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INTRODUCTION Hello everyone. My name is George Rizea and I am a student at Politehnica University.

Today I am going to talk about one of the largest multinational cor oration that designs and markets both electronic devices and com uters! " le Incor oration. I#ve divided my talk into three arts. $irst I %ould like to refer to the im act this cor oration has had on the %orld. &econd! I %ill %arn you about the disadvantages of using these devices. Then! I %ill resent some unusual %ays of using " le roducts. My talk %ill take about ten minutes. "fter my talk there#ll be time for a discussion and any 'uestions. MAIN BODY (o% that#s all for the introduction. FIRST PART )et#s move to the first art of my talk! %hich is about the %ays " le influenced eo le#s lives. &ince " le#s devices have came out! they also made eo le#s life a lot easier! making information more accessible. The ne% techonologies made communication less difficult. " tablet! an iPhone or an iPod are not only making eo le#s life easier! but they also realize a more efficient communication. I#m talking about the iPod! the iPhone and the iPad. Refering to iPod! much has been %ritten about iPod#s success as a brand and the brilliance of its marketing and design. &ome observers have *ust named iPod brand of the year for +,,-. In today#s iPod %orld! music seems to be laying an ever increasing role in everyone#s lives. Peo le %ho in the ast might have thought themselves too old for .alkmen! are no% only too ha y to don an iPod! and on many a child#s /hristmas list! could be seen an iPod Mini. iPod has no% become firmly ingrained in our culture! its become an icon and %e can only %ait to see %hat its real im act on society %ill be and the ri le effects this might have in the business %orld. (o%! that all about the iPod. )et#s talk about the iPhone. The first iPhone came out in +,,0! %hen the mobile hone market %as dominated by (okia and 1lackberry %as almost mandatory. 1oth 1lackberry and (okia ignored iPhone#s influenced on the market and in *ust 2 years their sales dro ed dramatically. That#s all I %ant to say about iPhone. (o% I#m talking about the iPad. The iPad has had huge im act creating a market o ortunity for other smart hone makers! a challenge to other P/ makers and even otentially influencing ho% %e may %atch television in the future in a multi3screen scenario. It has also e4tended digital content o ortunities to make books and longer3form video on3the3go a more ractical e4 erience than they are on the smart hone. &ince it landed in the first consumer5s hands " ril 6! +,7,! more than 88 million iPads have been sold %orld%ide! used for %atching 9and streaming: movies! reading books! magazines and ne%s a ers! .eb surfing and laying games. Parents use iPads to kee kids amused %ith a range of inventive a s! from coloring to story3telling. There are more than 7-,!,,, a s s ecifically for the iPad. GRAPH If you are still not convinced that " le changes the %orld! let#s see ho% much eo le s end on it#s roducts. I#d like to resent you this gra h. It sho%s " le#s revenue by roduct and I#m still strictly referring to the three main devices! iPod! iPhone and iPad. The vertical a4is sho%s the revenue in million ; %hile the horizontal a4is marks months from March +,,< to March +,76.

The solid line indicates ho% the income from the sale of iPad has evolved! the broken line sho%s ho% the earnings from the sale of iPhone have changed in the same time and the dotted line re resents the evolution of iPod#s revenue. /onsidering the fact that iPod is rellatively old roduct! the revenue didn#t fluctuate too much! but it had ho%ever three eaks and then it stayed the same. "lthough iPhone didn#t have a s ectacular raise! it had a steady gro%th. $ollo%ing the release of ne% innovative roducts! the revenue made by iPhone sales had a eak in March +,7+ and then it had a deterioration! but it came back. The iPad a eared in " rill +,7, and since then it had an almost s ectacular im rovement and some small dro s. /learly! it#s obvious that " le gains more from selling iPads than it earns from selling iPhones and iPods. .hile iPod is an older roduct! it#s sales %ere lo%er but steady! unlike iPhone and iPad#s sales %here the market is very com etitive. SECOND PART That#s all I %anted to say about the im act of " le. (o% let#s turn to the second art in %hich I %ill resent the disadvantages of using iPhone. These are also available more or less for iPod and iPad. " gra hic made by Huffington Post based on various scientifical sources e4em lifies the dra%backs of e4cessive smart hones using. I %ill e4 lain five of them= first 3 hearing! second 3 addiction! third 3 unhealthy levels of radiation! fourth 3 germs and bacteria! and finally! fifth 3 hantom vibration syndrome. $irst! hearing. >on#t %orry! listening to music on your iPhone at a lo% volume isn#t! in and of itself! going to make you go deaf. 1ut %hen you crank it! all the %ay u ! you risk damaging the inner ear hair cells! %hich are res onsible for turning sound into signals that go to the brain. >amaging these cells can lead to hearing loss. (e4t! addiction. The addictive 'uality of digital devices is real= 22 ercent of eo le are actually afraid to lose or be se arated from their cell hones! according to a +,7+ study. Plus! according to a recent HuffPost?@ouGov survey! 8, ercent of eo le ages 7A3+< say they regularly use their smart hones or cell hones on the toilet. Thirdly! unhealthy levels of radiation. .hile the *ury is still out as to %hether cell hone use can actually cause cancer! the .orld Health Brganization does consider cell hone radiation to be C ossibly carcinogenic to humansD. Bther things that are in this same classification! according to the ..H.B.E /hloroform! lead and the esticide >>T. The ne4t disadvantage is germs and bacteria. @our hone is a good source of germs you#d only e4 ect to find in a bathroom. The .all &treet Fournal re orted last yeat on a study %hich tested eight hones from an office. The good ne%s= there %as no G. coli or sta hylococci bacteria. The bad ne%sE The hones %ere high in coliform bacteria H a sign of fecal contamination. "nd the fifth disadvantage is hantom vibration syndrome. This is the imaginary feeling that your hone is buzzing %hen it really isn#t H is a common sign of e4cessive mobile use. " study ublished last year in the *ournal C/om uters in Human 1ehaviourD sho%ed that nearly nine out of 7, undergraduates re orted e4 eriencing these hantom vibrations. THIRD PART That#s com letes the second art. In the last art of my talk I %ill reveal some unusual %ays of using the iPod! iPhone and iPad. (o% I#d like to sho% you %hat unordinary usages the iPod has! like training doctors to save lives. There is a study that indicates that iPods can double intern#s ability to identify heart sounds that are a sign of a serious heart roblem. 1y using their iPod to re eatedly listen to recording of a normal and an abnormal heart beat attern! interns can successfully hear %hen something is going %rong.

That#s all for iPod. (o% let#s talk about the iPhone. It is used in medicine! in case of emergency. $or e4am le! it is essential to hotogra h an o en fracture ad admission before a lying the relevant dressing. It revents unnecessary dressing changes and rovides the o erating surgeon %ith visual evidence of the e4tinct of the %ound. Then! it is im ortant that s ecialists from an Indian eye hos ital in 1angalore are using their iPhones to revie% and diagnose retinal images from remote locations. Images from rural areas are transferred to a com uter! then e3mailed to a hos ital in 1angalore and then sent to the s ecialist doctor#s iPhone. Then he revie%s the images and send a re ort back via his iPhone to the rural village using the same method. That#s all I %ant to say about iPhone and no% %e come to iPad. This device %ill not only offer you countless hours of amusement! but it can also successfully be used in business. The iPad is very usefull in retail! but it#s even more used in restaurants or consulting room. "s long as some retailers use iPad instead PB&! the restaurants let the clients use it. .ith the hel of Hub.orks Interactive! the restaurant#s staff uts tablets at every table. This %ay! the clients can order food throughout the tablets and can also have access to their social net%ork accounts. "nd no% about the medical electronic files! doctors can save time and money by sim ly buying an iPad. This %ay! all the information about acients are easy to find and store on a tablet. END Right! that ends my talk about " le devices iPod! iPhone and iPad. I#d like to end %ith a summary of the main oints. .e#ve seen the %ays " le influenced eo le#s lives! the disadvantages of using " le#s devices and %e#ve discovered that " le roducts have great a licability in sectors like medicine and retail services. I think there is one thing %e should consider= " le sells devices that %orth their money! are reliable roducts that have received great feed3back over the time and %ith a little imagination! can be endo%ed %ith unusual but life3saving crafts. That concludes my talk. &o! no% I#d be very interested to hear you comments.

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