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Value of Human rights in Pakistan Student: Zeeshan Nazir

Registration: Fa10-bba-007

Introduction of Human rights Human Rights can be defined as those basic standards without which people cannot live in dignity as human beings. Human rights are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace. Their respect allows the individual and the community to fully develop. They are "rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Human rights are frequently held to be universal in the sense that all people have and should enjoy them, and to be independent in the sense that they exist and are available as standards of justification and criticism whether or not they are recognized and implemented by the legal system or officials of a country. Values and Implications of Human rights in Pakistan Pakistans human rights situation is a complex one, as a result of the country's diversity, large population, its status as a developing country and a sovereign, Islamic republic as well as an Islamic democracy with a mixture of both Islamic and colonial secular laws. The Constitution of Pakistan provides for fundamental rights, which include freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of information, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and the right to bear arms. But the situation in Pakistan is not in the way, the above paragraph displaying. Its totally opposite scenario in Pakistan. If we look in Political context we will find that Provincial and local governments have arrested journalists and closed newspapers that report on matters perceived as socially offensive or critical of the government. Journalists also have been victims of violence and intimidation by various groups and individuals. In spite of these difficulties, the press publishes freely, although journalists often exercise self-restraint in their writing. Societal actors also are responsible for human rights abuses.
Violence by drug lords and sectarian militias claims numerous innocent lives, discrimination and violence against women are widespread, human trafficking is problematic, and debt slavery and bonded labor persist. The government often ignores abuses against children and religious minorities. The recent abuse was in Lahore in which Christians homes were fired by Muslims. Although it was a mistake was made by only one Christian and the Courts were there to give him punish. The whole Christian society suffered by this act of Muslims. I am a Muslim but Islam does not allow the Muslims to behave in this manner.

Furthermore, the social acceptance of many these problems hinders their eradication. One prominent example is honor killings (karo kari), which are believed to have accounted for more than 4,000 deaths from 1998 to 2003. Many view this practice as indicative of a feudal mentality and falsely anathema to Islam, but others defend the practice as a means of punishing violators of cultural norms and view attempts to stop it to as an assault on cultural heritage. Aside from this all in Pakistan, People of Pakistan strongly support the promotion and application of universally agreed human rights based on the principles of cooperation, non-discrimination, impartiality and genuine dialogue. Pakistanis derive their inspiration about human rights from the teachings of Islam that upholds the equality of Mankind irrespective of color, creed and ideology; and advocate provision of even playing field to everyone. There are 3rd parties always there to step in and urge the people to behave in certain manners or make situations and conditions co complex that people may not be able to

respect for the rights of others. So government should have to do serious steps but people have to also cooperate with governments and Ngos working in Pakistan and to be even-mindedness.

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