EIL Sample Paper 2

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EIL Sample Paper 2

Paper: Instrumentation Test Centre: Kolkata No. of questions : e!tion-1 ("eneral Kno#le$%e& Current 'ffaires ( )n%lish) * +0 qs e!tion-2 (Te!hni!al) * 100 qs There #ere sets '&,&C&-. 'lthou%h the. ha$ same questions /ut in $ifferent or$er. 0e #ere instru!te$ to use Pen for markin% our ans#ers in the 123 sheet. o pl4 /e !areful. e!tion-1 ("eneral '#areness& Current 'ffairs ( )n%lish) There #ere simple "K an$ )n%lish questions. 5or "K ( Current affairs u !an rea$ 62anorama 7ear ,ook8. 9uestions: 1.0hi!h of the follo#in% is not amon% the ne# : #on$ers of the #orl$; a) Ta< 2ahal /) 2a!hu pi!hu !) The "reat Can.on $)=. ': !) "reat Can.on 2.Ka4iran%a of 'ssam is famous for; a)>ion /)3hino !)Ti%er $)$eer ?.5irst silent In$ian mo@ie; a) ra<a harish!han$ra /) 'lam ara ': /) 3hino !) Pun$alik $)=. Time: 2hrs. (10am-12noon)

A.Bea$quaters of 1P)C; (This question #as !ommon in 200C ( 200D) a) Eienna /) "ene@a !) = ': a) Eienna +.t#o %ol$en ar!hes are foun$ in lo%o of =. a) K5C /)5rito >a.s !) 2!-onal$8s ': !)2!$onal$8s F.'NI2'G is asso!iate$ #ith=. a) on. /)Hee !) tar ': a) on. :. un$er/ans of 0est ,en%al is famous for= a) 2an%ro@es /) tropi!al forest !) #etlan$s ': a) 2an%ro@es C.The famous In$ian "olf pla.er Ei<a. in%h is from #hi!h !ountr.; ': 5i<i D.5irst >a$. presi$ent of In$ian National Con%ress; a) aro<ini Nai$u /) 'nie ,esant ': /) 'nnie ,esant 10.1l.mpi!s 2010 is /e hel$ in #hi!h !it.; ': >on$on 11.Thorium has /een re!entl. foun$ in #hi!h !ountr.;

a) 'ustralia

/) Nor#a.

C) #e$en


12.In #hi!h state Ta< mahal #as first $e!i$e$ to /e ma$e; a) 3a<asthan /) 1rissa !)= $)= 1?.>TT) is asso!iate$ #ith #hi!h !ountr.; ': ri >anka 1A.Con!ur means =. 1+. )uthanasia #as first le%ali4e$ in #hi!h !ountr.; ': #it4erlan$ 1F. 6 !ien!e )Ipress8 !ampai%n #as hel$ in !olla/oration of In$ia an$ #hi!h !ountr.; a) Japan /) 5ran!e !)= $)= 1:.8'nan$ 2ath8 #as #ritten /.= a) 3a/in$ranath Ta%ore /) ,C Chatter<ee !)= $).. ': /),C Chatter<ee

1C.Pra/ashi ,harati.a -i@as is !ele/rate$ on a) Dth Jan /) ?r$ $e! !) =. $)=. ': a) Dth Jan 1D.Name of the meetin% point of ,ha%irathi n 'loknan$a a) 3u$ra pra.a% /) Eishnu pra.a% !)= $)= 20.2aIimum !apa!it. of po#er pro<e!ts re!entl. laun!he$ in In$ia a)2+00 /)A+00 !)= $)= 21.Pro%eon is the ,P1 of #hi!h !ompan.; a) Infos.s /)0ipro !) at.am $) 1ra!le ': a) Infos.s I $on8t remem/er an.more=. e!tion-2 (Te!hni!al) "o throu%h the 2C9s (trans$u!er n other !hapters) in 'K ha#ne.. No qs from Control .stem. Topi!s from #hi!h question #ere aske$: P>C& In$ustrial Instrumentation& 2easurement& Trans$u!ers& 2i!ropro!essor(2 qs) 1. imple P>C lo%i! $ia%rams ('N-& 13 lo%i!s). 'roun$ :-C questions #ere there on this topi!. 2."as Chromato%raph. ?.3otameter is use$ for measurement of= ') 5lo# ,) Pressure C) 3otation -) pee$ (T#o qs on 3otameter) A.0hi!h of the follo#in% interrupts has hi%hest priorit.; a) Trap /) 3 T :.+ !) INT3 $) 3 T +.+

+.'$$ress of T3'P in mi!ropro!essor F.Bo# man. N'N- %ates are nee$e$ for reali4ation of the lo%i! (simple lo%i!) K= = = = K :.-es!en$in% or$er in respe!t of non-linearit.= 'mon% Thermister& 3T-& Thermo!ouple. C.3eset %ain !ontroller is another name of = a) Proportional /) Inte%ral !) -eri@ati@e $) Proportion L Inte%ral Controller

D.1ne more question #as there on P&PI&PI- !ontroller. 10.1ne question on '!tuators n Eal@es 11.Eenturi tu/e is !alle$ MMMMMM t.pe measurement. ') 3estri!tion ,) 1/stru!tion C)= -)=

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