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Rapport And The Art of The Game

by Alphahot1
I have often taught myself many things about the art of seduction by asking myself what would be considered ridiculous questions in most instances. But in analyzing and finding some of the answers to those questions, it forced me to "open my mind" and look at the art of seduction in a more objective and useful fashion. In this post, I would like to primarily focus on the skill of being able to develop rapport with the women you meet. ot just a lukewarm sense of rapport, but an I !" #" sense of rapport that will cause a woman to $% ! to open up to you, to $% ! to tell you about herself and what she likes, and ultimately, to $% ! to fuck your brains out. $hy is this skill of being able to develop this kind of rapport so important& 'ainly because, in an intense state of rapport %(( things %)" possible, and without rapport, basically *!+I , is possible.!hat alone should be enough reason for you to want to polish up on your approach and rapport skills. !he are also different "phases" of rapport building, all the way from the initial hello to -ino. %t this point, I would like to share with you a rather "ridiculous" question that I used to think about and ponder. *k, let.s say that I, or any guy, were to get himself all cleaned up, dressed to the /s, hair perfectly styled, and wearing the best of the best colognes, etc, and a pretty good lookin guy. ow you go down to your favorite nightclub where the +Bs are just swarming. 0ou step into the club and scope the place out for a few minutes. 1inally spotting an +B that is incredibly gorgeous, and appears to be solo for the night, you make your way over to her. ow let.s say that this +B really is up for the idea of having some good se2 that night. 0ou say these words to her3 "+i, my name is444444. I just wanted to tell you something. I am I 5)"6IB(0 adept in giving women se2ual pleasure. !he kind of pleasure they )"%((0 want7 I find you to be very attractive and an incredible turn8on. #o with that, I would like to ask you to come with me to any place of your choice where we can do some absolutely 1% !%#!I5 lovemaking7"

ow, what is the likelihood of the woman actually going along with your suggestion& 9robably just about fucking nil. But the question is, $+0& "ven if the woman was in there (**-I , for someone to have se2 with, odds are she is still going to walk away from you. But again, why& #he was looking for se2, right& #he $% !"6 to have se2, right& %nd you are a good looking guy who is dressed to kill, asking her if she would like to have se2. %nd she said *77 0es, we all know that simply going up to a woman and directly asking her for se2, even when she $% !# to have se2, is a general no8no. But still, $+0 is the woman turning you down when she is, essentially, being handed to her on a golden platter, what she is really wanting& $hat are the ":%5! mechanisms at work in the chicks mind that compel her to more than likely have to say "no" to your request& *ne of my goals here, is to get the wheels in your head turning and really contemplate this. "ven though you may think the answers are obvious and apparent, just how apparent are they really& In fact, the more you continue to think deeply about this almost ridiculously trivial question, the more you might find some of those "answers" becoming more and more elusive to you. Because for every answer you think of, you can also naturally think of an equally compelling counter8argument that seems to somehow have the effect of short circuiting the initial "solid8 answer" you thought you had. !he woman $% !# +*! #":. just told her that you can give her ":%5!(0 what she wants7 %nd yet she is *! taking the opportunity to +%;" #":. *k, by now you are either confused or thinking I am a total maniac. <$hich I of course am heehee 3= %gain, my only real goal is to get you thinking. $ell I.m willing to bet that there were primarily three answers that most of you came up with when I asked the question3 "why did she turn you down&" !he short answers3 >= * rapport has been established whatsoever7 ?= It goes against what society dictates as being "socially correct." @= !he woman was frightened of you or your direct request or quite frankly thinks just an arrogant dickhead. %m I right or am I right& #o, damn it, there appears to be some other things that just +%;" to be in place before a women will actually do what it is she )"%((0 $% !# !* 6*7 %aaah. "nter..... !he )ules of !he ,ame7 )%99*)!. 1irst, what is the beautiful thing about establishing the type and intensity of rapport I have thus far been talking about& !he beauty of it is, if done 5*))"5!(0, it completely circumvents all of those @ <or more= nasty things that the woman might have been thinking. ,**6 thing7 #o how do we go about creating this sense of connectedness and rapport that will make a woman want to open up to you and give you all she.s got, and how many ways are there for doing that& $ell, the real answer to that question is, how many women are there in the world&

ow there are indeed some general rapport skills that %(( of you should know by now. !hings such as matching and mirroring physiology, and verbal speech, feeding back their personal trance words and matching the general nature and tempo of their speech <almost always indicative of what representational frame they are operating in at that particular moment=. %lso, one of the '*#! powerful things you can do in establishing rapport, simple as it sounds, is to simply %##A'" that you have rapport, like know the woman for, say, the past > or ? years. $hen getting into a convo with a woman, it is important to actually (I#!" more than you talk. I.m sure you have all read about this in the newsletters, but if you listen very carefully to the sentences a woman is speaking, you will begin to just hear her "trance" words. $hat do you do then. $ell, when the woman finishes speaking, you then paraphrase everything back to her <not word for word mind you= and Bmark outB all of her personal trance words in the process. 0ou simply mark things out by altering your tonality slightly for that particular word or phrase or command or whatever. %nd you do these things not only in paraphrasing back things she has said, but %(#* in what ever you are saying to her as well. *f course, the language patterns are also a very powerful way of eliciting rapport quickly. 5an you remember the last time you were reading something really useful and interesting written by someone whose opinion you really respected and admired& 5an you remember what it felt like when you were with someone you really trusted and felt good around& 'aybe even to the point that the more you interacted with this person and talked with them, the more you seemed to feel maybe even more and more attracted to them& Blah blah blah. *k, so you all know the general points of language patterns. ow.... we have to get into some of the more difficult and subtle aspects of developing rapport. $hat do I mean& $ell, if I were to give this article some sort of subtitle, it would probably be "6eveloping rapport in !he ?CCCs" $hy would I give it this title& Because in this day and age, and with women being the way they are, and with men standing where they stand, rapport, unfortunately is not always so easily established all the time. $hy do I say this& $ell there are several reasons. 1irst of all, in the ?CCCs, we are living in what you might call the "player" age. In some ways, women have almost come to just e2pect that almost every guy they meet these days is more than likely going to be some kind of "playa." ow if the women you are pursing are the kind of women who really are only primarily interested in peak se2ual e2periences, then this "fear" of a guy being a player probably will not hinder you nearly as much, if at all. But with any women who have (!) on the mind, you are Bmore than likelyB going to encounter some kind of skepticism or suspicion at least to some degree. 0ou see, the reason that this element may come in to play, usually isn.t because you (%5rapport skills. Duite the contrary, it is because you can actually be #* good at creating a sense a rapport and connection and being able to do it 9*$")1A((0 in a very short time, that it sets off "red8flag" signals in the girl.s mind, thinking to herself, "I should *! be feeling this persuaded so quickly and easily77" Believe me, this kind of thing 5% happen. %nd it +%# happened. In fact, ##E (9 can be #* powerful in many instances, that you may have to actually Bwater it downB a bit, as it were, to keep the woman from feeling that "tug on the line." )emember, although you %)" persuading, for all intents and purposes, the person on the other end of your persuasion should ";") "1""(" as though they are being persuaded. !hat.s the trick. *k... so what other types of girls might we find ourselves having a hard time developing rapport with& $ell, basically some of the +Bs and #+Bs in the world. !he kind of +Bs that think they are just too damn good for any man. !he problem with some +BE#+Bs, is that you cannot develop any rapport with them if you 5% .! even get a chance to !%(- with them7 $hat we are talking

about here of course, is the infamous "bitch shield." !hat wall that you must break down before the chick will listen to you in any sort of serious way. 1irst, why do +Bs put up bitch shields in the first place& 9ut quite simply, it.s because all their lives they have had compliments about their beauty handed to them over and over and over again by %15s hoping to get into their pants with the supplicative approach. #ince she has heard these thing all her life and has probably been showered with gifts as well, it means absolutely *!+I , to her whatsoever. )epeat that word ," *!+I ,", in your head one hundred times until got it really, )"%((0 good7 6ear ,od, if you should ";") be foolish enough to use this approach on an +B with a bitch shield up, you will be I #!% !(0 labeled an %15, she will B(*$ 0*A *11, and you will probably ";") get any kind of a second chance. FF*k, side note. !here is only * " kind of person and * " kind of person only, who can sometimes get a woman by making a remark about her "gorgeousness" as it relates to +I'. %nd that is the '",%8confident "jerk" who already has a hundred women fighting for his attention. But the G")- does *! say things like, ",osh, you are just #* beautiful" in a supplicative type of way. o, the jerk might say something more like, "Baby... so damn gorgeous that I could think of %(( -I 6# of things I.d like ta do to ya." !he key here is *! so much in what the jerk says, but in the fact that he can look her #!)%I,+! in the eye and say it with !*!%( 5* 1I6" 5" % 6 5* ,)AI!0, with GA#! the right kind of knowing grin on his face. In other words, in his communication to her, he makes it ;")0 clear to her that he is mainly interested in what she can do for +I', and that should she turn him away, it is absolutely * skin off his ass cuz he.s got a hundred other women right around the corner that he can fuck any time he pleases. #ensing this, the +B will many times actually take the jerk up on his offer because she now sees +I' as a challenge to +"). !his is really a rather advanced "technique" if you will, and I advise you not try it unless you really %)" this kind of guy <in which case you probably wouldn.t be reading this post=. It takes %B#*(A!" confidence and congruity, and *! * " #+)"6 of fear or hesitation on your part to be able to pull it off successfully7 In fact, strange as it may seem... the +B with a bitch shield up, is the 9)I'%)0 type of woman this approach is most likely to work on7 If the jerk tries this with a true "good girl", he is more than likely gonna be #*( more times than not.HH #o if not quite ready to use this type of approach, what the hell are our other options for getting through an +B.s bitch shield in order to start getting some rapport with her, thereby being able to start the seduction process& $ell, we have to understand a bit about how the +B thinks. 0ou.ll recall that I said that +Bs have had %15s and other horny guys complimenting them all their life and drooling over their looks. +Bs are A#"6 to being complimented constantly. #o it simply has no effect on them if you do the same thing, in fact, it just turns them off to you and gets you labeled as just another %15 to be blown off. *ne very interesting thing about the human mind, is that people <+Bs in particular= have a very strong tendency to have a strong response to those things which are 6I11")" ! than what they are normally used to hearing or e2periencing. In classic psychology this is known as the I5ontrast 9rinciple.. ow there are many ways in which the 5ontrast 9rinciple applies, but for the sake of this argument, we will limit the discussion only to how it applies to you getting more pussy. ", theory <developed by 'ystery=, is the framework for which we can apply this 5ontrast 9rinciple to first, get the woman to drop the bitch shield and second, to make 0*A become a challenge for +"). !his is crucial. If you cannot make yourself in to a challenge for a woman, "#9"5I%((0 the +Bs, you will more than likely ";") be truly desired by her. -eep in mind that although on the surface, ",,I , seems like a way of not developing rapport, it actually I# a way of developing rapport, just in a fucked up sorta way. 0ou are developing rapport

through ",# because you are effectively putting yourself and the +B on the #%'" psychological plateau, rather than her being "way up there" and you being "way down there." %nd this is really the essence of anything you do to develop rapport. ,etting on the same emotional and "intellectual" level. egging is really all about playing on an +B.s insecurities. $hen done properly, the +B now respects you, and you can get on with the seduction. ow the important thing when egging a girl, is that you simply cannot throw an insult at her and leave it at that. If you do that, the woman will believe that you are simply insulting her because you are a bitter asshole about beautiful women because you believe you that can never have one. o, the art of the eg, is that we give the girl a compliment which sorta #""'# like an insult. *r giving an implied insult which #""'# like a compliment. 0ou could look at it either way really. !he net effect is that this 5* 1A#"# the woman and she is not quite sure $+%! the hell to make of what you said. But because we have complimented her and sorta insulted her all in one fell swoop < women.s minds are like a steel trap that (*;" to focus primarily on the ",%!I;" things= she will simply +%;" to clarify in her own mind what you meant by your statement to her. % man insinuating to her that he doesn.t think she.s beautiful just the way she is, is totally incongruent to the normal functioning of her mind. %nd she 'A#! establish at all costs that you indeed 6* find her just as gorgeous as all the other %15s and inept, horny jerks. !he key to doing a successful eg with an +B, is to have an attitude and spirit of playfulness when performing it. 0ou do *! want to come across as a total insensitive asshole.In essence, what you are doing with the eg, is getting the +B to understand that you are A#"6 to the idea of +Bs, that you have high standards <unlike %15s= and that her beauty is really no big thing to you. By egging a girl, the implication, and the way she will take it, is that you are generally around <or having se2 with= so many beautiful women, that her looks are just not sufficient to turn you on like she is able to do with all the other %15s. $%) I ,3 If the girl is successful in getting you to tell her just how stunningly gorgeous you think she is, you will then be slotted back in with all the other %15s and you will lose your chance. If there is ";") an appropriate time to compliment the +B on her looks, it would * (0 be $+I(" you are having se2 with her or %1!") had se2 with her. But even then, do it very sparingly. 'ystery has written some e2cellent articles on the art of the eg, and e2actly what it entails. !o learn more about it, you can look up some of his posts in the %#1 archives. #o there are many different kinds of women, and many different ways of establishing a sense of rapport. In your seduction efforts, I suggest also that you adopt a few basic premises into you belief structure that will be of enormous benefit to you. !he first is probably one of )oss.s oldest rules concerning your relation to women, and that is3 IBeing with me, is the best possible choice any woman can make. !he harsh fact of the matter is that if don.t really believe this, odds are that women won.t either. In all my years of e2perience, I have found this to be true, over and over again in one way or another. $hether this belief is really "true" or not, is of no consequence. $hat matters is that 0*A believe it. #econd belief3 I%ny woman would love to be seduced by me, but she wants to be seduced in the )I,+! $%07.

9retty simple and straightforward. 0ou can seduce just about % 0 woman on the face of the planet, provided you do it in GA#! the right way. "asier said than done& 'aybe. But eventually you will find that only a select few are even worth it. !hird belief3 I$hen you approach any woman, you are only giving her an opportunity to show you what kind of a ? person she really is, and she must prove herself $*)!+0 of your attention.

#imple, don.t waste you time with women who are complete air8heads, are resentful towards men, have some kind of weird hangups, or are just general, chronic game players that are just too dumb to realize that they are actually just depriving themselves of all the pleasure they 5*A(6 be e2periencing. ,ranted that women don.t know you, or your abilities from any other guys out there. But when you make it clear that you are indeed a unique breed, and if she still has problems with it, e2it stage left. #he.s not worth your time. #o in summary, why is rapport important& $hat does it do for us& )apport sets the stage of connection between you and the woman so that you can gradually lead the interaction towards where you ultimately want it to go. ,oing back to the "Bank vault door" metaphor, I personally look at is as a door with have basically J combination dials. >8 #uccessful approach and Introduction ?8 6eveloping intense rapport @8 -ino J8 6o the $ild !hing Anderstand that the rapport building process, is basically something that is always in play through8 out every step of your interaction. In a sense, just building it to greater and greater levels, until eventually, you find yourself fucking the nice lady.%nd in a way, for our purposes here, you could look at the se2 itself as something of the "ultimate state of rapport." $hy do I look at it like this& It.s because I have my own personal rule that simply says3 "0*A) *! I !I(( 0*A.)" I 7"

%nd that means e2actly what it says. In short, it.s possible, especially for newbies, to fuck up the seduction process at literally % 0 phase in the game. 'aniac has posted some good (ay )eports that, in my opinion, illustrate the importance of why keeping the state of rapport <se2ual arousal= going throughout the " !I)" seduction process is vitally important. )emember, a woman.s 1.I. mechanism can kick in at % 0 point or time before you actually start getting it on. 6on.t leave things to chance. #tay on top of things <no pun intended= at all times. -I *3 ow the power of words can be incredibly awesome. $ith only words alone, it is possible to get a woman ;")0 se2ually e2cited, and you will of course at some point, probably want to be using a degree of se2ual metaphor or quotes in your verbal8se2ual rapport building. But to one degree or another, the '%G*)I!0 of women will need #*'" kind of physical contact action going on before they will fully want to jump your bones. I use to mess around with this concept a lot just for the sake of e2periment. I wanted to see just how far words, and words alone, could get me. I used to get so much rapport that I ultimately got to the point that I was !"((I , the girl word for word I 9)"5I#" 6"!%I( e2actly how I would go about making love to her. 1ace to face interaction here.

o phone or computer bullshit. 1ace to face. $ell I don.t need to tell you what happened the majority of the time because you already know. 0es, the girls would get e2tremely, and I mean ":!)"'"(0 hot and bothered7 !heir panties could be literally soaked. But you know what& !hat.s right, 0ou guessed it. %t least /KL of the time, the girl will *! provoke the physical action. 0*A must provoke it first. !his is not really too surprising, as women are definitely programmed very brutally to never make the first se2ual8physical move. ow just as the rapport process e2tends forward all the way to the love making, the love making sorta e2tends B%5-$%)6# all the way to the initial -ino process. !he kino is basically the final essential phase just before fuck time. ow I.m assuming here that you know what kino is, how it gets going etc. If you don.t, read 6eepBlue.s recent post on it. *k here is some tips that you may not find in the basic kino field manual. #ince kino <generally speaking= is the last prelude to se2, you want to bear some things in mind when you get it going. 1irst of all, where are you at& % nightclub& % bar, a restaurant& !he point is, how far are you from a place that you can "go" when the obvious time for se2 has arrived& 1or e2ample, you will notice in 'aniac.s (ay )eports, that he usually always brings the women he.s seducing to a place <coffee shop I think= near to his house. Ideally, if you are out with the woman <as opposed to already being at your place or hers, or at least #*'" place with a bed in it= then this is the situation that you should try to set up as well. $hat I.m saying here, is that if you have "no place to go" once gotten a woman all hot and horny, you almost may as well have not gotten her all hot and horny to begin with. 0es it is physically possible to fuck in a parking lot or a car or a "back room", and it does happen, but generally, a lot of woman really aren.t down with the idea of this too much. #o bottom line, have some place to go that isn.t far. e2t point. $hen doing the kino thing, it.s a really good idea to never let it get to the stage of being "repetitious." In other words, 6* .! draw it out too long. !his is something that is going to require a judgement call on your part. *nce you got the kino going at a good clip, get that first kiss in as soon as possible. % good rule of thumb is, after the kissing begins, and a lot of tongue action is taking place, it.s time for the both of you to get out of there and go someplace else. 6on.t draw out the make8out process for too long. It.s a mistake. done it before when I was stupid, not reading the girl.s cues that she wanted to fuck like mad, and I got very, very bad results. 1act is, when a woman comes to the final conclusion that she wants se2, and she wants it *$, and you are too stupid to read the signs, it will have the effect of turning her completely *11 to you. %nd probably with good reason. uff said. *n the way back to your or her place. 6on.t shut up. 6on.t try to amplify anything. Gust '%I !%I the general atmosphere that you had right as you left the place. % light and playful attitude, cute little smiles, a touch of additional kino, a light peck on the lips when she goes for one <or a lot of deep tongue if at a stoplight=, intimate but light conversation. Gust maintain the fucking mood7 *k time to go to bed. 3= Fspecial thanks to ;ince )unza and #picetraderH 4444444444444444444444444444444 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB It.s #o 1uckin "asy,


othin #eems !a 9lease 'e


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