Human CMP Interface2

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Abstract Intro !ct"on Met#o Eyegaze se$ect"on %et#o Eyegaze a&&$"cat"on &rogra%s H!%an co%&!ter "nteract"on "ss!es O&erat"ona$ constra"nts Res!$ts '!t!re "rect"ons Conc$!s"on Re(erences

Human-Computer Interface
T#e contro$$e Eyegaze #!%anscreen a "sab$e !ser can ty&e, generate synt#es"ze s&eec#, contro$ $"g#ts an a&&$"ances, te$e&#one, an o&erate &$ay a ga%es, Syste% &ro)" es an eyeco%&!ter "nter(ace *HCI+, a$$o-"ng &eo&$e to "nteract -"t# )" eo be$o%on"tor s&ec"a$"ze &rocess"ng o( t#e eye an co%&!ters ca%era t#e by Creat"ng eyegaze &#ys"ca$ tea% -"t# HCI an t#at &o"nt"ng -"t# t#e"r eyes. A %o!nte co%&!ter

r!n 1OS-co%&at"b$e

o((-t#e-s#e$( so(t-are.

acco%%o ates a )ar"ety o( "sab"$"t"es se)era$ &resente o!r eng"neer"ng tec#n"ca$ c#a$$enges. T#e Eyegaze Syste% #as to be acc!rate eno!g# (or a !ser to tr"gger t#e 234-"nc# 0eys o( an on-screen &roce !re nee s $ea)es an to t#e co%&!ter 0eyboar . T#e ca$"brat"on t#e t#e syste% !ser nee s to be s"%&$e, an %a"nta"n ca$"brat"on -#en co%&!ter ret!rns.

!nobtr!s")e$y "%age so(t-are eter%"nes

obser)es t#e !ser/s eye an

ana$yzes t#e )" eo "%ages t#e eye/s gaze &o"nt on t#e %on"tor screen "n rea$ t"%e. Ear$y a&&$"cat"ons o( t#e Eyegaze an Syste% HCI (or by a resse "sab"$"t"es. "s&$aye

&eo&$e -"t# se)ere %otor S"%&$y $oo0"ng at contro$ 0eys on a co%&!ter

'"na$$y, (or &eo&$e -"t# !ncontro$$e #ea %ot"on, "t nee s to be to$erant to #ea %ot"on. #a)e T#e been #ea !n er acc!racy an ob5ect")es ca$"brat"on



eye trac0ers e6"st "n t-o categor"es> #ea -%o!nte an re%ote. 'or "t "sab$e o&erat"ng "s &eo&$e co%&!ters,

ac#"e)e . A so$!t"on (or acco%%o at"ng %ot"on "s e)e$o&%ent.

a&&ro&r"ate to sense t#e eye !nobtr!s")e$y, -"t# re%ote$y not be %o!nte %ec#an"ca$$y #as no nee c!%berso%e ca%eras. T#e !ser nee ?#oo0e !&? to access t#e syste%, an (or

T#ere 0"n s o( e)"ces, are %any (ro% sensors




e@!"&%ent on #"s bo y. In Tec#no$og"es Eyegaze Syste% %otor es"gne 7844, LC


-#"c# %eas!re )o$tages across t#e eye, to )" eo "%age &rocessors -#"c# e6a%"ne o&t"ca$ "%ages o( t#e eye *Mason, 7898: Merc#ant an Morr"sette, 78;<: Corns-eet, 78;<+. Eye trac0ers e%&$oy"ng "%age &rocess"ng are by (ar t#e %ost acc!rate an re$"ab$e, an are t#ere(ore &re(erab$e *=o!ng an S#eena, 78;2+.

co%&$ete Co%&!ter (or !se "sab"$"t"es.

e)e$o&%ent o( t#e ("rst

by &eo&$e -"t# se)ere Eyegaze "s a PC-base syste%, re@!"r"ng on$y t#e contro$ o( one eye. Se$ect"ons are %a e by ("6"ng t#e gaze "n contro$ ?0eys? !ser. on t#e screen. Not#"ng "s attac#e to t#e

"nc#. T#e syste% a$so generates b$"n0"ng, "n(or%at"on "a%eter, eye an regar "ng &!&"$

("6at"ons, !se(!$ (or ot#er eyetrac0"ng a&&$"cat"ons.

T#e '"g!re 7> Eyegaze Syste% Con("g!rat"on As "$$!strate $ocate co%&!ter be$o"n t#e screen Eyegaze

Syste% !ses t#e &!&"$center3cornea$-re($ect"on %et#o to eter%"ne t#e "rect"on. A $"g#t *LE1+ "o e eye/s gaze e%"tt"ng

'"g!re 7, a )" eo ca%era

$o--&o-er "n(rare

$ocate "n t#e center o( t#e ca%era $ens "$$!%"nates t#e eye *H!tc#"nson, 7848+. As s#o-n "n '"g!re B, t#e LE1 generates a s%a$$, )ery br"g#t re($ect"on o(( t#e s!r(ace o( t#e eye/s cornea an , beca!se "t "s $ocate at t#e center o( t#e ca%era $ens, t#e LE1 ca!ses t#e br"g#t&!&"$ e((ect by re($ect"ng $"g#t o(( t#e ret"na.D7E T#e co%&!ter ca$c!$ates t#e

cont"n!a$$y obser)es t#e !ser/s eye, an s&ec"a$"ze "%age-&rocess"ng so(t-are eter%"nes or"entat"on an t#e A"t# co%&!ter a &erson t#e eye &ro5ects "s&$ay. s"tt"ng

t#e s!b5ect/s gaze&o"nt on

bet-een 74 an BC "nc#es (ro% t#e co%&!ter screen, t#e syste% &re "cts t#e gaze&o"nt -"t# an a)erage acc!racy o( better t#an 73C

&erson/s gaze&o"nt, ".e. t#e coor "nates o( -#ere on t#e "s&$ay #e "s $oo0"ng, base center on o( an t#e t#e re$at")e &!&"$ cornea$ &os"t"ons

be ab$e to &ro5ect #"s gaze&o"nt acc!rate$y. c!r)at!re cornea an o( t#e It %!st 0no- t#e ra "!s o( eye/s t#e ang!$ar

o((set bet-een t#e eye/s o&t"c an (oca$ a6es. T#e syste% $earns t#ese &ara%eters by &er(or%"ng a ca$"brat"on &roce !re. To ca$"brate, t#e !ser ("6es #"s gaze on a se@!ence o( s%a$$ c"rc$es t#at t#e at co%&!ter screen. T#e "s&$ays

re($ect"on -"t#"n t#e )" eo "%age o( t#e eye.

s&ec"("c $ocat"ons on t#e ca$"brat"on &roce !re !s!a$$y ta0es abo!t 72 secon s an can be '"g!re B> LE1"$$!%"nate s#o-"ng eye br"g#t "%age &!&"$. Syste% ca$"brat"on T#e can res!$ts Eyegaze sa)e (or "t -"$$ "n e&en ent$y. &er(or%e

S%a$$ s&ot o( $"g#t "rect$y be$o- t#e &!&"$ "s t#e cornea$ re($ect"on. Pr"or to o&erat"ng t#e eyetrac0"ng a&&$"cat"ons, t#e Eyegaze Syste% %!st $earn se)era$ &#ys"o$og"ca$ &ro&ert"es o( a &erson/s eye "n or er to

(!t!re !se, an

reta"n c!rrent ca$"brat"on ata e)en "( t#e !ser %o)es a-ay (ro% t#e syste%. A#en #e ret!rns to #"s &os"t"on "n (ront o( t#e ca%era, Eyegaze -"$$



gaze&o"nt enab$"ng

A#en t#e !ser "s ("n"s#e -"t# a &rogra%, )"s!a$$y act")at"ng t#e ?e6"t? 0ey (or t#at &rogra% restores t#e Ma"n Men!


t#e !ser to cont"n!e to o&erate t#e syste%.

Eyegaze Method:


In or er to &er%"t "n e&en ent Syste% @!a r"&$eg"c %en! Eyegaze contro$ !sers, by t#e by U&on

syste% "s na)"gate se$ect"ons.

co%&$et"ng t#e ca$"brat"on &roce !re, t#e Eyegaze Syste% t#e "s&$ays "ts Ma"n Eyegaze se$ect"on -ants by Men!. It &resents a $"st o( )ar"o!s an #e &rogra%s &rogra% '"g!re <a> Ma"n Men! screen -"t# &rogra% o&t"ons an se$ect"on 0eys.

0eys. T#e !ser ca$$s !& t#e ("6"ng #"s gaze "n a bo6 or ?0ey? ne6t to t#e na%e o( t#e &rogra%. *T#e gaze !rat"on re@!"re &ara%eter 73C an (or 0ey by act")at"on "s an a 5!stab$e eter%"ne B3< t#e !ser, !s!a$$y bet-een secon s.+

0eyboar a)a"$ab$e '"g!re <b> screen A&&$"ance contro$ screen -"t# an e6"t 0ey to ret!rn to t#e Ma"n Men!



(ro% an onty&e-r"ter

0eyboar . As 0eys are )"s!a$$y &resse , t#e ty&e c#aracters a&&ear on t#e screen abo)e t#e te6t 0eyboar . T#e ty&e

Eyegaze Applications !og!a"s:

T#ere are a )ar"ety o( eye-contro$$e a&&$"cat"ons a)a"$ab$e (or "sab$e !sers. T#e L"g#ts F A&&$"ances &rogra% an a$$o-s a &erson to contro$ #o!se#o$ $"g#ts a&&$"ances any-#ere "n t#e #o%e. T#e &rogra% "s&$ays a set o( s-"tc#es (or t#e )ar"o!s e)"ces, an t#e !ser $oo0s at t#e ?on? or ?o((? 0ey o( t#e es"re s-"tc# to contro$ a e)"ce. A"t# t#e !se o( a s&eec# synt#es"zer, &erson t#e to P#rases &rogra% enab$es a non-)erba$ @!"c0$y -"t# a (re@!ent$y-!se s"ng$e act")at"on. co%%!n"cate &#rases 0ey

can be &r"nte or ?s&o0en? by t#e s&eec# synt#es"zer. Inter(ace %o e%, "a$"ng t#e an t#ro!g# a Te$e&#one &#one ans-er"ng

&rogra% &er%"ts -"t# t#e eyes.

T#e R!n Secon PC &rogra% &ro)" es t#e !ser -"t# access to o((t#e-s#e$( -or s&rea 0eyboar &rocessors an act")ate so(t-are, s!c# as s#eets. T#e !ser an Te6t on-screen A &rogra%

r!ns &rogra%s by )"s!a$$y o&erat"ng co%&!ter Rea 0eyboar .

enab$es t#e !ser to access any te6t t#at "s "n a co%&!ter-rea ab$e (or%at. T#e "sab$e !ser t!rns t#e


&ages by $oo0"ng at ?!&? an ? o-n? 0eys. Eyega%es "nc$! e o&erate

s&ee senses eye

at -#"c# t#e !ser no $ag "n t#e Most

co%&!ter/s res&onse to #"s %ot"ons. e6&er"ence Eyegaze !sers re&ort t#at t#ey s"%&$y %o)e t#e c!rsor aro!n t#e screen -"t# t#e"r eyes to %a0e se$ect"ons, rat#er t#an consc"o!s$y ("6"ng t#e"r gaze on eac# 0ey. A#en t#e !ser

Pa $e, G$on "0e So$"ta"re an a s$ot %ac#"ne.

H#"an$Co"p#te! Inte!action Iss#es:

Se)era$ so!rces o( (ee bac0 "ncor&orate "nto -ere t#e

("6es #"s gaze "n a 0ey $ong eno!g# to act")ate "t, t#e 0ey e"t#er ($as#es a co$or or, "n t#e case o( o&t"ona$ <-1 0eys, a&&ears to #a)e been '!rt#er &ro)" e 0eyboar t#e so!n on e&resse . "s t#e a$$ (ee bac0

Eyegaze so(t-are to #e$& t#e !ser "n #"s )"s!a$ "nteract"ons co%&!ter. -"t# Most t#e !sers

"n"t"a$$y e6&er"ence so%e "(("c!$ty "n sens"ng -#ere t#e"r gaze "s ("6e on t#e screen, so a s%a$$ re c!rsor a&&ears on t#e screen -#en t#e syste% "s trac0"ng t#e !ser/s eye. T#e c!rsor " ent"("es t#e co%&!ter/s &re "ct"on aro!n !ser %o)es an #"s gaze&o"nt %o)es

ty&e-r"ter an


screens by a %a e by a as "ts

?c$"c0? so!n , s"%"$ar to %an!a$ 0eyboar 0eys are e&resse . A )ar"ety to o( t#e

t#e screen as t#e eyes. one at a

%o "("cat"ons %a e to

Eyetrac0"ng "s

Eyegaze so(t-are can be acco%%o ate

9H Hertz sa%&$"ng rate, a

$"%"tat"ons %ay "sab$e can be e6"st

o( "n

eye so%e

obsc!re t#e $"g#t"ng (ro% t#e Eyegaze Syste%/s LE1 an %ay "$$!%"nate egra e t#e "%age o( be br"g#t$y -"t# t#e eye. T#e en)"ron%ent

%o)e%ent an contro$ t#at !sers. T#e gaze "ncrease or

!rat"on (or 0ey act")at"on ecrease bet-een secon as nee e . In 73C "s an B3< %ost

($!orescent $"g#ts -#"c# o not e%"t "n t#e "n(rare reg"on o( t#e s&ectr!%. T#e Eyegaze Syste% a$so -or0s -e$$ "n t#e ar0. Eye V"s"b"$"ty> T#e ca%era %!st #a)e a c$ear )"e- o( t#e s!b5ect/s eye. I( e"t#er t#e &!&"$DBE or t#e cornea$ occ$! e , re($ect"on t#ere are "s "%age gaze T#e !ser "n a

genera$, a gaze !rat"on o(

co%(ortab$e. A 0ey &ress e$ay can be a e to g")e !sers -"t# s$o-e %o)e%ents eye a "t"ona$

t"%e to %o)e t#e"r gaze o(( o( a 0ey -"t#o!t re&eate $y act")at"ng "t.

Ope!ational Const!aints:

"ns!(("c"ent acc!rate %eas!re%ent.

"n(or%at"on to %a0e an

In(rare L"g#t> Ienera$$y, t#e Eyegaze Syste% %!st be o&erate "n an en)"ron%ent -#ere t#ere are $o- $e)e$s o( a%b"ent "n(rare (o!n "n $"g#t. s!n$"g#t Stray $"g#t, an $a%&s, so!rces o( "n(rare "ncan escent

%!st a$so be ab$e to %a"nta"n #"s #ea &os"t"on t#at 0ee&s #"s eye )"s"b$e to t#e Eyegaze ca%era, -#"c# "s a &rob$e% (or &eo&$e -"t# !ncontro$$e s&ast"c #ea %o)e%ent, co%%on -"t#

so%e ty&es o( cerebra$ &a$sy. I$asses an

T#ere are abo!t 2H Eyegaze Syste%s "n !se "n t#e U.S. an &eo&$e -"t# A "t"ona$ E!ro&e by "sab"$"t"es. syste%s are

Contact Lenses> In %ost cases, eyetrac0"ng -or0s -"t# g$asses an #a)e a "st"nct contact $ens $enses. I( b"(oca$ g$asses

be"ng !se (or eyetrac0"ng researc#. 1"sab$e !sers

bo!n ary t#at s&$"ts t#e ca%era/s "%age o( t#e eye, t#e "%age "%age ty&"ca$$y -"t# "scont"n!"ty "n t#e "n)a$" ates t#e %eas!re%ents. o not "nter(ere So(t

range "n age (ro% ; years to aro!n ;H years. T#e"r "sab"$"t"es "nc$! e> cerebra$ &a$sy, s&"na$ cor "n5!r"es, tra!%at"c bra"n "n5!r"es, a%yotro&#"c sc$eros"s "sease+, sc$eros"s *Lo! an stro0es, $atera$ Ie#r"g/s %!$t"&$e F

Ira e b"(oca$s, #o-e)er, eyetrac0"ng.

contact $enses t#at co)er a$$ or %ost o( t#e cornea genera$$y -or0 -e$$ -"t# t#e Eyegaze Syste%. T#e cornea$ re($ect"on "s


1oy$e, 788B+. Se)era$ !se Eyegaze

obta"ne (ro% t#e contact $ens s!r(ace rat#er t#an t#e cornea "tse$(. S%a$$, #ar contacts $enses cornea. can %o)e on ca!se aro!n t#e &rob$e%s, #o-e)er, "( t#e cons" erab$y

Syste%s are "n sc#oo$s, by one or %ore st! ents. So%e "sab$e

syste%s are "n &r")ate #o%es, o((er"ng a $e)e$ o( "n e&en ence an @!a$"ty o( $"(e to &eo&$e ot#er-"se !nab$e to "nteract -"t# t#e o!ts" e -or$ . Eyegaze Syste%s "n t#e -or0&$ace


are enab$"ng a &#ys"c"st, a ne-s&a&er e "tor, an a store o-ner to cont"n!e to -or0 &ro !ct")e$y. Ot#er Eyegaze Syste%s are "n re#ab"$"tat"on (ac"$"t"es.

a$$o-s "ntegrate so(t-are



gaze&o"nt "nto co%&!ter Syste% co%&$ete as !se "s, as

trac0"ng e@!"&%ent an a&&$"cat"ons. T#e Eyegaze 1e)e$o&%ent (or %ay se)era$ be !se or "nc$! es t#e so!rce co e

In t#e (!t!re a &erson/s eyegaze -"$$ &$ay an e)er "ncreas"ng ro$e "n #!%an-co%&!ter "nteract"on. A#"$e to ay "t "s !se %ost$y by &eo&$e -"t# "sab"$"t"es, a &erson/s eyegaze an re&resents a

a&&$"cat"ons &rogra%s t#at %o "("e nee s, to %eet c!sto%

re(erences (or &re&ar"ng ot#er Eyegaze a&&$"cat"ons &rogra%s. As an e6a%&$e o( an eyegaze %on"tor"ng t#e *'"g!re Trace C+ a&&$"cat"on, &rogra%

nat!ra$ (or% o( &o"nt"ng #as t#e &otent"a$ to &ro)" e t#e co%&!ter -"t# %ore "n(or%at"on abo!t t#e !ser/s "nterests t#an t#e !ser no- "n&!ts t#ro!g# t#e 0eyboar an a %o!se. To a )ance #e$& #!%an-

"s&$ays a !ser-&re&are "%age on t#e co%&!ter %on"tor an eyegaze s!b5ect screen. co$$ects t#e as a t#e act")"ty obser)es T#e A(ter

eyegaze t#e ata t#e

#"story "s store "n a "s0 ("$e. co$$ect"on &#ase,

"ncor&orate eyegaze "nto co%&!ter "nter(aces, LC Tec#no$og"es #as create an eyegaze too$ 0"t t#at

eyegaze #"story "s &$aye bac0 bot# as a t"%e #"story



a on be

trace t#e

tec#no$ogy. Ho-e)er, t#e "nab"$"ty to access t#e so(t-are c$ass ty&e o( a stan ar contro$ t#"s re@!"re e)e$o&ers to !ser "nter(ace cases T#e so(t-are a )ert"se "n so%e a&&roac#.

s!&er"%&ose trace re)erse %ay an

or"g"na$ screen "%age. T#e &a!se , at re&$aye

"((erent s&ee s. 1"((erent eyegaze a )ar"ab$e, s!c# as t#e &!&"$ "a%eter or t#e 6 an y coor "nates o( t#e gaze&o"nt, %ay be &$otte o!t as a (!nct"on o( t"%e.

&resents a barr"er to !se o( so$!t"on, "n o!r )"e-, "s to

c$ass %e%bers#"& o( t#e"r co%&onents so t#at t#e co%%an s t#ey res&on to are access"b$e to any "n&!t.

T#"s ass"st")e

tec#no$ogy -"$$ (ac"$"tate access (or &ersons -"t# "sab"$"t"es e6tens")e co%%erc"a$ so(t-are e6"sts. "ns"g#t to $"brary an t#at Per#a&s "nto t#at t#e o( ot#er a$rea y %ost t#e es"gn can r")e


C$e)e$an , 1. *788H+. 'oc!s Syste%. Contro$ U.S.

Patent JC,8;C,H7H.

C$e)e$an , 1. *788B+. Met#o A&&arat!s M"rror U.S. J2,H8H,;8;. an (or Contro$. Patent

"%&ortant, -e are ga"n"ng re@!"re%ents an s&ec"("cat"ons #e$& to co%&!ter e("ne an

t#e a o&t"on o( concrete access"b"$"ty stan ar s t#at -"$$ %a0e !se o( e%erg"ng %!$t"%o a$ "nter(ace e)"ce

C$e)e$an , 1. *788<a+. A e)"ce Eyegaze eyetrac0"ng #ea trac0"ng (or t#e

syste%. Procee "ngs o( t#e 2t# Internat"ona$ on Con(erence Interact"on.


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