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Dealing With Women's Jack-Ass Tests

b Al!hahot"
They say there are two things in life you can be certain of: Death and taxes. Well in seduction, there is at least one thing you can be certain of: Women's jack-ass tests. k, so what do ! mean by jack-ass tests" These of course are the little #tests# that women like to gi$e you and W!%% gi$e you at &'( )oint in a seduction or e$en a relationshi) for that matter, to see if she thinks you are #worthy# of her attention and fa$our. 'ow there has been a lot written by many )eo)le in this grou) about this *including myself+, but my real goal in this )articularised case is not to gi$e too many details as to all the )otential jackass tests any woman can gi$e you, but rather to teach you one $ery.....$ery im)ortant and crucial rule. (ou may *es)ecially if you are a bit new to the game+ find this rule a $ery bitter )ill to swallow. The reason you may find it hard to acce)t at first, is because it sim)ly goes against our social and,or inborn )rogramming to do what is #right.# -ut if you want to T./%( kee) your head well abo$e water, and not just do good but do 0120%%0'T in the art of seduction.... you 3/4T decide that you are going to swallow the )ill, no matter how bitter it may first seem. -efore ! gi$e you this rule, ! would first like to share with you two )articular e$ents in my life that ha))ened with two different women, but which ha))ened at two $ery different times. Why do ! )ick these )articular two" 4im)le enough. -ecause one was, for all intents and )ur)oses, the )rimer. While the other, was sim)ly that one, e$er so thin straw that finally broke the camel's back and fore$er changed my thinking regarding women. When ! was 56, ! was staying with a friend u) in the northern territory, the #'orthwoods.# !t was one of those small northern towns, the kind where almost e$erybody knows e$erybody else. &nd

2 surrounding these northern towns is nothing but hundreds of s7uare miles of forest, back-county roads, and )otato fields. nly a few houses down from my friends )lace, li$ed a $ery hot young bitch *we'll call her 8anet+ who was re)ortedly one hell of a damn good fuck if you should e$er be so lucky as to get her in the sack. -ut there was only one #)roblem# with 8anet9 she was $ery hard to get. What !'m talking about here, is that what 8anet needed in order to feel com)letely and genuinely turned on by and attracted to a guy, was for that guy to be an absolute, 6::; bonafide, utter true to life... 80.<= 'ow at this )oint in my life ! knew something about jerk theory. ! knew that jerks always seemed to get the girl that e$ery &>2 wanted. -ut !, at this )oint, still wasn't all to keen as to all the dynamics that went into being a successful jerk with women. ! and my friends had actually known about this girl for 7uite some time, in fact we had s)oken with her and some of her friends on se$eral occasions, but none of us had e$er boned her as we sim)ly figured it to be a rather im)ossible task. We sim)ly weren't jerks at heart. 'ow things were a bit different. 'ow ! knew that so many chicks W&'T0D jerks, subconsciously if no consciously, and ! knew that with this knowledge, ! now had a )otential ace to )lay with this bitch. 4ince ! was back in town for about a month, and 8anet still li$ed right down the road, ! made u) my mind that ! was going to gi$e it my best shot. &t this )oint, ! asked myself a sim)le 7uestion: #exactly how are you going to go about doing this"# ! guess my subconscious mind ga$e me the answer that ! really knew all the long, but just didn't want to face u) until that )oint. -ut the answer came back to me loud and clear. #! am going to be the worst, biggest &44? %0 ! can )ossibly be to this girl *or &'( )erson for that matter+ -&. ' '0= With that conclusion, ! )syched myself for what ! would ha$e to do... and do it )erfectly. ! didn't start small. ! )oured it on full strength right from the beginning. 8anet often sat on the ste)s in front of her house talking on her cordless )hone. !t was easy enough to just walk by a cou)le times at first and ignore her as though she didn't mean shit, and it was also not uncommon that we had gone o$er there on occasion just to say #hi#, shoot the shit for a bit, and know that we would be lea$ing. This time was different howe$er. ! went to her house *she is out on the front ste)s+, 4lash jeans on, cigarette in my mouth. ! walk u) to her and the first words out of my mouth are #4o what the fuck are you u) to today.# *@ery stern and some- what mono-tone $oice+. 4he doesn't act too )hased and just says, #not much, what about you"# ! totally ignore her 7uestion and res)ond with a disgusted look on my face #Did you wash your hair this morning"=# 4he res)onds, #(eah why"# #-ecause it looks like total fuckin shit today=# ! res)ond. *The words echo through my mind #the -!AA04T asshole you can )ossibly be#+. 8anet res)onds with something like: #oh god, ! need to brush it and style it and hairs)ray it and blah blah blah.# ?mmm, interesting res)onse from some girl you'$e just majorly insulted. ! )ress on, #! think it sure as fuck would be a good idea 8anet=# 'ow 8anet seems just a little bit disgusted and u)set with me. 4he says, #! ha$e to go in now, !'ll talk to you later.# &s she walking u) the ste)s ! say one final thing, #hey, do your )arents got any fucking beer in the fridge, ! need one.# 4he doesn't say anything, but she goes in and about 5: seconds later comes out with a beer in her hand and gi$es it to me. 4he turns to go back in. ! don't say thank you, but only )o) the to) loudly as she's walking away. ! s)lit. ! must admit that right about now, ! was ha$ing second thoughts. &fter all. ! had been unbelie$ably harsh with this girl with no )ro$ocation whatsoe$er on her )art. -ut ! only knew that if there was a way, that T?!4 was it. ! decided ! was going to stick with it until she either got a

restraining order on me of some sort.....or something cracked, ho)efully her )ants Bi))er. ! continued this same basic beha$ior with 8anet for about three days, each time making it a little more harsh, and getting the same basic res)onse, only it seemed she was willing to take more of it each time. n the fourth day, some $ery interesting things ha))ened. ! was sitting at home when ! found out that 8anet had been talking some relati$ely mild shit about one of my friends. &t that moment, for some odd reason, ! became @0.( u)set, ! almost flew into a rage= !nteresting thing was... ! was ' T acting. This was for real. ! went straight to that bitch's house. (e), there she was on the ste)s talking on the )hone. &s ! angrily made my way u) to her ! told her ! wanted to talk to her and to hang u) the fucking )hone. 4he told me to just hang on a minute and ke)t talking. With that ! T < the )hone away from her and hit the hang u) button. ! could see a )issed off look coming u), but before she could $erbally strike, ! tied into her with full fury. ! told her what she had said about my friend. ! called her almost e$er $ulgar, derogatory name in the book ! could think of. ! laced into that bitch for around 6: minutes, ne$er letting her get a word in edgewise. &t the end, ! sim)ly )ointed my finger in her face and said #D ''T >/2< W!T? 3( >.!0'D4 8&'0T#, and walked off. &s ! sat back at home, thinking about what had come o$er me and what had trans)ired, ! felt certain of really only one thing. >or sure ! had blown all my chances with 8anet... certainly ! had taken things way too far in that last round. -ut what was in that last round was all real, not fake. &ll the anger and emotion had been real, and it was all focused and unleashed on her. -ut whate$er the case was, ! knew the chance was now gone. &bout C:D:)m had rolled around, and the friend ! was staying with and his gf were getting ready to go to the store to )ick u) some brews. 4hortly after they had )ulled out of the dri$eway, ! was staring at the T@ when there was a knock at the door. <nocks at the door were nothing unusual, as there were always )eo)le coming and going, but that's how things are when you're 56. ! fully ex)ected it to be one of our buddies just sto))ing by to see what was u), but it wasn't. f all )eo)le... it was 8anet. 0$en though a lot of the steam had been taken out of me because ! had considered the #mission# to be a failure, ! knew ! could not li$e with myself if ! totally crumbled now. 4o in only a half-ass friendly sorta $oice ! asked her what she wanted. 4he said she just wanted to come o$er to talk and see what ! was doing. ! told her to come in and made my way back into the li$ing room as she followed me. ! sat on the couch and she sat on the lo$e-seat which was at a E: degree angle to me. ! maintained my half-ass friendly demeanor, but remained distant and aloof. -ecause of my half-ass attitude, we were naturally ha$ing a rather half-ass con$ersation. 4uddenly, out of nowhere, she hit me with it. #%et's get a cou)le wine-coolers and take a looong dri$e on the back roads.# 'ow most guys knew that when someone like 8anet wanted to take a long dri$e on the back roads at night, it meant only one thing9 that she wanted to >/2<. &s far as ! was concerned we were already fucking. We just need to get out to the a))ro)riate s)ot. -ut des)ite this, ! maintained my attitude of being aloof and told her that she would ha$e to gi$e me the money for the wine-coolers. #'o )roblem# she told me. With that, we got into the car, )icked u) some coolers, and started making our way out of town. ! was smoking a cigarette as we made our way along the country back roads among the forest and )otato fields. 4he was sitting close to me with her hand on my arm which was on the center armrest of the bench-seat in my 2utlass 4u)reme. 8anet asked me for a drag off my cigarette

4 and ! ga$e it to her. ! was feeling 7uite )leased with myself, taking this girl that basically no guy had any real chance with and turning it around to the )oint that ! was now on my way to fucking her. !n retros)ect, ! started to look back at what ! had done. !t almost made me feel sorry for her. 4he asked for another drag off my cigarette. ! obliged. 4urely ! had really )ut this girl through ?ell, and with no real reason for e$en doing so, after all, ! was no jerk"= 4he finally asked me for a cigarette of her own. ! )ulled one out of my )ack, lit it u) and ga$e it to her, to )ull out and fire u) another one of my own. 'ow we had been dri$ing for 7uite a while, ! would say close to almost half an our at this )oint. -ut ! had not been able to find any gotdamn )lace to )ull off the road which would be incons)icuous from the main road, and no dirt roads to )ull down either *usually there is an abundance of them in the back country+. ! had been gi$ing her cigarettes this whole time. 'ow almost an hour of dri$ing had )assed *belie$e it or not+ and ! was assuring her that we would find a good s)ot, ! was talking calmly and nicely to her, ! was gi$ing her cigarettes......... ! was su))licating. When we had the one-sided argument earlier that afternoon, *all mine+ ! was truly )issed. What she had seen come out of me, was the true character traits of the )ure asshole jerk which she subconsciously lo$ed so much. Which she '00D0D to ha$e.

'ow we had been dri$ing for an hour, ! was kissing ass, and we were both getting frustrated *a true jerk would ha$e )ulled o$er at the first con$enient s)ot and nailed her.... road and other cars be damned+. -y this time she was sitting far from me, almost right against the )assenger side door. &bout 6: minutes later, ! >!'&%%( found a half-ass road which led down the side of a )otato field. ! wasn't e$en 7uite sure if my car would make it in and back without getting stuck, but at this )oint ! really didn't gi$e a shit. ! dro$e about F:: feet down the road, turned around, killed the lights and shut the car off. The only thing that was on was the stereo that was )laying lightly in the background. ! )ulled out a wine cooler and started to water-tower it. 8anet did not ha$e one. ! asked, #aren't you gonna ha$e a cooler"# 4he said she wasn't coB she really just didn't feel like it. ! knew it was too late to turn the jerk shit back on, fore she had truly seen that ! was being $ery, $ery, @0.( fucking nice to her almost the whole way out. 4ince this was )re-44 times for me, ! began using some of the best stuff ! had in my 7uick-fuck arsenal. ! had been studying '%G and ! did know a bit about it, and about getting a )ersons mind going in the right direction, but it was more hit or miss. ! finally got her face close enough, right u) to mine that we started kissing a bit. Then after a minute, ! grabbed her ass with my left hand and )ulled it around so that she was now straddling my la) facing me.We kissed some more and ! already had my hands u) her shirt feeling u) those two, firm, juicy melon tits. Then, right out of the clear fucking blue, she jum) off of me, and with a )owerful exhale saying, # h my god... ! am sooo tired tonight.# !'m going to cut this story short here. The fact is, is that ! ne$er ended u) fucking 8anet that night, or any night thereafter, e$er. The )erfect illusion of being the hard-ass jerk that she lo$ed, had been systematically destroyed in less than one hour's time. &nd it had been destroyed be my own ignorance of gi$ing 8anet the benefit of the doubt that a guy being nice to her *su))licating+ might still a))eal to her. ! was wrong. Dead wrong. &nd with that image now destroyed, that fascination and attraction was destroyed as well. -ut all was not lost and much was gained, because at that moment, ! learned what it was all about to be a true jerk, which in the years to come, enabled me to score with doBens more women, where ! had not with 8anet.

The im)ortant thing for you to realiBe and learn from this more than anything, is that there is not just one 8anet, but millions of them walking the 0arth. !n e$ery country, state and city. -efore ! continue with the second incident *which will be more brief than the first+, let me gi$e you the rule now. !t's really $ery sim)le. 'e$er, 0@0., gi$e &'( woman the benefit of the doubt, for &'( reason. >/%% 4T G. To further dri$e this )oint home in your mind, let's examine one more incident that ha))ened to me rather recently. 0nter the year 5:::, nine years later. !n this culture, fat chicks, or #discounts#, generally know that they dare not ha$e an attitude, because they know that if their ego were to try to write checks that their body can't cash, they're gonna be shit outa luck. Well recently ! was s)eaking with a fat chick on the )hone who had to be o$erweight by at least a good H: hefty )ounds or so *don't ask the details, just know she was a really fat bitch )lain and sim)le+. 4he got into a debate with me about the whole dating and relationshi) thing. 4he also mentioned that she lo$ed sex, but ! was not eager to oblige. &t some )oint, the discussion got rather heated *in the negati$e sense+. This fucking bitch definitely had an attitude. Then, this fat chick, said something to me that ! will ne$er forget. #(ou don't seem to realise that we women are sitting on G/.0 A %D, and we can ha$e &'(T?!'A we want from a guy==# ?uh""" Ao figure""" (es. That's exactly what she said to me. 'ow for me and my thinking, the camel had been o$erloaded for a $ery long time. T?!4 was sim)ly the last gotdamn straw that broke that )oor camel's back. 4ome fat disgusting bitch telling a guy that all women are sitting on #)ure gold# and that they can get anything or any guy they want, and actually being serious about it. ?ow and why does this hold any significance" !t's significant because, if a fat disgusting bitch could think like this, what does that say about the ones which are ?-s not to mention the 4?-s" '0@0. gi$e any woman the benefit of the doubt. They will )ull jack-ass tests on you, or, you could unwittingly make a jack-ass out of yourself. &nd you 2&'' T determine by initial looks or demeanor which women will )ull jack-ass tests on you and to what degree. They will &%% )ull them, later if not sooner. &nd belie$e it or not, the Inice guyI is not the only one who gets jack-ass tests )ulled on him. The jerks get them just as well. nly difference is, the jerks know how to )ass Jem.

(ou can ne$er gi$e any chick a benefit of a doubt as to what kind of chick she truly is. -e aware that #)ersonality 7uick-change# is yet another as)ect of bitches )ulling shit. Trust me, the way most chicks )resent themsel$es initially is $ery, $ery different from what and who they really are and what they're all about.

6 ! ha$e stated before that chicks )ull shit test because they ha$e to *an archi$ed )ost+ and ! still adhere to that belief. !t's truly a chick's only real way of finding out just what kind of guy you are. The thing is to not let her shit tests fuck u) ( /. ra). The reason ! e$en )ost this tonight, is because ! ha$e become e$en a bit more aware that women are more insecure today than e$er before. &nd where there is more insecurity, there will be more shit tests. 3ake and kee) yourself ready, and )ass them.


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