Diosaurus by Drops

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NOTE: This pattern is written in American English. All measurements in charts are in cm.

For conversion from cm to inch - click here. There are different terms for crocheting in British and American English. f this pattern includes crochet! click for "crochet terms" here. For this pattern in British English! please click here. F ## N$ T %: $raduall& fill some pol& stuffing in the animal when working.

'(O')ET T %: Beg ever& sc round with * ch +this does not replace first sc, and finish with * sl st in first sc from -eg of round. Turn ever& sc row with * ch - this ch does not replace first sc on row.

.E'(EA/E T %: .ec * sc -& working 0 sts tog. This is done as follows: nsert hook in first st and pull thread through! insert hook in ne1t st and pull thread through! make * 2O and pull thread through all 3 sts on hook.


. NO/A4(: 5orked from the top of head! down the neck! along the -od& and out to the tail. 5ork the legs separatel& and fasten. 5ork spikes at the end. (EA. F ## N$ T %6

)EA.! BO.2 AN. TA #: 'h 7 with arm& green on hook si8e 3 mm 9 ' and form a ring with * sl st in first ch. (EA. '(O')ET T %6 (O4N. *: 5ork : sc in ch-ring. (O4N. 0: ; 5ork * sc in first sc! 0 sc in ne1t sc ;! repeat from ;-; the entire round < = sc.

(O4N. 3: ; 5ork * sc in each of the first 0 sc! 0 sc in ne1t sc ;! repeat from ;-; the entire round < *0 sc. Turn piece and work -ack from 5/. (O5 7-:: 5ork 3 rows with * sc in ever& sc -ack and forth +< opening for snout! which is worked later,. (O4N. >: Now work in the round again +insert * marker at -eg of round,. 5ork the first 0 sc tog ? /EE .E'(EA/E! then * sc in each of the ne1t @ sc and work the last 0 sc tog < *A sc. (O4N. @-*7: 5ork * sc in ever& sc in the round without finishing ever& round! then work * sc in each of the first B sts to end up mid on top of neck - now rounds -eg her. (O4N. *B: * sc in each of the first 3 sc! 0 sc in each of the ne1t 7 sc! * sc in each of the last 3 sc < *7 sc. (O4N. *:: 5ork the first 0 sc tog! then * sc in each of the ne1t 3 sts! 0 sc in each of the ne1t 7 sts! * sc in each of the ne1t 3 sts! and work the last 0 sc tog < *: sc. (O4N. *>: 5ork * sc in each of the first *7 sc! turn with * ch. Then work -ack and forth a piece for chest. (O5 *@ +5/,: /kip the first 0 sc! * sc in each of the ne1t ** sc! turn with * ch. (O5 *= +(/,: /kip the first 0 sc! * sc in each of the ne1t @ sc! turn with * ch. (O5 0A +5/,: /kip the first 0 sc! * sc in each of the ne1t B sc! turn with * ch. (O4N. 0*: Now work in the round again - work sc around the entire opening - inc evenl& so that there are 0A sc in total! then work until mid under -ell&. (O4N. 00: 5ork * sc in ever& sc -ut in 0 sc mid on top of -ack work 0 sc < 00 sc ? insert * marker in the middle of these sc.

(O4N. 03-0B: 5ork * sc in ever& sc. (O4N. 0:-0=: 5ork * sc in ever& sc -ut dec * st on each side of marker mid on top of -ack +i.e. dec 0 sts on ever& round,. After 0=th round *7 sc remain. (O4N. 3A-33: 5ork * sc in ever& st -ut dec * st mid on top of -ack +dec alternatel& -efore and after marker,. After 33rd round *A sc remain. (O4N. 37-3:: 5ork * sc in ever& sc. (O4N. 3>-70: 5ork * sc in ever& sc -ut dec * sc mid under tail on all rounds. After round 70 there are 7 sts remaining. 'ut the &arn! -aste the &arn end around the opening! tighten tog and fasten.

/NO4T: 5ork *A sc with arm& green around the opening at the front of head. 5ork * round with * sc in ever& sc! then * round where all sc are worked tog 0 -& 0. 'ut the &arn! put some pol& stuffing in snout! -aste the &arn end around the opening! tighten tog and fasten.

#E$: 'h 7 with arm& green and form a ring with * sl st in first ch. (O4N. *: 5ork B sc in ch-ring. (O4N. 0: 5ork 0 sc in ever& sc < *A sc. (O4N. 3-:: 5ork * sc in ever& sc! fasten off. 5ork a total of 7 legs like this. Fill some pol& stuffing in them and sew them to the underside of -od&.

/% CE/: 5ork spikes on the -ack with lime on hook si8e 3 mm 9 ' as follows: 5ork * sl st at the tip of tail! ; ch 3! in the first ch work * dc! skip appro1. * cm 9 DEE and work * sc ;! repeat from ;-; until where tail -eg. 'ontinue to work as follows: ; ch 3! skip appro1. * cm 9 DEE and work * sc ;! repeat until mid -ack of head and finish with * sl st. Fasten off.

Em-roider e&es and mouth with -lack.

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