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A Project Report of SIP On

Shopping Experience of Customerreference to Pune City.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of

Bachelor of Business Administration to

Pune University, PUNE

Submitted By

Akanksha Singh
BBA Speciali ation! "ar#etin$

Under t%e supervision of

r.A!hilasha Sharma
Submitted &%rou$%!'

Bala"i College of Arts# Commerce and Science


I A#an#s%a Sin$% %ere by declare t%at project Entitled (Shopping Experience of Customer-%eference to Pune City is t%e outcome of my researc% )or#* No part of t%is researc% %as been submitted earlier to any institution or University for t%e a)ard of any ot%er +e$ree,+iploma* &%e sources of material, data used in t%is study %ave been ac#nolo)le$ed*

+ate! ' Place! ' Pune

A#an#s%a Sin$% -Student.

AC*)(+$E ,E-E)&

I )is% to e/press my $ratitude to "r*Rajnis% #aus%al for providin$ all t%e facilities re0uired completin$ t%e project and providin$ me an opportunity carry out my Interns%ip project as a partial fulfillment for t%e B*B*A*de$ree*

I initially t%an# my researc% $uide +r*Ab%ilas%a s%arma project %ead for %er untirin$ devotion, noble $uidance, valuable su$$estions and above all continuous encoura$ement, )%ic% %as played an important role in t%e completion of t%is researc%*

Place!'Pune +ate! '

A#an#s%a sin$% -Student.


I %ereby certified t%at t%is project )or# entitled ( Shopping Experience of Customer-%eference to Pune City submitted by A#an#s%a Sin$% to Pune university, Pune for t%e a)ard of de$ree in (Bac%elor of Business Administration1 -BBA. in t%e faculty of "ar#etin$, is ori$inal researc% )or# carried out under my sufficiently %i$% standard to )arrant its submission to t%e University for t%e a)ard of said de$ree* No part of t%is researc% %as been submitted earlier to any institution or University for t%e a)ard of any ot%er +e$ree,+iploma*

&%e assistance and t%e %elp rendered to t%e researc%ers durin$ t%e course of %is investi$ation in t%e form of basic source materials and information %ave been duly ac#no)led$ed*

Principal Pune +ate!

+r*Ab%ilas%a S%arma


No 1 2 3 " $ ' ) + , 1/

Chapter Executive Summery Company Profile SWOT naly!i! Pro#uct profile The Other %ar&et player! (e!earch metho#ology *ata naly!i! Conclu!ion -i.liography 0ue!tionnaire

Page no.

Chapter /


E0EC1&'2E S1--A%3

&%e Indian consumer durables industry %as )itnessed a considerable c%an$e in t%e past couple of years* 2%an$in$ lifestyle, %i$%er disposable income coupled )it% $reater affordability and a sur$e in advertisin$ %as been instrumental in brin$in$ about a sea c%an$e in t%e consumer be%avior pattern*

&%is industry consists of durable $oods used for domestic purposes suc% as televisions, )as%in$ mac%ines, refri$erators, micro)ave ovens, mobile p%ones etc* &%e $ro)t% in t%e consumer durables sector %as been driven primarily by factors suc% as t%e boom in t%e real estate 3 %ousin$ industry, %i$%er disposable income, emer$ence of t%e retail industry in a bi$ )ay coupled )it% risin$ affluence levels of a considerable section of t%e population*

As per a survey conducted by 4I22I on t%e Indian consumer durables industry, a s%ift in consumer preferences to)ards %i$%er'end, tec%nolo$ically advanced branded products %as been 0uite discernable*

(B4EC&'2ES (. &5E S&1 36

+ifferent 2ompanies,brands are available in t%e consumer durable mar#et to customers li#e Sony, Samsun$, 56, P%ilips, Panasonic etc* Sony is t%e leadin$ brand name in t%e consumer durable mar#et* &%e final decision of transaction is totally depend on t%e consumer, consumer may %ave different perception for %is satisfaction for particular brand and company %as to fulfill consumer7s re0uirement* 8ence t%e concerned project is underta#en!'

&o analy e t%e customer7s re0uirement* &o study t%e 2ompetitor7s service attitude of staff member to customers* &o find out t%e stren$t% and )ea#ness of competitors* &o provide t%e better services 3 try to built t%e credibility in t%e consumer* &o #no) t%e opinion 3 su$$estions of customers*

') 1S&%3 C$ASS'.'CA&'()

&%e consumer durables industry can be broadly classified as consumer electronics and consumer appliances* &%e consumer appliances cate$ory can be furt%er se$mented as )%ite $oods and bro)n $oods*

9it% a presence spannin$ :; countries, Sony %as not only touc%ed t%e lives of millions but also %as made a difference in t%eir lifestyles* <isit Sony across t%e )orld and discover %o) a name, synonymous )it% tec%nolo$y, %as $iven a totally ne) dimension to entertainment*

&%rou$%out t%e )orld today, Sony stands for innovation, state of t%e art tec%nolo$y and superior 0uality* 5eadin$ into its ne/t fifty years, Sony7s vision is to offer people e/citin$ ne) products and ne) lifestyles and remains committed to t%e c%allen$e of creatin$ and reali in$ t%ese dreams*

Chapter 7


C(-PA)3 P%(.'$E

In a burnt'out department store in &o#yo in =>?;, just after 9orld 9ar II, "asaru Ibu#a and A#io "orita, runnin$ a company t%en #no)n as &o#yo &sus%in @o$yo -&o#yo &elecommunications En$ineerin$., attempted to produce a simple electric rice coo#er* It did not )or# too )ell, but it #ic#ed'off t%eir desire to produce products for everyday life*

In =>AB, t%e company name )as c%an$ed to Sony 2orporation and since t%en, Sony %as become one of t%e most reco$nised brand names in t%e %istory of t%e modern )orld* 4rom t%e outset, Ibu#a and "orita strove to develop e/citin$ products to fulfill people dreams* 4rom its first transistor radio in =>AA, to t%e &rinitron, 9al#man, Betacam, 8andycam, t%e 2ompact +isc and t%e floppy disc *Sony %as continually made t%in$s better, smaller and more innovative t%an ever t%ou$%t possible*

Sony 2orporation no) spans a ran$e of industries includin$ audio visual electronics, information tec%nolo$y, broadcast, telecommunications, entertainment, satellite broadcastin$ and even insurance and finance*

&%rou$%out t%e )orld today, Sony stands for innovation, state of t%e art tec%nolo$y and superior 0uality* 5eadin$ into its ne/t fifty years, Sony7s vision is to offer people e/citin$ ne) products and ne) lifestyles and remains committed to t%e c%allen$e of creatin$ and reali in$ t%ese dreams*

Sony in 'ndia
Sony is not ne) to India* 9%et%er it )as t%e television, or t%e )al#man, a Sony al)ays remained a must in t%e )is% list of any Indian, returnin$ %ome from abroad &%is love for t%e brand culminated in a ne) relations%ip )%en inspired by a reform friendly Indian business environment, Sony 2orporation decided to set up a =CCD subsidiary called Sony India on =;t% Eanuary =>>A*

C(-PA)3 -'SS'()

Sony India focused to)ards ma#in$ a difference in t%e lifestyles in t%e Indian mar#et and open up ne) vistas of entertainment in t%e country* Sony India remains committed to)ards offerin$ ne) a$e tec%nolo$y and di$ital concepts )%ile )or#in$ %and in %and )it% t%e Indian industry to produce and sell e/cellence* &%eir consistent commitment to)ards service %as brou$%t t%e company 0uite closer to t%e Indian customer*



P%( 1C& P%(.'$E

Basic Consumer ura!les6

Flaunt your Cyber-shot

"a#e %eads turn )it% t%e smart Sony 2yber's%ot* 9it% c%ic colours to c%oose from, t%is trendy camera lets you capture your special moments in style*

Experience the Real Entertainment

4eel true picture, pure sound 3 smoot% action )it% Sony BRA<IA 52+ &<*

Dress up with VAIO CS

<AIO 2S is an e/traordinary blend of ele$ance, fun and %i$% performance )it% its irrestible colour ran$e and mystic features*

Chapter 9


C(-PE&'&(%:S P%(.'$E

&%e @orean company Samsun$ %as $ro)n to become one t%e )orld7s leadin$ electronic companies, speciali in$ in di$ital appliances and media, semiconductors, memory and system inte$ration* &oday Samsun$7s innovative 3 top 0uality products 3 processes are )orld reco$ni ed*

&%e di$ital a$e %as brou$%t revolutionary c%an$e F and opportunity F to $lobal business, and Samsun$ %as responded )it% advanced tec%nolo$y, competitive products, and constant innovation*

Samsun$, see every c%allen$e as an opportunity and believe t%at it is perfectly positioned as one of t%e )orldGs reco$ni ed leaders in t%e di$ital tec%nolo$y industry* Its commitment to bein$ t%e )orldGs best %as )on t%e No*= $lobal mar#et s%are for =: products, includin$ semiconductors, &4&'52+s, monitors and 2+"A mobile p%ones* 5oo#in$ for)ard, and ma#in$ %istoric advances in researc% and development of its overall semiconductor line, includin$ flas% memory and non'memory, custom semiconductors, +RA" and SRA", as )ell as producin$ best'in'class 52+s, mobile p%ones, di$ital appliances, and more*

&%e %istory of 56 Electronics %as al)ays been surrounded by t%e companyGs desire to create a %appier, better life* 56 Electronics )as establis%ed in =>AB and %as since led t%e )ay into t%e advanced di$ital era t%an#s to t%e tec%nolo$ical e/pertise ac0uired by manufacturin$ many %ome appliances suc% as radios and &<s*

56 Electronics %as unveiled many ne) products, applied ne) tec%nolo$ies in t%e form of mobile devices and di$ital &<s in t%e H=st century and continues to reinforce its status as a $lobal*

P%( 1C& P%(.'$E

P%( 1C& P%(.'$E

REFRIGERA OR * Side by Side Refrigerator * Frost Free Refrigerator * Direct Cool Refrigerator

!AS"I#G $AC"I#E * * * * * * Dish Washer Steam Washer Dryer Washer Dryer Front Load Washing Machine Top Load Washing Machine Semi Automatic Washing Machine

$ICRO!AVE OVE# * * * * Solar Dom Microwa e Con ection Microwa e !rill Microwa e Solo Microwa e

E%EVISIO# * * * * 52+ &< Plasma &< Ultra Slim &< 4lat &<

5ome theatre

CO$&' ER &ROD'C S * * * * * "oteboo# $C Des#top $C Monitor %ptical Storage De ices $ro&ector

-(B'$E P5()E * 'M()) * Coo#ie * Secret * 'C**) * Dynamite * All Rounder

. LCD T+ . $lasma T+ . ,ltra Slim T+ . Flat T+

Home theatre


. "oteboo# $C . Des#top $C . Monitor . %ptical Storage De . $ro&ector


$O(I%E &"O#E

. 'M()) . Coo#ie . Secret . 'C**) . +iewty . Dynamite . All Rounder

C5AP&E% ;


%ESEA%C5 -E&5( ($(,3

E.')'&'() (. %ESEA%C56Researc% is defined as t%e creation of ne) #no)led$e and,or t%e use of e/istin$ #no)led$e in a ne) and creative )ay so as to $enerate ne) concepts, met%odolo$ies and understandin$s* &%is could include synt%esis and analysis of previous researc% to t%e e/tent t%at it leads to ne) and creative outcomes* A broad definition of research is given by Martyn Shuttle worth - "In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Another definition of research is given by Creswell who states - " esearch is a !rocess of ste!s used to collect and analy"e information to increase our understanding of a to!ic or issue". It consists of three ste!s# $ose a %uestion, collect data to answer the %uestion, and !resent an answer to the %uestion.

OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH:&here are various ob'ectives of research, they are follows# - &o gain familiarity with a !henomenon or to achieve new insights into it. - &o show accurately the characteristics of a !articular individual, situation. - &o determine the fre%uency with which something occurs or associated. - &o test a hy!othesis of a casual relationshi! between variables.

RESEARCH PROCESS:-=. +efinin$ t%e problem and t%e researc% Objective! &%e researc% objective states )%at information is needed to solve t%e t%e problem* &%e objective of t%e researc% )as derives t%e comparison bet)een <R5 3ot%er retailers* -H.+evelopin$ t%e Researc% Plan! Once t%e problem is identified, t%e ne/t step is to prepare a plan for $ettin$ t%e information needed for t%e researc%* &%e present study adopted t%e e/ploratory approac% )%erein t%ere )as a need to $at%er lar$e amount of information before ma#in$ a conclusion*

-:. 2ollection and sources of data! "ar#et researc% re0uires t)o #inds of data, i*e*, Primary +ata and Secondary data* +ata $at%erin$ involved t%e uses of bot% primary and secondary data t%ou$% t%ere )as in e/tensive uses of primary data* 9ell structured 0uestionnaire )as prepared for customers* &%ere )ere personal intervie) surveys mostly by cold callin$ -door to door. surveys* &%e 0uestioners contained bot% open' ended and close' ended 0uestions* 8ere, open' ended 0uestions )ere more useful as it )as and e/ploratory researc% t%at )as conducted )%erein t%e main objective )as to $et and inside into %o) people t%in# rat%er t%an measurin$ %o) many people t%in# in a particular )ay* Secondary data )as collected from various journals, boo#s and )ebsites* -?. Analy e t%e collected information! t%is involved convertin$ ro) data into useful information* It involved tabulation of data and usin$ statically measures on t%em for developin$ fre0uency distribution and calculatin$ t%e avera$e and dispersions* -A. Report researc% findin$s! t%is p%ase mar#eted t%e culmination of mar#etin$ researc% effort* &%is report )it% t%e researc% findin$ is a formal )ritten document* &%e researc% findin$ and personal e/perience use to propose t%e recommendations to develop t%e service of <R5* B. +ata 2ollection "et%ods! All data sources available to t%e researc%er can be classified as eit%er $rimary Secondary Primary data can be collected t%rou$% Survey ()!erimentation *bservation +ocus grou! interview and $ro'ect techni%ue Secondary data can be collected t%rou$%! Com!any literature, Annual e!ort, Sales e!ort,

,ournals, -egal documents and .overnment .a"ettes.

%ESEA%C5 -E&5( ($(,3 A (P&E .(% S&1 3

R" adopted for t%e study )as convenient samplin$* Researc% desi$n refers to plan, structure and strate$y on )%ic% t%e researc%er %as to )or#* In ot%er )ords )e can say t%at a researc% desi$n is a blue print of a researc%* It lays do)n t%e met%ods and procedures for collation of re0uisite information and its measurement and analysis )it% a vie) to arrivin$ at certain meanin$ful conclusions at t%e end of proposed study*

ata Collection
&%e project consisted of analysis of performance of t%e several consumer durable brands* In t%is particular project fundamental researc% )as also carried out )%ic% attempted to e/plore #no)led$e t%rou$% met%ods li#e personal interaction )it% t%e customers* &%e re0uired information for t%e project )as $at%ered t%rou$% t%e follo)in$ )ays!'

Primary ata6 &%e information provided by t%e customer 3 staff members* &%rou$% t%e personal interaction )it% t%e %elp of 0uestionnaire*

Secondary ata69ebsites of consumer durable brands* 5i#e Sony, Samsun$, 56 etc*

$'-'&A&()S (. &5E S&1 3


&ime constraint serves as t%e main limitation for t%e study* As t%e project study is vast nature and customer %as less time to $ive ans)er*


5an$ua$e barrier is also a bi$ limitation for customer as )ell as intervie)er*


Study is area specific*

/01 - is using its own trans!ortation system from 2ead office level 3new 4elhi0, so the mall was unable to !rovide data regarding the distribution of the com!any.

50As only selected +MC. $roducts are !urchased at local level so there are limited distributors.

607o !articular de!artment at the mall level to !rovide !ro!er information regarding distribution.

804ata collection is limited due to close-ended %uestionnaire.

90 As 2ead office is situated at $une, so information is collected from local distributors only.

Chapter <


Based on the data collected from the different respondents the collected data =as analy>ed and =as expressed !y means of graphical interpretation.

Shop =ise 'nter?ie= of Customer




Ac%ievement -No* of intervie). :H


P%oeni/ mar#et city mall 2roma -Aund%. 56 s%o)room-#ore$aon par#.

CB,==,=:to =;,==,=: =B,==,=: to H?,==,=: HA,==,=: to C=,==,=:






Samsun$ s%o)room-#alyani na$ar.

C=,=H,=: to C:,=H,=:


&he sur?ey =as conducted =ithin the city of pune =here the city geography =as defined through the gi?en graph*







0 PHOENIX MALL(SONY) CROMA(AUNDH) L! "#o$%oo&('() Sa&")n* ('al+an,na*a%)

0 -..to.6-.. 32 60 4 20

. -..to24-.. not alloted 60 not alloted

2/-..to30-.. not alloted 4 not alloted

0.-.2to03-.2 not alloted not alloted 20

1SP:S (. &5%EE -A4(% B%A) S

Name of company
1ocation 2i!e Service attitu#e Pricing 2i!e Profe!!ionali!m 0uality 2i!e Pro#uct availa.ility 4nformation !upport 5no2le#ge of a !taff Staff availa.ility 3oo# Excellent -e!t Excellent Excellent -e!t -e!t -e!t 3oo# 3oo# 3oo# verage Poor Poor 3oo# 3oo# verage 3oo# Excellent -e!t verage verage 3oo# -e!t Poor 3oo# 3oo#

C(-PA%A&'2E S&1 3 (. &5E @ B%A) S



'// -ran# e6uity. $// 5no2le#ge of !taff 4nfo. Support2i!e Pro#uct avali.ility "// Profe!!ionali!m 0uality 2i!e Price 2i!e 3// 1ocation 2i!e Service attitu#e 2//


/ Sony Sam!ung 13

A&A ')&%EPE&A&'() (. &5%EE -A4(% B%A) S

)ame of Company




Service Attitude 6ood E/cellent Pricin$ 9ise 5ocation 9ise Professionalism Juality 9ise Product availability Information Support @no)led$e of a Staff BES& EI2E55EN& EIE2E55EN& BES& 6OO+ A<ERA6E BE5O9 A<ERA6E 6OO+



ata 'nterpretation

+ata )as tabulated manually and )as also analy ed manually* E/cel )as used to ma#e $rap%s %ad pie c%arts* "ain tec%ni0ue used )ere! "odal value )as used to analy e t%e 0uestions, )%ic% %as H or more c%oices as t%eir ans)ers* Simple avera$e )ere used to $et ans)er to 0uestions ;CD of males are interested in respondin$ about sony and only ?CD of females are interested in sony* &%e sony brand KAD of people prefer after t%at Samsun$, 56 and ot%ers are ta#e place* "ost of t%e people buy sony product from s%o)room and after t%at from electronic retail or malls* 52+,5E+ are t%e major sale product of sony* Sony mobiles are mostly preferd by a$e $roup of H=':C more t%an :KD of t%is a$e use sony mobiles* Sony products are very easily available in t%e mar#et* "ainly post $raduates 0ualified people a)are about product t%an $raduates and 8i$%er secondary students * :CD business class people prefer sony products*

&%e follo)in$ are some t%e data! Gender wise classification of res ondents

Gender -=.4emale ?CD -H."ale ;CD

Classification of a!e wise awareness of Tec"nolo!# A!e wise awareness of Tec"nolo!# -=. A=';C '=;D -H. ;=3 above' AD -:.H=':C ':KD -?.?='AC 'H=D -A.:='?C 'H=D

Classification of respondent:s of Aualification

$ of res ondant%s &'alification

3:0:;< =elow ->? -H.=CLH 'BD -:.6raduate' HAD -?.Post 6raduate ';AD

M Classification of respondent:s on the !asis of occupation $ of res ondent%s on t"e (asis of occ' ation -=.A$riculture '=CD -H.5abour ';D -:.Business' :CD -?.Private Eob' H;D -A.6ovt*Eob' HBD M Classification of respondent:s on the !asis of income le?el $ of res ondent%s on t"e (asis of inco)e -=.AC,CCC3 above 'HCD -H.Belo) =A,CCC 'KD -:.=A,CCC'HC,CCC'=CD -?.=A,CCC' =BD -A.:C,CCC'AC,CCC 'HAD -;.HC,CCC':C,CCC ':CD

*')(er of res ondent+s act'al 'ser of rod'ct or not D >CD BCD KCD ;CD ACD ?CD :CD HCD NES NO


*')(er of res ondent+s w"o 'se different of rod'ct of Son# D of different use of Sony Product -=.8andicam' =:D -H.PSH,PS: 'BD -:.52+,5E+' H=D -?.5aptop '=BD -A.8ome &%eater' =:D -;.+vd Player 'BD -K.2amera' =>D

,ode of Pa#)ent

-=."ater 2ard =AD

-H. 2redit' =D -:.2%e0ue' AD -?.2as% 'K>D

Classification of n')(er of c'sto)er )a-in! satisfied $ of )a-in! of c'sto)er Satisfied -=.Juality'?AD -H.2ustomer Service' AD -:.Brand'?AD

*')(er of c"oice c"an!e d'e to increase .'alit# $ of res ondent%sC"an!e c"oise d'e to /ecrease rice -=.Nes ':AD -H.No' ;AD *')(er of c"oice c"an!e d'e to red'ction Price

$ of res ondent%s C"an!e c"oice d'e to /ecrease rice 3:0 @es- A5?

-H. No ';AD Classification accordin! to infl'ence sales erson c"oice $ of infl'ence sales erson c"oice -=. No' H;D -H. Nes' K?D

Classification n')(er of res ondent+s co) arison wit" ot"er (rand $ of c'sto)er w"o co) ared wit" ot"er (rand *o -=.NO'H;D -H. Nes 'K?D

Classification of co) ared wit" ot"er (rand CO,PARISO*

-=. Onida '=CD -H.<ideocon '=CD -:.Ot%er ':D -?.56 ':CD -A. Panasonic' HHD -;.Samsun$ 'HAD

Chapter @


S+(& A)A$3S'S (. S()3 AS PE% ')&E%2'E+


Sony %as build up a $ood brand ima$e 3 customer loyalty by %is service 3 0uality*

Same price in all over in India is also a $reat attraction for customer* Service )ise Sony is t%e best amon$ all %is competitors, s%ops ambience, environment and location is very convenient* &o provide better service Sony conducts t%e Service camp 3 &rainin$ and #eep its employee update*

As Sony is a costly brand and t%is %i$% price factor is not affordable to Indian customer*


Sony is leadin$ brand in consumer durable mar#et because of its better service and 0uality* It %as a professionalism, $ood service attitude and #no)led$eable staff and employee* Because of #een foresi$%tedness of future demand and customer perception, Sony can beat all t%e competitors*

&%ere are some major brands li#e Samsun$, 56 )%ic% are providin$ t%e $ood 0uality products at affordable price #eepin$ in vie) t%e Indian consumer and t%is factor is raisin$ t%e competitors*

Chapter B



Accordin$ to researc% of :C days in Sony India ltd, it reveals t%at Sony is real as )ell as a $reat leader in electronic and consumer durable* Sony is masters in Bravia 52+ &<O 2yber s%ot camera, and vaio noteboo#s* Sony %as credibility in t%ese products* Sony as a brand is so popular in ric% class peopleO t%ey t%in# it is not%in$ but a status symbol* Sony is facin$ tou$% competition )it% Samsun$ 3 56 because of reasonable price 3 0uality* But )%en considered service attitude, one pricin$ policy, promotion policy, 0uality of a product, professional appearance 3 #no)led$e of staff re$ardin$ product features and function, Sony is far a%ead from Samsun$ 3 56* Sony plays a vital role in consumer durable mar#et*

Chapter C




=.&%e boo# BUSINESS &8E SONN 9AN is )ritten by S8U S8IN 5U8. H*&%e boo# &8E SONN <ISION by NI2@ 5NONS in year =>>>*

:*&%e boo# (sony1is )ritten by EO8N NA&8AN ?* &%e boo# (Eapanese distribution c%annel1is )ritten by &A@ES8I @I@U28I A* &%e boo# (Plun#ette media and entertainment industry1 is publis%ed on t%e year, * HCC;,HCC>3HC==* ;* &%e boo#Revolutionaries at sonyis )ritten by REIEI ASA@URA*




8D www)rai)net.in

9D +++.P$1)*E&&%ESEAC5.C(.')

;D +++.S()3.C(.')





2ontact No!PPPPP No!PPPPP**



J=! 9%o most prefer Sony ProductR a. "ale b. 4emale JH! 8o) many members in 4amilyR a. : b. :toA c. AtoK d. Above K J:! &ec%nical A)arenessPPPPPP* a. Nes b. No

J?! Income of customerPPPPPPPPPP,mont% a. S=A,CCC b. =A,CCC'HC,CCC c. HC,CCC':C,CCC d. :C,CCC'AC,CCC e. TAC,CCC !

JA! Are you actual user of Sony ProductR a. Nes b. No

J;! )%ic% Sony Product first time you useR a. 52+,5E+ b. 8ome &%eater c. 2amera d. 8andicam e. 5aptop f. +<+ Player $. PSP,PSH,PS: JK! "ode of paymentPPPP a. 2as% b. 2%e0ue c. 2redit d. "aster card

JB! 9%at is ma#in$ customer satisfied of Sony ProductR a. Juality b. 2ustomer Service c. Brand J>! Influence sales person or notR a. Nes b. No

J=C! Are you compared Sony Brand )it% ot%er BrandR ! a. Nes b. No

J==! Nou are compared Sony Brand ! )it%PPPPPPPPP** a. 56 b. Samsun$ c. Panasonic d. Onida e. Ot%er


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