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1 Introduction Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results. It is also a fundamental component of software quality assurance and represents a review of specification, design and coding. Greater visibility of software systems and the cost associated with software failure are motivating factors for planning, through testing. Testing helps in identifying the correctness, completeness, security and quality of developed system and it also helps in monitoring the improvements that should be done for the systems refinement.

4.2 Experimental An experiment is any procedure that can be infinitely repeated and has a well-defined set of factual outcomes. The developers conducted experiments to gather information and produce statistical through evaluation forms to check the performance of the project. The developers gathered feedbacks, suggestions and criticisms. From the respondents of the said experiment can also evaluate the system and check if it can provide the functionalities that they are looking for. The evaluation form is composed of five criteria that will measure the systems performance and completeness. The criteria are: Functionality: measures the simplicity of operation, comfort, convenience and userfriendliness of the system. Content: measures the exactness, validation and the presentation of the contents of the system.

Reliability: determines if it is in conformance of the desired results; determining of the system failures and accuracy of the system performance are also included. Availability: measures the systems performance in accordance to its specifications, security requirements and all in all completeness of the system.

4.3 Results and Analysis The proponents conducted an evaluation to test the efficiency of the proposed system. Evaluation from the users served as a means of getting feedback from other people to determine if there are modifications that should be done for the refinement of the system. The criteria for evaluation of the system are listed below: Evaluation Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


Indications 1 A. 1. 2. 3. B. 1. 2. 3. C. 1. 2. 3. D. 1. 2. 3. FUNCTIONALITY Ease of Operation Convenience in using a website User-Friendliness CONTENT Accuracy Up datedness of content Presentation of content RELIABILITY Conformance to desired result Absence of failures Accuracy in performance AVAILABILITY Performs according to specification Provisions for security requirements Completeness of the system 2

Ratings 3 4 5

CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS Classifications Students Hotel de Dasmarias Administrators Number 11 4

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


Figure _ shows the number and classification of respondents that have been interviewed by the proponents. The proponents surveyed 15 students and 3 Hotel de Dasmarias Administrators.


Students Hotel de Dasmarinas Admin


Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


4.3.1 Functionality The following tables and figures will show the statistical data with regards to the functionality of the system. Ease of Operation Criteria

0% 13% 27% 27% 33%

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Ease of Operation Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 5 4 4 2 0 Result 33% 27% 27% 13% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the functionality of the proposed system when it comes to the ease of operation. 33% of the respondents answered excellent, 27% answered

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


very good, 27% answered good, 13% answered fair and no one of the respondents answered poor. Convenience of using Website

0% 0% 20% 53% 27% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Convenience of using Website Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 8 4 3 0 0 Result 53% 27% 20% 0% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the functionality of the proposed system when it comes to convenience of the website. 53% of the respondents answered excellent, 27% answered very good, 20% answered good, and no one of the respondents answered fair and poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


User Friendliness

0% 0% 13% 27% 60% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

User Friendliness Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 9 4 2 0 0 Result 60% 27% 13% 0% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the functionality of the proposed system when it comes to user-friendliness. 60% of the respondents answered excellent, 27% answered very good, 13% answered good, and no one of the respondents answered fair and poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


4.3.2 Content The following tables and figures will show the statistical data with regards to the content of the system. Accuracy

0% 0% 20% 27% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor


Accuracy Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 4 8 3 4 0 Result 27% 53% 20% 0% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the content of the proposed system when it comes to the accuracy of the website. 27% of the respondents answered excellent, 53%

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


answered very good, 20% answered good, and no one of the respondents answered fair and poor. Updatedness of Content

0% 13% 20% 47% Excellent Very Good Good Fair


Table 6 Updatedness of the Content Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 7 3 3 2 0 Result 47% 20% 20% 13% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the content of the proposed system when it comes to the up datedness of the content. 47% of the respondents answered excellent, 20% answered very good, 20% answered good, 13% answered fair and no one of the respondents answered poor

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry


Presentation of the Content

0% 13% 26% 29% 32%

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Presentation of the Content Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 11 3 2 0 0 Result 73% 29% 20% 0% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the content of the proposed system when it comes to presentation of the content. 73% of the respondents answered excellent, 29% answered very good, 20% answered good, and no one of the respondents answered fair poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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4.3.2 Reliability The following tables and figures will show the statistical data with regards to the conformance of the desired result. Conformance to Desired Result

0% 0% 13% 20% 67% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Conformance to Desired Result Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 10 3 2 0 0 Result 67% 20% 13% 0% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the reliability of the proposed system when it comes to conformance of the desired result. 67% of the respondents answered excellent, 20%

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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answered very good, 13% answered good, and no one of the respondents answered fair and poor Absence of Failures

0% 20% 6% 47% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor


Absence of Failures Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 7 4 1 3 0 Result 47% 27% 6% 20% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the reliability of the proposed system when it comes to absence of failures. 47% of the respondents answered excellent, 27% answered very good, 6% answered good, 20% answered fair and no one of the respondents answered poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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Accuracy of Performance

0% 7% 20% 53% 20% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Accuracy of Performance Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 8 3 3 1 0 Result 53% 20% 20% 7% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the reliability of the proposed system when it comes to the accuracy of performance. 53% of the respondents answered excellent, 20% answered very good, 20% answered good, 7% answered fair and no one of the respondents answered poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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4.3.1 Availability The following tables and figures will show the statistical data with regards to the availability of the system. Performance according to specifications.
0% 0% 27% 13% 60% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Performance according to specifications. Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 9 2 4 0 0 Result 60% 13% 27% 0% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the availability of the proposed system when it comes to the performance according to specifications. 60% of the respondents answered excellent, 13% answered very good, 27% answered good, and no one of the respondents answered fair and poor.
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Provisions of Security Requirements.


0% 7% 40% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor


Table 6 Provisions of Security Requirements. Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 6 7 1 1 0 Result 40% 46% 7% 7% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the availability of the proposed system when it comes to the provisions of security requirements.40% of the respondents answered excellent, 46% answered very good, 7% answered good, 7% answered fair and no one of the respondents answered poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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Completeness of System Criteria

0% 13% 7% 53% 27% Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Completeness of System Criteria Ratings Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor No. of Respondents 8 4 2 1 0 Result 53% 27% 13% 7% 0%

The table above shows the tally for the availability of the proposed system when it comes to completeness of system criteria. 53% of the respondents answered excellent, 27% answered very good, 13% answered good, 7% answered fair and no one of the respondents answered poor.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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4.4 Summary This chapter showed the tally of the survey that was conducted by the proponents to test the systems efficiency when used by other people. The results gathered helped the proponents in determining the systems strong and weak points. It seems that the results is positive and only have few negative feedbacks due to user preferences and understanding with the website.

Website for Hotel de Dasmarias with Online Inquiry

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