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So, here it is, the Day of the Octopuses amigurumi pattern.

I hope someone out there gets some use out of it! :)



" S:

# $orste% &eight yarn such as "oops ' Threa%s( Impecca)*e+ ,rights # G-. /.01MM crochet hoo2 # One 34) pair of 5MM safety eyes 3a6ai*a)*e in many craft stores or on*ine at http:--&&& # Scissors # 7arn nee%*e # 8i)erfi** stuffing


T I O : S:

M; < magic circ*e 3magic *oop-magic ring) sc < sing*e crochet3s) h%c < ha*f %ou)*e crochet stitch inc < increase %ec < %ecrease st3s) < stitch3es) ch < chain =actions in asteris2s shou*% )e repeate% unti* roun% comp*etion or to the in%icate% stopping point in the roun%= 3num)er in parentheses in%icates tota* num)er of stitches after

roun%-ro& comp*etion) 8O < fasten off !:D < !oun% %c > %ou)*e crochet h%c < ha*f %ou)*e crochet s* st < s*ip stitch

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$or2 in spira*s. Do not Aoin roun%s. Use a stitch mar2er 3paper c*ip, yarn tai*, etc) to mar2 roun%s.

This pattern is not inten%e% for )eginners. :ot that I &ou*%B6e e6er *et that stop me :)

This is a super simp*istic pattern, ma%e up of t&o parts. The main )o%y an% the tentac*es are &or2e% as one. The secon% piece is simp*y a crochete% circ*e ma%e to attach on the un%ersi%e of the octopus. If youB% *i2e to *ea6e the octopus unstuffe% 3the tight nature of amigurumi stitches shou*% )e firm enough for the octopus to maintain its shape) then Aust *ea6e off ma2ing the secon% piece. t the en% of the main pattern IB6e inc*u%e% a fe& 6ariations you can try. If you ha6e particu*ar*y Cta**D or CshortD stitches, you may &ish to try out one of these a*ternati6es.

$eB** )e &or2ing &ith mu*tip*es of E for most of this pattern, starting &ith 5 in a magic circ*e. Therefore, in the first roun%, &or2 4 sc, then increase in the neFt stitch. !epeat the pattern unti* you get to the en% of roun% 4. In the neFt roun% &or2 G separate scs, then increase, repeating aroun%. 8or the thir% ro& &or2 E separate scs, then increase, repeating aroun%, etc. Un*i2e my other patterns, this in6o*6es a )it more math, )ut itBs nothing fancy, especia**y since the pattern is so simp*e :)

*though the pattern is not eFpress*y &ritten so, I recommen% staggering increases an% %ecreases to a6oi% en%ing up &ith a triangu*ar shape. ItBs up to you of course.

O2ay! "etBs get starte%.

I: ,OD7-?E


M; 5 !:D 4) e6en*y increase to H sts !:D G) e6en*y increase to 4G sts !:D E) e6en*y increase to 40 sts !:D /) e6en*y increase to 4I sts !:D 0) e6en*y increase to G4 sts !:Ds 5>41) sc aroun%, maintaining the G4 sts !:D 44) %ecrease e6en*y to 4I sts !:Ds 4G>4E) sc aroun%, maintaining the 4I sts !:D 4/), %ec= 345) !:D 40) sc aroun%, maintaining the 45 sts

DO :OT ,!E J 7 !:.

K "TE!: TI9ES: %% in or ta2e out some of the roun%s on the G4 sts. $ant a LshorterL octopusM Instea% of &or2ing 0 roun%s straight, try %oing on*y three. ;on6erse*y, for a ta**er octopus, %o a fe& more roun%s. 7ou may a*so &ish to a%% on a fe& roun%s after roun% 40.N

$eBre no& rea%y to &or2 the tentac*es. Each tentac*es is &or2e% right from the )o%y, one after another. To start:

;h 4. Starting in the secon% ch from hoo2, &or2 H sc, then . h%c. Doing so shou*%B6e )rought you )ac2 to the octopus )o%y. S2ip o6er the neFt

stitch you see on the )o%y, an% s*ip stitch in the one after it. One tentac*e is no& comp*ete. !epeat this process aroun% an% you &i** en% up &ith I tentac*es. 3IBm sorry I %onBt ha6e any pictures of this processO I &or2e% on this part of the pattern &hi*e &atching DSH an% %i%nBt eFact*y ha6e my camera ePuipment han%y. ?eh hehQ)

K "TE!: TI9ES: Try chaining more or *ess than the 4. for *onger or shorter tentac*es. 7ou can a*so change up the num)er of scs an% h%cs for some more customiRation.N

Once the *ast tentac*e is finishe% )rea2 the yarn. 7ou may &ith to *ea6e a *ong tai* for se&ing. ttach the eyes an% stuff the hea%-)o%y firm*y.

To ma2e the )ottom c*osure:

M; 5 !:D 4) =inc= 34G) !:D G) =sc, inc= 34I) 8O.

Turn the octopus upsi%e %o&n an position the c*osing piece. It is a coup*e stitches )igger than the )ottom of the octopus, so it shou*% cur6e in&ar%. 3See photo). 3@ro)*emM If your c*osing piece isnBt )ig enough to co6er the opening, &or2 a thir% roun% as fo**o&s: !:D E) =Gsc, inc= 3G/))

Se&ing it

Se& the c*osing piece to the )ottom of the octopus. I se&e% the c*osing piece to )oth the tentac*es an% the actua* )o%y of the octopus. This 2ept the tentac*es from *oo2ing *i2e they ha% Cho*esD in them. Once youBre %one se&ing, )rea2 the yarn an% &ea6e in any *oose en%s. Done! ,e sure to CshapeD your octopus. I %i% this simp*y )y sort of sPuishing it to *oo2 as you see it in the photos.

tDotO )y Jarissa ;o*e G14E G

Disc*aimer: !ea%ing this story an% ma2ing your o&n sma** )atta*ion of octopi may or may not resu*t in a %ay of music>*istening an% apartment c*eaning. 7our mi*eage may 6ary :)


==@ " E S E : O T E== This is an origina* short story an% pattern. The se**ing of any pro%ucts ma%e as the resu*t of this pattern an%-or %esign is not permitte%. @*ease )e sure to cre%it this )*og if e6er you share your finishe% octopus )y %irecting others to this origina* posting so that they too can )enefit. If you ha6e any Puestions a)out this po*icy, or this pattern, p*ease contact me. Than2 you!==

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