Purploids, and Pinkloids, and Bloops

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Purploids, and Pinkloids, and Bloops (oh my) 3 Free Patterns

Created somewhat on whim and without excess thought, these are my three simplest patterns. ! you"re a speedy yarner you can easily get all three done in one a!ternoon.

#h $y% & 3 !ree patterns 'y (arissa Cole

)hese were all actually prototypes, 'ut they"re still !un stash 'uster pro*ects. +n*oy% ( ,nd as always !eel !ree to contact with any -uestions. will throughout this week 'e retesting all three patterns and instructions to make sure they work as they should, 'ut i! you !ind something that doesn"t make sense, *ust let me know /0 )

1 2 3 3 + 1 ) + 4 $ , ) + 5 , 6 1/

7 8orsted weight yarn 7 39: ;.<=$$ crochet hook 7 )wo pairs o! >$$ sa!ety eyes (#ne pair !or the Bloop, one !or the Pinkloid) ? #ne pair o! @mm eyes (Purploid) 7 1cissors 7 Aeedle ? thread ,A49#5 Bot glue 7 Fi'er!ill stu!!ing

, B B 5 + C , ) # A 1/

$C magic circle (magic loop9magic ring) sc single crochet(s) hdc hal!&dou'le crochet(s) inc increase dec decrease sl st & slip stitch st(s) stitch(es) ch chain Dactions in asterisks should 'e repeated until round completion or to the indicated stopping point in the roundD (num'er in parentheses indicates total num'er o! stitches a!ter round9row completion) F# !asten o!! 5A4 5ound 58 5ow B6 in 'ack loops

P2 5 P6# 4 B,BE P,))+ 5 A

Purploid Ba'y Pattern 'y (arissa Cole #!ten appearing out o! nowhere, Purploids signal their startling arriFal 'y staring intently at you whether you know it or not. ,'out a week ago !ound this out, rather late at night. soon realiGed this is *ust how they siGe a person up though. #nce they"Fe decided they like you they"re -uite sweet, Fery protectiFe and excellent sources o! good adFice. $ore people could do with a Purploid 'a'y !or a !riend, 'ut un!ortunately so many people are too 'usy and serious they neFer eFen notice when a Purploid has come to Fisit them. )wo Purploids showed up at my door yesterday a!ter haFe 'een de*ected and let me tell you, a sad Purploid is a heart&wrenching thing to witness.

5aise Purploid awareness/ they haFe !eelings too%

B # 4 E (xH) (Follow this pattern !or a 'a'y Purploid Iuse H=mm eyes

to really sell the itty 'itty little one e!!ect0. For a grown&up Purploid add a row 'etween 5A4s : ? > and HH ? HJ and use the @mm eyes.)

$C K) 5A4 H) DincD (HJ) 5A4 J) Dsc, incD (H>) 5A4 3) DJsc, incD (J;) 5A4 ;&:) DscD (J;) 5A4 >) D3sc, incD (3=) 5A4 @) D;sc, incD (3K) 5A4 H=) DscD (3K) 5A4 HH) D;sc, decD (3=) 5A4 HJ) D3sc, decD (J;) 5A4 H3) DJsc, decD (H>) ,ttach eyes and antennae (to make antennae simply chain ;, cut yarn leaFing long tail, and pull through. ,ttach to head and !ray long yarn tail). 1tu!!. 5A4 H;) Dsc, decD (HJ) 5A4 H<) DdecD (K) F# DDD,6)+5A,)+DDD 1ome pattern users haFe had trou'le getting the Purploid shape to come out right. "m not sure why this is, 'ut suspect there"s some di!!erence in tensions and materials ( crochet Fery, Fery tightly sometimes L.M). ,lthough haFe not recently tested the !ollowing Fariation, !or a shorter Purploid (such as the one pictured) you could try using this pattern instead/

$C K) 5A4 H) DincD (HJ) 5A4 J) Dsc, incD (H>) 5A4 3) DJsc, incD (J;) 5A4 ;&<) DscD (J;) 5A4 K) D3sc, incD (3=) 5A4 :) D;sc, incD (3K) 5A4 >) DscD (3K) 5A4 @) D;sc, decD (3=) 5A4 H=) D3sc, decD (J;) 5A4 HH) DJsc, decD (H>) ,ttach eyes and antennae (to make antennae simply chain ;, cut yarn leaFing long tail, and pull through. ,ttach to head and !ray long yarn tail). 1tu!!. 5A4 HJ) Dsc, decD (HJ) 5A4 H3) DdecD (K) F# F + + ) (xJ) $C < 5A4 H) DincD (H=) 5A4 J&<) DscD (H=) 5A4 K) DdecD (<) F#

, 5 $ 1 (xJ) (Eou may wish to try dou'ling your yarn !or this, depending on the weight) Ch J 3 hdc in second ch !rom hook F# ,ttach to side o! head (For experienced ami makers recommend simply picking up and crocheting this directly to the side o! the head !or that no&sew ease.) !eel should note these may not exactly look like Narms.O "Fe had Pem called gils or ears, 'ut !igured arms was more descriptiFe !or a pattern than N!unny looking things on side o! head.O /0

#P) #A,6/ )he original Purploid was !ree!ormed and gi!ted so this Fersion is *ust slightly di!!erent. For instance, the !irst incarnation 'oasted a long tail with a pop&pom on the end. )o make this !or your Purploid/ Ch JH, starting in second chain !rom hook sc J=. attach to 'ody. make pop& pom (see $elFin post !or 'rie! written tutorial !or pop&pom creation). attach pom to tail.

,!ter you attach all the 'ody parts (mainly the !eet) your Purploid should 'e good to go%

P A ( 6# 4 P# 4 6 A 3 P,))+ 5 A

8hile most Pinkloids are pink (*ust as most Purploids are purple) this is not always the case. 5ed, orange, and eFen 'rown Pinkloids

a'ound. $any people don"t realiGe this though, and usually assume Pinkloids are all pink. )his is a common misconception, 'ut Pinkloids tend to 'ecome Fery de!ensiFe a'out their color i! they happen to exhi'it a di!!erent hue than what their name suggests. suppose this is why Pinkloids seem to relate to lady'ugs -uite well. lady'ugs know all a'out 'eing mis*udged 'ecause o! their name.

1till, Pinkloids don"t hold too much o! a grudge. )hey"ll *ust 'rush it o!! and get straight 'ack to work.

8hat is it Pinkloids do !or workQ

8ell, they"re 8ord 1prites, o! course. BaFe you eFer 'een trying to say something, 'ut you can"t !ind the right word, or it"s right on the tip o! your tongue, you *ust can"t seem to get it outQ Pinkloids are the ones who come along when this happens. )hey 'ring along the missing word and !ling it into the conFersation 'e!ore it"s too late. #! course, occasionally a Pinkloid doesn"t make it in time, or perhaps they accidentally 'rought the wrong word, or may'e eFen too many Pinkloids conFerged at once and they all tried to use the word they each 'rought which causes things like NBa!lappleO and N1plongeO to come tum'ling out o! a person"s mouth. But with all the people out there !orgetting words or worse, using the wrong words & Pinkloids are kept Fery 'usy, so it"s no wonder they can"t always get it *ust right. they try their 'est though. ,nd the !unny thing is, thousands o! people haFe encountered Pinkloids and didn"t eFen realiGe it. )o make your Fery own Pinkloid Podling/ B # 4 E (xH) $C K 5A4 H) DincD (HJ)

5A4 J) Dsc, incD (H>) 5A4 3) DJsc, incD (J;) 5A4 ;) D3sc, incD (3=) 5A4 <&@) DscD (3=) 5A4 H=) D3sc, decD (J;) 5A4 HH) DJsc, decD (H>) 5A4 HJ) Dsc, decD (HJ) ,ttach eyes. 1tu!!. 5A4 H3) DdecD (K) F# 8 A 3 1 (xJ) 8orked 'ack and !orth. ,lways start in second chain !rom hook. Ch K 58 H) <sc, turn, ch H 58 J) <sc, turn, chain < 58 3) ncluding the < ch you *ust made and the <sc you should 'e a'le to work @sc in this row. 1o do that. )hen turn and ch H 58 ;) @sc, turn, ch ; 58 <) 8orking with the @sc and the ; ch, sc across (this should 'e HJ sts) F# 8ith a contrasting color, crochet along the 'ottom edges o! the wings. ( recommend going totally 'ananas with the color here. only had pink on hand, 'ut it"d 'e !un to make some really wild color com'os

here%) F + + ) (xJ) $C K 5A4 H) DincD (HJ) 5A4 J) DJsc, incD (HK) 5A4 3) DscD (HK) 5A4 ;) Kdec, ;sc (H=) 5A4 <) 3dec, ;sc (:) 5A4 K&@) DscD (:) F# , A ) + A A , + (xJ) Ch : 3hdc in second ch !rom hook sl st in remainder o! chains. cut yarn (leaFe long enough tail to sew to head). 1ee photos !or suggested positioning and attach all the pieces. . . sort o! like $ister Potato Bead. . . P# C ( +) B 6# # P P,))+ 5 A

Purploids are great to go to !or adFice, Pinkloids are masters o! the 5ight 8ords, so what is it Bloops do, you may askQ )ypically they steal !resh laundry and try to nest in it. Pocket Bloop Pattern 'y (arissa Cole B # 4 E (xH) $C K 5A4 H) DincD (HJ) 5A4 J) Dsc, incD (H>) 5A4 3) DJsc, incD (J;) 5A4 ;&K) DscD (J;) 5A4 :) D3sc, incD (3=) 5A4 >&@) DscD (3=)

5A4 H=) D3sc, decD (J;) 5A4 HH) DscD (J;) 5A4 HJ) D B6 scD (J;) 5A4 H3) DJsc, decD (H>) ,ttach eyes. 1tu!!. 5A4 H;) Dsc, decD (HJ) 5A4 H<) DdecD (K) F# F + + ) (xJ) $C K 5A4 H) DincD (HJ) 5A4 J) D B6 scD (HJ) F# , A ) + A A , + (xJ) Ch H= 58 H) starting in second chain !rom hook, sc @ F# 1ee photos !or suggested positioning. ,nd there you go% 1imple though these are, they"re pretty !un and cute each in their own way. DDP 6 + , 1 + A # ) +DD )hese are original designs and patterns. 'elieFe in the !ree sharing o! techni-ues and ideas. Please do not a'use my desire to share with others. Eou are not permitted to sell

any products made as the result o! these patterns (in part or in whole) and9or designs, nor are you permitted to sell the patterns or designs. Please, i! you do use these patterns or designs, giFe credit where credit is due/ direct others to this original posting so that they too can 'ene!it.DD

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