Kalemegdan Park and Belgrade Fortress Sights

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Kalemegdan Park and Belgrade Fortress Sights Belgrade, Serbia

Memorial for the Delivery of Keys

It represents the location where sultan Abdul Aziss firman was read on April 6/19th, 1867 and where prince Mihailo recei ed !e"s to the town form #ur!ish commander Ali $asha %iza& #his memorial, built b" sculptor Mihailo $auno ic, was erected to commemorate the centenar" of the e ent&

Monument of Gratitude to France

#he wor! of sculptor I an Mestro ic was ceremoniousl" un eiled in 19'( in the presence of !in) Ale!sandar *arad+ord+e ic& #he monument was put up at the initiati e of the ,ociet" of -riends of -rance and ,ociet" of -ormer $upils of the -rench ,chool in the same location where once stood the memorial dedicated to *arad+orde, which was destro"ed durin) the -irst .orld .ar&

Fountain Fisherman

#his bronze sculpture, 1/( cm hi)h, represents a fisherman fi)htin) with a sna!e& It is the wor! of sculptor ,imeon %o!sandic 018712191'3& It was un eiled at *aleme)dan durin) the second decade of the twentieth centur"&


It was constructed accordin) to th pro+ect of the Institute for the $rotection of 4ultural Monuments, 5el)rade& It was ceremoniousl" un eiled on April 16th, 6((1 as the $olice 7rchestra held an outoor concert& 8urin) the summer, on -rida"s, ,aturda"s and ,unda"s, promenade concerts of classical, ethno and +azz music are or)anised&

Small and Big Staircase

#he first architectural pro+ect of the 5el)rade $ar! was the staircase facin) $aris!a ,treet, built in the first decade of the twentieth centur" accordin) to the pro+ect desi)ned b" 9elisa eta :acic, who was the first woman architect in ,erbia& #here is a decorati e fountain near the staircase, which dates from the same period&

7nce the -irst .orld .ar was o er, the reno ation wor!s on promenade alon) the ,a a ri er resumed& #he reno ation was finall" completed in 1968 with the construction of the new 5i) ,taircase in romantic st"le, based on a pro+ect of the architect Ale!sandar *rstic&

!omb of "ational #eroes

#omb of :ational ;eroes was built in the "ear 1918& <ranite pla=ue, which indicate the tombs of 8+ura 8+a!o ic 01886219693, I an Milutino 019(1219113 and I o >ola %ibar 019162 191'3, were brou)ht from ,t& ,a as construction site, while the busts are the wor! of sculptor ,te an 5odnaro datin) from 1919& In 19/7, Mose $i+ade 0189(219/73 was buried here& ;is bust was made b" sculptor ,la ol+ub ,tan!o ic&

$a%anese fountain

9apanese fountain was erected in Au)ust 6(1(, in )ratitude to people of 9apane for donations that recei ed the 4it" of 5el)rade&#he fountain is the wor! of sculptor 5o+an Mitro ic& Initiati e to build a s"mbol of friendship of the two nations launched the ?5lic? in 9ul" 6((8&

&uter Stambol Gate

It is made of finel" dressed stones on the eastern side of ra elin in the period between 17/( and 176(& #he )ate is arched, ha in) a semicircular ault and massi e two@win)ed doors on the outer side reinforced with horizontal tiles made of wrou)ht iron& Interior of the )ate includes niches, casemates and )uardrooms&

'nner Stambol Gate

-ortifications at the southeastern front date from the period of Austrian rule o er 5el)rade, between 1717 and 17'6, when the" done ma+or reconstruction wor!s on the -ortress& #he" represent the wor! of militar" en)ineer :icola 8oAat de Morez& ,tambol <ate, with all its passa)es, flan!in) rooms, casemates and a baro=ue faBade, was also built durin) this period& $ro isions set forth in the 5el)rade $eace #reat" from 9une, 171( prescribed the demolition of the entire )ate at the southeastern front& In 17'9, when #ur!s started re)ained control o er 5el)rade, the" be)an buildin) new fortifications in place of the demolished Austrian constructions, amon) which the Inner <ate whose )rounds la" o er the remains of the Austrian )ate& #he Inner ,tambol <ate was e en at the time of the #ur!ish rule the main )ate on the 4onstantinople road& After the deli er" of the !e"s to $rince Mihailo in 17'9 on ,tambol <ate, ,erbian fla) was put out alon)side with the #ur!ish, while a #ur!ish )uard was replaced b" a ,erbian one& .hen ,erbia declared war on #ur!e" in 1876, the pole displa"in) the #ur!ish fla) was remo ed from the )ate as the last si)n of ,erbias assal relationship with #ur!e"&

Military Museum

Althou)h the museum was established on Au)ust 1(th 1878 with a decree of prince Milan 7breno ic, it was not opened to the public until 19(1 in a small octan)ular buildin) on a %oman well located in the Cpper #own& ,ince it was destro"ed durin) the -irst .orld .ar, it was reopened on April 6nd, 19'7 in a part of the buildin) and a hut in the Cpper #own of 5el)rade -ortress& 8urin) the whole ,econd .orld .ar, the museums collection remained in 5el)rade& #he <ermans too! some aluable and er" rare items& At the end of 1911 the museum reopened& A new collection of the museum was displa"ed on 7ctober 6(, 1961 in a reno ated buildin) of the former Militar" <eo)raphical Institute& It represents the militar"

histor" of Du)osla ian people from their settlement on the 5al!ans to the twentieth centur"& #his installation is basicall" well preser ed& It includesE armaments, uniforms, fla)s, medals, archi al materials, art wor!s, photo)raphs, scale models, etc& ,ome parts of thecollection are eAposed in the open&

(o)er !o)n

#he spacious plateau between the mouth of the %i ers ,a a and 8anube and white lime rid)e, after which 5el)rade )ot its name, represents the >ower #owns plateau& 8urin) the rule of despot ,tefan >azare ic, this area was fortified and urbanised& It stood for an economic, cultural and spiritual centre of the despotate& 4urrentl", the >ower #own represents a )atherin) place of athletes, nature lo ers and a aluable archaeolo)ical site&

*u+ica ,hurch

#he church was dedicated to the holida" of the 5irth of the Mother of <od& #he buildin) was at first used as one of the three powder ma)azines constructed durin) the period of Austrian reconstruction of the -ortress& In 1867, after the ,erbs restored the -ortress into their power, the powder buildin), with an added bell tower, was turned into a church named F%uzicaG 0meanin) Hsmall rose3& 8urin) the -irst .orld .ar it was )reatl" dama)ed, but it was subse=uentl" repaired and reno ated in detail& In 1961, two bronze fi)ures, which are the wor! of :& $& *rasno , were put up at the entrance of the church, one representin) a medie al !ni)ht and the other a soldier from the -irst .orld .ar&

St- Petka.s ,hurch

#he construction of the buildin) started in 19'/ in place of an old chapel, abo e a sprin) which is considered to ha e miraculous powers& It was completed and re i ed on the da" of ,t& $et!a@$aras!e a, 7ctober 67th, 19'7& Architect Miomir *oruno ic was in char)e of the pro+ect& .hile di))in) the )rounds for the 4hurch of ,t& $et!a, the bones of ,erbian soldiers died while defendin) 5el)rade in 1911@191/ were found&

$aksic.s !o)er

#he octan)ular defensi e tower was built in the period between the ele enth and fifteenth centur"& #he Austrians demolished the 9a!sics #ower durin) the period of reconstruction of the #ower between 1717 and 17'9, since the" considered it to be unnecessar"& In 19'7, the tower )ot its final form after the reconstruction of the rampart and the tower itself&

#amam / &ld !urkish Bath

It is located in the >ower #own and it ori)inates from the ei)hteenth centur"& #here was a powder ma)azine at the place of toda"s ;amam, which was destro"ed in an eAplosion in 169(, to)ether with surroundin) buildin)s and a part of the old wall, creatin) a cuttin) in the hill& In this cuttin) the #ur!s made a bathroom, i&e& hamam& In 1911, ;amam was se erel" dama)ed as a result of an eAplosion of another powder ma)azine& It was reconstructed in 1961

and restored to its ori)inal form& 4urrentl", the $lanetarium of the Astronomical ,ociet" F%ud+er 5os!o icG uses ;amma as their premises&

0idin Gate

#he )ate ori)inates from the ei)hteenth centur"& #he first )ate was built b" the Austrians as a part of defensi e s"stem of the northeastern front facin) the 8anube %i er, but it was destro"ed& At that same place the #ur!s built toda"s Iidin <ate& It )ot its name after the direction of the road leadin) to the east, towards Iidin& #he )ate has four flan!in) rooms used for the accommodation of )uards&

!he Gate of ,arlo 0'

It is inte)rated in the northeastern rampart of the >ower #own& It was built in 17'6 in the honour of the tsar 4arlo II, Fthe )reat con=uer of 5el)radeG& <ate is a uni=uel" baro=ue achie ement in areas south of the ,a a and 8anube, and b" all accounts, is the wor! of 5althasar :eumann, famous <erman baro=ue architect, which at one time wor!ed in 5el)rade as a militar" en)ineer& Abo e the entrance, from the eastern side, there is the mono)ram of 4arlo II& .estern side of the )ate bears the crest of #ribalia with the head of a wild boar pierced with an arrow& 5eneath it, there are war to!ens and abo e it a ro"al crown& #his crest is the oldest preser ed crest in 5el)rade& #his )ate is often called the <ate of $rince Ju)ene of ,a o"&

*emains of *oman ,astrum

.ithin the medie al northeastern rampart of the Cpper #own there are still isible the remains of %oman castrum rampart, built with =uader sandstones, and the remains of a rectan)ular tower&

1astern (o)er !o)n

#he Jastern >ower #own to)ether with the 9a!KiL #ower, built in the second half of the 1/th centur", is the newest medie al part of the 5el)rade -ortress& 8urin) .orld .ar I, but also durin) the reconstruction of the Cpper #own in 19/6, the land slid creatin) the siA@metre la"er of soil& ,o far, 1/(( cubic metres co erin) the archaeolo)ical remains has been remo ed& As a result, a 1@metre hi)h wall datin) from the 1/th centur" was disco ered& #his wall is '( metres lon), stretchin) from the >ower #owns %ampart and turnin) 9( de)rees towards the Jastern <ate&

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