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Public Relations Recap

Market: Washington, D.C. Show Dates: February 12 - 17, 2014 Publicist: Qor is Co!!unications Promoter: #ri$get #eno Show Name: Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic Venue: Verizon Center Regional PR Manager: Crystal Dra"e Plan Due Date: %arch &, 2014

MEDIA PLA EMEN! !V "roa#cast Me#ia Placement

'utlet( )e*s Channel + ,et-s .al" ,i e /ro$ucer( Courtney 0*ynn Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, 1er3or!er inter ie* 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( .ele!un$o 5e1orter( Cristina Caice$o 2!it Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Co!cast 21ortsnet Washington /ro$ucer( 4!an$a 9i!!er Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, 1er3or!er inter ie* 'utlet( .ele!un$o 5e1orter( Cristina Caice$o 2!it Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay

Date an# $it !imes

February 14, 2014 11 4% 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 7(00 /% 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 11, 2014 10 /% 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 7, 2014 7(00 /% 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* February 7, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an one *ee" be3ore sho*

'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision 5e1orter( Fanny 0utierrez Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay

February &, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 4, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 81, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 80, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 11(00 /% 7(00 /% 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho*

Ra#io "roa#cast Me#ia Placement

'utlet( W.'/ 5e1orter( 0eorge Wallace Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, 1er3or!er inter ie*

February 12, 2014 10 4% 5an *ee" o3 sho*

Print Me#ia Me#ia Placement

'utlet( .he Washington /ost( 0oing 'ut 0ui$e Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( <l .ie!1o ,atino 5e1orter( %ilagros %elen$ez-Vela Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Washington =is1anic 5e1orter( )elly Carrion Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( < entos V>/ /ass Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( <l .ie!1o ,atino Co erage Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion

February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 7, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho*

%nline Me#ia Me#ia Placement

'utlet( DC .hri3ty %o! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( <l .ie!1o ,atino Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Washington =is1anic Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( < entos V>/ /ass Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, !e$ia 1arty co erage

February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho*

'utlet( < entos V>/ /ass Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( ? 2treet %agazine Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion@ !e$ia 1arty co erage 'utlet( 6ni ision Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( .ele!un$o Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion an$ re ie* 'utlet( Co!cast 21ortsnet Washington Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, 1er3or!er inter ie* 'utlet( 6ni ision Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Washington /ost 0oing 'ut 0ui$e Descri1tion( 2ho* cancellation, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( ,4 .i!es Descri1tion( Weather u1$ate 'utlet( #isno* Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, !e$ia 1arty co erage 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion an$ re ie* 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( #elt*ay #argain %o! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion an$ re ie* 'utlet( 'ur ?i$s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion an$ re ie* 'utlet( 5ogers 5e ue Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( ?esta %agazine DC Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, !e$ia 1arty co erage 'utlet( 5eal =ouse*i es )'V4 Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion an$ re ie* 'utlet( < entos V>/ /ass Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion

February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho*

'utlet( Fre$eric"sburg 2tar Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( W624; Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( %onu!ental 21orts Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( Fresh F% Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( Co!!unities Digital )e*s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( Co!!unity Digital )e*s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, *eather u1$ate 'utlet( Washington /ost Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, trans1ortation u1$ate 'utlet( 5ogers 5e ue Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A %t. 4iry-Da!ascus-6rbana Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( .ele!un$o B=ola Ciu$a$C Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( <l .ie!1o ,atino Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( >n the Ca1ital Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A %t. 4iry-Da!ascus-6rbana Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Descri1tion( .ic"et sales 'utlet( 6ni ision Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 5eal =ouse*i es )'V4 Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay

February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 11, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 11, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 11, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 7, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 7, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 7, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February &, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 4, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* :anuary 81, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 80, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 80, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho*

'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( DC .hri3ty %o! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( #elt*ay #argain %o! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A %t. 4iry-Da!ascus-6rbana Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A %t. 4iry-Da!ascus-6rbana Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Fair3aD Fa!ily Fun Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ - #o*ie Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A 5oc" ille-0aithersburg Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( /WC %o!s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A ,eesburg Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( =u33ington /ost DC Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A ,eesburg Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( ?esta %agzine Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Fair3aD Fa!ily Fun Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( ?i$ .ri1s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A #o*ie Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A 5oc" ille-0aithersburg

:anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 27, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 27, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 22, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 22, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 21, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 17, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 1&, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 1&, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 14, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 7, 2014 5an 3i e *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary &, 2014 5an 3i e *ee"s be3ore sho* Dece!ber 80, 2018

Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( .he :oy .rou1e )'V4 Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( DC 6rban %o!s an$ Da$s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion

5an siD *ee"s be3ore sho* Dece!ber 2;, 2018 5an siD *ee"s be3ore sho* Dece!ber ;, 2018 5an nine *ee"s be3ore sho*

Social Me#ia Me#ia Placement

'utlet( 6ni ision Eoutube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Dulles %o!s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Dulles %o!s .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Eoutube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( :oy .rou1e .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Disney #abies #log Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Disney #abies #log .*itter Descri1tion( Weather u1$ate 'utlet( 5ogers 5e ie* Faceboo" Descri1tion( Weather u1$ate 'utlet( :oy .rou1e .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, sho* re ie* 'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring .*itter Descri1tion( Weather u1$ate 'utlet( 'ur ?i$s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a >nstagra! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion

February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 14, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho*

'utlet( #elt*ay #argain %o! Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( #elt*ay #argain %o! Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring >nstagra! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Wire$ %o!!a >nstagra! Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Fair3aD Fa!ily Fun Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Fresh F% Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Fresh F% .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( #elt*ay #argain %o! .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ %t. 4iry Da!ascus 6rbana Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ %t. 4iry Da!ascus 6rbana .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Eou.ube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Eou.ube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( >n the Ca1ital .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion

February 18, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 12, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 11, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 11, 2014 5an *ee" o3 sho* February 7, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 7, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February &, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February &, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho*

'utlet( 6ni ision Eou.ube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( DC .hri3ty %o! Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ %t. 4iry Da!ascus 6rbana Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( DC .hri3ty %o! Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( DC .hri3ty %o! .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ %t. 4iry Da!ascus 6rbana Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ %t. 4iry Da!ascus 6rbana .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Eoutube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( 6ni ision Eoutube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( #elt*ay #argain %o! Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 6ni ision Eoutube Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ %t. 4iry Da!ascus 6rbana .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( 4 /arent in 2il er 21ring .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( /WC %o!s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( Fair3aD Fa!ily Fun Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( Fair3aD Fa!ily Fun .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %onica 0. 2a"ala BWire$ %o!!aC Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay

February 4, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 4, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 8, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 8, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* February 8, 2014 5an one *ee" be3ore sho* :anuary 81, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 81, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 81, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 80, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 80, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2;, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho*

'utlet( %onica 0. 2a"ala BWire$ %o!!aC .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( ?esta %agazine .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( ?esta %agazine .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy .rou1e .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( ?esta %agazine .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( ?i$s .ri1s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( .he :oy .rou1e )'V4 %o!s F /laygrou1s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy %a"in- %a!as .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy .rou1e 0oogleG Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( ?i$s .ri1s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( =u33/ost DC Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ -- #o*ie Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( .he :oy .rou1e )'V4 %o!s F /laygrou1s Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy .rou1e 0oogleG Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( ?i$ .ri1s )orthern Virginia .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy %a"in- %a!as .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( .he :oy .rou1e )'V4 %o!s F /laygrou1s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay

:anuary 2+, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 27, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 27, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 27, 2014 5an t*o *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 2&, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 24, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 24, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 28, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 22, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 21, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 21, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 21, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 21, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 1+, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 1+, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 17, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 17, 2014 5an three *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 14, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 14, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho*

'utlet( ?i$ .ri1s Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy .rou1e Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A #o*ie Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A #o*ie Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A 5oc" ille-0aithersburg .*itter Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( %acaroni ?i$ A 5oc" ille-0aithersburg Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay 'utlet( :oy %a"in- %a!as Faceboo" Descri1tion( 2ho* 1ro!otion, tic"et gi ea*ay

:anuary 14, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 18, 2014 5an 3our *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 11, 2014 5an 3i e *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary ;, 2014 5an 3i e *ee"s be3ore sho* :anuary 7, 2014 5an 3i e *ee"s be3ore sho* Dece!ber 80, 2018 5an siD *ee"s be3ore sho* Dece!ber 80, 2018 5an siD *ee"s be3ore sho* Dece!ber 2;, 2018 5an siD *ee"s be3ore sho*

alen#ar Listings Me#ia Placement

'utlet( <Da!! Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( ;4.7 Fresh F% Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( .he District Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( Washington .i!es Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( >nsi$e )'V4 Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet(! Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( 'ur ?i$s Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( City /ee" Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( DC ,i3e %agazine Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting 'utlet( 9e ents Co erage Descri1tion( Calen$ar ,isting

5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho*

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5an one !onth be3ore sho* 5an one !onth be3ore sho*

MEDIA MA!ERIALS & DR%P Me#ia Materials & Drops

Me#ia Material: Description: Sent&Deli'ere#: ost: Me#ia Material: Description: %e$ia 4$ isoryHCalen$ar ,isting %e$ia a$ isory sub!itte$ to target !e$ia 3or e ent calen$ar listings. 'utreach began Dece!ber 2018 nHa %e$ia Dro1 .o1 !e$ia targets recei e$ the !e$ia $ro1 t*o *ee"s 1rior to the sho*-s arri al. .he !e$ia $ro1 inclu$e$( Disney Valentine-s Day the!e$ gi3t bag, Valentine-s heart-the!e$ gi3t-bag *ith %ic"ey F %innie "issing stic"er, Valentine-s can$y, coloring boo", !e$ia a$ isory an$ sho* in3or!ation, !e$ia 1arty in itation, Valentine-s Day cra3t "it. :anuary 27, 2014 411roD I800 Disney 'n >ce Celebrates 100 Years of Magic *ith ValentineJs Day /arty at #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington %e$ia 4$ isory %e$ia a$ isory *as share$ *ith target 1rint, broa$cast !e$ia an$ bloggers in iting the! to co er 100 Eears o3 %agic-s isit to the #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington. *Ho :anuary 80, 2014 Disney 'n >ce Celebrates 100 Eears o3 %agic. .ic"et eDchange a ailable $ue to 1otential incle!ent *eather@ all sho*s *ill go on as sche$ule$ at Verizon Center %e$ia 4$ isory %e$ia a$ isory *as share$ *ith target ne*s $es"s an$ bloggers alerting the! o3 the tic"et eDchange o1tion *Ho February 11, 2014 Disney 'n >ce Celebrates 100 Eears o3 %agic. .hurs$ay, Feb. 18 sho*s are cancelle$ $ue to 1otential incle!ent *eather@ all other sho*s *ill go on as sche$ule$ at Verizon Center %e$ia 4$ isory

Sent&Deli'ere#: ost: Me#ia Material: Description:

Sent&Deli'ere#: Me#ia Material:

Description: Sent&Deli'ere#: Me#ia Material:

Description: Sent&Deli'ere#: Me#ia Material: Description: Sent&Deli'ere#:

%e$ia a$ isory *as share$ *ith target ne*s $es"s an$ bloggers alerting the! o3 the Cancelle$ sho*s *Ho February 12, 2014 < ent Cancellation 4$ isory( Disney 'n >ce Celebrates 100 Years of Magic *ith ValentineJs Day /arty at #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington %e$ia 4$ isory %e$ia a$ isory *as share$ *ith target 1rint, broa$cast !e$ia an$ bloggers in3or!ing the! o3 the e ent cancellation $ue to school closures an$ incle!ent *eather. *Ho February 14, 2014

EVEN!S E'ents
E'ent: Date&!ime: Description: '1ening )ight %e$ia /arty We$nes$ay, February &, 7(001! A 7(001! 4n annual tra$ition 3or to1 DC !e$ia contacts, re1ortersHe$itors an$ their 3a!ilies. )otables *ere in ite$ to a !e$ia 1arty *here they enKoye$ a Valentine-s Day the!e$ 1arty *ith heart an$ Valentine the!e$ re3resh!ents 1rior to the sho*. >ns1ire$ by Disney-s un3orgettable characters 3ro! the classic !o ies in 100 Years B#eauty an$ the #east, .he ,ittle %er!ai$, .he ,ion ?ing, etc.C, the tables *ere $ecorate$ *ith 1lush characters an$ "i$s *ere able to $ecorate Valentine-s hearts 3or their 3a!ilies. %ic"ey an$ %innie con$ucte$ a 2& !inute %eet F 0reet. .he e ent *as hel$ in a large roo! on the e ent le el o3 the arena. 411roD. 100 1eo1le A !e$ia contacts, bloggers an$ their 3a!ilies .hose in ite$ to the !e$ia 1arty co ere$ the sho* throughout the run 411roD. I2,&00 3or balloons, $Lcor, catering an$ sta33 eD1enses ValentineJs Day /arty at #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington We$nes$ay, February 14, 12(001! A 2(401! >n the s1irit o3 100 Years of Magic-s !essage o3 sharing an$ ca!ara$erie, t*o characters *ere shce$ule$ to isit the "i$s at #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington encouraging the! to celebrate the !agic that is in all o3 us. Due to un3oreseeable *eather an$ school cancellations throughout the DC area, the #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington close$ on the $ay o3 the e ent, as chil$ren *oul$ be unable to get to the center. %e$ia sche$ule$ to co er the e ent inclu$e$ 4F5', <l .ie!1o ,atino, < entos V>/ /ass, .ele!un$o, an$ a 3e* bloggers. We alerte$ all !e$ia o3 the cancellation. )H4 )H4 411roD. I71 3or balloon $Lcor

Atten#ance: Me#ia o'erage: ost: E'ent: Date&!ime: Description:

Atten#ance: Me#ia o'erage: ost:

(EED"A )
Note Publicists are encouraged to share candid feedback about the engagements ublic relations cam aign including both best ractices and challenges for e!am le" media tools and materials# P$ and e%ent logistics# and &orking &ith media" third' arty artners and (eld )ntertainment erformers and *nit management+ (eedback &ill ermit the (eld P$ De artment to address issues in a timely and effecti%e manner+

"est Practices
"est Practice: Newsrooms Relationships 'ngoing relationshi1s *ith local .V stations resulte$ in a great co erage $uring the sho* run, *hich create$ buzz 3or the sho* throughout the *ee" o3 sho* in DC. "est Practice *: Hosting Media Party .he !e$ia 1arty, as al*ays, *as a great *ay to engage !e$ia 1rior to an$ throughout the engage!ent. .his year, *e ha$ a Valentine-s $Lcor the!e an$ *e 1ro i$e$ Valentine-s Day cu1ca"es, heart-sha1e$ coo"ies, an$ 1in" an$ re$ 3ruit 1unch in a$$ition to healthy 3oo$ o1tions, *hich *as *ell recei e$ by atten$ees. We ha$ a great turnout $es1ite *eather concerns earlier that *ee".

hallenge +: Unforeseeable Weather While e ent $Lcor, gi ea*ay !aterials, 1er3or!ers an$ sta33 *ere rea$y 3or the Valentine-s Day e ent an$ *e *ere in constant co!!unication *ith the #oys F 0irls Club o3 0reater Washington an$ school grou1 contact, un3oreseeable *eather cause$ school closures in the area, *hich necessitate$ the #oys F 0irls Club to cancel our e ent. < en though the e ent $i$ not ta"e 1lace, *e ha$ con3ir!e$ atten$ance 3ro! 4F5', .ele!un$o, <l .ie!1o ,atino, < entos V>/ /ass an$ a 3e* bloggers. hallenge *: Same Show Due to the si!ilarity to 1ast Disney 'n >ce sho*s, !e$ia *ere not intereste$ in co ering 100 Years of Magic as thoroughly as they ha e 3or other 1ro$uctions. #ase$ on !e$ia 3ee$bac" this *as the ongoing !e$ia challenge throughout this sho* run an$ le$ to con3usion 3or a local station on *hich b-roll to use. hallenge ,: PR Approved Performers Changes We un$erstan$ 1er3or!ers get inKure$ or lea e the sho* 3or un3oreseeable reasons but it *oul$ be hel13ul i3 *e coul$ be noti3ie$ *hen this ha11ens so *e are not 1itching 1er3or!ers that are no longer in the sho* or ha e 1er3or!ers at an inter ie* $uring *ee" o3 sho* that are $i33erent than the ones *e reMueste$ on /4Fs. .his *as a challenge as *e ha$ alrea$y 1ro i$e$ bios, hea$shots an$ tal"ing 1oints 3or $i33erent 1er3or!ers in a$ ance. We *ere able to 1ro i$e u1$ate$ !aterial to ,et-s .al" ,i e but it *oul$ be hel13ul to "no* o3 these ty1es o3 changes *ith !ore notice in the 3uture. hallenge -: PR Approved Performers Availability While *e secure$ an inter ie* *ith )#C 3or 3or!er 'ly!1ian 1er3or!er, the unit turne$ $o*n a sche$ule$ inter ie* because they $i$ not *ant to o er*hel! the 1er3or!er. .his *oul$ ha e been a thir$ inter ie* 3ocusing on her eD1erience at the 'ly!1ics an$ her li3e as a Disney 'n >ce 1er3or!er, *hich *as 1er3ectly tune$ 3or the DC engage!ent as the 2014 Winter 'ly!1ics *ere ongoing an$ the s"ating co!1etition *as ery 1o1ular. < en though *e *ere able to cancel the inter ie* to acco!!o$ate the unit-s reMuest, the ti!ing o3 the sho* an$ the Winter 'ly!1ics *as a great *ay to gain a$$itional co erage on outlets that tra$itionally *oul$ not ha e co ere$ the 1ro$uction.


New Relationships
New Relationship: oys ! "irls Cl#b of "reater Washington < en though *e *ere not able to eDecute the Valentine-s Day /arty $ue to *eather, *e !a$e a goo$ relationshi1 *ith the club. .hey *ere ery hel13ul throughout the 1lanning 1rocess an$ *e reco!!en$ 1artnering *ith the! in the 3uture. .hey- e alrea$y sho*e$ interest in 1artnering *ith us 3or an e ent in the Fall *hen Disney 'n >ce co!es to Fair3aD, V4. RE %MMENDA!I%NS

Recommen#ations /or (uture Engagements

Recommen#ation: PR Approved Performers While *e un$erstan$ there !ay be li!ite$ /5 a11ro e$ 1er3or!ers in the sho*, it *oul$ be hel13ul to ha e !ore lea$ ti!e *hen recei ing in3or!ation on /5 a11ro e$ 1er3or!ers in or$er to ha e better 1itch o11ortunities. For this sho*, *e recei e$ in3or!ation on a$$itional /5 a11ro e$ 1er3or!ers close to the sho* $ates.

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