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The County Development Authority Bill, 2014



4 Establishment of the Authority. 5 - unctions of the Authority. ! - Principles of "e#elopment. $ - %oar& of the Authority. 'unctions of the %oar&.

( - )on&uct of %usiness. 1*- +emuneration of the %oar&. 11 )hief E,ecuti#e -fficer. 12 Staff of Authority. 13 - )ommon Seal of the Authority.

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

14 Protection from personal liability. 15 .iability for &ama/es. 1! Annual report.


1$- un&s of the Authority. 1' inancial year. 1( Annual estimates. 2* Accounts an& au&it. 21 In#estments of fun&s.

PART IV- MISCELLANEOUS 22 +e/ulations.

FIRST SCHEDULE - )on&uct of business an& affairs of the %oar&.

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

THE LAIKIPIA COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BILL, 2014 AN ACT of the )ounty Assembly of .ai0ipia to pro#i&e for the establishment of institutional frame1or0 for coor&ination an& promotion of county &e#elopment an& for connecte& purposes. ENACTED by the )ounty Assembly of .ai0ipia2 as follo1s PART I PRELIMINARY
Sh !" "#"$%& Interpretation.

1& Th#' A(" )*+ ,% (#"%- *' "h% L*#.#/#* C 01"+ D%2%$ /)%1" A0"h !#"+ A(", 2014 2& In this Act2 unless the conte,t other1ise re3uires4Authority5 means the )ounty "e#elopment Authority establishe& un&er section 46 4)ounty E,ecuti#e )ommittee5 means the )ounty E,ecuti#e )ommittee of the )ounty 7o#ernment of .ai0ipia 4%oar&5 means the )ounty "e#elopment Authority %oar& establishe& un&er section $6 4E,ecuti#e 8ember5 means the county e,ecuti#e committee member responsible for county plannin/ an& &e#elopment6

P0!/ '% 3 A("&

4& 9he purpose of this Act is to pro#i&e for the le/al an& institutional frame1or0 for coor&ination an& promotion of county &e#elopment2 in or&er to

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:a; promote sustainable &e#elopment in the )ounty6 :b; promote househol& empo1erment6 economic

:c; coor&inate an& harmoni<e &e#elopment initiati#es6 :&; promote local economic /ro1th an& &e#elopment6 :e; ensure e3uitable &istribution of &e#elopment pro/rams throu/hout the )ounty6 :f; facilitate access to local an& e,ternal resources for )ounty &e#elopment.


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4& :1; 9here is establishe& the .ai0ipia )ounty "e#elopment Authority. :2; 9he Authority shall be a bo&y corporate 1ith perpetual succession an& a common seal an& shall2 in its corporate name2 be capable of:a; ta0in/2 purchasin/ or other1ise ac3uirin/2 hol&in/2 char/in/ or &isposin/ of mo#able an& immo#able property6 :b; borro1in/ money in#estments6 or ma0in/

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:c; enterin/ into contracts6 an& :&; &oin/ or performin/ all other acts or thin/s for the proper performance of its functions un&er this Act 1hich may la1fully be &one or performe& by a bo&y corporate.
F01("# 1' 3 "h% A0"h !#"+&

5& 9he functions of the Authority shall be to:a; a&#ise the county /o#ernment on the appropriate policies2 la1s2 plans an& pro/rams necessary for county &e#elopment6 :b; coor&inate &e#elopment pro/rams an& initiati#es an& pro#i&e liaison bet1een county an& national /o#ernment on implementation of &e#elopment pro/rams an& pro=ects6 :c; initiate an& implement in collaboration 1ith other county /o#ernment &epartments tar/ete& &e#elopment pro/rams an& pro=ects6 :&; source locally or internationally resources re3uire& for promotin/ county &e#elopment6 :e; promote an& facilitate establishment of public pri#ate partnerships tar/etin/ county &e#elopment6 :f; support other county &epartments in preparin/ an& implementin/ &e#elopment plans an& pro/rams6

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:/; mobili<e an& support resi&ents to initiate or participate in &e#elopment initiati#es2 pro/rams an& pro=ects6 :h; monitor an& e#aluate &e#elopment policies2 la1s2 plans an& pro/rams an& a&#ise the county /o#ernment on appropriate measures to be a&opte&6 :i; carry out such other roles necessary for the implementation of the ob=ects an& purpose of this Act an& perform such other functions as may2 from time to time2 be assi/ne& by the e,ecuti#e member.
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6& In carryin/ out the functions un&er this Act2 the Authority shall ensure that:a; there is e3uitable &istribution &e#elopment pro=ects in all Subcounties an& >ar&s6

N & 14 3 2011& N 17 3 2012& N 18 3 2012&

:b; &e#elopment pro/rams2 plans an& pro=ects fall 1ithin the stipulate& plans an& frame1or0 &e#elope& un&er the ?rban Areas an& )ities Act2 Public inancial 8ana/ement Act2 )ounty 7o#ernments Act2 or any other rele#ant 1ritten la16 :c; pro=ects implemente& are rele#ant to the specific locality2 inno#ati#e an& contribute to sustainable &e#elopment on the area6 :&; there is no &uplication of pro=ects

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

implemente& by either county /o#ernment &epartments or national /o#ernment in the specific locality6
N 17 3 2012

:e; there is public participation in i&entification an& implementation2 monitorin/ an& e#aluation of pro=ects in accor&ance to frame1or0 establishe& un&er the )ounty 7o#ernments Act or any other rele#ant 1ritten la16 :f; there is #alue for money an& economic efficiency in implementation of any pro=ect6 :/; there is effecti#e collaboration an& coor&ination 1ith other county or national /o#ernment &epartments an& non state actors.

B *!- 3 "h% A0"h !#"+&

7& :1; 9he mana/ement of the Authority shall #est in the %oar& 1hich shall consist of:a; a non-e,ecuti#e chairperson

appointe& by the 7o#ernor6 :b; )hief officer for the time bein/ responsible for county plannin/ an& &e#elopment6 :c; the )hief officer for the time bein/ responsible for finance or chief officer responsible for county a&ministration 1here the chief officer responsible for finance is also responsible for county plannin/ an& &e#elopment6

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:&; fi#e persons appointe& by the e,ecuti#e member in consultation 1ith the /o#ernor throu/h a competiti#e recruitment process2 pro#i&e& that there shall be representation from persons 1ith &isability an& youth :e; one person 1ho is an e,pert in matters relate& to &e#elopment2 plannin/ an& mana/ement appointe& by the E,ecuti#e 8ember in consultation 1ith the 7o#ernor. :f; the chief e,ecuti#e officer 1ho shall be an ex officio member an& secretary to the %oar&6 pro#i&e& that not more than t1o thir&s of the people appointe& un&er para/raph :a;2 :&; an& :e;shall be of the same /en&er :2; A person shall be 3ualifie& for appointment as chairperson or a member appointe& un&er subsection :1; :e; if the person:a; hol&s a &e/ree from a reco/ni<e& uni#ersity6 :b; has 0no1le&/e an& e,perience of at least fi#e years in matters relatin/ to &e#elopment2 public a&ministration an& mana/ement or any other relate& fiel&6 :c; meets the re3uirements of )hapter Si, of the )onstitution6 an&

:3; A person shall be 3ualifie& for appointment


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

as a member un&er sub section :1; :&; if the person:a; hol&s a &e/ree from a reco/ni<e& institution6 :b; has 0no1le&/e an& e,perience of at least fi#e years in matters relatin/ to local &e#elopment2 a&ministration2 community mobili<ation or any other rele#ant fiel&6 :c; meets the re3uirements of )hapter Si, of the )onstitution6 an& :&; is a resi&ent of the county. @ot1ithstan&in/ sub section 3 :a;2 a person 1ho hol&s a &iploma from a reco/ni<e& institution may 3ualify for appointment un&er subsection :1; :&; if that person has at least 1* yearsA e,perience in matters relatin/ to local &e#elopment2 a&ministration2 community mobili<ation2 an& mana/ement or any other relate& fiel&6
F01("# 1' 3 "h% B *!-&


9he functions of the %oar& shall be to:a; ensure proper an& efficient e,ercise of the po1ers an& performance of the functions of the Authority6 :b; a&#ise the mana/ement of the Authority /enerally on the e,ercise of the po1ers an& the performance of the functions of the Authority6 :c; appro#e the estimates of the re#enue an& e,pen&iture of the

The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

Authority6 an& :&; perform such other functions as are pro#i&e& for un&er this Act or any other 1ritten la1.
C 1-0(" 3 ,0'#1%''&

9& :1; 9he con&uct an& re/ulation of the business an& affairs of the %oar& shall be as set out in the Sche&ule. :2; E,cept as pro#i&e& in the Sche&ule2 the %oar& may re/ulate its o1n proce&ure.

R%)01%!*"# 1 3 "h% B *!-&

10& 9he remuneration of the members of the %oar& shall be as &etermine& by the county 9reasury. 11& :1; 9here shall be a chief e,ecuti#e officer of the Authority. :2; 9he chief e,ecuti#e officer shall be recruite& throu/h a competiti#e process an& appointe& by the e,ecuti#e member in consultation 1ith the %oar& :3; 9o 3ualify for appointment as a chief e,ecuti#e officer2 a person must:a; possess a &e/ree from a reco/ni<e& uni#ersity6 an& :b; ha#e at least fi#e years e,perience in mana/ement. :4; 9he chief e,ecuti#e officer shall hol& office for a perio& of three years2 on such terms an& con&itions of employment as the %oar& may &etermine2 an& shall be eli/ible for re-appointment for a further an& final term of three years.

Ch#%3 E:%(0"#2% O33#(%!&


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:!; 9he chief e,ecuti#e officer shall-

:a; in consultation 1ith the %oar&2 be responsible for the &irection of the affairs an& transactions of the Authority2 the e,ercise2 &ischar/e an& performance of its ob=ecti#es2 functions an& &uties an& the /eneral a&ministration of the Authority6 :b; carry out any other function as may from time to time be assi/ne& by the %oar&.
R%) 2*$ 3! ) 33#(%&

:$; 9he chief e,ecuti#e officer may:a; at any time resi/n from office by issuin/ a notice in 1ritin/ to the chairperson of the %oar&6 :b; be remo#e& from office by the e,ecuti#e member on recommen&ation of the %oar&2 for:i; serious #iolation of the )onstitution or any other 1ritten la16 :ii; /ross miscon&uct2 1hether in the performance of the functions of the office or other1ise6 physical or mental



The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

incapacity to perform the functions of office6 :i#; incompetence6 :#; ban0ruptcy.

S"*33 3 "h% A0"h !#"+&

12& 9he %oar& may appoint such officers an& other staff as are necessary for the proper &ischar/e of its functions un&er this Act2 upon such terms an& con&itions of ser#ice as it may &etermine. 14& :1; 9he common seal of the Authority shall be 0ept in the custo&y of the chief e,ecuti#e officer or of such other person as the %oar& may &irect2 an& shall not be use& e,cept upon the or&er of the %oar&. :2; 9he common seal of the Authority2 1hen affi,e& to a &ocument an& &uly authenticate&2 shall be =u&icially an& officially notice&2 an& unless the contrary is pro#e&2 any necessary or&er or authorisation by the %oar& un&er this section shall be presume& to ha#e been &uly /i#en. :3; 9he common seal of the Authority shall be authenticate& by the si/nature of the chairperson of the %oar& or the chief e,ecuti#e officer. :4; 9he %oar& shall2 in the absence of either the chairperson or the chief e,ecuti#e officer2 in any particular matter2 nominate one member of the %oar& to authenticate the seal of the Authority on behalf of either the chairperson or the chief e,ecuti#e officer.

Th% ( )) 1 '%*$ 3 "h% A0"h !#"+&


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

Protection from personal liability.

14& :1; @o matter or thin/ &one by a member of the %oar& or by any officer2 member of staff2 or a/ent of the Authority shall2 if the matter or thin/ is &one bona fide for e,ecutin/ the functions2 po1ers or &uties of the Authority un&er this Act2 ren&er the member2 officer2 employee or a/ent or any person actin/ on their &irections personally liable to any action2 claim or &eman& 1hatsoe#er. :2; Any e,penses incurre& by any person in any suit or prosecution brou/ht a/ainst him or her in any court2 in respect of any2 act 1hich is &one or purporte& to he &one by him or her un&er the &irection of the %oar&2 shall2 if the court hol&s that such act 1as &one bona tide be pai& out of the fun&s of the Authority2 unless such e,penses are reco#ere& by him or her in such suit or prosecution.

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15& 9he pro#isions of section 13 shall not relie#e the Authority of the liability to pay compensation or &ama/es to any person for any in=ury to him or her2 his or her property or any of his or her interests cause& by the e,ercise of any po1er conferre& by this Act or any other 1ritten la1 or by the failure2 1holly or partially2 of any 1or0s. 16& :1; 9he Authority shall2 1ithin three months after the en& of each financial year2 prepare an& submit to the e,ecuti#e member a report of the operations of the Authority for the imme&iately prece&in/ year. :2; 9he annual report shall pro#i&e information re/ar&in/ the acti#ities an& plans of the Authority &urin/ the year to 1hich it relates sufficient to impart an accurate un&erstan&in/ of the nature an& scope of its acti#ities an& its plans

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The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

an& priorities an&2 1ithout limitation2 shall inclu&e B :a; &etails of the performance of the Authority a/ainst its 0ey performance in&icators6 :b; report on the o#erall status2 pro/ress2 impact an& challen/es or impe&iments in the implementation of the Act as 1ell as the appropriate measures to a&&ress any challen/es that shoul& be ta0en by the #arious county /o#ernment &epartments inclu&in/ the AuthorityAs pro=ections6 :c; a report on the local &e#elopment in each sub-county6 :&; such information an& other material as the Authority may be re3uire& by this Act or re/ulations ma&e thereun&er to inclu&e in the annual report6 an& :e; financial reports prepare& un&er section 2*6 :f; such a&&itional information or other material as the e,ecuti#e member may re3uest in 1ritin/. :4; 9he e,ecuti#e member shall2 1ithin fourteen &ays of recei#in/ the annual report submit it to the county e,ecuti#e an& thereafter 1ithin t1enty one &ays transmit it to the )ler0 of the )ounty Assembly for tablin/ before the county assembly for consi&eration. :5; 9he county assembly may after consi&erin/ the report ma0e recommen&ations to the e,ecuti#e member on appropriate 1ays of effecti#ely


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014


F01-' 3 "h% A0"h !#"+&

17& :1; 9he fun&s an& assets of the Authority shall consist ofB :a; such moneys as may be appropriate& by county assembly for the purposes of the Authority6 :b; such /ifts or monies recei#e& from any la1ful source the Authority6 :c; all moneys pro#i&e&2 &onate& or lent to the Authority. :2; 9he Authority shall apply the money recei#e& un&er this section for the furtherance of the ob=ects an& performance of the functions of the Authority.

inancial Cear.

18& 9he financial year of the Authority shall be the perio& of t1el#e months en&in/ on the thirtieth Dune in each year. 19& :1; At least three months before the commencement of each financial year2 the Authority shall cause to be prepare& estimates of the re#enue an& e,pen&iture of the Authority for that year. :2; 9he annual estimates shall ma0e pro#ision for all estimate& e,pen&iture of the Authority for the financial year an& in particular2 the estimates shall pro#i&e for theB

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The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:a; payment of the salaries2 allo1ances an& other char/es in respect of the staff of the Authority6 :b; payment of allo1ances an& other char/es in respect of members of the %oar&6 :c; payment of pensions2 /ratuities an& other char/es in respect of members of the %oar& an& staff of the Authority6 :&; proper maintenance of the buil&in/s an& /roun&s of the Authority6 :e; maintenance2 repair an& replacement of the e3uipment an& other property of the Authority6 an& :f; creation of such reser#e fun&s to meet future or contin/ent liabilities in respect of retirement benefits2 insurance or replacement of buil&in/s or e3uipment2 or in respect of such other matter as the %oar& may &eem appropriate. :3; 9he annual estimates shall be appro#e& by the %oar& before the commencement of the financial year to 1hich they relate an&2 once appro#e&2 the sum pro#i&e& in the estimates shall be submitte& to the )ounty E,ecuti#e )ommittee for final appro#al. :4; @o e,pen&iture shall he incurre& for the purposes of the Authority e,cept in accor&ance 1ith the annual estimates appro#e& un&er subsection :3;2 or in pursuance of an authorisation of the %oar& /i#en 1ith prior 1ritten appro#al of the e,ecuti#e member.


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

A(( 01"' *1- *0-#"&

20. :1; 9he %oar& shall cause to be 0ept proper boo0s an& recor&s of accounts of the income2 e,pen&iture an& assets of the Authority. :2; >ithin a perio& of three months after the en& of each financial year2 the %oar& shall submit to the Au&itor-7eneral2 the accounts of the Authority to/ether 1ithB :a; a statement of the income an& e,pen&iture of the Authority &urin/ that year6 an& :b; a balance sheet of the Authority on the last &ay of that year.

N & 12 3 2004&

:3; 9he accounts of the Authority shall be au&ite& an& reporte& upon in accor&ance 1ith the pro#isions of the Public Au&it Act. 21. :1; 9he %oar& may in#est any of the fun&s of the Authority in securities in 1hich2 for the time bein/2 trustees may by la1 in#est trust fun&s2 or in any other securities or ban0s 1hich the county 9reasury may2 from time to time2 appro#e for that purpose. :2; 9he %oar& may place on &eposit2 1ith such ban0 or ban0s as it may &etermine2 any moneys not imme&iately re3uire& for the purpose of the Authority. PART IV- MISCELLANEOUS

I12%'")%1" 3 301-'&

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22& 9he e,ecuti#e member may2 in consultation 1ith the Authority ma0e +e/ulations prescribin/ anythin/ 1hich un&er the Act may be prescribe&2 an& /enerally to the better carryin/ out the ob=ects of this Act.


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014


:s. (;


9enure of office.

Eacation of office.

1& Any member of the %oar&2 other than chief officers shall2 sub=ect to the pro#isions of this Sche&ule2 hol& office for a term of three years2 on such terms an& con&itions as may be specifie& in the instrument of appointment2 an& shall be eli/ible for re-appointment for a further an& final term of three years. 2& A member of the %oar& mayB :a; at any time resi/n from office by notice in 1ritin/ to the e,ecuti#e member6 :b; be remo#e& from office by the e,ecuti#e member if the memberB :i; has been absent from three consecuti#e meetin/s of the %oar& 1ithout the permission of the chairperson6

:ii; is con#icte& of a criminal offence an& sentence& to imprisonment for a term e,cee&in/ si, months or to a fine e,cee&in/ ten thousan& shillin/s6 :iii; is con#icte& of an offence in#ol#in/ &ishonesty or frau&6 :i#; is a&=u&/e& ban0rupt or enters into a composition scheme of arran/ement 1ith his cre&itors6 :#; is incapacitate& by prolon/e& physical or mental illness or is &eeme& other1ise unfit to &ischar/e his &uties as a member of the Authority6 or :#i; fails to comply 1ith the pro#isions of this Act relatin/ to &isclosure.


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014


4& :1; 9he %oar& shall meet not less than four times in e#ery financial year an& not more than four months shall elapse bet1een the &ate of one meetin/ an& the &ate of the ne,t meetin/. :2; @ot1ithstan&in/ the pro#isions of subpara/raph :1;2 the chairperson may2 an& upon re3uisition in 1ritin/ by at least se#en members shall2 con#ene a special meetin/ of the %oar& at any time for the transaction of the business of the %oar&. :3; ?nless three 3uarters of the total members of the %oar& other1ise a/ree2 at least fourteen &aysF 1ritten notice of e#ery meetin/ of the %oar& shall be /i#en to e#ery member of the %oar&. :4; 9he 3uorum for the con&uct of the business of the %oar& shall be fi#e members inclu&in/ the chairperson or the person presi&in/. :5; 9he chairperson shall presi&e at e#ery meetin/ of the %oar& at 1hich he is present but2 in his absence2 the members present shall elect one of their numbers to presi&e2 1ho shall2 1ith respect to that meetin/ an& the business transacte& thereat2 ha#e all the po1ers of the chairperson. :!; ?nless a unanimous &ecision is reache&2 a &ecision on any matter before the %oar& shall be by a ma=ority of #otes of the members present an& #otin/ an&2 in the case of an e3uality of #otes2 the chairperson or the person presi&in/ shall ha#e a castin/ #ote. :$; Sub=ect to subpara/raph :4;2 no procee&in/s of the %oar& shall be in#ali& by reason only of a #acancy amon/ the members thereof.

)onflict of interest.

4& :l; If a member is &irectly or in&irectly intereste& in any contract2 propose& contract or other matter before the %oar& an& is present at a meetin/ of the %oar& at 1hich the contract2 propose& contract or other matter is the


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

sub=ect of consi&eration2 that member shall2 at the meetin/ an& as soon as practicable after the commencement thereof2 &isclose the fact an& shall not ta0e part in the consi&eration or &iscussion of2 or #ote on2 any 3uestions 1ith respect to the contract or other matter2 or be counte& in the 3uorum of the meetin/ &urin/ consi&eration of the matterG Pro#i&e& that2 if the ma=ority of the members present are of the opinion that the e,perience or e,pertise of such member is #ital to the &eliberations of the meetin/2 the %oar& may permit the member to participate in the &eliberations sub=ect to such restrictions as it may impose but such member shall not ha#e the ri/ht to #ote on the matter in 3uestion. :2; A member of the %oar& shall be consi&ere& to ha#e a conflict of interest for the purposes of this Act if he ac3uires any pecuniary or other interest that coul& conflict 1ith the proper performance of his &uties as a member or employee of the %oar&. :3; >here the %oar& becomes a1are that a member has a conflict of interest in relation to any matter before the %oar&2 the %oar& shall &irect the member to refrain from ta0in/ part2 or ta0in/ any further part2 in the consi&eration or &etermination of the matter. :4; If the chairperson has a conflict of interest he shall2 in a&&ition to complyin/ 1ith the other pro#isions of this section2 &isclose the conflict that e,ists to the e,ecuti#e member in 1ritin/. :5; ?pon the %oar& becomin/ a1are of any conflict of interest2 it shall ma0e a &etermination as to 1hether in future the conflict is li0ely to interfere si/nificantly 1ith the proper an& effecti#e performance of the functions an& &uties of the member or the %oar& an& the member 1ith the conflict of interest shall not #ote on this &etermination. :!; >here the %oar& &etermines that the conflict is li0ely to interfere si/nificantly 1ith the memberAs proper


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

an& effecti#e performance as pro#i&e& for in subpara/raph :1;2 the member shall resi/n unless the member has eliminate& the conflict to the satisfaction of the %oar& 1ithin thirty &ays. :$; 9he %oar& shall report to the e,ecuti#e member any &etermination by the %oar& that a conflict is li0ely to interfere si/nificantly 1ith performance as abo#e an& 1hether or not the conflict has been eliminate& to the satisfaction of the %oar&. :'; 9he annual report of the %oar& shall &isclose &etails of all conflicts of interest an& &eterminations arisin/ &urin/ the perio& co#ere& by the report. :(; A &isclosure of interest ma&e un&er this para/raph shall be recor&e& in the minutes of the meetin/ at 1hich it is ma&e. :1*; A member of the %oar& 1ho contra#enes subpara/raph :1; commits an offence an& is liable to imprisonment for a term not e,cee&in/ si, months2 or to a fine not e,cee&in/ one hun&re& thousan& shillin/s2 or both.
)o&e of con&uct.

5& :1; >ithin t1el#e months of the commencement of this Act2 the %oar& shall a&opt a co&e of con&uct prescribin/ stan&ar&s of beha#iour to be obser#e& by the members an& staff of the %oar& in the performance of their &uties. :2; Sub=ect to sub-para/raph :1;2 before a&optin/ any co&e of con&uct or ma0in/ any substantial amen&ments to an e,istin/ co&e of con&uct2 the %oar& shall publish the propose& co&e or amen&ments in the 7a<ette an& in a ne1spaper circulatin/ nationally2 in#itin/ public comments. :3; 9he %oar& shall inclu&e in its annual report a report on compliance 1ith the co&e &urin/ the perio& co#ere& by the annual report.


The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

:4; 9he co&e of con&uct a&opte& or prescribe& un&er this para/raph shall be bin&in/ on the %oar& an& its staff.
E,ecution of Interest.

6& Any contract or instrument 1hich2 if entere& into or e,ecute& by a person not bein/ a bo&y corporate2 1oul& not re3uire to be un&er seal2 may be entere& into or e,ecute& on behalf of the %oar& by any person /enerally 7& 9he %oar& shall cause minutes of all resolutions an& procee&in/s of meetin/s of the %oar& to be entere& in boo0s 0ept for that purpose.



The County Development Authority Bill, 2014

MEMORANDUM OF OB<ECTS AND REASONS 9he ob=ecti#e of this %ill is to pro#i&e establishment of institutional frame1or0 for coor&ination an& promotion of county &e#elopment in or&er to re&uce po#erty an& impro#e the stan&ar&s of li#in/ in the county.

P*!" I contains preliminary pro#isions. It also pro#i&es the purpose of the %ill 1hich is to promote the &e#elopment in the county. 9he Part also pro#i&es for the principles that 1ill /ui&e the Authority 0ey amon/ them bein/ public participation2 e3uity in &e#elopment implementation2 sustainable &e#elopment2 #alue for money an& inte/ration of &e#elopment pro/rams un&er the %ill 1ith the )ounty 7o#ernments Act an& the ?rban Areas an& )ities Act amon/ others. P*!" II contains pro#isions on the establishment of the .ai0ipia )ounty "e#elopment Authority as a bo&y corporate meant to coor&inate the promotion an& implementation of &e#elopment pro/rams in the county. 9he Part also pro#i&es for the %oar& of the Authority. P*!" III contains financial pro#isions. P*!" IV contains miscellaneous pro#isions


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