Toyota RAV 4 Car Review & Buyers Guide

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Toyota RAV 4 Car Review & Buyers Guide

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Toyota RAV 4 Car Review & Buyers Guide

Overview Its a little !ow! fact" #ut Toyota $io!eered t%e com$act &'V mar et w%e! t%ey i!itially lau!c%ed t%e RAV 4 #ac i! ())4. *ow i! its 4t% +e!eratio!" t%e RAV 4 fi!ds itself com$eti!+ i! a very crowded mar et. ,ust a#out everyo!e !ow ma es a com$act &'V" a!d were #e+i!!i!+ to see some $ro$er $erforma!ce varia!ts i! t%e s$ace too. Added to t%is" t%e -orea!s a!d t%e C%i!ese are #eati!+ dow! t%e $rice i! t%is se+me!t" so Toyota" w%o seemi!+ly $io!eered t%e se+me!t really %ave a fi+%t o! t%eir %a!ds. Its !ot a #ad loo i!+ car" a!d t%ere are a !um#er of differe!t s$ec models availa#le. .e drove it for a wee to see w%ats w%at/ Performance T%ere are 0.12litre $etrol e!+i!es availa#le" or you could %ave t%e 0.02litre diesel e!+i!e" or t%e model we tested" w%ic% %as a 0.32litre $etrol e!+i!e. T%is 42cyli!der delivers (40 ." a!d 044*m of tor5ue to +et you +oi!+. Co!!ected to t%e e!+i!e is a 62s$eed auto 7#o8 drivi!+ $erma!e!t all w%eel drive. T%e $ower was more t%a! ade5uate" a!d e!ou+% to $ull you alo!+ !icely" eve! u$%ill. T%e tor5ue fi+ure could #e a little %i+%er" #ut if you stay away from lots of e8u#era!t drivi!+ youll #e 9ust fi!e. Economy T%e lar+er t%e e!+i!e a!d t%e %eavier t%e foot" t%e more of a !oc your fuel eco!omy fi+ure is +oi!+ to ta e. :uel co!sum$tio! ta es a !oc i! tow! drivi!+" wit% Toyota claimi!+ (("4 ;<(11 m. T%eir com#i!ed co!sum$tio! claim is =.4 ;<(11 m" #ut lets face it" we s$e!d most of our time drivi!+ to wor or t%e sc%ool or t%e s%o$s. A!d eve! if we did fi!d ourselves out i! t%e wild" wed $ro#a#ly #e tryi!+ to ta e t%e RAV 4 off road w%ic% would com$letely stuff u$ your fuel eco!omy a!yway. Tech T%e RAV 4 %as a solid collectio! of tec% i!side. I! fact a lot of t%e #its i! t%e !ew RAV 4 I reco+!ised from my ;e8us I& 031. &o t%e +oodies youll fi!d i!side t%e RAV 4 %ave #ee! %a!ded to it from ;e8us. Its li e drivi!+ a ;e8us &'V. T%e scree! mou!ted i! t%e das% allows you to co!trol most of t%e car" a!d of course t%ats w%ere you see t%e &AT *AV a!d all t%ose +ood t%i!+s. T%e scree! is a touc% scree! too" a!d s$orts A'> a!d '&B a!d all i!ds of toys li e t%at" eve! i!te+rates wit% your smart $%o!e for audio $lay#ac .

Toyota RAV 4 Car Review & Buyers Guide

Comfort T%e RAV 4 does really" really well i! t%e comfort de$artme!t. T%e leat%er seats are +reat" ride 5uality su$er# a!d ca#i! !oise at a mi!imum. Its #uilt i! ty$ical Toyota fas%io!? well. T%e ride $ositio! is su$er#" @r+o!omically t%e RAV 4 does well" t%e ce!tre scree! for i!sta!ce could #e tur!ed a little more i! t%e drivers directio!" #ut Toyota %ave t%is stuff sorted out. Aou ca!t fault t%e RAV 4 for comfort o! or off road. Practicality As a com$act &'V" t%e RAV 4 is s$acious e!ou+% as a soccer momBs car" #ut !ot 5uite C seater size. It is of course muc% more s$acious t%a! t%at $revious +e!eratio! RAV 4 wit% t%e 4 doors. T%e RAV 4 will !avi+ate some off road terrai!" #ut youll e!cou!ter o#stacles" t%at it ca!t +et over Dli e t%e Erado for i!sta!ceF. Bare i! mi!d t%e RAV 4 o!ly %as (61mm +rou!d cleara!ce" so youll !eed to $ic your off2road trails carefully. T%e rear seats ca! comforta#ly accommodate a! adult or two" a!d t%e ids %ave room e!ou+% to #e comforta#le at t%e #ac . Conclusion T%e com$act &'V mar et is +rowi!+ i! com$etitive!ess" a!d Toyota %ave a!swered t%e com$etitive mar et well wit% t%e RAV 4. Its !ot%i!+ radical" #ut w%at you +et is a +ood loo i!+" solidly #uilt a!d relia#le com$act &'V w%ic% comes at a really afforda#le $rice. Aou ca! easily fi!d yourself i! a !ew RAV 4 for u!der R411 " w%ic% is $ro#a#ly $rom$ted #y t%e -orea! automa ers li e Gyu!dai a!d -ia" a!d t%e ever loomi!+2o!2t%e2%orizo! G.H. Its a +ood time to #e i! t%e mar et for a com$act &'V if youre !ot loo i!+ for a $erforma!ce versio! li e Audi a!d Eorsc%e are s%owi!+ us. T%e RAV 4 is a solid o$tio! to #uy %ere.

Toyota RAV 4 Car Review & Buyers Guide

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