Are You Aware of Plastic Money M Jha

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1. Are you aware of plastic money?


2. Which kind of service do you use?

Comment : Maximum of people uses services of Debit Card i.e 68% remainin! "#% of people invest in Credit Card.

3. Which bank card you prefer most?

Comment : maximum of people prefer $%& cards i.e "'% #8% in (D)C cards and &D%& cards +,ere as in *'% -.&$ and 8% in &C&C&.

*# % in C&T&

/ .)re0uenc1 of usin! credit2debit card in a mont,3

Comment : 46% of t,e people prefer to use credit2 debit cards in 5da1s and remainin! / % uses in *'da1s.

-re 1ou satisfied +it, t,e services provided b1 ban63

Comment : *''% of people are satisfied +it, t,e service of ban6.

5.Transaction carr1 out b1 debit2credit card 3

Comment :people follo+s t,e transactions in follo+in! manner i.e/8 % in bill pa1ment #6% in online p,one bill */% in E7$,oppin! *# % in purc,ase of dail1 items and '% in None.

(o+ man1 t1pes of credit card 1ou 6no+n3

Comment : /'% of people are of Master card "6% about 8isa Card #/% about -merican Express.

-re 1ou a+are of t,reats of usin! debit card 3

Comment: //% of people in Online %an6in! "#% in 9in Compromise #/ % in $6immin! Device and % in None.

)or pa1ment of an1 product +,ic, mode of pa1ment 1ou +ill prefer3

Comment : people mostly prefer in ebit Card i.e !"# $ Credit Card in 2"# and %n Cash 3"#.

(o+ muc, time do 1ou t,in6 +ill &ndian ta6e to !et full1 dependent an credit2debit card3

Comment : &"# people thinks in ! 'rs$ 2(# in 1"'rs $ ) # in 1!'rs and "# in more than 1! # in more than 1! 'rs.

:,at +ould 1ou t,in6 t,e minimum a!e of appl1in! for a debit2credit card3

Comment : 1""# people think is the minimum a*e for applyin* in ebit Cards.

Do 1ou t,in6 usin! of credit2debit cards is safe for an1 transaction3

Comment : +)# of people think usin* the Credit , ebit Cards is safe whereas remainin* 1(# thinks its not -afe.

-re 1ou a+are of ,o+ man1 transaction is 1our free and after t,at +,at are c,ar!es 1ou ,ave to pa13

-re 1ou a+are of +it,dra+al of cas, credit limit of credit cards3

Comment : ))# of people are aware and !(# are not aware.

-re 1ou a+are t,at +,at is t,e c,ar!ed b1 t,e ban6 on cas, +it,dra+al in 1our credit card

-re 1ou a+are t,at ,o+ muc, cas, 1ou +it,dra+al from debit card per da1

-re 1ou a+are t,at 1ou can !enerate 1our pin code of 1our credit card

:,ic, is t,e most convenient option in term of safet1

Do 1ou feel t,e need of customer !rievance cell in ban6s

Do 1ou feel t,e ;no+ <our Customer =;<C> norms are important at ban6 level

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