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Guided Reading Lesson Plan

You will create a guided reading lesson plan appropriate for students in second through fifth grade. Begin by choosing the level of reader (transitional, self-extending, or advanced). Consider the characteristics of those readers when planning your lesson. (1) Description of Reading Group Include the grade level (2nd through 5th) as well as the reading level (transitional, self-extending, or advanced). I would classify the readers in to transitional, although the material is rated 2.8 and the class is fourth grade.

(2) Quality literature- Include the title, author, genre, a short summary in your own words, and the readability of the text. The book chosen was something the class would be reading this week. The book is The Smallest Cow in the World by Kathleen Preston. The book is a work of fiction and it revolves around Marvin. Marvin is a member of a family that lives on the dairy farm and he loves Rosie, a cow, and the Farmer one day sells Rosie because the cow hates everyone, except Marvin. The farmer decides to sell the farm and the family moves to another farm for Marvins father to find another job. Marvin becomes sad and angry and then suddenly vandalism begins to happen around the family. Marvin blames everything on Rosie, but no one could see her because Marvin said she had shrunk. Marvin took little Rosie to school and his friends laughed at him. In the end the family begins to sympathize with Marvin and does what they can to help little Rosie out. (3) Lesson focus Describe the strategy/skill that you are targeting. I would like for the student to pay close attention to some of the details within the story. After reading I would like for the students to be able to determine the cause and effect of some of the things that come up in the story.

(4) Formative assessment- Describe how you will assess students during the guided reading lesson. What behaviors will indicate that your students get it? What behaviors might indicate that they need further instruction? After reading the book I would touch on cause and effect. I will give them a few examples. If I see that the group is falling short with comprehending this then we will take the examples and reread portions of the book pertaining to them. I will tell the students to reread passages they may think are important to establishing the cause and effect of the statements given. After that I will handout a cause and effect graphic organizer and have the students fill out the sheets on their own.

Title: Cause and effect on the farm


Genre: Fiction



Trans. Plans/Notes

Date(s): 3/5/14

Suggested Teaching Points

Activate/Provide background Help students make connections Share thinking Make predictions New vocabulary Draw attention to text features Hear and say new lang. structures Reveal structure of the text /genre Writers craft to support analysis Authors accuracy or authenticity of text Demonstrate, prompt for, or reinforce the effective use of processing strategies word solving, searching for and using information, maintaining fluency, detecting and correcting errors, summarizing, and adjusting reading. Prompt for fluency and phrasing. Gather evidence of comprehension by observing what students say about the text. Invite students to pose questions and clarify their understanding. Help students learn to discuss the meaning of the text together. Extend students expression of understandings through questioning, summarizing, restating, and adding to their comments. Revisit the text to demonstrate, reinforce, or provide explicit instruction of strategic actions.


I will ask if anyone has knowledge of a dairy farm. I will ask if anyone has moved recently or moves a lot. I will introduce the book with quick walk through - Have them look at the cover and ask what they think Marvin is holding in the picture? - Turn to the page with the For Sale sign and ask them what they think might happen? - Then turn to a page that has some of the vandalism and ask who did that?

Reading the Text

I will begin reading the book to the students. Every now and then I will stop and then have us all choral read some of the story.


Within - What happed in the story? How did the story end? - What was the problem in the story? What did Marvin do to fix the problem?

Beyond - Tell me some of the ways big Rosie and little Rosie are alike/not alike? - How do you think May felt when the students at the school laughed at Marvin? Predicting Making connections Synthesizing Inferring

About - Look at the way the writer ended the book. Do you think it was a good way to end? Why or why not? - What was the significance of Rosie? Analyzing Critiquing

Teaching for Processing Strategies

Solving Words Monitoring and checking Search for/ use information Summarizing Maintaining fluency Adjusting Reading


Use writing, drawing, or extended talk to explore any aspect of understanding the text.
Teach word analysis, letter-sound Relationships, analogies, or breaking words apart. (text specific/not word study)

Handout the cause and effect graphic organizer and have them complete the work. If student is having trouble, I will ask them to re-read the section they need to find the answers


Word Work (optio nal)

Jeffery Upton

Group Members:

March 2014

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