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Vng Vn Cng

Anh 3 KT K51 MSSV: 1211110108

Final Writing Test

Topic: What are the causes of air pollution in Ha Noi ? Task
Mr. Jacques Moussafir, who comes from ARIA Technologies conmany in France, warned that the fact is& In the recent years, inducement of air "ollution in as "resented following. When offered to answer the question( )In your o"inion, what is the first cause of air "ollution in any %ig city. a !oi* +, many "eo"le told me that it was emission. I a%solutely agree with them. ,mission is really a great concern to a !oi has a o#ercrowed network of traffic with many different motor #ehicles which are cul"rits of the im"ro#ement of emission in the air. $tatistics show that trans"ortation acti#ities account for -./ of the source of air "ollution in a !oi. 0esides, "roduction and li#ing acti#ities also contri%ute to this "ollution. 1sing fuels such as( wood, coal,2 to cook meals, heat in households or o"erate engines in many factories discharges a large amount of emission as 34, $4 5,2into the air. The u"wards trend of emission in the air is a threat to "eo"le6s life here. The air in a !oi is )a mi'ture+ of emission and dust. As humorous students, we often tell a 7oke( )If "eo"le in a !oi were not endangered due to emission in the air, they would %e suffocated %y a large amount of dust in the air+. 8ust is the second cause of air "ollution in our ca"ital. Actually, a !oi was one of the most "olluted cities ow distur%ing a !oi has %een confronted with an in Asia and e#en occu"ies the first "lace in $outheast Asia.

e'tremely serious "ro%lem that is air "ollution. What we all wonder is the a !oi. There are many causes leading to it

Vng Vn Cng

Anh 3 KT K51 MSSV: 1211110108

a !oi is a great center where ur%ani9ation takes "lace strongly. Therefore, it ine#ita%ly has %ad effects on the freshness of the atmos"here. 3onstruction acti#ities need to use many %uilding materials such as( rocks, sand, cement2 They are trans"orted from one "lace to another without a "ro"er shield, consequently, dust from them can fly into the street. In addition, time for conducting construction "ro7ects is too long, which can %e a chance for dust s"reading to the air. In the "resent, the concentration of dust in some "laces in a !oi reach;m<, and it can reach;m< in 5.5. without any solutions. What alarming figures& Finally, I want to mention noise as a cause of air "ollution. a !oi is suffered mi'ed sound of many different noises that make the atmos"here %ecome tiring and stifling. There is a #ariety of sources causing noise. In "articular, trans"ortation is the ma7or one. As far as we known, residents around many main roads such as( !guyen 3hi Thanh, =ham >an 8ong, Truong 3hinh,2always endure continuously un"leasant noises of car horns, %rakes, motor engines,2 There is a fact that aircraft is one source of noise "ollution. 0ecause when taking off or landing, it generates noise with an e'tremely great frequency from ?5. d0 to ?@. d0. That is the reason why air"ort is #ery far from denseA"o"ulated areas. Moreo#er, noise is also caused %y construction, manufacturing and e#en li#ing acti#ities. The s"eed of noise "ollution is increasing ra"idly, which "ushes the state of air "ollution to %e into dee" water. In a nutshell, the com%ination of emission, dust and noise creates a %ig danger to the atmos"here. Air "ollution is threatening the li#es of the "eo"le in a !oi. We need to ha#e the "ro"er awareness, and let6s try to "rotect our en#ironment es"ecially the air %efore it is too late.

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