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CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this research study carried out by ADEBAYO ADESOLA ABDULRAZAQ with Matric No:

114072003 has been read and approved as meeting the requirements of the Award of Higher National Diploma in Mass Communication, School of Management and Business Studies, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu.



DR. IFEDAYO DARAMOLA Head of Department


DEDICATION This project is dedicated to God Almighty without whom I an insufficient to do anything, whose sufficiency has made this a reality. Also to my loving parents whose financial and spiritual support enabled the completion of this project. God bless and prosper you richly.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project was made possible with the support and assistance of others who I cannot but acknowledge. I whole heartedly appreciate and give honour to God Almighty, the author and finisher of my faith, for giving me the gift of life to write this project. May his name be exalted both in heaven and on earth. With much love and gratitude l acknowledge the inestimable efforts and support of my indefatigable parents Mr. & Mrs. ADEBAYO for their financial spiritual and moral support during the course of my study may you live long to reap the fruit of your labour (Amen). It is inevitable to acknowledge my honourable supervisor Dr. Bidemi Balogun for the guidelines advice enlightenment and contribution to enhance on objective realization of the research goal.


ABSTRACT The association between communication media and religion extends back in time to the earliest telling of myths and the sketching of cave paintings. The committal of the Hebrew Bible to writing began millennia of associations between the Judeo-Christian tradition and communication. Johannes Gutenbergs decision to print the Bible as the first output of his press (using movable type) highlights this connection for the West, which already saw religious themes in its art, music, and manuscript tradition. That the first radio voice broadcast (on Christmas eve 1906) was a religious service strengthens the connection between media and religion for many Christian scholars. While the contemporary use of communication media and the output of communication products goes well beyond religious purposes, we still see an enormous output of religious material in almost all media today. This study shows the unique and symbiotic link between Christianity and the media, How Christianity influenced the media and how the media has influenced Christianity. The project sampled population of 120 subjects agreed to this link and further helped us to conclude that the mass media have made significant efforts to help propagate Christianity. Christianity may wish to escape the negative attentions of the media, but their life is so intimately entwined with the media that they cannot hope to do so. Their only recourse is to establish the best possible relations with journalists and to keep them fully informed about even the most embarrassing developments, ensuring at the same time that they have enough background information to judge the events fairly and in context.



CONTENTS Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of content

PAGES i ii iii iv v -vii

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Role of media 1 1-5 5 - 7. 7-8 9 9 9 - 10 10 10

1.1.1 Christianity and media change 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Statement of problem Research questions Objectives of study Significance of study Scope of study Limitation of study


LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 A historical overview of mass media. Christianity in ancient and modern media Relation of different media to Christianity. 11 - 13 13 - 15 15 15 - 17 17 - 21 . 21 - 23 23 24

2.3.1 Print media 2.3.2 Broadcast media. 2.3.3 Digital media 2.3.4 Theoretical frame work.

CHAPTER THREE. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Research design. Population Sampling technique. Research instrument. Method of data collection Method of data analysis 25 25 25 26 26 26

CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION. 4.1 4.2 4.3 Data analysis. Finding Discussion on findings 27 - 32 32 33 33 - 35


SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 5.2 5.3 Summary Conclusion. Recommendations. 36 36 - 37 37
48 - 50



51 - 52


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