantly! it sets the value of possibilities of se% to 2+4. .,44I5I/IT2 C 2+4. &emember that almost all of this is happenin" at a level which is very much @out of conscious awareness@! in fact! it's simply what naturally takes place all the time anyway. I am simply puttin" the model to it. ,nce we "et the possibilities for se% to equal 2+4! it becomes much! much easier to proceed with the rest of the effort and it will all be received much more quickly and openly. The remainder of the task! as we've learned! is to now be"in drivin" her to the Threshold of )ction usin" all of our skills. We be"in movin" her from a position of possibly more pain$less pleasure e%pected! to a position of more pleasure$less pain e%pected. :.atterns! /an"ua"e! -on-6erbal communication! 'riteria! 'ialdini principles! etc; The process may happen in a day! or in a ni"ht! or it may take several days to a week dependin" on if the chick is worth it. -aturally! the chick's se%ual predisposition can be a relevant factor in how everythin" will "o. Her past memories! e%periences! beliefs and habits are what you're dealin" with. The point of this writin" is to "ive you very lar"e picture! "lobal model of what is really happenin" behind the scenes when you're workin" on bonin" that H5. )"ain! these are all thin"s that are very much out of conscious awareness! usually on the part of 5,TH parties. They are not somethin" we address verbally or directly. 5ut nevertheless! they are the principles that are invisibly and silently "uidin" the interaction. The ideas I want you to come away with are! first! -, chick in history has every fucked without truly 5+/I+6I-< that it somehow served her better interest! her desire to minimiDe pain or to receive pleasure. 4econd! if you'll keep this overridin" principle in mind in )// of your seductive interactions with chicks! I think you'll find that it will add a whole 'nother dimension to your clarity and ability. /astly! the most "lobal aspect of what you're doin" with any chick! is "ently yet powerfully and fluidly ,6I-< her towards the Threshold of )ction! at which point! the lay can be considered in the ba". EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ It's 4o 1uckin +asy! 5ut -othin 4eems Ta .lease e ). &ose ,ne erely -eeds To *now How To Talk To ) 'hick In ,rder To 4ecure 4eductive &esults

)H= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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