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Frequently Asked Questions Concerning NEMA Enclosures 1. The NEMA 4 enclosure appears to be a dust proo enclosure!

and not e"plosion proo . #hat enclosure should be used in a pit containing e"plosi$e %ethane gas& Type 4 is not an explosion proof enclosure. Look at Type 7, Class I, Group D (for methane gas , or a com!ination of Type 4 an" 7 #hich is rea"ily a$aila!le from manufacturers. Ta!le %&'( in the stan"ar" sho#s the com!inations. )*+& 4,7-, Classification of Gases in .a/ar"ous Locations, an" &rticle 011 of the )ational 2lectrical Co"e, #hich are reference" in the )2-& %tan"ar", pro$i"e further information on these types of applications. '. (o you ha$e any standard or distribution trans or%er tanks& These are referre" to as the 3enclosures3 an" are containe" in the &)%I C07.(4.41'series stan"ar"s #hich can !e purchase" from Glo!al 2ngineering. ). #hat NEMA enclosure rating %eets*e"ceeds +, -.& It is not possi!le to state that an I+ rating is e5ui$alent to a )2-& Type "esignation. &n I+ rating only consi"ers protection against ingress of soli" foreign o!6ects an" ingress of #ater. The )2-& Types consi"er these !ut also consi"er other items such as corrosions an" construction "etails. *or this reason it is possi!le to say that a )2-& Type is e5ui$alent to an I+ rating !ut it is not possi!le to state that an I+ rating is e5ui$alent to a )2-& Type. To the 5uestion of I+ 70 if you refer to the information on the )2-& #e! site you shoul" see that a Type 7 an" a Type 7+ meet or excee" an I+ 77. They #oul" therefore meet an I+ 70. &fter some recent stu"ies the comparison chart #ill !e re"one in the future an" #ill in"icate a Type 4 an" a Type 48 is e5ui$alent to an I+ 77 an" the Type 7+ is !eing change" to an I+ 79. &ll other Types are !elo# an I+ 70. 4. #hat does this %ean/ 01equire%ents/ 23 or 4apan 1556'45 $ac .56 -5 78 po9er supply 9ith 23 connector 6 NEMA 150& )2-& (1 is a stan"ar" enclosure type. Type (1 ' 2nclosures are constructe" to meet the re5uirements of the -ine %afety an" .ealth &"ministration, :1 C*;, +art (9. .. #hat is the proper NEMA standard to speci y dustproo require%ents or the controller! %otor! and other accessory apparatus& )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 This "ocument can !e purchase" from Glo!al !y clicking here http=>>###.glo! or !y calling 911.904.7(7,. -. (oes an enclosure ha$e to be sub%itted to NEMA or appro$al& )2-& "oes no testing nor certification. To claim compliance #ith the re5uirements for a specific )2-& enclosure type, a manufacturer #oul" ha$e to comply #ith the re5uirements containe" in )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 This "ocument can !e purchase" from Glo!al !y clicking here http=>>###.glo!> or !y calling 911.904.7(7,. :. #here can + ind construction require%ents or NEMA enclosures& )2-& stan"ar"s ten" to !e #ritten as performance stan"ar"s. )2-& stan"ar" pu!lications 401' (,,7 an" IC% 7 ha$e some information concerning construction, such as #ire !en"ing space, etc.

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#here can + ind out about NEMA ratings or enclosures& The "efinitions, features an" test criteria of all )2-& enclosure types are foun" in 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 This "ocument can !e purchase" from Glo!al !y clicking here http=>>###.glo!>search?res.cfm@ ;IDA)2-&Binput?"oc?num!erA)2-&?4 01 or !y calling 911.904.7(7,. & !rief o$er$ie# of the types an" uses of enclosures can !e foun" here= http=>>>engineering>papers>enclosure.html.


#hat is %eant by NEMA 4 or NEMA 41& The "esignation 4 refers to a )2-& enclosure typeC there is no Type 4;. &n excerpt from %tan"ar" +u!. )o. 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 is foun" on the #e!site, an" "efines each enclosure type an" application.


#hat are +, standards=especially 9here they apply to +,.4 and si%ilar& The I2C "esignation consists of the letters I+ follo#e" !y t#o numerals. The first characteristic numeral in"icates the "egree of protection pro$i"e" !y the enclosure #ith respect to persons an" soli" foreign o!6ects entering the enclosure. The secon" characteristic numeral in"icates the "egree of protection pro$i"e" !y the enclosure #ith respect to the harmful ingress of #ater. The 2nclosures "ocument foun" here= http=>>>engineering>papers>enclosure.html pro$i"es an e5ui$alent con$ersion from the enclosure Type num!ers in this %tan"ar" to the I2C 2nclosure Classification Designations. I+ 04= 0 ' +rotecte" against access to ha/ar"ous parts #ith a #ire. The access pro!e of (.1 mm DD shall not penetrate. ' Dust protecte". Ingress of "ust is not totally pre$ente". Eut "ust shall not penetrate in a 5uantity to interfere #ith satisfactory operation of the apparatus or to impair safety. 4 ' +rotecte" against splashing #ater #hich shall ha$e no harmful effect #hen splashe" against the enclosure from any "irection.


#here can + ind a short list o %anu acturers or e6%otor starters that ha$e to co%ply 9ith NEMA 4> rules )2-& stan"ar"s are $oluntary. )2-& neither tests pro"ucts nor certifies that a pro"uct complies #ith a gi$en )2-& stan"ar". & manufacturer can choose to self'certify or to seek in"epen"ent thir"'party $erification (testing that the pro"uct complies #ith the )2-& stan"ar". This "ecision is !ase" on the re5uirements of the marketplace, e.g., a test agency Listing or -ark may !e re5uire". +lease contact any of the enclosures manufacturers "irectly to in5uire a!out their pro"uctsC use 3enclosures3 as a search term on )2-&Fs pro"uct'manufacturer search engine to generate a list of contacts.


#hat is the +, degree or NEMA 1' rated ?9eather proo @& I+04. &n excerpt from 401'(,,7 can !e foun" on the )2-& #e!site. Ta!le &'( co$ers Con$ersion of 2nclosure Type num!ers to I2C Classification Designations. *or more "etaile" an" complete information, )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 shoul" !e consulte". +lease call Glo!al 2ngineering at ('911' 904'7(7,, or (':1:':,7'7,07 (outsi"e the G.%. or go to their #e!site, ###.ihs.glo!


The 1<<: re$ision o NEMA '.5 addresses corrosion protection. Table '.1 indicates that NEMA Type 4> and -, enclosures pro$ide a degree o protection against corrosi$e agents. Clause ..15 identi ies types 4> and -, in relation to clause ..;! 0+ndoor Corrosion ,rotection.0 Aut the de inition or Type -, in clause 1.) does not %ention 0corrosion protection.0 (oes Type -, pro$ide a degree o protection against corrosi$e agents @ The )2-& Type 7+ "efinition "oes not state a "egree of protection, !ut )2-& 401 "oes re5uire

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that a Type 7+ pass the 48 corrosion test. (%ee Ta!le 0'(. 14. #hat is the test to deter%ine i an enclosure is 09atertight&0 Hatertight is a marking that may !e use" #ith the follo#ing )2-& Type enclosures= 4, 48, 7 an" 7+. 2ach of these )2-& Types has its o#n list of applica!le tests, although there is some o$erlap. I !elie$e that the !est approach #oul" !e for you to purchase a copy of )2-& 401 so that you can "etermine #hich of the )2-& Types is most appropriate for your application an", from this, "etermine the appropriate tests. )2-& 401 can !e purchase" !y calling Glo!al>I.% at 911>904'7(7,. 1.. #e need in or%ation about so%e codes/ 1. NEMA +C3'! industrial control de$icesB '. NEMA +C3-! CEnclosures or industrial controls and syste%s0 type 1'. )2-& stan"ar"s IC% 4 an" IC% 7 are a$aila!le free of charge on the )2-& #e!site. 1-. +D% trying to ind a standard outlining the %ethods or testing Au"iliary Enclosures. + put 0au"iliary enclosures0 into the search ield ?press 0search0 button@ and it returns Eero results. ,lease help. + ha$e tried to call NEMA o ices and 9ent in circles 9ith the phone syste%. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401, 2nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 $olts -aximum , co$ers re5uirements to pro$i"e protection to the enclose" electrical e5uipment against specific en$ironmental con"itions. & 5uick re$ie# of the "ocument "i" not re$eal the use of the term 3auxiliary enclosure.3 +erhaps you coul" pro$i"e a""itional information on this term. 1:. + donDt kno9 i you can help or not! but +D% sure + read so%e9here that NEMA standards need only be applied as the condition 9arrants. Meaning! i + donDt need NEMA 4> or i + donDt need NEMA 1' donDt use it. + ha$e a situation 9ere +D% breaking the integrity o a NEMA 1' 9ire9ay! but the 9ire9ay really doesnDt need to be NEMA 1'. (o you kno9 o any 9ritten docu%entation that states so%ething like that& I think you are referring to the *ore#or" in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 that rea"s as follo#s= 3*D;2HD;D 3This %tan"ar"s +u!lication co$ers the classification an" "escription of enclosures for electrical e5uipment. 2nclosures for rotating apparatus ha$e not !een inclu"e". The primary purpose of this pu!lication is to permit a potential user to "etermine= (. The type of enclosure appropriate for the application. 4. The features the enclosure is expecte" to ha$e. :. The tests applie" to the enclosure to "emonstrate its conformance to the "escription.3 )2-& "oes not in$ol$e itself in application issues. It is the responsi!ility of the user or "esigner to "etermine the enclosure appropriate for the application. 1;. +t 9ill be highly appreciated i you could re er to the belo9 question and e"plain in detail or our understanding. 1. 7o9 can + identi y our suppliersD products truly %eet NEMA 4> 3tandard& +s there any 9ay or papers can proo it& '. #e 9ere told ro% our supplier that i they ha$e testing equip%ent and as per the 1ules o NEMA 4> to test by the%sel$es! once the result is passed! they can issue NEMA 4> on their o9ned products directly 9ithout through the third authori8ed certi ied party. +s this true or not& Let me ans#er your secon" 5uestion first. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401, 2nclosures, of

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#hich )2-& 48 is a part, is a $oluntary stan"ar". It is up to in"i$i"ual manufacturers to "eci"e #hether or not they #ill "esign an" !uil" their enclosures to meet the re5uirements in the "ocument. %houl" a manufacturer choose to !uil" a pro"uct to the )2-& 48 stan"ar", the manufacturer may con"uct its o#n testing to ensure the pro"uct complies #ith the )2-& 48 re5uirements an", assuming the pro"uct passes the tests, the manufacturer can claim that the pro"uct meets )2-& 48. )2-& "oes not "o compliance testing for any of its stan"ar"s. & customer may re5uire that a supplier to ha$e its enclosure teste" !y an in"epen"ent test la! to ensure compliance. This is, ho#e$er, !y agreement !et#een the customer an" the supplier. Thir" party certification is not re5uire", ho#e$er, for the manufacturer to claim compliance #ith )2-& 48. There are se$eral testing organi/ations in the G% that #ill perform this ser$ice= Gn"er#riters La!oratories, Intertek Testing %er$ices, *actory -utual, etc. 1<. #here can + ind a list o enclosure %anu acturers& +lease see the follo#ing= &"alet ' Cle$elan", D. &llie" -oul"e" +ro"ucts, Inc. ' Eryan, D. Eolts#itch, Inc. ' Crystal Lake, IL Controlle" +o#er Corporation ' -assillon, D. Cooper E'Line ' +ortlan", D; Cooper Crouse'.in"s ' %yracuse, )I 2aton Corporation ' +itts!urgh, +& 2G% 2lectrical Group ' %kokie, IL G2 In"ustrial %ystems ' +lain$ille, CT .ammon" -anufacturing Inc. ' )orth Guelph, D) Cana"a .offman 2nclosures Inc. ' &noka, -) .u!!ell Incorporate" ' Eri"geport, CT .u!!ell Hiegmann ' *ree!urg, IL Jillark 2lectric -fg. Company ' %t. Louis, -D Lamson B %essions ' Cle$elan", D. -il!ank -anufacturing Company ' Concor"ia, -D -oeller 2lectric Corporation ' *ranklin, -& +enn +anel B Eox Company ' Colling"ale, +& ;ittal Corporation ' %pringfiel", D. ;o!roy In"ustries, Inc. ' Eel"ing, -I %iemens 2nergy B &utomation, Inc. K&lpharetta, G& %5uare D Company>%chnei"er 2lectric ' Lexington, JI Thomas B Eetts Corporation ' -emphis, T) '5. + get your e6%ail address ro% NEMA6#ebsite to contact or technical questions. ,lease help %e in ollo9ing case/ Fur custo%ers request about so%e electronic products o our industrial brakes the NEMA6 4 require%ents. ,lease in or% %e 9hat are the NEMA64 require%ents! are they co%patible to the European Nor% EN -5 .'< 0(egrees o protection G +, Code0 & Especially 9e need to kno9 9hich NEMA64 codes are co%patible to European Code +, 4' B +, -. & The follo#ing is the "efinition of a )2-& Type 4 enclosure, as gi$en in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3= 3Type 4 K 2nclosures constructe" for either in"oor or out"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irt, rain, sleet, sno#, #in"!lo#n "ust, splashing #ater, an"

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hose'"irecte" #aterC an" that #ill !e un"amage" !y the external formation of ice on the enclosure.3 There is no "irect con$ersion !et#een )2-& Types an" I+ Co"es. The closest I+ rating for a )2-& Type 4 is I+07 from I2C 7104,. '1. #hat is a NEMA Type 1 Enclosure&

& )2-& Type ( enclosure is "efine" as follo#s= 0Type 1 ' 2nclosures constructe" for in"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipment an" to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irt.3 )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 pro$i"es "efinitions, construction, an" test re5uirements for all )2-& enclosure types. )2-& 401 is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! ''. +s it necessary to test an enclosure per NEMA '.5 subclause ).- 9ith ittings in place! such as a conduit connection& + so! ho9 are the tests conducted in the ield& The fittings shoul" !e in"epen"ently liste" #ith a Type num!er, i.e., a liste" Type 4 fitting into a Type 4 enclosure shoul" not !e re5uire" to !e 3fiel" teste".3 )+T con"uit entries are assume" to !e a"e5uate in meeting all the Type ratings #hen )+T con"uit is #rench tightene" into the enclosure. '). +s it acceptable to use poly%eric %aterial or a NEMA 4 enclosure in a non6ha8ardous location containing a control panel or de9atering sub%ersible pu%ps& There is nothing in )2-& 401 #hich preclu"es the use of polymeric materials (that are properly selecte" to meet the re5uirements of the %tan"ar" in enclosures of any Type num!er. Hhether )2-& 4 is the correct Type to choose for the application is not something I feel #e can comment upon, !eyon" the "egrees of protection in"icate" !y )2-& 401. If there are 5uestions a!out ho# to interpret those "egrees of protection, #e might !e a!le to comment further. '4. #e are looking or enclosures to be installed in an electroche%ical industry 9here the ollo9ing conditions e"ist/ 1@ chlorine is present in the en$iron%ent '@ strong electro%agnetic ield )@ high te%perature #e need an enclosure that %ust be corrosion resistant due to corrosi$e gases?chlorine in our case@! that %ust resist strong electro%agnetic ield. ,lease suggest us a suitable protection category Type that ul ills the abo$e %entioned conditions. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 pro$i"es "efinitions, construction, an" test re5uirements for all )2-& enclosure types. )2-& 401 is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! )2-& "oes not pro$i"e recommen"ations for applications. '.. + 9ork or H. My question is 9hether ne%a 4" I.bDs ha$e to be stainless steel or can they be gal$ani8ed steel& The follo#ing is an excerpt from )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3

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:.0.7 Type 48 Corrosion +rotection Type 48 enclosures, an" external parts attache" to these enclosures, shall !e manufacture" of &merican Iron an" %teel Institute (&I%I Type :14 %tainless steel, polymerics, or materials #ith e5ui$alent corrosion resistance. If material other than Type :14 %tainless %teel is use" it shall !e teste" in accor"ance #ith 0., an" 0.(1. )2-& 401 is a$aila!le form the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. '-. 3orry to bother you again. 4ust one quick question. +s gal$ani8ed steel considered in co%pliance 9ith )...: Type 4" Corrosion ,rotection& )o, unless you a""itionally test an" pass the corrosion tests of 0., an" 0.(1. ':. +D% being asked to pro$ide in or%ation to a consulting engineer regarding the NEMA '.5 standard. +s there such a standard& Can + do9nload a copy& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! ';. ,lease let %e kno9 NEMA TJ,E 4 speci ication details. The follo#ing is an extract from )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7= 0Type 4 ' 2nclosures constructe" for either in"oor or out"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irt, rain, sleet, sno#, #in"!lo#n "ust, splashing #ater, an" hose'"irecte" #aterC an" that #ill !e un"amage" !y the external formation of ice on the enclosure.3 )2-& 401 can !e purchase" from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! '<. 1equire in or%ation about the nor% Ne%a 1'! or one dry again o the para%eters solicited. )2-& Type (4 2nclosures are constructe" (#ithout knockouts for in"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irtC against circulating "ust, lint, fi!ers, an" flyingsC an" against "ripping an" light splashing of li5ui"s. The construction an" testing re5uirements for all )2-& enclosures are gi$en in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7, a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! )5. + need so%e clari ication about the require%ents or Type -, enclosures. ,er NEMA '.5 docu%ent! corrosion protection is not de ined in the te"t de inition ?section '@. Aut corrosion protection is listed in Table '6' and table .61. Corrosion protection is required under the 4> type. + a% designing and testing to Type -,. +s this corrosion protection as de ined in ..< and ..15 o the NEMA '.5 docu%ent so%ething that + need to design and test or& This is not clear to %e by reading the NEMA standard. &s sho#n in )2-& 401, Ta!le 0'(, a Type 7+ enclosure re5uires the Corrosion tests specifie" in Clause 0., an" 0.(1. Clause 0.(1 specifically inclu"es a Type 7+ enclosure. )1. + 9ould like to get so%e help on e"plaining on ho9 a NEMA 1' standard #all %ount

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cabinet 9ith ple"i glass door that can pre$ent dust to protect the co%puter equip%ent ro% dusting in a actory en$iron%ent! can you tell %e through e%ail on 9hat %aterial and standard 9ill be used so that + kno9 ho9 to chose the correct product. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! The follo#ing is the "efinition of a )2-& Type (4 enclosure= Type (4 K 2nclosures constructe" (#ithout knockouts for in"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irtC against circulating "ust, lint, fi!ers, an" flyingsC an" against "ripping an" light splashing of li5ui"s. )'. + 9ork or an FEM! H ! that purchases H enclosures rated NEMA 4. My question relates to %ounting the enclosure. #e pre er to loor %ount the enclosure on a abricated steel baseplate by drilling through the botto% corners and attaching 9ith a bolt. The enclosure is kept 9ater tight by sealing around the bolt 9ith a sealed 9asher or silicone. The speci ication on enclosures in the past has indicated that %ounting %ust be done e"ternal to the cabinet. There ore! is drilling holes and sealing an acceptable %ethod to %ount the enclosure and still %eet the NEMA 4 criteria& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 rea"s as follo#s= 3:.7 -DG)TI)G 3If mounting means are pro$i"e" for Types :, :%, 4, 48, 7, 7+, (4, (4J an" (: these means shall !e external to the e5uipment ca$ity.3 Therefore, to maintain the re5uirements of )2-& 401, "rilling through the enclosure floor #oul" $iolate the )2-& 4 rating. .o#e$er, in "iscussing your 5uestion #ith experts in the fiel", it appears that a floor mounte" enclosure may !e accepta!le, if seale" as you "escri!e, !ut the local inspector #oul" nee" to appro$e the installation. It is not accepta!le to "rill internal holes for #all mounte" enclosures. )). 7o9 can + get the ne%a : standards or e"plosion proo %otors and 9iring or sa%e& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types. .o#e$er, it "oes not co$er #iringC that is an installation issue. )2-& 401 is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! )4. + need in or%ation about the types and classi ications o enclosures. + canKt ind anything on your LNEMAM 9ebsite. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! ).. + ha$e a query 9ith re erence to testing require%ent o NEMA 4> enclosure. Clause No 4.:.' o NEMA '.5 para . says Dshall be %anu actured o A%erican +ron N 3teel +nstitute Type )54 stainless steel! poly%erics! or %aterials 9ith equi$alent corrosion resistance! to pro$ide a degree o protection against speci ic corrosi$e agents.

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My query is! i enclosure is %anu actured out o A+3+ )54 or )1-! in that case! is Corrosion ,rotection Test described in Clause No -.<.' o NEMA '.5 required to be conducted. The follo#ing is an excerpt from )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 )...: Type 4> Corrosion ,rotection Type 48 enclosures, an" external parts attache" to these enclosures, shall !e manufacture" of &merican Iron an" %teel Institute (&I%I Type :14 %tainless steel, polymerics, or materials #ith e5ui$alent corrosion resistance. If material other than Type :14 %tainless %teel is use" it shall !e teste" in accor"ance #ith 0., an" 0.(1. Those clauses state the follo#ing= ..< F2T(FF1 CF11F3+FN ,1FTECT+FN *inishes other than as "escri!e" in :.0.4.( to :.0.4.0, such as special metallic finishes, or metallic finish com!ine" #ith paint shall !e teste" as "escri!e" in 0.,.( an" 0.,.:. ..<.1 -55 7our 3alt 3pray Test Comparati$e tests shall !e con"ucte" in accor"ance #ith 0.9 except the test time shall !e 711 hours. The comparison shall !e #ith G,1 gal$ani/e" sheet steel (#ithout annealing, #iping, or other surface treatment conforming #ith :.0.4.(. ..<.' E$aluation &n enclosure shall !e consi"ere" to ha$e met the re5uirements of this test if upon completion it "oes not sho# pitting, cracking, or other "eterioration more se$ere than that resulting from a similar test on G,1 gal$ani/e" steel. ..<.) 1'55 7our Moist Carbon (io"ide 6 3ul ur (io"ide 6 Air Test Teste" an" e$aluate" in accor"ance #ith GL (::4.

..15 TJ,E 4> CF11F3+FN ,1FTECT+FN & Type 48 an" 7+ enclosure shall !e teste" #ith comparison tests in accor"ance #ith 0.9 except the test time shall !e 411 hours. )2-& 401 is a$aila!le form the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! )-. + 9ork or H corporation. #e ha$e a copy o the 1<<1 NEMA '.5 spec and also a copy o the 1<<: $ersion. For a type 1' enclosure the 1<<1 says that it should pass a drip test but the 1<<: does not list the drip test or the type 1' enclosure. (oes the type 1' enclosure need to pass a drip test& )2-& 401'(,,7, Ta!le 0'(, for Type (4 2nclosures has su!clause 0.0.4.( ' 3Circulating Dust Test3 marke" as applica!le. ;eferring to 0.0.4.(, the last sentence states= 3& "e$ice that meets the re5uirements of this test also meets the re5uirements of ... the Drip Test (0.: .3 Compliance #ith the re5uirements for Drip Test are in"icate" in the 3"efinition3 of Type (4 (see 4.4 3%pecific Types3 , in Ta!le 4'(, an" in 4.4 3%upplemental -arkings.3 It is the opinion of enclosure manufacturers that the "ust test is more se$ere, making the "rip test re"un"ant. ):. #e are building an enclosure or electronic equip%ent. #here can 9e send the package to ha$e it NEMA certi ied& )2-& is not a certification agency. There are a num!er of testing la!oratories, such as GL, 2TL,

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an" C%& that can certify or list the enclosure. );. + a% atte%pting to do9nload the co%pli%entary in or%ation regarding NEMA cabinet Types! but a% ha$ing no luck. + registered as a NEMA user! but 9as unable to see any in o. +s it possible or you to e%ail %e the in o. & copy of the )2-& presentation L2n$ironmental Con"itions an" the &ppropriate 2nclosure TypesM is attache".

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+ ha$e a large enclosure that has been classi ied as F6M Class +! (i$ision 1. #ould the F6M rating also %eet the require%ents o NEMA Type :& )2-& "oes not certify or list pro"ucts. It #oul" !e the "ecision of the local authorities as to #hether they #ill accept the *'- mark. Iou may #ish to contact one of the )2-& fiel" representati$es for more specific information a!out local 6uris"ictions.


+ need to deter%ine 9hat NEMA enclosure applies to o8one generators. My enclosures are %anu actured in H and %eet that countryKs require%ents. + also need to sho9 that %y enclosure %eets the require%ents o NEMA '.5. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! There is no "irect con$ersion from other countries national stan"ar"s. .o#e$er, I2C +u!lication 7104, LDegrees of protection pro$i"e" !y enclosures (I+ Co"e M can !e use" as a comparison for the inspector in the 6uris"iction in #hich the enclosure is !eing installe".


My co%pany H supplies gas turbine air inlet iltration syste%s to the po9er generation and oil N gas industries. Equip%ent o ten eatures electronic controls or sel cleaning syste%s! and instru%entation to %onitor pressure drop etc. 3o%eti%es this equip%ent 9ill be located in a ha8ardous area. +3F<555/'555 requires that all personnel be 0co%petent.0 7o9 do 9e de ine co%petent or technicians installing or inspecting our electrical control gear! instru%entation! equip%ent! lighting! etc& +s there a 23 national standard 9hich 9e should re erence or do%estically %anu actured or installed syste%s & And is there an international standard 9e should re erence or syste%s %anu actured or installed outside the 23 & )2-& "efers to the )ational 2lectrical Co"e ()2C ()*+& %tan"ar" 71'4114 on issues relating to ha/ar"ous installations. The international e5ui$alent of the )2C is International 2lectrotechnical Commission (I2C stan"ar" I2C 71:74. It is a$aila!le from the &merican )ational %tan"ar"s Institute (&)%I at )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types, !ut it "oes not a""ress installation. That is the responsi!ility of the user, #ho must refer to the )2C. )2-& 401 is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! The )2C "efines a Nualifie" +erson as= 3Dne #ho has skills an" kno#le"ge relate" to the construction an" operation of the electrical e5uipment an" installations an" has recei$e" safety training on the ha/ar"s in$ol$e".3 )2-& uses the same "efinition in )2-& stan"ar"s. Generally, the employer pro$i"es training an" certifies someone as a 3Nualifie" +erson.3 I am sure there are many training organi/ations that coul" help you "esign a program. & 5uick search of the #e! resulte" in se$eral hun"re" hits on electrical safety training.


Are there authori8ed NEMA Test locations or NEMA 4" testing& + so! can you point %e to a location& )2-& "oes not pro$i"e or certify testing facilities. In the G.%. there are currently six recogni/e" )ational Certification Eo"ies ()CEs as follo#s= 2ntela :1:: -a"ison &$e. %2 Gran" ;api"s, -I 4,049

+age (1 of 4:

(4(7 44( 9447 *- &ppro$als ((0( Eoston'+ro$i"ence Turnpike )or#oo", -& 14174 (79( 400'4941 Intertek Testing %er$ices (70 %outh -ain %treet Cortlan", )I (:140'4,,0 (717 70:'77(( -2T La!s, Inc. ,(4 H. +atapsco &$enue Ealtimore, -D 4(4:1':4:4 (4(1 :04'::11 TG< ;heinlan" )orth &merica (4 Commerce ;oa" )e#ton, CT 17471 (41: 447'1999 Gn"er#riters La!oratories Inc. ::: +fingsten ;oa" )orth!rook, IL 71174'41,0 (719 474'9911 4). #hat are the 9ater test require%ents or a NEMA 4 enclosure O ho9 %uch 9ater! 9hat pressure& +s a NEMA 4 the sa%e as an +,.-& The follo#ing is an extract from )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 that "escri!es the ;ain Test= L& complete enclosure #ith con"uit connecte" shall !e mounte" as in actual ser$ice except that the con"uit shall !e connecte" #ithout using pipe threa" sealing compoun". ;igi" con"uit shall !e threa"e" into the opening in the enclosure an" tightene" #ith the tor5ue as specifie" in Ta!le 0'4. LThe test apparatus shall consist of at least three spray hea"s mounte" in a #ater supply pipe rack as sho#n in *igure 0'(. %pray hea"s shall !e constructe" in accor"ance #ith the "etails sho#n in *igure 0'4. LThe enclosure is to !e positione" in the focal area of the spray hea"s so that the greatest 5uantity of #ater is likely to enter the enclosure. The #ater pressure is to !e maintaine" at :4.0 k+a (0 psi at each spray hea" an" a continuous #ater spray shall !e applie" for one hour.M )2-& 401 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure TypesC it is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! & )2-& Type 4 enclosure is the e5ui$alent of an I+07 enclosure. 44. +D% looking or a speci ication or NEMA 4" testing. #here can + ind the require%ents speci ication and testing speci ication or NEMA 4"& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types an" testing re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo!

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+ a% 9orking 9ith a contractor in placing an order or NEMA 4> enclosures. Many o the construction eatures are di erent ro% other 4> enclosures + ha$e seen! such as ha$ing three chro%e hinges instead o a continuous hinge. 7o9 can + be sure the enclosures 9ill actually %eet the NEMA 4> require%ents& )2-& stan"ar"s are $oluntary. If a manufacturer or supplier claims compliance #ith a )2-& stan"ar", he is essentially gi$ing his #or" that the pro"uct meets the stan"ar". Thir" party certification is not re5uire" for the manufacturer to claim compliance #ith )2-& 48. There are se$eral testing organi/ations in the G% that #ill perform this ser$ice= Gn"er#riters La!oratories, Intertek Testing %er$ices, *actory -utual, etc.


+ a% building a NEMA Type 4> enclosure. #hat do + need to do to ha$e it certi ied by NEMA& )2-& is not a certification agency. There are se$eral testing organi/ations in the G% that #ill perform this ser$ice= Gn"er#riters La!oratories, Intertek Testing %er$ices, *actory -utual, etc.


+ ha$e a question regarding enclosures. +s there a )1 NEMA enclosure& + it is! + 9ould appreciate so%e technical in or%ation on )1. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types an" testing re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! & Type :; is "efine" as= 32nclosures constructe" for either in"oor or out"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irt, rain, sleet, an" sno#C an" that #ill !e un"amage" !y the external formation of ice on the enclosure.3 I am attaching a !rief summary of )2-& enclosures that you may fin" useful.


+ ha$e a sheet %etal shop. A custo%er has asked or a NEMA 1' enclosure. #hat are the speci ications or a Type 1' and 9hat are the require%ents or certi ication& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types an" testing re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! & Type (4 is "efine" as= L2nclosures constructe" (#ithout knockouts for in"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irtC against circulating "ust, lint, fi!ers, an" flyingsC an" against "ripping an" light splashing of li5ui"s.M )2-& is not a certification agency. There are se$eral testing organi/ations in the G% that #ill perform this ser$ice= Gn"er#riters La!oratories, Intertek Testing %er$ices, *actory -utual, etc


+ a% the ,roduct Manager or +solation Pal$es in %y co%pany 9hich enco%passes 3olenoid Pal$es. For so%e ti%e + ha$e accepted the act that an +,-. rating is equal to a NEMA 4 rating. 1ecently + ran across a publication that stated the +,-- 9as equal to the NEMA 4 and +,-. 9as equal to NEMA 1). + ha$e both sets in or%ation in 9riting. No9 + a% questioning all the in or%ation + ha$e. (o you ha$e a NEMA docu%ent or speci ication that clearly states the di erent NEMA ratings along 9ith their corresponding +, nu%ber& This 9ould be $ery help ul along 9ith clari ying any and all questions regarding this issue. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types an" testing re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the

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Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! I am attaching a !rief summary of )2-& enclosures that you may fin" useful. The follo#ing is an extract from )2-& 401. 2nclosure Type )um!er I2C 2nclosure Classification Designation ( I+(1 4 I+(( : I+04 :; I+(4 :% I+04 4 an" 48 I+07 0 I+04 7 &)D 7+ I+77 (4 &)D (4J I+04 (: I+04 This comparison is !ase" on tests specifie" in I2C +u!lication 7104,. .5. Thank you or your quick response. There is still so%e con usion. #here does +,-. N +,-- co%e in& +s the publication by 0Control Engineering Fnline0 incorrect& ?*archi$es*1<<<*ct15)51.<<*5) )2-& 401'(,,7 "oes not a""ress I+70 or I+77. The con$ersions sho#n in Ta!le &'( #ere "e$elope" !y the )2-& 2nclosures %ection, the manufacturers of enclosures. Ta!le &'( pro$i"es an e5ui$alent con$ersion from the enclosure Type num!ers in )2-& 401 to the I2C 2nclosure Classification Designations. The enclosure type num!ers meet or excee" the test re5uirements for the associate" I2C ClassificationC for this reason Ta!le &'( cannot !e use" to con$ert from I2C Classifications to enclosure Types. I cannot comment on the pu!lication !y 3Control 2ngineering Dnline.3 It is possi!le they re$ie#e" the $arious I+ co"es an" came to "ifferent conclusions. .1. #e ha$e ound that the NEMA cross re erence indicates that +,.- is suitable or NEMA 4 use. #e eel that an +,-. e"ceeds +,.- rating and should be suitable or NEMA 4 applications! but it is not sho9n on the NEMA cross re erence. There ore! +t 9ould be appreciated i you 9ould please ans9er these t9o questions and*or gi$e us an accurate interpretation as to the co%parison o NEMA 4 and +,-. enclosures/ 1. Are NEMA 4 enclosures suitable or +,-. applications& '. Are +,-. enclosures suitable or a NEMA 4 applications& Ta!le &'( in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 in"icates that a )2-& 4 enclosure meets or excee"s the re5uirements of I+07. It also states that the ta!le 3cannot !e use" to con$ert I2C classification "esignations to )2-& type ratings.3 &n I+70 excee"s an I+07 for ingress of soli"s, such as "ust, !ut not for ingress of #ater. &n I+ 70 is not necessarily suita!le for )2-& Type 4 applications. .'. Can a Type 1 enclosure be %ade o plastic! or %ust it be %ade ro% %etal& Type 1 K 2nclosures constructe" for in"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipment an" to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irt. There is nothing in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 that prohi!its the use of polymeric materials for enclosures. .o#e$er, as state" in )2-& 401, clause :.4 L& polymeric enclosure or a polymeric part of an enclosure necessary to maintain the integrity of an electrical enclosure, shall comply #ith the applica!le

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re5uirements in the GL %tan"ar" for +olymeric -aterials K Gse in 2lectrical 25uipment 2$aluations, GL 747C an" also #ith any a""itional re5uirements specifie" in this %tan"ar".M .). (oes the NEMA rating 4> auto%atically %ean iberglass or stainless steel or the cabinet %aterial& Are all sheet steel! painted cabinets li%ited to NEMA 4 or can sheet steel cabinet be NEMA64> rated also& The follo#ing are excerpts from )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 #hich "escri!e all )2-& enclosure Types an" testing re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! :.0 CD;;D%ID) +;DT2CTID) K G2)2;&L 2nclosures shall not !e constructe" of metals in any com!ination such as to cause gal$anic action #hich #ill a"$ersely affect any part of the e5uipment expose" to moisture. Copper, !ron/e, !rass containing at least 91 percent copper, stainless steel, or aluminum may !e use" #ithout a""itional protection against corrosion. .inges an" other attachments use" on an enclosure shall !e resistant to corrosion an" shall comply #ith the same re5uirements as the enclosure. :.0.( In"oor Corrosion +rotection Eoth the insi"e an" outsi"e surfaces of an enclosure ma"e of ferrous material shall !e protecte" against corrosion !y enameling, gal$ani/ing, or other e5ui$alent means. Types (, 4, 0, (4, (4J, an" (: ferrous enclosures, an" external ferrous parts attache" to these enclosure Types an" not protecte" !y one of these means shall !e teste" as "escri!e" in 0.9. :.0.4 Dut"oor Corrosion +rotection Types :, :;, :%, 4, 48, 7, an" 7+ ferrous enclosures, an" external ferrous parts attache" to these enclosure Types, shall !e protecte" against corrosion !y one of the coatings or finishes in :.0.4.( through :.0.4.0. ... :.0.7 Type 48 Corrosion +rotection Type 48 enclosures, an" external parts attache" to these enclosures, shall !e manufacture" of &merican Iron an" %teel Institute (&I%I Type :14 %tainless steel, polymerics, or materials #ith e5ui$alent corrosion resistance. If material other than Type :14 %tainless %teel is use" it shall !e teste" in accor"ance #ith 0., an" 0.(1. .4. #hat is the rationale or requiring -55 hours or salt6spray testing and 1'55 hours or the Moist Carbon (io"ide*3ul ur (io"ide Test& This equates to :. days and see%s e"cessi$e. During the process of harmoni/ing the Cana"ian, -exican an" G.%. enclosure stan"ar"s, GL presente" "ata that sho#e" that salt spray samples usually fail "ue to excessi$e creepage, #hile CD4%D4 samples usually fail "ue to !listering cause" !y the permeation of the gas through the coating. In other #or"s, the failure mo"es are "ifferent an" not representati$e of one another. To !e consistent, )2-& incorporate" the test re5uirements into )2-& 401. ... #hat NEMA enclosure rating is the equi$alent o +, -.& It is not possi!le to state that an I+ rating is e5ui$alent to a )2-& Type "esignation. &n I+ rating only consi"ers protection against ingress of soli" foreign o!6ects an" ingress of #ater. The )2-& Types consi"er these !ut also consi"er other items such as corrosions an" construction "etails. *or this reason it is possi!le to say that a )2-& Type is e5ui$alent to an I+ rating !ut it is not possi!le to state that an I+ rating is e5ui$alent to a )2-& Type. To the 5uestion of I+ 70 if you refer to the information on the )2-& #e! site (http=>>>DocGploa"s>04(71:D7'

+age (4 of 4:

E9&&'4(47'&C7C:4EC0&7*:&07>>)2-&?2nclosure?Types."oc you #ill see that a Type 7 an" a Type 7+ meet or excee" an I+ 77. They #oul" therefore meet an I+ 70. &fter some recent stu"ies the comparison chart #ill !e re"one in the future an" #ill in"icate a Type 4 an" a Type 48 is e5ui$alent to an I+ 77 an" the Type 7+ is !eing change" to an I+ 79. &ll other Types are !elo# an I+ 70. .-. Hhat are the main "ifferences !et#een )2-& 7 an" )2-& , enclosures@ If an enclosure is conforme" #ith )2-& 7 stan"ar", is it 3automatically3 conform #ith )2-& , stan"ar"@ It seems that the )2-& 7 stan"ar" is more stringent than the )2-& , stan"ar". +lease see the attache" file O)2-& 2nclosure Types (http=>>>DocGploa"s>04(71:D7'E9&&'4(47' &C7C:4EC0&7*:&07>>)2-&?2nclosure?Types."oc .P Type 7 an" , enclosures perform "ifferent functions. In .a/ar"ous Locations! 9hen co%pletely and properly installed and %aintained, Type 7 an" (1 enclosures are "esigne" to contain an internal explosion #ithout causing an external ha/ar". Type 9 enclosures are "esigne" to pre$ent com!ustion through the use of oil'immerse" e5uipment. Type , enclosures are "esigne" to pre$ent the ignition of com!usti!le "ust. Type : ' 2nclosures constructe" for in"oor use in ha/ar"ous locations classifie" as Class I, Di$ision (, Groups &, E, C, or D as "efine" in )*+& 71. Type < ' 2nclosures constructe" for in"oor use in ha/ar"ous locations classifie" as Class II, Di$ision (, Groups 2, *, or G as "efine" in )*+& 71. Iou #ill nee" to refer to the )ational 2lectric Co"e to "etermine the "ifferences in ha/ar"ous locations. .:. My co%pany produces electrical enclosures and cable ladder! and currently 9e are looking or in or%ation about list o authori8ed*accredited laboratories or NEMA '.561<<: and +EC .'< certi ication! located near our country H . +D$e tried to search at your 9ebsite but still + cannot ind these in o. #ould you pro$ide %e these in or%ations& )2-& is not affiliate" #ith testing la!oratories. %ome of the la!oratories in the G.%. are liste" !elo#. Df these, some operate #orl"#i"e an" may ha$e offices near your country. Iou may #ant to $isit their #e!sites for more information. 2ntela :1:: -a"ison &$e. %2 Gran" ;api"s, -I 4,049 (4(7 44( 9447 *- &ppro$als ((0( Eoston'+ro$i"ence Turnpike )or#oo", -& 14174 (79( 400'4941 Intertek Testing %er$ices (70 %outh -ain %treet Cortlan", )I (:140'4,,0 (717 70:'77(( -2T La!s, Inc. ,(4 H. +atapsco &$enue Ealtimore, -D 4(4:1':4:4 (4(1 :04'::11

+age (0 of 4:

TG< ;heinlan" )orth &merica (4 Commerce ;oa" )e#ton, CT 17471 (41: 447'1999 Gn"er#riters La!oratories Inc. ::: +fingsten ;oa" )orth!rook, IL 71174'41,0 (719 474'9911 .;. + need help 9ith an o icial clari ication as to the standards or enclosures rated Ne%a -, and Ne%a :. 7ere is the dile%%aB A custo%er o %ine has 9on an a9ard to pro$ide a nu%ber o 3luice gates in or a %etropolitan city in the NE portion o the 23. As such! %any o these gates 9ill be located belo9 9ater lines and tables. For all o the%! the speci ication requires the% to ha$e Ne%a : 1e%ote Control Enclosures. Fn appro"i%ately ; o the%! the speci ication calls out that these are susceptible to periodic looding and they ha$e stated these ; shall ha$e Ne%a -, pushbuttons on the%. My question is this. + a % g %akes a Ne%a : enclosure and then installs Ne%a -, push buttons in it! 9ill this in$alidate the Ne%a : rating and turn the enclosure into a $ery rugged looking Ne%a -, bo"& + not! + need so%e type o 9ay to $alidate that the Ne%a : rating is still good. & )2-& 7 enclosure is "esigne" for ha/ar"ous locations as state" in )2-& 401 %upplement &. These enclosures are teste" for their a!ility to contain an internal explosion. )2-& 7+ is a non' ha/ar"ous location rating as "escri!e" in section 4.4. These are su!6ecte" to a num!er of tests, inclu"ing su!mersion, !ut not for its a!ility to contain explosions. If these ratings are com!ine", in our opinion !oth type ratings #oul" !e compromise". &t !est the assem!ly coul" !e consi"ere" a Type (, for use only in a non'ha/ar"ous location. .<. Can a Type )1 enclosure be %ounted hori8ontally& The follo#ing is an extract from )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 #hich "escri!es all )2-& enclosure Types an" testing re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. 4.4 ENCQF321E F1+ENTAT+FN If the accepta!ility of a Type 4 or :; enclosure is "epen"ent upon a particular mounting orientation, the enclosure shall !e marke" to in"icate the re5uire" orientation unless the mounting is o!$ious. If a Type 4 or :; enclosure has knockouts for con"uit in the si"es or !ack of the enclosure in #hich the e5uipment to !e installe" is not kno#n, it shall !e marke" to in"icate the area in #hich li$e parts are to !e installe". -5. +s an anodi8ed alu%inu% enclosure required to pass Type 4 corrosion tests& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 re5uires corrosions tests only on ferrous enclosures. -1. #hat do + need to do to ha$e NEMA certi y an enclosure&

+age (7 of 4:

)2-& "oes certify enclosures. To claim compliance #ith the re5uirements for a specific )2-& enclosure type, a manufacturer must comply #ith the re5uirements containe" in )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 This "ocument can !e purchase" from Glo!al 2ngineering !y clicking here http=>>###.glo!> or !y calling 911.904.7(7,. -'. #e are interested in labeling our product! in this case a cable entry or electrical enclosures! 9ith a NEMA rating. +n this case 9e are talking about non ha8ardous locations. My opinion is that you as a %anu acturer can label your product 9ith the appropriate NEMA rating a ter succeeding in passing tests according to the NEMA '.5 standard. +s this correct& (o you ha$e to apply or a certi ication si%ilar to a 2Q rating& + so! please guide %e to 9ho%. Are there any! by NEMA noti ied labs in Europe that can be used or testing&?pre erably northern Europe@ )2-& "oes certify enclosures. To claim compliance #ith the re5uirements for a specific )2-& enclosure type, a manufacturer must comply #ith the re5uirements containe" in )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 This "ocument can !e purchase" from Glo!al 2ngineering !y clicking here http=>>###.glo!> or !y calling 911.904.7(7,. )2-& is not affiliate" #ith testing la!oratories. %ome of the la!oratories in the G.%. are liste" !elo# Oomitte" hereP. Df these, some operate #orl"#i"e an" may ha$e offices near your country. Iou may #ant to $isit their #e!sites for more information. -). + ha$e ho9e$er an additional question Lin response to question R-'M. #e ha$e already bought the standard LNEMA '.5M and are a%iliar 9ith the $arious de%ands or di erent ratings. QetDs assu%e that 9e succeed in testing acc. to this standard! gi$ing us a 0good0 test report. #hat is then the or%al 9ay to go ahead& (o 9e apply to NEMA! or is a declaration o co%pliance to NEMA '.5 ro% us as a %anu acturer enough to gi$e us the right to apply a NEMA %ark& )2-& stan"ar"s are $oluntary. )2-& neither tests pro"ucts nor certifies that a pro"uct complies #ith a gi$en )2-& stan"ar". & manufacturer can choose to self'certify that the pro"uct meets the re5uirements of )2-& 401 or seek in"epen"ent thir"'party $erification (testing that the pro"uct complies #ith the )2-& stan"ar". This "ecision is !ase" on the re5uirements of the marketplace, e.g., a test agency Listing or -ark may !e re5uire" !y a customer. -4. + need in or%ation on a NEMA Type 4> enclosure. + ha$e searched your 9ebsite and canKt ind anything. The "escription of a )2-& Type 48 enclosure is containe" in )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! -.. + need to protect a %anual %otor starter that is used in a dish9ashing application 9here it is subIected to hose do9ns. #hat do you reco%%end&

+age (7 of 4:

)2-& is not permitte" to make specific recommen"ations for applications. The )2-& #e!site pro$i"es a general "escription of enclosure types at http=>>>DocGploa"s>04(71:D7' E9&&'4(47'&C7C:4EC0&7*:&07>>)2-&?2nclosure?Types."oc . *or a complete "escription of construction an" test re5uirements, see )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. --. #hat standard co$ers a Type 1' enclosure& & complete "escription of construction an" test re5uirements, see )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. -:. (o you ha$e any general in or%ation that describes e"plosion proo enclosures. For e"a%ple NEMA A! etc. + a% looking or a table o so%ething si%ple that lists and describes all NEMA e"plosion proo enclosures and 9hat are their di erences. &ttache" is a !rief "escription of )2-& enclosure types. If more "etaile" information, such as construction an" test re5uirements are nee"e", you #ill nee" to purchase a copy of )2-& 401' (,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. -;. My co%pany has setup a test lab to test to +, -. require%ents in +EC -5.'<. Ae ore 9e sub%it our enclosure or appro$al! 9e 9ant to be sure it 9ill pass all the tests. (oes NEMA o er training courses or +, testing& )2-& is not a testing facility nor "o #e offer training courses on testing enclosures. Iou may #ant to contact one of the testing la!oratories liste" on the )2-& #e!site (http=>>>in"ex?nema.cfm>(7((> to "etermine #hether they offer training courses. -<. For electrical distribution equip%ent installed open to unconditioned outdoor air ?in this case itDs a parking garage@ but other9ise not e"posed to 9eather ?precipitation@ is NEMA 1 acceptable& )2-& ( is "esigne" for in"oor use per )2-& 401 %ec. 4.4 The 5uestion !ecomes is a parking garage in"oor. It is state" that itFs open to out"oor air !ut not expose" to precipitation. In my opinion precipitation inclu"es !lo#ing sno# #hich can get into an open garage. If the garage has a "oor that #ill keep out sno# )2-& ( #oul" !e accepta!le. :5. Are NEMA )1 enclosures intended to protect against hu%idity and associated condensation that %ay occur on equip%ent& )2-& :; "oes not protect against humi"ity. It is "esigne" to pro$i"e a D2G;22 of protection against 40 "egree angle" rain. There can !e no significant amount of #ater #ithin the enclosure an" no #ater may !e present on li$e parts. :1. + 9as hoping to get a clari ication about the require%ents or a NEMA 4> Enclosure. +t 9as %y understanding that in order to be considered NEMA 4> an industrial enclosure had to be constructed o non6corrosi$e %aterial ?stainless steel! alu%inu%! or iberglass@ and had to ha$e locking clasps rather than a )6point latch 9ith handle. #e ha$e an application in 9hich our custo%er 9ould like or us to pro$ide a NEMA 4> enclosure 9ith only a )6point latch and handle * 9ithout the clasps. + the clasps are required! 9ould it be possible or you to direct %e to the docu%ented require%ents or the clasps&

+age (9 of 4:

)ormally 48 enclosures are !uilt of the materials mentione" a!o$e. .o#e$er )2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 allo#s the use of other materials if specifically teste" per this section. I am not a#are of any specific latching re5uirement in )2-& 401 for a Type 48 enclosure. %ection :.(4 has some re5uirements for :, :;, :%, 0, (4 an" (4J, !ut not Type 48. :'. #hat do 9e need to do to get a NEMA listing& )2-& stan"ar"s are $oluntary. )2-& neither tests pro"ucts nor certifies that a pro"uct complies #ith a gi$en )2-& stan"ar". & manufacturer can choose to self'certify that the pro"uct meets the re5uirements of )2-& 401 or seek in"epen"ent thir"'party $erification (testing that the pro"uct complies #ith the )2-& stan"ar". This "ecision is !ase" on the re5uirements of the marketplace, e.g., a test agency Listing or -ark may !e re5uire" !y a customer. :). + ha$e a custo%er 9ho 9ants %e to install a control panel in a Class ++! (i$ision ' location. + reco%%ended a NEMA Type 4! but %y custo%er insists it should be a NEMA Type : or ha8ardous locations. #hich is correct& )2-& is not permitte" to offer opinions as to the suita!ility of enclosures for specific applications. .o#e$er )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 clearly in"icates that a Type 4 enclosure is not suita!le for use in ha/ar"ous locations. The )2-& #e!site pro$i"es a general "escription of enclosure types at http=>>>DocGploa"s>04(71:D7'E9&&'4(47' &C7C:4EC0&7*:&07>>)2-&?2nclosure?Types."oc . *or a complete "escription of enclosures, inclu"ing test re5uirements, you #ill nee" to or"er the )2-& 401 stan"ar". It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. :4. Fur specs call or a NEMA : or <! but + canKt inds these standards on your 9ebsite. #hat are they and 9here can + ind the%& The reference to a )2-& 7 or , is to a type of enclosure use" in ha/ar"ous (classifie" locations. & complete "escription of all )2-& enclosure types can !e foun" in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum .3 It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. & con"ense" $ersion can !e foun" on the )2-& #e!site un"er the hea"ing L.elp > *&Ns.M &fter clicking on that !utton, click on the link to enclosure types. :.. (o you ha$e )d %odels o the Ne%a Enclosures& +D% trying to build a e9 asse%blies and it 9ould be nice to ha$e the %odels in iges or%at. ,lease ad$ise. +D% looking or the ollo9ing/ type 1' 9iring through enclosure! 4h " 49 " 1'0d type 1'*1) cont hinge enclosure! 1-h " 149 " 150d type 1 enclosure -h " -9 " 40d %orry, #e "o not ha$e mo"els or "ra#ings of enclosures. Dur )2-& 401 stan"ar" pro$i"es construction an" test re5uirements, !ut each manufacturer "esign their o#n enclosure. :-. + a% trying to locate applicable NEMA standards regarding sa ety design*installation standards or the ollo9ing situations/ ?1@ use o protecti$e barriers or shields co$ering li$e parts 9ithin control panels*s9itchgear asse%blies to pre$ent inad$ertent contact by testing*%aintenance personnel in an energi8ed syste%. ?'@ 3tandards or the place%ent o parts*equip%ent 9ithin control panels*s9itchgear asse%blies to pre$ent inad$ertent contact*shock o %aintenance personnel or to pre$ent shock by the inad$ertent creation o a $oltage across parts 9ithin a si%ilar asse%bly.

+age (, of 4:

)2-& 401'(,,7, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum pro$i"es construction an" test re5uirements. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at http=>>###.glo!>. )2-& "oes not pro$i"e stan"ar"s on the actual "esign of an enclosureC it is the manufacturers responsi!ility to ensure the enclosure meets all applica!le safety an" installation co"es. ::. + ha$e a custo%er 9ho had our Type 1' enclosures derated to Type 1 by an inspector ro% H 9ho said a trans or%er attached to the enclosure did not ha$e NEMA rated asteners. #hat are NEMA rated asteners and 9here can + purchase the%& To the !est of my kno#le"ge an" that of an in"ustry expert, there is no such thing as a )2-& fastener. Iou nee" to contact the inspector for more information. :;. +s there a docu%ent that outlines the $arious NEMA electrical enclosure ratings ?1!)1! 4! 4> etc.@& Could you please e%ail a pd o this to %e& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 pro$i"es a complete "escription all )2-& enclosures. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! The attache" file pro$i"es an a!!re$iate" "escription of the enclosures. :<. + ha$e se$eral NEMA )1 enclosures that + 9ant to 9all %ount by drilling through the back plate and then sealing around the %ounting holes 9ith silicon. #ill this $iolate the )1 rating& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 clause :.7 states that a num!er of Type rate" enclosures re5uire a mounting means external to the e5uipment ca$ity. They are Types :, :%, 4, 4 8, 7, 7+, (4, (4J an" (:. *rom this statement it is assume" that )2-& 401 allo#s internal mounting means for a )2-& Type :; enclosure !ecause :; is not mentione" in clause :.7. To maintain a :; rating the enclosure must !e su!6ecte" to the ;ain Test in clause 0.4, #hich states the :; enclosure meets re5uirements if there is no significant accumulation of #ater an" no #ater has entere" a!o$e the lo#est li$e part. The exception allo#s #ater a!o$e li$e parts if the enclosure is so constructe" that no #ater is $isi!le on li$e parts. Ease" on this, it appears that if the mounting holes "rille" in the !ack are such that they meet the e$aluation of clause 0.4.4 or the 2xception, the installation meets the re5uirements of )2-& 401. ;5. #hat is a Type : enclosure& )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'(,,7 "efines Type 7 enclosures as enclosures constructe" for in"oor use in ha/ar"ous locations classifie" as Class I, Di$ision (, Groups &, E, C, or D as "efine" in )*+& 71. ;1. + ha$e a custo%er 9ho 9ill gi$e %e a large a%ount o business building enclosure or co%puter and electronic applications! but the custo%er says + %ust build to NEMA speci ications and be licensed by NEMA. #hat do + need to do& )2-& "oes no testing or certification. To claim compliance #ith the re5uirements for a specific )2-& enclosure type, a manufacturer #oul" ha$e to comply #ith the re5uirements containe" in )2-& 401'411:, 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum . ;'. #e are (C an %anu acturer and our custo%er de%ands our ans 9ith NEMA 4> rating. #ould you please kindly e"plain 9hat NEMA 4> stands or&

+age 41 of 4:

)2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401 ' 411: "efines a Type 48 enclosure as= 2nclosures constructe" for either in"oor or out"oor use to pro$i"e a "egree of protection to personnel against inci"ental contact #ith the enclose" e5uipmentC to pro$i"e a "egree of protection against falling "irt, rain, sleet, sno#, #in"!lo#n "ust, splashing #ater, hose'"irecte" #ater, an" corrosionC an" that #ill !e un"amage" !y the external formation of ice on the enclosure. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401 pro$i"es a complete "escription all )2-& enclosures. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! ;). NEMA to +EC enclosure cross6re erence ?in NEMA FAQs R4< and NEMA 3tandard '.561<<:@ is $ery help ul! but inco%plete. 1. #hat +EC classi ied enclosures! can be used 9here NEMA reco%%ends/ 1.1 Type : 1.' Type ; 1.) Type < 1.4 Type 15 enclosures& '. #hat +EC classi ied enclosures can be used in/ '.1 Class 1! di$ 1! group A...( '.' Class 1! di$ '! group A...( '.) Class '! di$ 1! group E...S '.4 Class '! di$ '! group E...S '.. Class )! di$ 1 ! group S '.- Class )! di$ ' ! group S& The cross'reference is not incomplete. &ns#er (. )one. These )2-& type enclosures are rate" for ha/ar"ous locations that are not in the scope of I2C 7104,. &ns#er 4. )one. 2nclosures for all of these locations must meet &)%I stan"ar"s for Classes an" Di$isions that presently "o not inclu"e any I2C stan"ar"s or ratings (assuming the 5uestion refers to I2C 7104, ratings . Dne sort of exception is that in Class I, Di$ision 4, e5uipment meeting protection metho"s permitte" for Class I, Qones 1, (, or 4 may !e installe". These protection metho"s are "eri$e" from the I2C 7117, series of stan"ar"s (ha$ing $irtually nothing to "o #ith I2C 7104, !ut must meet the associate" &)%I stan"ar"s. ;4. + ha$e a request ro% a custo%er to build a bo" to an +,-:. #hat is an +,-:& I+ Co"es are "efine" in I2C %tan"ar"s +u!lication I2C 7104, LDegrees of +rotection +ro$i"e" !y 2nclosures (I+ .M It is a$aila!le at & !rief explanation of I+ Co"es is gi$en in )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401 K 411:, !ut )2-& 401 cannot !e use" to "efine I+ Co"es. ;.. + a% looking or an enclosure %anu acturer in the ,hiladelphia area. #ho can you reco%%end. )2-& "oes not recommen" in"i$i"ual manufacturers. *or a complete list of )2-& enclosure manufacturers, please see the follo#ing. &"alet ' Cle$elan", D. &llie" -oul"e" +ro"ucts, Inc. ' Eryan, D. Eolts#itch, Inc. ' Crystal Lake, IL Controlle" +o#er Corporation ' -assillon, D. Cooper E'Line ' +ortlan", D; Cooper Crouse'.in"s ' %yracuse, )I 2aton Corporation ' +itts!urgh, +& 2G% 2lectrical Group ' %kokie, IL

+age 4( of 4:

G2 In"ustrial %ystems ' +lain$ille, CT .ammon" -anufacturing Inc. ' )orth Guelph, D) Cana"a .offman 2nclosures Inc. ' &noka, -) .u!!ell Incorporate" ' Eri"geport, CT .u!!ell Hiegmann ' *ree!urg, IL Jillark 2lectric -fg. Company ' %t. Louis, -D Lamson B %essions ' Cle$elan", D. -il!ank -anufacturing Company ' Concor"ia, -D -oeller 2lectric Corporation ' *ranklin, -& +enn +anel B Eox Company ' Colling"ale, +& ;ittal Corporation ' %pringfiel", D. ;o!roy In"ustries, Inc. ' Eel"ing, -I %iemens 2nergy B &utomation, Inc. K&lpharetta, G& %5uare D Company>%chnei"er 2lectric ' Lexington, JI Thomas B Eetts Corporation ' -emphis, T) ;-. + ha$e a custo%er 9ho has speci ied a NEMA Type - enclosure or use in his plant. A Type - is also required by F37A. This plant has pre$iously had e"plosions 9ithin the enclosures. +s it necessary use conduit or an inside installation. )2-& is not permitte" to pro$i"e installation recommen"ationsC you #ill nee" to check #ith the local authorities to "etermine re5uirements. Iou may also #ant to consi"er "iscussing the installation of an explosion proof enclosure #ith you customer. ;:. #hy is a Type 4> enclosure required to pass only a '55 hour salt spray test 9hile outdoor enclosures are required to pass a -55 hour test& &ll 48 enclosures must pass the 711 hour Dut"oor Corrosion +rotection Test. Ta!le 4 of )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'411: in"icates that a Type 48 enclosure must a""itionally pass the &""itional Le$el of Corrosion +rotection test, #hich a"" 411 hours to the test, for a total of 911 hours of testing. ;;. + hope you can assist %e! + a% looking or an appro$ed NEMA enclosure that 9ill be %ounted at the base o a 9ireless antenna to9er. The enclosure 9ill be located in the Chicago! +Q. area and + a% questioning 9hether + should ha$e an enclosure 9ith heat and cooling! since %y enclosure 9ill need to support a 9ireless bridge! s9itch 9ith iber up6 link and a s%all iber enclosure. Any suggestions you can pro$ide 9ould be great. Thank you or your ti%e. )2-& is not permitte" to make recommen"ations for applications. The attache" file pro$i"es "escriptions of )2-& enclosure types an" may !e helpful ;<. + ha$e recently had one o our electronic dri$e enclosures tested to NEMA 4> standard in Ne9 Jork. The enclosure passed on all aspects other than the corrosion resistance o the enclosure. The enclosure is %ade entirely ro% Alu%inu% die6cast co%ponents 9hich are painted or decorati$e e ect. The paint blistered a ter '55 hours salt spray testing and re$ealed so%e o"idi8ation o the alu%inu% substrate. +s it correct to say that the enclosure has ailed& + thought that uncoated Alu%inu% 9as an acceptable enclosure %aterial. Also the enclosure is designated as DFor internal 2se FnlyD. The enclosure "i" not pass the 48 test so it is 3correct to say that the enclosure has faile".3 That might lea$e open the 5uestion of #hether Type 48 is #hat is nee"e" for the application. Hhile aluminum is an accepta!le material for some enclosures, it is not automatically accepta!le for Type 48 K it has to pass the test. .a$ing the enclosure "esignate" 3*or In"oor Gse Dnly3 makes no "ifference.

+age 44 of 4:


+ a% hoping you can ans9er a question or %e. #e ha$e recently %ade a sub%ittal on a NEMA 1 enclosure and the sub%ittal has been reIected and a resub%ittal requested because the engineer 9ants a gasket and stainless steel scre9s. +t is our understanding that NEMA 1 does not call or either o these ite%s and the engineer! ha$ing requested NEMA 1 on the prints! is no9 looking or a higher rated product. #hat are you thoughts on this %atter. )2-& %tan"ar"s +u!lication 401'411: 32nclosures for 2lectrical 25uipment ((111 <olts -aximum 3 "efines enclosure types. It is a$aila!le from the Glo!al 2ngineering Company at ###.glo! )2-& 401 "oes not specify construction re5uirements for Type ( enclosures. Items such as gaskets or stainless steel scre#s are issues !et#een the manufacturer an" purchaser.

+age 4: of 4:

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