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Main objectives of stress analysis is to ensure A.

Structural Integrity (Design adequacy for the pressure of the carrying fluid,Failure against various loading in the life cycle and i!iting stresses belo" code allo"able.# $. %perational Integrity ( i!iting no&&le loads of the connected equip!ent "ithin allo"able values, Avoiding lea'age at joints, i!iting sagging ( displace!ent "ithin allo"able values.# ). %pti!al Design (Avoiding e*cessive fle*ibility and also high loads on supporting structures. Ai! to"ards an opti!al design for both piping and structure.# +o !eet these objectives several load cases are required during stress analysis. +his article "ill guide all the beginners "ith the !ethodology to build several load cases "hich "ill be required for stress analysis. In this article "e "ill use follo"ing notations for building load cases, -- . "ater filled "eight of piping syste!, /0 . /ydrotest 0ressure, - . "eight of pipe including content and insulation, 01 . Internal Design pressure, +1 . %perating te!perature, +2 . Ma*i!u! te!perature, +3 . Mini!u! te!perature, -I41, -I42, -I43 A4D -I45, "ind loads acting in so!e specific direction, 61, 62, 63 A4D 65, unifor! (seis!ic# loads acting in so!e specific direction. -hile analysis at a !ini!u! the stress chec' is required for the belo" !entioned cases, a. Hydrotesting case: 0ipelines are nor!ally hydrotested before actual operation to ensure absence of lea'age. -ater is used as the testing !ediu!. So during this situation pipe "ill be subjected to "ater "eight and hydrotest pressure. Accordingly our first load case in )aesar II "ill be as !entioned belo" 1. --7/0 /8D

b. Operating case: -hen operation starts "or'ing fluid "ill flo" through the piping at a te!perature and pressure. So accordingly our operating load cases "ill be as !entioned belo",

2. 3. 5.

-7+1701 -7+2701 -7+3701

%09 %09 %09

for operating te!perature case for !a*i!u! syste! te!perature case for !ini!u! syste! te!perature case

c. Sustained Case: Sustained loads "ill e*ist throughout the plant operation. -eight and pressure are 'no"n as sustained loads. So our sustained load case "ill be as follo"s, :. -701 S6S

d. Occasional Cases: 0iping !ay be subjected to occassional "ind and seis!ic forces. So to chec' stresses in those situations "e have to build the follo"ing load cases, ;. =. ?. @. 1A. 11. 12 13 -7+17017-I41 -7+17017-I42 -7+17017-I43 -7+17017-I45 -7+1701761 -7+1701>61 -7+1701762 -7+1701>62 %09 %09 %09 %09 %09 %09 %09 %09 )onsidering "ind fro! 7< direction )onsidering "ind fro! >< direction )onsidering "ind fro! 7& direction )onsidering "ind fro! 7& direction )onsidering seis!ic fro! 7< direction )onsidering seis!ic fro! 7< direction )onsidering seis!ic fro! 7< direction )onsidering seis!ic fro! 7< direction

-hile stress analysis the above load cases for! load case ; to load case 13 is generated only to chec' loads at node points. +o find occasional stresses "e need to add pure occassional cases "ith sustained load and then co!pare "ith code allo"able values. Follo"ing sets of load cases are built for that purpose. 15. ;> 2 %)) 0ure "ind fro! 7< direction 1:. => 2 %)) 0ure "ind fro! >< direction 1;. ?> 2 %)) 0ure "ind fro! 7& direction 1=. @> 2 %)) 0ure "ind fro! >& direction 1?. 1A> 2 %)) 0ure seis!ic fro! 7< direction 1@. 11> 2 %)) 0ure seis!ic fro! >< direction 2A. 12> 2 %)) 0ure seis!ic fro! 7& direction 21. 13> 2 %)) 0ure seis!ic fro! >& direction 22. 157 : %)) 0ure "ind7Sustained 23. 1:7 : %)) 0ure "ind7Sustained 25. 1;7 : %)) 0ure "ind7Sustained 2:. 1=7 : %)) 0ure "ind7Sustained 2;. 1?7 : %)) 0ure seis!ic7Sustained 2=. 1@7 : %)) 0ure seis!ic7Sustained 2?. 2A7 : %)) 0ure seis!ic7Sustained 2@. 217 : %)) 0ure seis!ic7Sustained oad cases fro! 22 to 2@ "ill be used for chec'ing occasional stresses "ith respect to code $ 31.3 allo"able (.1.33 ti!es Sh value fro! code#. 6se scalar co!bination for load cases 22 to 2@ above and algebraic co!bination for others as sho"n in figure attached belo",

e. Expansion Case: Follo"ing load cases are required for chec'ing e*pansion stress range as per code 3A. 31. 32. 33. 2> 3> 5> 3> : : : 5 9<0 9<0 9<0 9<0

for co!plete stress range

+he above load cases (fro! 3A to 33# are used to chec' e*pansion stress +he above !entioned load cases are !ini!u! required load cases to analysis any stress syste!. %ut of the above load cases the load cases !entioned in point nu!ber 1, :, and 22>33 are used for stress chec'. And load cases !entioned in point nu!ber 1 to 13 are used for chec'ing restraint forces, displace!ents and no&&le load chec'ing. Fe" additional load cases !ay be required for 0SB connected syste!s, Cotary equip!ent connected syste!s. Seis!ic and -ind analysis !ay not be required every ti!e. So those load cases can be deleted if the piping syste! does not fall under the purvie" of seis!ic and "ind analysis by project specification. /o"ever to perfor! "ind and seis!ic analysis proper related data !ust have to be entered in )aesar II spreadsheet (-ill be discussed in !y future posts#. If the stress syste! involves use of i!posed displace!ents (D# and forces (F# then those have to be added "ith the above load cases in the for! of D1, D2 or F1, F2 as applicable.

It is a better practice to keep 1. Hydro and sustained stresses below 60 o! code allowable o! code allowable

". Expansion and occasional stresses below #0

$. Sustained sagging below 10 %% !or process lines and below $ %% !or stea%& two p'ase and !lare lines (. )esign*+axi%u% displace%ent below ,- %% !or unit piping and below "00 %% in rack piping.

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