16PF®5 Personality Questionnaire: One of The World's Leading Selection Questionnaires.

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16PF5 Personality Questionnaire

One of the worlds leading selection questionnaires.


A valid and robust instrument, ideal for predicting likely future behaviour Has been used since 1949 in selection and development The fifth edition represents a controlled, natural evolution of the questionnaire One of the most respected and well-documented measures of personality in the world Available in European English and a large number of European languages Easy to apply in both occupational and non-occupational settings.

The 16 Factors

The questionnaire assesses an individuals personality against the 16 factors listed below: Warmth Rule-consciousness Openness to change Abstractness Emotional stability Social boldness Privateness Self-reliance Dominance Sensitivity Apprehension Perfectionism Liveliness Vigilance Tension Reasoning

This framework emerged from years of groundbreaking research by Raymond Cattell. These 16 traits or personality factors can be further grouped into 5 global factors, highlighting their interdependence.

The 5 Global Factors

Extraversion Interdependence Tough-mindedness Anxiety Self-control


The 16PF5 instrument can be used for: Selection Management development Career guidance Team-building Counselling Research.

Qualification Workshops

Our training workshops reflect our commitment to the effective and ethical use of psychometric materials, we therefore require you to complete appropriate training before purchasing psychometric materials. The training options available are shown below.

Do you have a British Psychological Society (BPS) Level A Certificate or National Equivalent?



You have two choices: 1) Attend the OPP 16PF 4 + 1 day qualifying workshop 2) Attend the OPP 3-day Level A and 5 + 1 day Level B Intermediate+ workshops* You can attend the OPP 5 + 1 day Level B Intermediate+ workshop

Do you have a British Psychological Society (BPS) Level B Certificate or Equivalent?



You can attend the OPP 2-day 16PF Conversion Workshop

*Level B Intermediate+ trains you to use the 16PF and MBTI instruments and provides you with a BPS qualification recognised by other psychometric providers.

Administration Options

OPP offers you four diffferent options to administer and score the 16PF personality questionnaire

Quick and easy to control and administer

Online, multilingual access to the instrument

Software to administer and score the questionnaire

Electronic administration and scoring of the questionnaire


The following five reports are available through our Scoring Bureau and the Onsite software: Basic Score Report (BSR) This four-page report gives a geographical representation of the 16PF profile, vocational interests and interpersonal and behavioural facets including selfesteem, social control and creative potential. Basic Interpretive Report (BIR) This ten-page report provides interpretations of predominant personality factors and predictions about related interpersonal, vocational and behavioural criteria (including emotional sensitivity, social expressivity, empathy and leadership potential). Includes graphical presentations of the global and primary factors and interpretive statements.

Personal Career Development Profile (PCDP) This fourteen-page report is ideal for career coaching. The client feedback section contains a narrative interpretation of the data which emphasises personal strengths, including problem-solving resources, patterns of coping with stressful conditions and interpersonal interaction style. The practitioners section of the report provides detailed score summary information relating to Global and Primary factors, together with predicted leadership style and aspects of work of interest to the client, such as influencing, organising, helping and analysing. Personal Career Development Profile Plus (PCDP+) This report includes the information contained in the PCDP report together with another seven-page section; Clients self review and planning exercises, designed to help the client understand their profile and develop action plans for both career and personal development. Human Resource Development Report (HRDR) This seven-page report contains a narrative section for discussion with the client which focuses on aspects of personality related to management potential. It describes strengths and identifies areas for growth and development. The practitioners section contains a graphical presentation of the Primary Factor Scale scores that comprise each of five management dimensions: leadership, interacting with others, making decisions and initiative and personal adjustment. There are two reports available on OPPassessment: Interpretive Report This report provides a detailed explanation of the personality factors and predictions about related interpersonal, vocational and behavioural criteria. It also includes graphical presentations of the global and primary factors. Practitioner Report This report contains four key sections, each designed to assist the trained 16PF practitioner in a range of applications. The sections include Profile Report, Interpretive Report, Strengths and Development Tips and Feedback Prompts. It also includes additional reports for the candidate and line manager, which are written and interpreted for those unfamiliar with the 16PF instrument. The 16PFworld Report This report provides a graphical interpretation of the clients results and a concise summary of predominant personality factors.

Related Products

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Questionnaire For over 50 years, this has been one of the worlds most widely used personality questionnaire. It captures the fundamental differences between people, providing a positive and constructive way of enhancing personal development and approaching challenges in different ways. Easy to apply in both occupational and non-work settings, the instrument is available in European English and an increasing number of European languages. It has been constantly revised to take account of social and cultural changes.

The FIRO-B Questionnaire This questionnaire gives valuable insights into the needs individuals bring to their relationships with other people, assessing three key factors - Inclusion, Control and Affection. The instrument is a powerful aid to team, leadership and individual development, helping people become more aware and more flexible in their style of relating to others. It is proven to enable more positive and productive working relationships. The ABLE Series This series complements the 16PF questionnaire in recruitment situations. It is a series of psychometric instruments set in a job context allowing you to better predict how an individual will fare in the post. These tests represent the first major advance in the field of assessment for many decades. The series helps organisations select people who can quickly learn new skills and adapt to change and involves learning in the course of the test. These tests help overcome the adverse impact of many traditional ability measures which can disadvantage some groups such as women or ethnic minorities. Critical Reasoning Skills Series This series (CRSS) complements the 16PF questionnaire in recruitment situations. It consists of three tests Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Advanced Verbal Reasoning. The tests are set in the context of a fictitious company called Leisure Land Ltd. The verbal reasoning tests measure the candidates ability to understand and critically evaluate the meaning of written material. Numerical Reasoning measures the candidates ability to analyse and manipulate numerical data.


With expertise in applied business psychology, OPP enables organisations, teams and individuals to improve their effectiveness. Client solutions are delivered through the capabilities of our consultancy and training services and a portfolio of world-renowned psychometric instruments. OPP works with companies in the UK and the whole of Europe through a network of regional partners and offices. Visit www.opp.eu.com, email enquiry@opp.eu.com or call one of the national rate numbers listed below for information on the full range of OPP products and services. UK: Belgium: Denmark: France: Germany: Ireland: Italy: The Netherlands: Spain: 0870 872 8727 02/710.62.34 8088 3290 08 20 80 44 53 01 803 000 768 01 2130 738 848 800 630 020/20 586 33 00 901 810 008

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OPP Ltd Elsfield Hall 15-17 Elsfield Way Oxford, OX2 8EP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 404500

16PF is a registered trade mark of the Institute of Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. (IPAT). IPAT is a wholly owned subsidiary of OPP Ltd. OPP is a registered trade mark of OPP Ltd. FIRO-B is a registered trade mark of CPP, Inc. OPP Ltd is licensed to use the trade mark in Europe. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI are registered trade marks of the of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. OPP Ltd is licenced to use the trade marks in Europe.

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