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Dear Sir, Please refer the below code for Nozzle Neck Thickness UG-45 NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS

The minimum wall thickness of nozzle necks shall be the larger of (a) or (b) below. Shear stresses caused by !"## loadings shall not e$ceed the allowable shear stress in (c) below. %or a&&lications of rules in this &aragra&h refer to '&&endi$ (, )$am&les #, *, and + (see (",.#, (",.*, and (",.+, res&ecti-ely). UG-45(a) The minimum wall thickness of a nozzle neck or other connection (including access o&enings and o&enings for ins&ection) shall not be less than the thickness com&uted from the a&&licable loadings in !"## plus the thickness added f ! all "ances for corrosion and threading,as a&&licable .see !"/0(c)(#)1, on the connection. UG-45(b) 'dditionally, the minimum thickness of a nozzle neck or other connection (e$ce&t for access o&enings and o&enings for ins&ection only) shall not be less than the smaller of the nozzle wall thickness as determined by the a&&licable rule in (b)(0), (b)(#) or (b)(/) below, and the wall thickness as determined by (b)(2) below3 UG-45(b)(1) for -essels under internal &ressure only,the thickness (plus c !! si n all "ance) re4uired for &ressure (assuming E&0.5) for the shell or head at the location where the nozzle neck or other connection attaches to the -essel but in no case less than the minimum thickness s&ecified for the material in !"06(b)7 UG-45(b)(2) for -essels under e$ternal &ressure only,the thickness (plus c !! si n all "ance) obtained by using the e$ternal design &ressure as an e4ui-alent internal design &ressure (assuming E & 0.5) in the formula for the shell or head at the location where the nozzle neck or other connection attaches to the -essel but in no case less than the minimum thickness s&ecified for the material in !"06(b)7 UG-45(b)(3) for -essels designed for both internal and e$ternal &ressure, the greater of the thicknesses determined by (b)(0) or (b)(#) abo-e7 UG-45(b)(4) the #ini#u# thickness$% f standa!d "all pipe plus the thickness added f ! c !! si n all "ance on the connection7 for nozzles larger than the largest &i&e size included in 'S8) 9/6.058, the wall thickness of that largest size &lus the thickness added for corrosion allowance on the connection. UG-45(c) The allowable stress -alue for shear in the nozzle neck shall be ,5: of the allowable tensile stress for the nozzle material.

Example from 24.84.V-6703 DCR0 FOR N14-4CALC LA!"ON CA#3 mm

$-4% &'('m)m No**le Ne+, !-'+,(e.. Re/)'reme(01 2"(0. 3re...4 ;all Thickness &er !2*(a), tra < /.*+=+ mm ;all Thickness &er !06(b), tr06b < 2.*+,* mm ;all Thickness &er !2*(b)(0), trb0 < *.,20+ mm ;all Thickness &er !2*(b)(#), trb# < /.+5=/ mm ;all Thickness &er !2*(b)(/), trb/ < 8a$(trb0, trb#, tr06b) < *.,20+ mm Std& 'all (ipe pe! UG45)*+)4+, t!*4 - .&$%/0 ## ;all Thickness &er !2*(b), trb < 8in(trb/, trb2) < *.,20+ mm %inal >e4uired Thickness, tr2* < 8a$(tra, trb) < *.,20+ mm '-ailable Nozzle Neck Thickness < .+,* ? 00.0#*# < =.,/2* mm ""@ AB

From .ame pro5ram 0a,'(5 No**le +orro.'o( allo6a(+e a. *ero CA# 0 mm

$-4% &'('m)m No**le Ne+, !-'+,(e.. Re/)'reme(01 2"(0. 3re...4 ;all Thickness &er !2*(a), tra < 5.*+=+ mm ;all Thickness &er !06(b), tr06b < 2.*+,* mm ;all Thickness &er !2*(b)(0), trb0 < *.,20+ mm ;all Thickness &er !2*(b)(#), trb# < /.+5=/ mm ;all Thickness &er !2*(b)(/), trb/ < 8a$(trb0, trb#, tr06b) < *.,20+ mm

Std& 'all (ipe pe! UG45)*+)4+, t!*4 - 5&$%/0 ##

;all Thickness &er !2*(b), trb < 8in(trb/, trb2) < *.#6,/ mm %inal >e4uired Thickness, tr2* < 8a$(tra, trb) < *.#6,/ mm '-ailable Nozzle Neck Thickness < .+,* ? 00.0#*# < =.,/2* mm ""@ AB

Now you check !"2* (b)(2) in both the cases Cn first one it added the corrosion allowance /mm it gi-es the re4uired thickness as +.#mm Cn second one without corrosion allowance (C made it zero) and gi-e the re4uired thickness as *.# mm !i-en schedule for the nozzle neck thickness is com&ared with all the !"2* conditions Cf any one of the condition fails nozzle calculation wonDt &ass Aur nozzle calculation get &assed including the corrosion allowance ;ith >egards, (.Ehandramohan

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