What Is Multimedia? Explain The Following Elements of Multimedia With Suitable Examples? by Shobhit Jain

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BY SHOBHIT JAIN, VIDYASAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, BHOPAL What is multim !ia" E#$lai% th &'ll'(i%) l m %ts '& multim !

ia (ith suita*l #am$l s" a+ T #t *+ Ima) ,+ S'u%! !+ A%imati'% a%! Vi! ' A%s+ - Multim !ia. / As the name implies, multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of
media. This includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc. For example, a presentation involving audio and video clips would be considered a "multimedia presentation." Educational software that involves animations, sound, and text is called "multimedia software." CDs and D Ds are often considered to be "multimedia formats" since the! can store a lot of data and most forms of multimedia re"uire a lot of dis# space. Due to the advancements in computer speeds and storage space, multimedia is commonplace toda!. Therefore, the term doesn$t produce the same excitement is once did. This also means it is not as overused as it was bac# in the late $%&s. El m %ts '& Multim !ia./ 0+ T #t. / Text is the most basic element of multimedia and the easiest to provide. 't$s the simple matter of words, numbers and punctuation. (ne fre"uentl! used tool with text in multimedia is the h!perlin#, which allows !ou to lin# text directl! to relevant websites. 'n this wa!, a user can select h!perlin#ed text and be transported to a different website with more information that relates to the topic addressed in the text. 1+ S'u%!) * +ound is used to provide emphasis or highlight a transition from one page to another. +ound s!nchroni,ed to screen displa!, enables teachers to present lots of information at once. This approach is used in a variet! of wa!s, all based on visual displa! of a complex image paired with a spo#en explanation -for example, art . pictures are /glossed0 b! the voiceover1 or math . a proof fills the screen while the spo#en explanation pla!s in the bac#ground2. +ound used creativel!, becomes a stimulus to the imagination1 used inappropriatel! it becomes a hindrance or an anno!ance. For instance, a script, some still images and a sound trac#, allow students to utili,e their own power of imagination without being biased and influenced b! the inappropriate use of video footage. A great advantage is that the sound file can be stopped and started ver! easil!.

2+ Vi! '. / The representation of information b! using the visuali,ation capabilities of video can be immediate and powerful. 3hile this is not in doubt, it is the abilit! to choose how we view, and interact, with the content of digital video that provides new and exciting possibilities for the use of digital video in education. There are man! instances where students, stud!ing particular processes, ma! find themselves faced with a scenario that seems highl! complex when conve!ed in purel! text form, or b! the use of diagrams and images. 'n such situations the representational "ualities of video help in placing a theoretical concept into context. ideo can stimulate interest if it is relevant to the ideo can be used to give examples of rest of the information on the page, and is not / overdone0.

phenomena or issues referred to in the text. For example, while students are reading notes about a particular issue, a video showing a short clip of the author4teacher emphasi,ing the #e! points can be inserted at a #e! moment1 alternativel!, the video clips can be used to tell readers what to do next. (n the other hand, it is unli#el! that video can completel! replace the face*to*face lecture) rather, video needs to be used to supplement textual information. (ne of the most compelling 5ustifications for video ma! be its dramatic abilit! to elicit an emotional response from an individual. +uch a reaction can provide a strong motivational incentive to choose and persist in a tas#. The use of video is appropriate to conve! information about environments that can be either dangerous or too costl! to consider, or recreate, in real life. For example) video images used to demonstrate particular chemical reactions without exposing students to highl! volatile chemicals, or medical education, where real*life situations can be better understood via video. 3+ A%imati'%. / Animation is used to show changes in state over time, or to present information slowl! to students so the! have time to assimilate it in smaller chun#s. Animations, when combined with user input, enable students to view different versions of change over time depending on different variables. Animations are primaril! used to demonstrate an idea or illustrate a concept. ideo is usuall! ta#en from life, whereas animations are based on drawings. There are two t!pes of animation) Cel based and (b5ect based. Cell based animation consists of multiple drawings, each one a little different from the others. 3hen shown in rapid se"uence, for example, the operation of an engine0s cran#shaft, the drawings appear to move. (b5ect based animation -also called slide or path animation2 simpl! moves an ob5ect across a screen. The ob5ect itself does not change. +tudents can use ob5ect animation to illustrate a point . imagine a battle map of 6ett!sburg where troop movement is represented b! sliding arrows.

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