The Remedy To Apathy (Speech Plan)

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Alnasher Sarail Communication III

2013-73980 24 September 2013

(Speech to persuade Title: !he "emed# to Apath# Specific Speech Purpose: !o propose a method on ho$ to treat apath# in almost an# %orm Statement: !o spar& chan'e and in(ol(ement) apath# must be treated not as an internal s#ndrome but as an adapti(e beha(ior resultin' %rom cultural barriers that pre(ent in(ol(ement*

INTRODUCTION Attention Step: Almost e(er# monthl#) se(eral 'roups sta'e rallies %or chan'es in the current social and political s#stem* +o) I am not an acti(ist) nor do I %ull# support acti(ism) but I support substantial chan'e as the# do* Actuall#) $e all do) but onl# a %raction o% us is proacti(e and constantl# acti(e in ma&in' these chan'es happen* !he rest are apathetic , the# do not care) or do not seem to care* In addition) not carin' chan'es nothin'* Clarification Step: !oda#) I propose a $a# to -cure.) or 'et rid o%) apath#) b# treatin' it not as an internal s#ndrome but as a result o% a s#stem o% barriers that discoura'es in(ol(ement* I /ust hope that #ou sho$ e(en a little bit o% care and concern about not carin' %or an#thin'*

OD! I* !o cure apath#) $e must %irst rede%ine) or chan'e the $a# $e see apath#* A* 0e ma# use the ps#cholo'ical de%inition o% apath# to a certain e1tent* 1* Apath# is de%ined in ps#cholo'# as the state o% mind characteri2ed b# lo$ perception o% both challen'e and s&ill le(el* 2* Apath# is related to learned helplessness*

3* Apath# must be seen not as somethin' internal) but rather) somethin' e1ternal $hich results %rom barriers that pre(ent in(ol(ement and action* II* !he ne1t step to 'ettin' rid o% apath# is to understand $hat these barriers are* A* 0e must understand ho$ these barriers pre(ent us %rom actin'* 3* 0e must %ind out ho$ $e can 'et throu'h these barriers* III* 4astl#) these barriers must be dismantled to ad(ance* A* 5ettin' o(er these barriers ma# not be enou'h* 3* Collecti(e e%%ort is needed to open the path to in(ol(ement*

CONCLUSION Summar" Step: !he method I proposed could be a step to be collecti(el# in(ol(ed and to be able to initiate substantial chan'e* 6o$e(er) %or these chan'es to happen) $e must start $ith oursel(es %irst* 7or $e cannot care %or others $ithout carin' %or oursel(es %irst*

References: 8eslin) 9a(e) :"ede%inin' Apath#*; !<91!oronto) 10 =ctober 2010 !amano) Adel) :!he real &iller is sel%ishness*; >hilS!A" 4i%est#le) 22 8a# 2011 8c8anam#) ?ohn) :>s#chiatr# ma# not care about apath#) but that doesn@t mean #ou shouldn@t*; 8c8an.s 9epression and 3ipolar 0eb) 30 ?une 200A* #isual Ai$: >hoto'raphs Time: %&' minutes

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