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Procurement | Programmes & Projects Version 2.

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Acknowledgements Introduction P2MM Structure PRINCE2 Maturity Model 3 4 9 13

Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Author of PRINCE2 Maturity Model Graham Williams GSW Consultancy Limited Reviewer Alan Harpham The APM Group Ltd (Project Executive) The PRINCE2 Maturity Model is derived from the Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3TM) and accordingly the author would like to acknowledge the signicant work done by those involved in the development of the P3M3. In particular: Authoring Team of P3M3 Rod Sowden Aspire Europe David Hinley Enodatum Steve Clarke Onemind Management Editor of P3M3 Sean Redmond

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

1. Introduction
The PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM) is a standard which provides a framework with which organizations can assess their current adoption of the PRINCE2 project management method and put in place improvement plans with measurable outcomes based on industry best practice. P2MM is derived from the Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3), and this document should be read in conjunction with the P3M3. The P2MM can be used by organizations that have adopted PRINCE2 as the basis for their project management method, in place of the Project Management Maturity Model (PjMM) that forms part of the P3M3. Background The Ofce of Government Commerce (OGC), owner of P3M3 and P2MM, is an ofce of Her Majestys Treasury within the UK government and is responsible for improving value for money by driving up standards and capability in public sector procurement. It achieves this through policy and process guidance, helping organizations to improve their efciency and deliver successfully. This is the second version of P2MM the rst was published in April 2004. The new version takes into account the improvements made to P3M3 and also reects the 2009 edition of the PRINCE2 method. It is fully compatible with the earlier version, so organizations that have already undertaken P2MM assessments based on the rst version will see the impact of their existing improvement plans reected in future assessments made under the revised model. It has been identied as version 2.1 to align with the latest version of P3M3. Overview of P2MM The PRINCE2 Maturity Model uses the same structure as the P3M3 from which it is derived, using:  ve-level maturity framework to characterise the A levels of organizational maturity Seven process perspectives covering key aspects of  organization-wide project management Specic and generic attributes for each level of  maturity within each of the process perspectives. Maturity Levels The ve Maturity Levels are:  Level 1 awareness of process Level 2 repeatable process  Level 3 dened process  Level 4 managed process  Level 5 optimized process  These levels comprise the structural components of both P3M3 and P2MM, and are characterized as shown in table 1. This table compares the characteristics of the P2MM with those of the Project Management Maturity Model (PjMM).

Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Table 1 Maturity Levels

Maturity Level PRINCE2 Project Management

Level 1 awareness of process Level 2 repeatable process

Does the organization recognize projects and run them differently from its ongoing business? (Projects may be run informally with no standard process or tracking system.) Has the organization adopted PRINCE2 but allowed the method to be applied inconsistently across projects within the organization? Has the organization adopted PRINCE2 and embedded it to align to other organizational processes, and can PRINCE2 be tailored to suit individual projects? Does the organization obtain and retain specic measurements on its PRINCE2 project management performance and run a quality management organization to better predict future performance? Does the organization undertake continuous process improvement with proactive problem and technology management for PRINCE2 projects in order to improve its ability to depict performance over time and optimize processes?

Does the organization recognize projects and run them differently from its ongoing business? (Projects may be run informally with no standard process or tracking system.) Does the organization ensure that each project is run with its own processes and procedures to a minimum specied standard? (There may be limited consistency or coordination between projects.) Does the organization have its own centrally controlled project processes and can individual projects ex within these processes to suit the particular project? Does the organization obtain and retain specic measurements on its project management performance and run a quality management organization to better predict future performance? Does the organization undertake continuous process improvement with proactive problem and technology management for projects in order to improve its ability to depict performance over time and optimize processes?

Level 3 dened process Level 4 managed process

Level 5 optimized process

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Process Perspectives P2MM focuses on the following seven Process Perspectives, which can be assessed at all ve Maturity Levels.  Management Control Benets Management  Financial Management  Stakeholder Engagement  Risk Management  Organizational Governance  Resource Management 

Attributes Embedded within the Process Perspectives are a number of attributes. Specic Attributes relate only to a particular Process Perspective. Generic Attributes are common to all Process Perspectives at a given Maturity Level, and include planning, information management, and training and development. Most organizations have strengths in some areas but not in others. P2MM is designed to acknowledge these strengths as well as highlighting weaknesses. Figure 1 illustrates how an organization might be viewed from the Process Perspectives.

Figure 1 Example assessment of Process Perspectives

Level 4

Level 4

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Level 2

Level 2

Level 2

Level 2

Level 2

Level 2

Level 2

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

Management Control

Benets Management

Financial Management

Stakeholder Engagement

Risk Management

Organizational Governance

Resource Management

Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Benets of using P2MM It is important for organizations to understand the optimal level of performance in their quest to maximize value for money from investment, and to have a realistic view of what they can achieve. Not all organizations will be able to reach the highest level and, for many, the middle levels may be adequate to meet their business needs and aspirations. To gain the maximum benet from using P2MM, performance improvement should be seen as a long-term process (Figure 2), although it is possible to achieve short-term performance gains by using P2MM to identify and correct performance weaknesses.

There are a number of reasons why organizations might choose to use a maturity model to assess their current performance, such as:  justifying investment in project management improvements gaining recognition of service quality in order to  support proposals gaining a better understanding of their strengths  and weaknesses in order to enable improvement to happen. Organizations that have focused only on training, specic methods or tools, or a governance framework, often wonder why they have not seen the promised improvements. P2MM offers a more holistic view of an organizations performance, using a broad spread of attributes.

Figure 2 Long-term performance improvement Level 5

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Uses of P2MM P2MM can be used in many ways, for example: to understand the key practices in effective project  management using PRINCE2  identify the key practices that need to be to embedded within an organization for it to achieve the next Maturity Level to understand and improve an organizations  capability to manage its projects more effectively using PRINCE2  client organizations, to assess the risks that by might arise from process capability issues within service providers managing their projects by OGC, user groups and the APM Groups  Accredited Consultancy Organizations as the basis for developing maturity questionnaires. Causes of Failure OGC has carried out extensive research into the common causes of project failure and how those causes actually impact on outcomes. The causes of failure can be grouped into the following categories.  Design and denition failures, where the scope of the change and the required outcomes and/or outputs are not clearly dened  Decision-making failures, where there are inadequate levels of sponsorship and commitment to the change i.e. there is no person in authority able to resolve issues  Discipline failures, such as weak (or no) arrangements for risk management and an inability to manage changes in project requirements  Supplier management failures, such as a lack of understanding of suppliers commercial imperatives, poor management and inappropriate contractual set-ups  People failures, such as disconnection between the programme/project and stakeholders, lack of ownership, and cultural issues. P2MM Assessments Organizations can obtain a P2MM assessment of their maturity either by self-assessment or a formal review. Self-assessment can be done by simply reviewing the model and assessing the organization using the attributes, or by using OGCs self-assessment tool to gain a better insight. If using the self-assessment tool you must use the questions relating to Project Management, as these are consistent with the PRINCE2 Maturity Model. The self-assessment tool can be found at
AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

2. P2MM Structure
As outlined in Chapter 1, P2MM is based on three core concepts: Maturity Levels, Process Perspectives and Attributes. This chapter examines each concept in more detail. Maturity Levels The Maturity Levels enable organizations to identify a process improvement pathway along which they may choose to travel. This journey should be seen as a long-term strategic commitment rather than a quick x for immediate tactical problems. Although rapid short-term improvements can be targeted to achieve specic goals, the real benets of P2MM come through continual process improvement. The ve-level hierarchy of P2MM does not imply that every organization should aim for, or needs to achieve, Level 5. Each organization should decide which Maturity Level would be optimal for its particular business needs at a given time. The highestlevel certicate awarded by the APM Group to date is Level 3. The following sections summarize the characteristics of each of the ve Maturity Levels. Achievements at a given level must be maintained and improved upon in order to move up to the next level. Level 1 awareness of process Processes are not usually documented. There are no, or only a few, process descriptions. They will generally be acknowledged, in that managers may have some recognition of the necessary activities, but actual practice is determined by events or individual preferences, and is highly subjective and variable. Processes are therefore undeveloped, although there may be a general commitment to process development in the future. Undeveloped or incomplete processes mean that the necessary activities for better practice are either not performed at all or are only partially performed. There will be little, if any, guidance or supporting documentation, and even terminology may not be standardized across the organization e.g. business case, risk, issues, etc. may not be interpreted in the same way by all managers and team members. Level 1 organizations may have achieved a number of successful projects, but these are often based on key individuals competencies rather than organizationwide knowledge and capability. In addition, such successes are often achieved with budget and/or schedule overruns and, due to the lack of formality, Level 1 organizations often over-commit themselves, abandon processes during a crisis, and are unable to repeat past successes consistently. There is very little planning and executive buy-in, and process acceptance is limited. Level 2 repeatable process The organization will be able to demonstrate, by reference to particular projects, that basic management practices have been established e.g. tracking expenditure and scheduling resources and that processes are developing. There are key individuals who can demonstrate a successful track record and that, through them, the organization is capable of repeating earlier successes in the future. Process discipline is unlikely to be rigorous but, where it does exist, projects are performed and managed according to their documented plans, e.g. project status and delivery will be visible to management at dened points, such as at the end of each stage. Top management will be taking the lead on a number of the projects but there may be inconsistency in the levels of engagement and performance. Basic generic training in PRINCE2 and other aspects of project management is likely to have been delivered to key staff. There is still a signicant risk of exceeding cost and time estimates. Key factors that may have preconditioned the organization to experience difculties or failure include: inadequate measures of success; unclear responsibilities for achievement; ambiguity and inconsistency in business objectives; lack of fully integrated risk management; limited experience in change management; and inadequacies in communications strategy. Level 3 dened process The organizations adoption of PRINCE2 will be documented, standardized and integrated to some extent with other business processes. There is likely to be PRINCE2 ownership and an established group with responsibility for maintaining consistency and improvement of the use of PRINCE2 across the organization. Such improvements will be planned and controlled, perhaps based on assessments, with planned development and suitable resources being committed to ensure that they are coordinated across the organization.

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Top management are engaged consistently and provide active and informed support. There is likely to be an established training programme to develop the skills and knowledge of individuals so they can more readily perform their designated roles. A key aspect of quality management will be the widespread use of peer reviews of identied products, to better understand how the PRINCE2 management processes can be improved and thereby eliminate possible weaknesses. A key distinction between Level 2 and Level 3 is the clear adoption of PRINCE2 as the organizations project management method. This enables processes to be managed more proactively using an understanding of the interrelationships and measures of the process and management products. PRINCE2 can be tailored to suit specic project circumstances, in accordance with guidelines. Level 4 managed process Level 4 is characterized by mature behaviour and PRINCE2 processes that are quantitatively managed i.e. controlled using metrics and quantitative techniques. There will be evidence of quantitative objectives for quality and process performance, and these will be used as criteria in managing the PRINCE2 processes. The measurement data collected will contribute towards the organizations overall performance measurement framework and will be imperative in analyzing the organizations projects and ascertaining the current capacity and capability constraints. Top management will be committed, engaged and proactively seeking out innovative ways to achieve goals. Using process metrics, management can effectively control the PRINCE2 processes and identify ways to adjust and adapt them to particular initiatives without loss of quality. Organizations will also benet through improved predictability of process performance. Level 5 optimized process The organization will focus on optimization of its quantitatively managed PRINCE2 processes to take into account changing business needs and external factors. It will anticipate future capacity demands and capability requirements to meet delivery challenges. Top managers are seen as exemplars, reinforcing the need and potential for capability and performance improvement.

It will be a learning organization, propagating the lessons learned from past reviews. The organizations ability to rapidly respond to changes and opportunities will be enhanced by identifying ways to accelerate and share learning. The knowledge gained by the organization from its process and product metrics will enable it to understand causes of variation and therefore optimize its performance. The organization will be able to show that continuous process improvement is being enabled by quantitative feedback from its embedded processes and from validating innovative ideas and technologies. There will be a robust framework addressing issues of governance, organizational controls and performance management. The organization will be able to demonstrate strong alignment of organizational objectives with business plans, and this will be cascaded down through scoping, sponsorship, commitment, planning, resource allocation, risk management and benets realization. Process Perspectives There are seven Process Perspectives within P2MM, dening the key characteristics of a mature organization. Each perspective describes the processes and practices that should be deployed at a given level of maturity. As organizations move up through the Maturity Levels, the quality and effectiveness of the processes and practices increase correspondingly. This incremental nature of process improvement is a key feature of P2MM. The following sections outline the seven Process Perspectives and give a summary of their characteristics. Management Control This covers the internal controls of the project and how its direction of travel is maintained throughout its life cycle, with appropriate stages to enable it to be stopped or redirected by a controlling body if necessary. Management control is characterized by clear evidence of leadership and direction, scope, stages and review processes during the course of the project. There will be regular Highlight Reports and clearly dened decision-making processes. There will be full and clear objectives and descriptions of what the project will deliver. Projects should have clearly described outputs. Internal structures will be aligned to achieve these characteristics and the focus of control will be on achieving them within the tolerances set by corporate or programme management and based on the


Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

broader organizational requirements. Issues will be identied and evaluated, and decisions on how to deal with them will be made using a structured process with appropriate impact assessments. Benets Management Benets management is the process that ensures that the desired business change outcomes have been clearly dened, are measurable and are ultimately realized through a structured approach and with full organizational ownership. Benets should be assessed and approved by the organizational areas that will deliver them. Benet dependencies and other requirements will be clearly dened and understanding gained on how the outputs of the project will meet those requirements. There should be evidence of suitable classication of benets and a holistic view of the implications being considered. All benets should be owned, have realization plans and be actively managed to ensure that they are achieved. There will be a focus on operational transition, coupled with follow-up activities to ensure that benets are being owned and realized by the organization. There will be evidence of continual improvement being embedded in the way the organization functions. This process will identify opportunities that can be delivered by projects and also take ownership of the exploitation of capabilities delivered by projects. Change management, and the complexities this brings, will also be built into the organizations approach. Financial Management Finance is an essential resource that should be a key focus for initiating and controlling projects. Financial management ensures that the likely costs of the project are captured and evaluated within a formal Business Case, and that costs are categorized and managed over the investment life cycle. There should be evidence of the appropriate involvement of the organizations nancial functions, with approvals being embedded in the broader organizational hierarchy. The Business Case should dene the value of the initiative to the business and contain a nancial appraisal of the possible options. The Business Case will be at the core of decisionmaking during the projects life cycle, and may be linked to formal review stages and evaluation of the cost and benets associated with alternative actions. Financial management will schedule the availability of funds to support the investment decisions.

Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders are key to the success of any project. Stakeholders at different levels, both within and outside the organization, will need to be analyzed and engaged with effectively in order to achieve objectives in terms of support and engagement. Stakeholder engagement includes communications planning, the effective identication and use of different communications channels, and techniques to enable objectives to be achieved. Stakeholder engagement should be seen as an ongoing process across all projects and one that is inherently linked to the projects life cycle and governance controls. Risk Management This views the way in which the organization manages threats to, and opportunities presented by, the project. Risk management maintains a balance of focus on threats and opportunities, with appropriate management actions to minimize or eliminate the likelihood of any identied threat occurring, or to minimize its impact if it does occur, and to maximize opportunities. It will look at a variety of risk types that affect the project, both internal and external, and will focus on tracking the triggers that create risks. Responses to risk will be innovative and proactive, using a number of options to minimize threats and maximise opportunities. The review of risk will be embedded within the projects life cycle and have a supporting procedure and structures to ensure that the appropriate levels of rigour are being applied, with evidence of interventions and changes made to manage risks. Organizational Governance This looks at how the delivery of projects is aligned to the strategic direction of the organization. It considers how start-up and closure controls are applied to projects and how alignment is maintained during an projects life cycle. This differs from management control, which views how control of initiatives is maintained internally, as this perspective looks at how external factors that impact on initiatives are controlled (where possible, or mitigated if not) and used to maximize the nal result. Effective sponsorship should enable this. Organizational governance also looks at how a range of other organizational controls are deployed and standards achieved, including legislative and regulatory frameworks. It also considers the levels of analysis of stakeholder engagement and how their requirements are factored into the design and delivery of outputs and outcomes.

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Resource Management Resource management covers management of all types of resources required for delivery. These include human resources, buildings, equipment, supplies, information, tools and supporting teams. A key element of resource management is the process for acquiring resources and how supply chains are utilized to maximize effective use of resources. There will be evidence of capacity planning and prioritization to enable effective resource management. This will also include performance management and exploitation of opportunities for greater utilization. Resource capacity considerations will be extended to the capacity of the operational groups to resource the implications of change. Attributes Within each Process Perspective are a number of attributes. These are indicators of process and behavioural maturity. Specic Attributes relate only to a particular Process Perspective, while Generic Attributes apply equally to all Process Perspectives at each of the ve Maturity Levels. Inevitably, organizations will perform well against some Process Perspectives and not so well against others. Attributes describe the intended prole of each Process Perspective at each Maturity Level, and the topics, processes and practices covered will change and build as the Maturity Level changes. Conclusion The structure of P2MM allows organizations to see a snapshot of where they are now with respect to any of the Process Perspectives in their PRINCE2 project management capabilities. This, along with knowledge of where the organization needs or wants to be in the future, provides the basis for an improvement plan to be devised and for progress towards the target to be tracked. The remaining chapter looks at the PRINCE2 Maturity Model in more detail.


Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

3. PRINCE2 Maturity Model

This model is based on the 2009 edition of OGCs PRINCE2 publications, along with experience gained from the Project Management Maturity Model and the original version of P3M3. Denition of PRINCE2 Project Management PRINCE2 denes a project as a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case. Project management is the planning, delegating, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project, and the motivation of those involved, to achieve the project objectives within the expected performance targets for time, cost, quality, scope benets and risk. Characteristics of PRINCE2 project management There are a number of characteristics of project work that distinguish it from business as usual. These can be summarized as:  Change. Projects are the means by which we introduce change  Temporary. As the denition above states, projects are temporary in nature. Once the desired change has been implemented, business as usual resumes (in its new form) and the need for the project is removed. Projects should have a dened start and a dened end  Cross-functional. Projects involve a team of people with different skills working together (on a temporary basis) to introduce a change that will impact upon others outside of the team. Projects often cross the normal functional divisions within an organization and sometimes span entirely different organizations. This frequently causes stresses and strains both within and between organizations, for example, between customers and suppliers. Each has a different perspective and motivation for getting involved in the change Unique. Every project is unique. An organization  may undertake many similar projects, and establish a familiar, proven pattern of project activity, but each one will be unique in some way: a different team, a different customer, a different location. All these factors combine to make every project unique  Uncertainty. Clearly, the characteristics already listed will introduce threats and opportunities over and above those typically encountered in the course of business as usual. Projects are more risky.
AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Furthermore, a PRINCE2 project displays evidence of the principles on which PRINCE2 is based. These seven principles can be summarized as follows:  Continued business justication. A PRINCE2 project has continued business justication Learn from experience. PRINCE2 project teams  learn from previous experience: lessons are sought, recorded and acted upon throughout the life of the project Dened roles and responsibilities. A PRINCE2  project has dened and agreed roles and responsibilities within an organization structure that engages the business, user and supplier stakeholder interests  Manage by stages. A PRINCE2 project is planned, monitored and controlled on a stage-by-stage basis Manage by exception. A PRINCE2 project has  dened tolerances for each project objective to establish limits of delegated authority Focus on products. A PRINCE2 project focuses on  the denition and delivery of products, in particular their quality requirements Tailor to suit the project environment. PRINCE2  is tailored to suit the projects environment, size, complexity, importance, capability and risk. Attributes of PRINCE2 Project Management The following sections set out the attributes for each of the seven Process Perspectives within the PRINCE2 Maturity Model at each of the ve Maturity Levels, along with a description of each attribute.

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

P2MM - Management Control Level 1 Description PRINCE2 project management terminology is used by some members of the organization but not consistently and possibly not understood by all stakeholders. Projects will be conducted and managed according to individual preferences. Specic Attributes 1.  Some projects recognized using some aspects of PRINCE2, and some specic performance targets for time and cost, but with poorly dened end-point 2. 3. 4. Ad hoc conguration management procedure  Some projects may have a person designated to undertake the Project Manager role  Some projects will be subject to some rudimentary management activities, such as project level planning, and recognition of key products, activities and resources undertaking those activities  Project Initiation Documentation is either poorly documented or non-existent  Some projects may be considered to have been a success through the use of PRINCE2, but there is little on which to build and reduce the risk for new projects

P2MM - Management Control Level 2 Description The concepts of project management will have been grasped by the organization, and there may be local experts, such as experienced PRINCE2 project managers, working on key projects. Specic Attributes 1.  Evidence of PRINCE2 being used to facilitate planning and in change management, but not consistent across the organization 2. 3. 4.  Issues resolved locally with little consultation with other areas  Some use of an issue and change control procedure, but only at local level  Use of Checkpoint, Highlight and Exception Reports may be sufciently robust to provide adequate visibility of actual project progress and enable effective action to be taken if project performance deviates signicantly from agreed tolerances for time and cost  Work may be ongoing to establish an organization-wide project management approach based on PRINCE2, supported by document templates, tools and techniques, but it is yet to be established  Key management products recognized throughout project life cycle  Each project uses PRINCE2 but in different ways. A standardized approach to PRINCE2 not yet adopted across entire organization  Little impact assessment on business operations prior to handover of products to the operation and maintenance environment Tool and method selection may be localized


5. 6.

6. 7.

Generic Attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review  Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking



10. Localized  information structures with some information sharing between teams 11. Local  conguration management arrangements dened, perhaps with le-naming conventions and local storage arrangements Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements



Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

4. 5.

 Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group  Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc  Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally


 Project products accord with Product Descriptions and are reviewed against agreed quality criteria that match the projects Acceptance Criteria and are traceable throughout project life cycle  Product or service handover to the operational and maintenance environment planned during the Initiation Stage

6. 7. 8.


10. Project  Boards with business, user and supplier representation exist and have clearly dened roles and responsibilities, based on PRINCE2 11. End  stage assessments planned and undertaken at appropriate stages in project life cycle, perhaps involving members of other teams, the business and external reviewers 12. There  will be active consideration of transition management to ensure that project products are capable of being exploited by the Senior User Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3. 4. 5.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures Independent reviews take place Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons,  identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques Dependencies are identied, tracked and  managed effectively


10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques P2MM - Management Control Level 3 Description PRINCE2 provides the centrally dened and documented approach to a project management life cycle and controls, and it is applied in all projects by capable staff who support project teams. Specic Attributes 1.  PRINCE2 adopted across the organization, with supporting documentation and end stage assessments to maintain control followed by all projects 2.  Issue management and change control procedure integrated and consistent across the organization  Project Managers accustomed to tailoring PRINCE2 to meet needs of specic projects  Projects ensure that it is feasible to deliver solutions that satisfy relevant requirements  Variations to project products subject to issue and change control procedure and approved as appropriate  Standard processes, procedures and templates, based on PRINCE2, to enable consistent management control of projects  Decisions to hand over of products to the operation and maintenance environment signed off by the Executive and Senior User roles

6. 7. 8. 9.

3. 4. 5.

10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments



AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

P2MM - Management Control Level 4 Description PRINCE2 project management is seen as a key tool for the delivery mechanism of change. Within the project environment the focus is on improvement of delivery through measurement and analysis of performance. Specic Attributes 1.  Evidence of PRINCE2 projects being stopped or diverted to gain better alignment with other initiatives and optimize project delivery environment 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance Succession plans for key roles Development plans for all team members  Project management metrics used to monitor and control projects in quantitative terms  Project Boards show high degree of engagement and active decision-making to improve delivery  The organization routinely collects performance data from PRINCE2 projects and uses it to characterize process capability Inter-project dependencies actively managed  Projects maintain business focus and alignment through the Executive role on the Project Board, who is fully conversant with PRINCE2

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning  Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement.  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles


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8. 9.

P2MM - Management Control Level 5 Description Management controls ensure that the PRINCE2 project approach delivers the change objectives of the organization. Acceptance of project management as the optimal approach to change delivery is organization-wide. There will be evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Underlying causes of project issues and recognized problems are identied as lessons learned or follow-on action recommendations, and changes implemented to minimize recurrence in future projects 2.  Common causes of product defects and process non-compliance analyzed and action taken to prevent recurrence  Objective achievement by projects reviewed by the organization and lessons learned fed into other projects  Guidance available to Project Managers and teams routinely reviewed and updated to reect indicators from previous experience

10. Highlight  Reports used to inform management on risk and provide assurance that projects are on track towards desired outcome 11. Project  Boards have appropriate business, user, and supplier representation, including supply chain, where appropriate 12. Project  Board membership perceived as providing opportunity to improve, and is consequently well supported by senior management 13. Project  reviews, such as end stage assessments and benet reviews, centrally managed and conducted at appropriate value assurance points 14. Conguration  items stored in secure repository, with access by those with appropriate clearance 15. Dynamic  conguration management system with conguration audits and audit trails, and ability to revert to earlier baselines and releases 16. Controls  on entry into, and exit from, conguration management system




Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)


 Established sizing measures and complexity indicators for projects used to adjust risk prole and signal requisite level of control to be applied through the tailoring of PRINCE2 to the project environment  Overarching timetable of project plans, reviewed by Executive Board  Conguration management embedded in all activities, with extensive consultation and consideration  Referencing and storage systems integrated with organizational approaches

Generic Attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review  Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking

6. 7.


Generic Attributes 1.  Information is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly  Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes

3. 4.

P2MM - Benets Management Level 2 Description Benets are recognized as an element within project Business Cases. There may be a Benets Review Plan documenting who is responsible for particular benets and their realization, but this is unlikely to be followed through or consistent. Specic Attributes 1.  Evidence in some projects of understanding of differences between products, outputs and outcomes 2.  Responsibility for benets may be assigned within some project Business Cases but outside project management team  Role of project Executive and Senior User in benets management and realization may be articulated in some projects May be some benet measurement criteria  Different areas manage and account for benets in different ways  Post-project reviews focused on project activities and products rather than achievement of benets

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4. 5. 6.

P2MM - Benets Management Level 1 Description There is some recognition that the concept of benets can be differentiated from project outputs. Specic Attributes 1.  Outcomes dened in terms of features and results rather than measurable performance improvement 2. 3.  Benets seen as justication rather than core element of projects delivery  Little or no recognition of how benets are to be managed and realized

Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements  Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group

3. 4.

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)


 Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc  Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally

Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3. 4. 5.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures Independent reviews take place  Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques  Dependencies are identied, tracked and managed effectively

6. 7. 8.


6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques P2MM - Benets Management Level 3 Description There is a centrally managed and consistent framework for dening and tracking the realization of benets arising from project outputs. Specic Attributes 1.  Measures of project success are becoming dened and explicit 2.  Common approach and procedures that ensure consistency across all projects in relation to benets measurement and realization  Benets management procedure described within project Benets Review Plan  Changes to project considered against impact on benets  Common set of tools and templates used for benets management activities, including their detailed description within the Benets Review Plan  Business Case and Benets Review Plan stored centrally and subject to issue and change control procedure  Detailed statements explaining how benets will be achieved from project products  Benets calculated in nancial terms against centrally managed assessment criteria  Clear responsibilities for benets realization cited in Business Cases and Benets Review Plans

10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments P2MM - Benets Management Level 4 Description Benets management is embedded within the PRINCE2 approach and there is a focus on delivery of business performance from project outputs. Project performance metrics are collected and analyzed. Specic Attributes 1.  Procedures in place to identify and resolve double counting of benets 2. 3. 4.  Benets dened at programme level and may be cascaded down to projects  Benet reviews undertaken regularly and action taken to leverage opportunities  Complex variety of benets measures designed and applied according to circumstances (e.g. Balanced Scorecard)  Common, performance-based benets measurement and assessment mechanisms in place

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10. Post-project  benet reviews used to report formally on outcomes and benet realization
18 Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

6. 7. 8.

 Clear and active ownership of plans to improve performance from project outputs  Procedures for management of benets realization owned, reviewed and being improved  The organization ensures that claimed benets are realistic and endorsed by the project Executive and Senior User

4. 5.

 Decisions taken to balance benets and dis-benets based on statistical measures  Strategic priorities affect benet measures (e.g. changes to strategic Key Performance Indicators are ltered down into projects)  Post-project benet reviews studied, trends established, and lessons learned fed back into benets realization planning and other management activities


Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning  Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly  Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes


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P2MM - Benets Management Level 5 Description Benets management is embedded within the organizational approach to change and is assessed as part of the development of organizational strategy. Business performance metrics are linked to, and underpin, the recognition of benets realization. There is evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Clear links between strategic decision-making and benets realization 2.  Evidence of development and innovation of techniques based on experience of realizing a variety of benets in several different environments  Active management of opportunities to enhance benets realization

P2MM - Financial Management Level 1 Description There is little or no nancial control at project level. There is a lack of accountability and monitoring of project expenditure. Specic Attributes 1.  Projects poorly dened and difculties experienced in setting realistic budgets 2. 3. 4. No procedure for projects to bid for funds  Projects lack control mechanisms to track costs and project expenditure  Little formal project investment appraisal, with formal Business Cases rarely submitted and monitored  Operational input costs assumed and not accounted for



AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

Generic Attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review  Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking


 Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc  Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally

6. 7. 8.


10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques P2MM - Financial Management Level 3 Description There are centrally established standards for the preparation of Business Cases and processes for their management throughout the project life cycle. Project managers monitor costs and expenditure in accordance with organizational guidelines and procedures, with dened interfaces with other nancial functions within the organization. Specic Attributes 1.  Standardized approach to project Business Case development based on the PRINCE2 approach to the Business Case 2. 3. 4.  Business Cases approved centrally, making budget limitations explicit Issues and risks assessed in nancial terms  Guidelines exist on costs to be included in or excluded from budgets, for example for the change and risk budgets  Projects have distinct budgets and expenditure against budget is tracked and reported on in Checkpoint, Highlight and End Stage Reports  Clearly dened authorities for expenditure levels, with cost and expenditure reported on using agreed templates or pro-forma reports  Contract placement using professional procurement support to ensure best value for money

P2MM - Financial Management Level 2 Description Project Business Cases are produced in various forms and the better and more formal cases will present the rationale on which to obtain organizational commitment to the project. Overall cost of the project is not monitored or fully accounted for. Specic Attributes 1.  Project Business Case approval procedures at local level only 2.  Some projects have Business Cases and there is occasional reporting of progress and costs incurred  Some project Business Cases contain more than one option to justify the design intent or preferred solution  Budgeting cost management at project level is inconsistent across projects and unlikely to be well integrated with the organizations nancial procedures  Budgets for funding changes as well as project outputs not included in Business Cases




Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements  Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group



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Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)


 Standard nancial estimation and value for money techniques deployed consistently across projects  Business Cases reviewed at end stage assessments and actions taken to put projects back on track


P2MM - Financial Management Level 4 Description The organization is able to prioritize investment opportunities effectively in relation to the availability of funds and other resources. Project budgets are managed effectively and project performance against cost is monitored and compared. Specic Attributes 1. Funds for use by projects scheduled optimally 2. 3. 4. Business Cases at core of decision-making  Financial tolerances monitored effectively across all projects  Financial appraisals of project desirability, viability and achievability routinely conducted  Cost management at project level fully integrated with the organizations nancial management functions  Auditing of project expenditure routinely undertaken  Risks evaluated in nancial terms and economically viable response plans formulated and agreed  Earned value concepts of project activity may be deployed, as appropriate Lessons on cost estimation shared across projects

10. Evidence  of operational and/or maintenance sign-off for any additional costs imposed by project 11. Capital  and revenue costs accounted for differently 12. Centrally  agreed project budgets, making it clear when and where funding will be available Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3. 4. 5.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures Independent reviews take place  Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques  Dependencies are identied, tracked and managed effectively


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10. May  be an Investment Board overseeing all project nancial performance 11. Analysis  of expenditure across projects used to release and constrain funds in a sophisticated way 12. Structured  approach to handing over nancial assets and costs to the operational and maintenance environment 13. Formal  business reviews undertaken at end stage assessments to ensure that Business Cases continue to present an accurate picture of desirability, viability and achievability of projects Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning

10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments


AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

4. 5.

 Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles

Generic Attributes 1. I nformation is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly  Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes


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5. 6.

P2MM - Financial Management Level 5 Description Project nancial controls are fully integrated with those of the organization. Cost estimation techniques used at the project level are continually reviewed in terms of actual versus estimate comparisons to improve estimation throughout the organization. There is evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Project budget estimates reviewed at end stage assessments and refreshed accordingly 2.  Changes in overall project cost and stage cost proles escalated to, and reviewed by, Project Board  Costs incurred used to forecast future costs and budgetary impact  Project nancial approvals procedure integrated into organizational nancial approvals procedure  Project nancial risks escalated as appropriate, with effective responses sought  High degree of accuracy in forecasting project costs within agreed tolerances  Project costs integrated with organizational nancial plans  Objective and regular assessment of the optimal use of nances, and review of opportunities to identify better value from supply chain and market place  Investment Board overseeing all project nancial performance

7. 8. 9.

P2MM - Stakeholder Engagement Level 1 Description Stakeholder engagement and communication is rarely used by projects as an element of the delivery toolkit. Specic Attributes 1.  Concept of stakeholder engagement may be acknowledged but is undened 2.  Projects communicate with stakeholders on ad hoc basis, relying on individuals within the team taking the initiative  structured approach to stakeholder No engagement and communications

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Generic Attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review  Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking


10. Value for money tracking of all projects


Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

7. P2MM - Stakeholder Engagement Level 2 Description Projects will be communicated to stakeholders, but this is linked more to the personal initiative of project managers than to a structured approach being deployed by the organization. Specic Attributes 1.  Evidence may exist of more sophisticated analysis and communications planning for some projects 2.  Most stakeholder analysis is basic and inconsistent, limited to the issue of what stakeholders are interested in  Projects recognize stakeholder groupings but are limited to local knowledge  Some projects have their own Communication Management Strategies but they focus on merely transmitting information  Outgoing communications channels from projects are limited, with focus on email or websites  Some stakeholders advised or consulted, and feedback processed  Key messages delivered inconsistently, with no audit trails  Key individuals have practical experience and are the source of most communications activity  Communications interdependency tracking between initiatives is limited 3. 8.

 Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally


10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques P2MM - Stakeholder Engagement Level 3 Description There is a centrally managed and consistent approach to stakeholder engagement and communications used by all projects. Specic Attributes 1.  Centrally dened and consistent approach, and supporting procedure, for identifying and analyzing stakeholders 2.  Projects consider stakeholder needs and stakeholders are actively involved in decision-making  Corporate communications (or equivalent) are involved in development of stakeholder engagement procedures  Stakeholders have authority and clearly dened roles within project  Audit trails of communications maintained for all projects  Structured, centrally managed communications plan balances communications from all projects  Communications channels vary and are used to target and deliver messages effectively Communications budget exists  Much of this approach is provided by the Organization Portfolio Ofce

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4. 5. 6.

10. Structured  approach beginning to evolve, but based on good practice of one or two key individuals Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements  Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group  Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc

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3. 4. 5.

Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures


AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

4. 5.

Independent reviews take place  Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques  Dependencies are identied, tracked and managed effectively

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning  Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles

6. 7. 8. 9.


4. 5.

10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments P2MM - Stakeholder Engagement Level 4 Description Sophisticated techniques are used to analyze and engage the project stakeholder environment effectively, and quantitative information is used to underpin the assessment of effectiveness. Specic Attributes 1.  Sophisticated approach to analyzing, segmenting and maintaining stakeholder perspective information 2. 3. 4. 5.  Extensive range of communications channels and techniques used to deliver messages  Effectiveness of communications and stakeholder engagement is measured, and is high  Critical stakeholders embedded in decisionmaking process  Stakeholder reactions analyzed, and evidence of proactive communications management to inuence stakeholder attitudes and levels of support  Project management team engaged with and supporting communications activities  Stakeholder identication and analysis covers internal and external groups, with information maintained centrally  Projects with high levels of market or community consultation are common at this level


7. 8. 9.

P2MM - Stakeholder Engagement Level 5 Description Communications are being optimized from extensive knowledge of the project stakeholder environment, to enable the projects to achieve their objectives. There is evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Stakeholder engagement embedded in the organizations culture 2. 3. 4. 5.  Communications active, bi-directional and embedded in decision-making process  Stakeholders fully engaged in delivery of change at all levels  Communications recognized by project management teams as a key leadership tool Communications measured, relevant and trusted

6. 7.

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly




Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)


 Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes

6. 7.

 Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

P2MM - Risk Management Level 2 Description Risk management is recognized and used on projects, but there are inconsistent approaches, which result in different levels of commitment and effectiveness. Specic Attributes 1.  Different areas and projects manage risk in different ways 2.  Some projects recognize different categories of risk (e.g. distinguishing between project and operational risks)  Risk response strategies and plans are likely to have been ineffective in the past  Inconsistency of approach to the assessment of risks  Risk Register based on an organizational template may be used, but escalation and communication on risks outside the project may be ineffective  Local risk management procedures in place and managed by Project Board and the rest of the project management team  Risk management not aligned with other project life cycle activities (e.g. initiation and end stage assessments)  Risk status reported in Highlight Reports to Project Board on ad hoc basis, if at all  Key Project Managers understand and articulate the purpose and importance of risk management, but inconsistent levels of commitment and understanding across all projects or the organization

P2MM - Risk Management Level 1 Description There is minimal evidence of risk management being used to any benecial effect on projects. There may be evidence of risks being documented but little evidence of active management. Specic Attributes 1.  Some risks may be identied and associated with particular projects, but are not described or registered consistently, and there will be little, if anything, in terms of an effective risk management procedure 2.  Focus of management attention is on dealing with issues as they arise, with a reactive rather than proactive approach  Risks arbitrarily classied and rarely, if ever, quantied  Risk identication likely to be a one-off activity during project initiation, and risks unlikely to be tracked or re-assessed during project life cycle Foreseeable threats likely to impact on projects  Little, if any, communication with other parts of the organization concerning project risk

3. 4. 5.



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5. 6.

Generic Attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review

Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements  Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group

3. 4.

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)


 Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc  Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally

10. Risk  assessment techniques dened and deployed consistently Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3. 4. 5.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures Independent reviews take place  Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques  Dependencies are identied, tracked and managed effectively

6. 7. 8.


10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques P2MM - Risk Management Level 3 Description Project risk management is based on a centrally dened process that is cognizant of the organizations policy for the management of risks and is used consistently. Specic Attributes 1.  Standard Risk Management Strategy, Risk Register and risk management tools and techniques used extensively and consistently 2.  Risks identied (in terms of their cause, event and effect), assessed (for probability, impact and proximity) and controlled in accordance with the PRINCE2 risk management procedure, across all projects  Regular reviews, addressing broader opportunities for improvement as well as compliance  Reviews seen as a positive opportunity to improve, not a threat  Risk management interventions embedded within project life cycle  Risks consistently categorized by type (e.g. commercial, operational or strategic) Audits of risk within projects  Exception Reports used for escalation of project risks  Risks not limited to internal impact on project goals

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments P2MM - Risk Management Level 4 Description Project risk management is working effectively, is embedded, and the value of risk management can be demonstrated. There is evidence of opportunity management and management of risk aggregation. Specic Attributes 1.  Projects able to demonstrate resource and budgetary implications of risks throughout project life cycle 2. 3. 4.  Cost effectiveness and feasibility of responses demonstrable across all projects Audits of risk management effectiveness  Aggregated risk levels across projects tracked and managed


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

 Clear understanding of level of risk exposure from projects being undertaken  Evidence of lessons being learned from project reviews and assurance reviews  Risk management seen as organizational, with clear ownership  May be a risk manager, providing guidance and controls  Evidence of decision-making based on risk assessment

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Risk assessment underpins all decision-making  Projects ensure adequate consideration of business continuity, especially on handover to the operational and/or maintenance environment  Evidence of opportunity risks being actively managed  Organizational risk management policy and process guide periodically reviewed for effectiveness  Business intelligence informs risk management and has clear cascade and escalation route  Strong links and integration with nancial management, planning, estimating, project control and governance procedures, and risks to project benets are highlighted and examined

5. 6.

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10. The  business and project stakeholders generally feel comfortable with the management of project risks, and are involved as appropriate Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning  Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement.  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly  Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes


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7. 8. 9.

P2MM - Risk Management Level 5 Description Risk management is embedded in the organizational culture and underpins all decision-making within projects. There is evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Accountability for management of risk at Executive Board level 2.  Executive Board has clear visibility of risk exposure to the organization from projects
AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

P2MM - Organizational Governance Level 1 Description Some informal governance of projects exists but has undened links to broader organizational controls. Roles are unlikely to be formally dened. Specic Attributes 1.  Starting up a Project undertaken without project mandate, and no evidence of sign-off at project closure 2. 3.  Project Manager may exist but no clear authority and may be part-time  Project management activities likely to be restricted, with confusion as to what is happening within projects on a day-to-day basis and who controls what  Projects struggle to gain commitment and resources when required  Minimal business ownership of project or representation by a project Executive on the project team


 Community of project management practice may exist, but with limited effectiveness in prioritizing and coordinating improvements across the organization Not all projects will have a Project Manager  Some projects may be undertaken outside the organizations governance framework and are not fully accountable  Projects and initiatives produce Highlight Reports locally  Changes to projects not always delivered through Project Manager route  Project Boards may exist but with ad hoc membership, acting more as consultation groups rather than providing overall direction and management of the project

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4. 5.

Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements  Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group  Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc  Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally

Generic Attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review  Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

P2MM - Organizational Governance Level 2 Description Project management from an organizational perspective is beginning to take shape through the use of PRINCE2, but with ad hoc controls and no clear strategic control. Roles and responsibilities will be inconsistent, as will reporting lines. Specic Attributes 1.  Projects initiated based on locally produced project mandates 2.  Decisions taken in projects not always referred upwards for verication


10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques


Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

P2MM - Organizational Governance Level 3 Description Centrally dened organizational controls are applied consistently to all projects, with decision-making structures in place and linked to organizational governance. Specic Attributes 1.  Common denition of Project Boards and their key roles and responsibilities, which are in place on all projects unless there is a clear reason for them not to be 2.  Central body that monitors and inuences progress of all projects and the optimal balance of current projects Consolidated Highlight reporting on all projects  key roles and responsibilities documented All within individual role descriptions  Project mandates evaluated against consistent criteria prior to approval  Centralized decision-making ensures that projects t the organizations ongoing needs  Functional activities of Project Board Executive can be demonstrated for all projects  Evidence of Project Board Executives ensuring that projects maintain alignment with organizational strategy, with interventions as appropriate Decisions are auditable


 Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques  Dependencies are identied, tracked and managed effectively

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments P2MM - Organizational Governance Level 4 Description There are clearly aligned project decision-making processes that adopt and integrate with broader organizational governance and which are transparent to those involved. Project management responsibilities are embedded within broader role descriptions. Specic Attributes 1.  Decision-making balances need for organizational performance and continuity with need for change 2.  Decision-making includes approvals from key governance groups at end stage assessments throughout project life cycle  Directors with project responsibilities exhibit appropriate knowledge and behaviours  Decision-making effectiveness reviewed and improvements sought  Strategic changes communicated to Project Board effectively  Senior management sponsor, and demonstrate their commitment to, improvement initiatives  Business performance measured against historic trends and impact of projects on business performance is fully understood

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


10. Clear  reporting lines set and maintained for the project management team 11. Legislative  and regulatory requirements built into guidelines 12. Evidence  of structured start-up and closure of projects, using the Starting up a Project and Closing a Project processes, under clear business control Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3. 4.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures Independent reviews take place

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

Version 2.1


PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)


 Evidence of ideas and requirements being scheduled and built into organizational strategic planning  Decisions to start-up and initiate projects made against impact assessment on current initiatives


 Pre-emptive and rational project closure based on business decisions other than project performance  Lessons learned contribute to development of guidance on conduct of specic roles Projects aligned to organizations strategic plans  Formal ideas management process exists, with ideas deferred or built into strategy where appropriate  Executive Board-level reaction to, and management of, business performance relating to project-initiated activities


6. 7. 8.

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning  Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles



10. High  levels of competence in project and change management evident at Executive Board level 11. Leadership  development programme includes PRINCE2 and project management education 12. Structured  management of knowledge, with lessons being identied, learned and embedded 13. Business  performance actively tracked and managed, with timely interventions 14. PRINCE2  and project management embedded as core change management techniques 15. Regular  periodic reviews of effectiveness of governance arrangements, based on lessons Generic Attributes 1.  Information is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly  Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes

4. 5.


7. 8. 9.

P2MM - Organizational Governance Level 5 Description The governance arrangements for projects are a core aspect of organizational control, with demonstrable reporting lines to Executive Board level and with clear ownership and control responsibilities embedded within the organization. There is evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Projects signed off at Executive Board level, as appropriate 2.  Organizational governance and accountabilities reected throughout the organization, down to specic project roles and responsibilities  Legal and regulatory responsibilities have visible compliance  Decisions on priorities and major conict resolution resolved by reference to strategic priorities and Executive Board

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Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

P2MM - Resource Management Level 1 Description There is some recognition within the organization of the need to manage resources effectively to enable successful delivery of projects, but little evidence of resource acquisition, planning or management. Specic Attributes 1.  Project resources allocated on ad hoc basis, but may be some awareness of core skills necessary to deliver projects 2. 3. Minimal reporting on resource utilization  Project Initiation Documentation does not include resourcing proles


 Some resource overstretch in key or pivotal positions

Generic Attributes 1.  Localized information structures, with some information sharing between teams 2.  Focus on documentation during start-up and denition, but not maintained over initiatives life cycle  Limited localized information controls, with no formal release management arrangements  Local reviews, with some corrective actions undertaken within the group  Generic training may be provided in key concepts, and there may be individuals undertaking qualication training  Local sharing of knowledge may exist but mostly ad hoc  Key individuals may have practical delivery experience and track record  Roles, responsibilities and competencies dened in some areas but not consistently across the organization  Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent development methodology, yet may still be effective locally

3. 4. 5.

Generic attributes 1.  Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or no knowledge sharing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Key individuals lack experience  standard roles, and responsibilities are not No dened or are generic  Some information available but is outdated, unstructured and dispersed Limited, if any, formal checking or review  Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences of events with rough timescales  Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with little maintenance of ownership or tracking

6. 7. 8.


10. Planning  seen as activity tracking rather than proactive/forecasting 11. Estimation  is more guesstimation and does not use standard techniques P2MM - Resource Management Level 3 Description The organization has a centrally dened and adopted set of procedures and management processes for acquiring, planning and managing project resources. Specic Attributes 1.  Centrally dened and adopted set of procedures in place for resource management 2.  Work to be carried out by third parties or contractors dened and planned in accordance with documented procedures and reviewed at end stage assessments  Frameworks in place with external market for provision of resources to meet shortages and expertise peaks  Resource utilization tracking and productivity monitoring occasionally undertaken, using industry standard techniques
Version 2.1 31

P2MM - Resource Management Level 2 Description Resources are being deployed across the organization and individual projects have an approach to resource acquisition, planning or management. However, there is little evidence of consistency of approach. Specic Attributes 1.  Resources assigned locally to specic project activities, possibly with some recognition of particular skills and competencies 2.  Resource utilization locally tracked and reported on to some extent, but little evidence of resulting actions  Little evidence of resource forecasting in terms of skills and competency requirements tailored to project complexity or risk  Resource plans do not adequately consider project handover to the operational and maintenance environment





AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

5. 6.

 Resource planning undertaken in broadest sense, not limited to human resources  Some collaboration between project teams or recognition at organizational level of opportunities for sharing critical or limited resources  Potential issues arising from resource availability identied and escalated  Evidence of induction planning and activities when joining project teams

Specic Attributes 1.  Resource utilization and efciency is tracked and measured 2. 3.  Training and mentoring focused on performance improvement rather than qualications  Minimal dependence on key individuals, with resource risks managed using dened response plans  Active leveraging of supply chain to optimize resource utilization between internal and external resource pools  Central resource management tools in place, maintained and supporting projects  Resource availability and utilization quantitatively measured  Senior management attempting to understand business demand for project resources and, through forecasts, attempting to inuence demand and prioritize projects  Induction and extraction plans for individuals joining and leaving project teams

7. 8.


Generic Attributes 1.  Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly accessed 2. 3. 4. 5.  Organization-wide information standards on condentiality, availability and integrity  Formal information release management procedures Independent reviews take place  Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, identifying failures rather than opportunities for improvement  Plans developed to a central and consistent standard that is output- or goal-based  Plan development takes into account a range of relevant factors Evidence of effective estimating techniques  Dependencies are identied, tracked and managed effectively

5. 6. 7.


6. 7. 8. 9.

Generic Attributes 1.  Information is current and extensively referenced for better decision-making 2.  Trend analysis and measurement undertaken on performance information to identify improvement opportunities  Knowledge management is a central function and is used to help improve performance and planning  Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as well as compliance  Plans kept up to date, with the application of sophisticated planning techniques and recognition of interdependencies  Extensive training is provided, focusing on personal development and performance improvement  Evidence of interventions to avoid conicts and take advantage of opportunities  Mentoring and individual development is used to improve organizational performance Succession plans exist for key roles


10. Training  is focused on the organizations approaches and raising competence of individuals in specic roles 11. Forums  exist for sharing organizational experience to improve individual and organizational performance 12. Centrally  managed role denitions and sets of competencies dened and used to support appointments P2MM - Resource Management Level 4 Description Resource management for projects is considered at a strategic level within the organization. There is evidence of resource capacity management, through capacity planning, in order to meet project delivery needs.

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Version 2.1

AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

PRINCE2 Maturity Model (P2MM)

P2MM - Resource Management Level 5 Description Resources are deployed optimally. There is clear evidence of load balancing and the effective use of both internal and external resources across all projects. There is evidence of continual improvement. Specic Attributes 1.  Active strategies for development of internal capacity and capability 2.  The organization will have an explicit policy for improving its technical capability and will have improvement plans that recognize business demands and constraints  Flexible resource availability and movement between projects, programmes and operations  Resource allocation based on resource availability and competency requirements across projects  Project Managers have an understanding of business processes and objectives and are able to ensure that project resources are sufciently focused on business needs  Senior management ownership of capability building and associated risks  Active supply chain collaboration to deploy and utilize optimal set of skills in projects

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Generic Attributes 1.  Information is valued, with continual maintenance and reference 2.  Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering processes, with information disseminated through a variety of channels  Review and improvement is continual and proactive, with lessons being shared openly  Planning inherent in decision-making process, with adjustments and implications managed and deployed  Active management of interdependencies between initiative plans and other business plans  Estimations are accurate and used effectively to ensure delivery  High levels of competence embedded in all roles and seen as part of career paths  Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour within the organization  Skills embedded into organizational leadership and management development programmes
AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

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Version 2.1


AXELOS Limited 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited

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