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Open Doors

Serving persecuted Christians worldwide
Sept 2013



Strength to remain Secret Children How your support is changing lives Colombia From drug trafcker to Bible smuggler


Our Syrian brothers and sisters have asked us to become part of their struggle by joining with them in prayer. Pray for Syria is a response to that call and will feature interviews with Syrian Christians, testimonies and reflective worship.

 To book your place or for more information go to:, email or phone 01993 777300.

smuggle hope deliver love

8-13 NoV 2013 WHERE: NoRtH AFRICA | DATES: CoST: APPROX. 1,500 In the past 20 years God has done amazing things among Muslim peoples in response hisld people you s prayers. Join the adventure of prayer today with this Cou of God?to Do you have a passion for the Word es Bibl to ss comprehensive guide to praying for the Muslim World. acce tries coun y life without it? In man

imagine d. Believers have to share a and Christian literature is restricte d. special edition includes: - Key facts and figures about the Muslim World by hanThis copy Bible, or even write out their own - Prayer points direct from workers on the field enly blessings by You can be part of dispensing Gods heav it! need Testimonies of how God is at work in the lives of Muslims today ly erate desp so who taking Christian literature to believers www.op go to Tomore order your copy visit , , To register your interest and find out 777300 01993 call or endoor am@op call 01993 777300 or email . email travelte

Open Doors UK PO Box 6, Witney Oxon OX29 6WG T 01993 777300 E Open Doors Ireland PO Box 873 Belfast BT15 1WZ T 028 9075 1080 E

Open Doors is an international ministry serving persecuted Christians and churches worldwide. Open Doors supplies Bibles, leadership training, literacy programmes, livelihood support and advocacy services. We also seek to mobilise the church in the UK & Ireland to serve Christians living under religious persecution. If you have any questions about the work of Open Doors, or would like to reprint any of the articles in this magazine, please do get in touch.


Open Doors Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1125684 Open Doors 2013

OPENDOORS magazine September 2013

Eddie-Torial: Oil
The picture on the front of this months magazine makes me think of that good old chorus, Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning. It was the rst Christian song I learned, but I sang it for years before I ever really asked myself what it meant. What was this oil? And where did it come from? Theres been a lot of talk about oil in the news lately, with the much vexed issue of fracking, a process that squeezes energy out of the bowels of the earth. And funnily enough, Ive been talking a lot about that at Christian festivals this summer! Thats because the Greek word for compassion splagchnizomai literally means being moved from ones bowels, considered years ago to be the seat of love and pity. I would describe it as a deep angst from God that energises us with His burdens and concerns, an energy or oil that we access through prayer. Prayer isnt a place of passivity its actioncentric. It has to be: when we nd out what breaks Gods heart, we cant just sit back and do nothing. His compassion is an energy that compels us not just to feel deeply but to respond practically. Flame, light, heat its all one. The same as praying, giving, doing its all one. So Ive been taking a pair of shoes with me to the summer festivals, to get that message across. They were sent to me by a pastor in Orissa whod seen his father macheted to death. His letter asked me to put myself in his shoes and walk with him: to pray for him and tell his story which Ive done. And Im so glad to hear that his church has grown, because people have seen an authentic light that cannot be put out. That is my prayer for Christians in Syria, too: that the inextinguishable blaze we sing about in Charles Wesleys wonderful hymn, will burn brightly in their lives, to the glory of God. Over the last few weeks, I have seen an outpouring of Gods gut-wrenching love at each festival as hearts have been stirred and voices raised in prayer. Like the Olympic torch, a ame has been passed from one to another. Could you take the torch to your church this autumn for the International Day of Prayer? On behalf of our brothers and sisters, I implore you to draw on the depths of Gods compassion and bring His light and warmth to our world. Join the momentum of prayer this autumn with Night Lights for Syria, encourage your friends to sign the Save Syria petition, support the secret children of persecuted Christians with His oil to keep you burning. Flame, light, heat its all one.


O Thou who camest from above, The pure celestial fire to impart; Kindle a flame of sacred love Upon the mean altar of my heart.
Charles Wesley

4 9 World Watch News

Eddie Lyle CEO Open Doors UK and Ireland

The Sons and Daughters of Syria

Strength to remain


Secret Children
How your support is changing lives


From drug trafficker to Bible smuggler


suffer. We must be prepared for the fact that we may be arrested. Before I was sent to prison, I already prepared a bag with some clothes, shoes and a toothbrush. When I had to go to the police station, I could just pick it up. I was ready . People are still being arrested. You dont know what will happen tomorrow. Today the authorities are not bothering us, but tomorrow things may be different. I pray that we will receive strength to stand rm. In the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s, Pastor Lamb proved to be a reliable partner for Open Doors, enabling many thousands of Chinese believers to have a Bible for the rst time.

China: Pastor Samuel Lamb dies

After his release, he again took up his work as a pastor, and was able to witness the exponential growth of the Chinese church. In 1979 he started a house church in Guangzhou. Attendance grew quickly and he had to move his congregation to a bigger building in the same city . Today, his urban house church is still unregistered, but tolerated by the authorities. Simultaneously, he became an example for millions of believers in China, where there are now estimated to be about 80 million Christians. Suffering played an important part in many of Lambs sermons. He was famous for repeating: More persecution, more growth a phrase that referred not only to the numbers of believers, but also to spiritual growth. Lamb saw that China has changed in the past decades and that Christians are now given more freedom. But he still wanted to make sure that Christians do not take their new freedom for granted. He always warned: We must be prepared to

Pastor Lamb spent 22 years in prison for his faith

Pastor Samuel Lamb, one of the most well-known Christian leaders in China, died on 3 August in Guangzhou, aged 88. Lamb was arrested and imprisoned during one of the rst big waves of persecution in Maos China, when estimates put the number of Christians in the country at a few million. Between 1955 and 1978 he spent over 20 years in labour camps because of his refusal to merge his illegal house church into the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, the state-regulated Protestant Church. He saw his wife for the last time during the ve months that he was on remand; she died in 1977, a year before Lambs sentence ended.

Give thanks for the life and witness of Pastor Lamb For the continued growth of the church in China That the Chinese church will continue to stand rm in the truth of the gospel, whether the future holds greater suffering or greater freedom.

ERITREA: Christian women targeted

Open Doors has received reports that 14 single Christian women were arrested in July for continuing religious activities outside of the Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran and Muslim religious institutions. In the rst incident, authorities arrested nine young female students at Sawa Academic Centre, a military training centre near the Sudanese border. Along with hundreds of other Eritreans they face incarceration in metal shipping containers, overcrowded cells and dungeons. Another ve women were arrested in Debarewa, 20 miles south of Asmara. The women were taken from their homes after authorities were informed that they are evangelical Christians. It is suspected that they are being held at a police station in town. Eritrean sources believe these latest arrests followed the governments recent calls on National Womens Association conference attendees to use all possible means to stop the inuence of evangelicals.

For grace and courage for those who are in prison That no more Christian women will be arrested.
*Name changed for security reasons

OPENDOORS magazine September 2013

We must be prepared to suffer.

Chinese pastor, Samuel Lamb

EGYpT: Tensions between Christians and Muslims increase

a signicant role in the Presidents removal. On 2 August, a minor disagreement between a Christian and a Muslim in a Christian-owned coffee shop regarding a new song dedicated to the armed forces led to a series of violent clashes during which at least 15 people were hurt, including three policemen. At least nine homes and 24 shops owned by Christians suffered damage in arson attacks. Numerous trucks, buses and cars were burnt, and stones were thrown at a church building. A number of people have been arrested in connection with the incident, with several Christians charged with contempt of religion and rioting, and some Muslims charged with arson. Many Christians have since left the area. Many Christians also left the northern Sinai Peninsula during July following several serious attacks on Christians and church property in the area. In one incident, a Christian man was kidnapped and a large ransom demand passed to his family.

Anti-Morsi crowds protest on the streets of Cairo

For healing for the injured and protection for Christians For the effective rule of law and order to be re-established That Christians will continue to be a light to their nation.

Rising tensions between pro- and anti-Morsi supporters in the province of Minya have escalated following accusations by Morsi supporters that Christians played

UPDATE: UGANDA: Ongoing battle for Pastor Mulinde

Open Doors has received an update from Pastor Umar Mulinde, who was blinded in one eye on 24 December 2011, when unknown assailants threw concentrated acid into his face as he left a Christmas Eve service. Following the attack, Open Doors paid for Pastor Mulinde to obtain better medical care outside of Uganda. He was own to Israel where, 18 months later, he continues to receive specialised medical treatment for the damage done to his face and eye. I have so far undergone seven surgeries and have three more to go, says Pastor Mulinde. The next one is scheduled for 28 August. It seems like a never-ending battle for me, but I am glad that I have not let it put me down. Pastor Mulinde is grateful for the help and support he has received from Open Doors and other individuals and organisations. I thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Please keep praying for me. I am trusting God for a quick recovery, and for the provision in all the needs of my family and ministry. For sure, I have gone through challenging, painful moments of my life but I really thank you for quickly coming to my rescue at my very point of need. God bless you indeed.

Thank God for Pastor Mulindes progress so far. Please pray with him for a quick recovery Since his relocation to Israel for treatment, the family has been split up. Ask the Lord to provide for their practical and emotional needs.

Pastor Mulinde is receiving specialised treatment in Israel


UPDATE: Iran: Christians arrested and imprisoned

security. His lawyer, Shima Ghousheh, said she will appeal against the verdict. Elsewhere in Iran, on 16 July, eight Christians were imprisoned in Shiraz for action against national security and propaganda against the system. Mohammad Roghangir, Massoud Rezaie, Mehdi Ameruni, Bijan Farokhpour Haghighi, Shahin Lahooti, Suroush Saraie, Eskandar Rezaie and Roxana Forughi were sentenced to between one and six years in prison. They were arrested in October last year seven of

them picked up at the same prayer meeting. Earlier in July, near the capital, Tehran, Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi (28) was charged with promoting Christian Zionism. At his trial in his home town of Robat Karim, he was also charged with attempting to launch a Christian website, contact with suspicious foreigners and running online church services. He rejected the charges, saying the allegations were fabricated by security authorities and interrogators. His trial continues. Source: MEC

?????? Mostafa Bordbar (left) and Ebrahim Firouzi (right)

An Iranian convert to Christianity was convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison on 31 July. Mostafa Bordbar, 27, who was arrested last year, was sentenced to ve years for membership of an anti-security organisation and ve years for partaking in gatherings with intent to commit crimes against Iranian national

For Gods hope and peace to surround these ten believers That President Rouhanis promises to bring reform to Iran will extend to religious freedom for Irans Christians.

Nigeria: At least 12 killed in Kano State

Police say 12 people are dead after multiple explosions on the evening of 29 July that rocked the Christian Sabon Gari area of Kano State in northern Nigeria, despite continuing government efforts to restore peace. The military Joint Task Force spokesperson, Captain Ikedichi Iweha, conrmed the incident, and said preliminary investigations are underway. Chief Michael Tobias Idika, president of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, a cultural group for southeast Nigerians living in Kano, issued a statement saying that several houses were bombed, as well as the Christ Salvation Pentecostal Church at the peak of evening worship. In contrast to the police conrmation of 12 fatalities, Ohanaezes account said they can conrm 39 deaths in New Road and six in Igbo/Enugu Road; and also unspecied numbers of people who got injured. No group has claimed responsibility for the 29 July blasts, but it is widely believed that the outlawed violent Islamic sect Boko Haram may be responsible for the attacks. The International Criminal Court is now investigating Boko Haram for crimes against humanity. ICC Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, said the court is considering whether the government has done enough to prevent the attacks and to bring the perpetrators to justice. Ayo Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, said in a recent speech that Boko Haram killed Christians at a rate of 100 per month in 2012.

For Gods comfort and healing for the bereaved and injured For the attackers to be brought to justice.

OPENDOORS magazine September 2013



YouR SuPPoRt chAnging LiVes

Trevor and his 20-strong team on their River Wye canoeing adventure

Ever thought you need a bit more excitement in your life? Being a volunteer for Open Doors can take you on an amazing adventure, as Trevor Barraclough discovered last summer. The aim was to raise funds for the secret children of the persecuted church but he didnt take the easy route. He decided to lead a 24-hour nonstop canoeing expedition down the River Wye! Trevor took 20 of his friends from his home town, Dukineld, to row the 100-mile stretch in Wales. Before they set off, Trevor was captured on video saying, Its a bit dangerous, a bit extreme, but its really nothing compared to what happens to our persecuted brothers and sisters. The team were aged from 16-67. Most are Christians, said Trev, some not, but they all wanted to raise money for orphaned children who are suffering because either one or both of their parents have been killed for their faith in Jesus. In fact, each of them also
*Name changed for security reasons

The ripple effect

paid 80 for the privilege! Trevors friend, Mike, who was also on the team, was clearly ready for a bit of adventure, too. Its my rst time in a canoe, he said. I took a trip out to China some time ago to deliver Bibles, but I think this is a bit more extreme! Its a privilege to support Open Doors such an amazing charity Im really looking forward to it. In the end, the intrepid crew raised over 2,300 for the Childrens Centre in Colombia, but the adventure didnt end there. This summer, Trevors gone to the Centre, to meet some of the children for himself. Children like Amanda*, whose life has been transformed by the actions of extreme fundraisers and generous sponsors (see p16). No doubt, for Trevor, the adventure wont end there, either. It doesnt matter what we do here, he says, what matters is the result. And its a ripple effect: one stone in the water, one positive action does wonders and it ripples across.

One positive action you could take for the secret children of the persecuted church is to sponsor a Secret Child. For 18 a month, you can support a child who is either separated from their parents, rejected by their community, or orphaned because of following Jesus. Your stone in the water will mean they receive provision, protection and a Christian education throughout their childhood. Who knows how far the ripple will spread?


Its a bit extreme, but its really nothing compared to what happens to our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Want a bit of adventure? You can raise funds for your brothers and sisters in fun and creative ways, from running a marathon to hosting a pizza party. If you want to do something a bit more extreme, there are plenty of ideas on our website. For posters, invites, sponsor forms and information on how to raise funds online, go to fundraise

Spotlight on


World Watch List Ranking

Leader: Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Population: 33.7 million (330,000 Christians) Main Religion: Islam Government: Parliamentary democracy Source of persecution: Islamic extremism

July 2013 saw the highest monthly death toll in Iraq in ve years, with over 1,000 people killed. According to UN gures, 1,057 people died, of which 928 were civilians, and a further 2,326 were wounded.
Guard protects a church in a suburb of Baghdad

The number of attacks spiked during the month of Ramadan, which ran from 9 July to 7 August. This increase in violence has been linked to heightened tensions between Sunni insurgents and the ruling Shia-led government. Against this backdrop of sectarian conict, attacks against the Christian minority have continued. In the same month, an armed group attacked the Christian village of Jami Rabatki in northern Iraq. According to Kurdish SBS radio, gunmen in Kurdish governmental cars drove through the village, ring shots into the air in an attempt to scare the villages, and saying: We are the authority around here and we
8 OPENDOORS magazine September 2013

will take what we want. Chief Zaya B. Khoshaba, the head of the village, was shot in the head. No one has so far been arrested for the attack. The village, which has never had any Kurdish inhabitants, has been fending off land grab attempts since the early 1990s. More concerning is the fact that this attack took place in the northern Kurdish region which, until recently, has been considered to be a relatively safe place for Christians. An Open Doors worker shared that this could indicate a new emigration of Iraqi Christians: This is one incident that got into the news, but I have been assured that it happens frequently . Lets hope and pray that attacks against Christians will stop. In June, Open Doors received reports that a number of believers had been threatened by terrorists in an attempt to force them out of the country . One Christian family in Baghdad found an envelope with a bullet inside it on the doorstep of their house a clear warning to them to leave, as Christians are not wanted in the area. A number of Christians in Mosul also received threatening messages on their mobile phones, telling them to pay 20,000 or they would be at risk. There are estimated to be around 330,000 Christians left out of the 1.2 million that were in Iraq at the beginning of the 1990s. Large numbers have ed abroad or to the northern Kurdish region, where they face unemployment and

inadequate schooling, medical care and housing. Open Doors has been working through local partners to support Christians in Iraq since the early 1990s, when our focus was on literature distribution and community development projects. Since 2004, Open Doors has also been active in training, prayer, reconciliation and literature distribution in the emerging Kurdish Church, made up mostly of believers from a Muslim background. The severe persecution leads to large numbers of traumatised Christians. In response to this need, Open Doors also became active in trauma care, to provide support and appropriate counselling to church members.
Source: BBC, Open Doors

For protection and perseverance for Christians in cities such as Baghdad and Mosul That those in authority will rule with wisdom and justice, and defend the rights of vulnerable minority groups For Open Doors teams serving children and families affected by persecution.



Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Afrin, Al Hasakah, Al Qamishli, Latakia, Tartus. War has come to the cities of Syria. And with it division, hatred, persecution, poverty, fear. Some of these cities are empty: ghost towns. The streets of Homs are lined with gutted buildings, hollow carcasses of what were once peoples homes. Other places are full to bursting, struggling to cope with the inux of refugees. Everywhere there is anxiety and uncertainty over the political situation.



here is God in all this situation? Nadia* is a member of a church in the old city of Damascus. I want to leave, but I cant, she says, with tears in her eyes. I have to stay because of my parents. Were living in a relatively safe neighbourhood, but I am afraid. I dont know what tomorrow will bring. One second could end our life. Some days ago I drove with some people in the car; six dead people lay on the street. We just passed by, as if nothing had happened. A friend of mine, he was really a holy man, was recently shot for nothing. I have no choice, I have to stay for my family. But I am so afraid. Open Doors workers were able to tell her about the prayers and support of Open Doors supporters in other countries. It is good to know that people are involved with us, she said, that they dont forget us. People that want to invest in our future. Investing in the future might seem an odd thing to be doing at this time in Syrias history especially when so many people are getting out fast. But that is exactly what your support is enabling Open Doors to do.

Young Syrians at a Youth Leaders Conference

Volunteers make up food packages for needy families

The conicts that our forefathers faced in this area werent harder or easier than ours now.


Nadia was speaking to us during a training workshop for youth leaders organised by Open Doors in partnership with Youth for Christ. She was one of 30 youth leaders at the event. Despite the danger, the church is active and alive, still seeking to learn and get better equipped. We believe the youth are the future of the church, said one of the leaders of the training. When they grow up, they will be the next deacons, pastors, youth leaders, priests. This kind of training is a long-term investment in the church. Deborah* a Christian from another church in Damascus said, It is a very fearful time. But we try to motivate each other to pray, to fast, and that gives strength. I want to stay in Syria. There is no Syria without the church. I believe a great revival will come. God is shaping us now for that, to be able to serve Him more. I dont judge anyone that has left the country, said her colleague Hafez*. But this is the land, the home of Christians. From this area and country Christianity spread over the world.


Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Afrin, Al Hasakah, Al Qamishli, Latakia, Tartus. War has come to the cities of Syria. And with it, amazingly, faith and hope and mercy . We as Christians have to witness, we have to stand for justice and for the truth, continues Hafez. We are witnesses of Jesus. That is our identity; that is why we are here. We have a history in this country, we have a relationship with our family and friends, our beloved ones. In this country we received from God His love, His mercy, His unconditional generosity . We all learned this from our great teacher, Jesus Christ. This is where our roots are. We are sons and daughters of Syria.

There is no Syria without the church. I believe a great revival will come.


OPENDOORS magazine September 2013

*Name changed for security reasons

ALEPPo REgioN 1,134 families


AL QAMiSHLi 416 families AL MALikiYAH 349 families

AFRiN 477 families

AL HASAkAH 312 families ALEPPo 1,645 families

LATAkiA 170 families

cHRiSTiAN VALLEY 292 families

TARTuS 144 families

HoMS 516 families


dAMAScuS REgioN 145 families

dAMAScuS 2,891 families

AS SuwAYdA 22 families

The city is surrounded by the Free Syrian Army, and nding food and fuel is getting harder every day. Churches in Aleppo held a prayer and training event for young people called With You I Shall Not Fear. They were hoping for 750 young people. In the end and despite the danger in the city over 1400 turned up, which was 300 more than the venue was supposed to hold! It was a great encouragement to see so many youth in one place, said one of the organisers. But it also caused some chaos!





More than 200,000 Kurdish refugees ed to Afrin from Kurdish areas in Aleppo. Some of the refugees are Christians. They were put up in schools in Afrin and Open Doors partners were able to help, as they had no milk for infants, hygiene articles or medicine. In Afrin the believers who had ed from Aleppo meet regularly and have started new house meetings in ve villages.

A Muslim man and his family found refuge in a school when their home was destroyed. After receiving food packages from the church, they came to listen to a childrens meeting in the school. They had many questions: Why dont the Muslims help us, only these Christians, about whom we always heard how bad they are? The love of the Christians seemed real and the man continued to listen to the stories of Jesus. Then his sister had a dream in which her brother was wearing a cross and she saw Jesus helping him. The next day her brother also had a dream and came to the church with many questions. The whole family started to attend church meetings and read the New Testament. They began telling people what God has done for them. The church has started special meetings for Muslims and many regularly attend discipleship classes.

When we went to distribute the food packages we saw a lady with three children crying on the sidewalk, reports an Open Doors co-worker. We asked her what was wrong. She said that she had nothing to feed her children, her husband had died and she had no relatives. The children were hungry. We brought her home and gave her a food package.

In Al Malikiyah near the Turkish border, every day 10 to 20 internally displaced families are coming to the church asking for help. Often they have to live in old broken, empty houses, as they dont have any relatives there and no money to pay rent or buy food. Many volunteers from the church are visiting these families in their houses.

*Figures correct as of July 2013




my GoD iN whom I trust

the faith of two ChiLDreN iN DamasCus
all had to go in the basement and stay away from the glass. Nashita: Me and my classmates were all very scared. Kids around me were crying and shouting at the teachers because they were so afraid. Some called their fathers crying to them they want to go home. WHat Do YoU Do WHEn tHEsE tHInGs HaPPEn? Youmna: I pray and I remember Gods words. I memorise Bible verses and say them out loud when Im afraid. One of the psalms I say out loud in these moments is Psalm 91 that says: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Saying these words makes me feel better. Nashita: I also pray and I read the Bible. I remember that God is always close. I was surprised that the children in my class went so crazy the day the plane was near. I thought: I know God is near; I dont have to be afraid. WHICH CHaRaCtER In tHE BIbLE Is an EXaMPLE FoR YoU? Youmna: I like the story of Daniel in the lions den. He is in a very bad situation and then he prays to God and God saves him. Nashita: Yes, I like that story too! In the FoR cHiLdREN iN SYRiA, LiFE cAN bE VERY FRigHTENiNg. CHiLdRENS WoRkERS iN THE SYRiAN cHuRcHES NEEd A LoT oF wiSdoM To coNTiNuE THEiR woRk iN A couNTRY wHERE VioLENcE HAS bEcoME A dAiLY REALiTY. Yet children can also be a powerful witness to those around them. Nashita* (10) and Youmna* (13) are two girls from Damascus. Here they share how their faith in God helps them to cope in their harsh new world. CHILDREn aRoUnD tHE WoRLD Do not KnoW WHat It Is LIKE to LIvE In SYRIa. CoULD YoU tELL tHEM WHat a REGULaR DaY LooKs LIKE FoR YoU? Youmna: Its scary. We hear a lot of bad stories about what is happening around us. On the streets there are soldiers everywhere. We see smoke from ghts and hear bombings all the time. Nashita: Almost all my friends went abroad. My best friend Lunah went to Egypt. I miss her so much. We talk on the phone, but its not the same. Youmna: One day I was going to school by bus when we heard a shooting nearby. So we all dived down, hiding under our seats, waiting until the shooting was over. Another day when we were at school there was an airplane very close by, threatening to bomb our school. We story, the friends of Daniel get into the re. And nothing happens to them; in fact they even change the kings heart by that! He asks: Who is your God? Youmna: I pray the same thing will happen for Syria: that God will save us from our lions den and that the people around us will see how great our God is because he saves us. WHat Can tHE CHILDREn aRoUnD tHE WoRLD PRaY FoR? Nashita: Please pray for the kids in Syria. That God will stop the bad things that are happening. Pray for the kids that have no food and the kids that lose their houses because of the war. Youmna: I also want to ask them to pray for all the kids that lost their parents. A lot of our friends have no father anymore, because he was killed in war. Nashita: Pray that God will free Syria from this evil and that all the people can come back. And also my friend Lunah, so we can play together again. Nashita and Youmna are the daughters of Hanna, who writes a blog for Diary from Damascus which is on the Open Doors website. You can read more at:

I was surprised that the children in my class went so crazy the day the plane was near. I thought: I know God is near; I dont have to be afraid.
12 OPENDOORS magazine September 2013 |



Its absolutely clear that Christians in Syria are being persecuted. I would encourage people to pray very strongly, continue to pray and to support this kind of campaign and to write to MPs asking them to think very carefully about the wisdom of supplying further weapons to an area of such complex and extreme violence.
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury your voice will make a difference. The more signatures we have, the more those in power will listen. Prayer and advocacy is a powerful combination!

There is no doubt that the Syrian church is under attack. But Christians in Syria are convinced that the church has a future. We pray and fast for our country, said Dalia, a Syrian Christian. And even children of 3 to 5 years do the same. At the beginning of the conict it was hard. But then God gave us a new vision. We saw that all this isnt for nothing. We hope for a revival in Syria and the church will play a big role in this. As you can see from the preceding pages, there has already been an incredible response to our Save Syria campaign. Families are being fed. People are coming to Christ. But more than anything, Syrians need peace. What can we do to bring peace to Syria? We can pray . And we can speak out.

of creative ways for you and your church to engage in prayer for Syria and its Christian community . Our special prayer resource will help your church to get involved. You can also nd a leaders guide and other resources at Men, women and children in Syria are on their knees in prayer. Will you join them?

IDOP 2013
Get your church involved. Use INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER the Night Lights for Syria prayer resource in your church service or small group. You can download resources at www.opendoorsuk. org/idop, phone 01993 777300 or email inspire@opendoorsuk. org to order a copy of our Save Syria pack, including films, PowerPoint and prayer resources.
for the persecuted church

sPeaK out for syria

Christians in Syria have asked for our prayers. But they have also asked us to speak up on their behalf. The church in Syria has asked the Open Doors global family to petition the United Nations: they have a vision for 500,000 people speaking up worldwide. So please help us push on to that goal. Backed by the voices of half a million Christians around the world by the end of November, we want to be able to urge the United Nations to do all it can to protect the people of Syria and safeguard the Christian community. So, along with praying for Syria, please encourage people to add their names to our Save Syria global petition. The great news is that this petition is already having an impact. We have already presented it to politicians in the UK and Europe. The church in Syria believes that





Photo: World



Open Doors Registered Charity in England and Wales No.

1125684 2013

Pray for syria

This November, thousands of churches around the world will be joining in with the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. This year we are praying for our brothers and sisters in Syria. Night Lights for Syria is a suite of prayer resources to help you pray for Syrians embattled Christians. Using the theme of candles and light, we have created a number

If you havent done so already, please add your name to the Save Syria petition, a copy of which is included with your magazine. And please take it to your church, your small group, your friends. Show them one of our Syria campaign films, and get as many signatures as possible.
To download resources for the International Day of Prayer go to


This picture was drawn by Ruth*, a 13-yearold girl from Syria. At a trauma counselling workshop supported by Open Doors she drew the world around her: tanks and soldiers, dead bodies and grieving people. But God is changing lives. Through the workshop she also expressed hope and trust in the promises of the Lord. The Bible verse reads: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6).
*Name changed for security reasons

N E R D L I cH


lence, are facing vio th u R d n a a g a, Nashit n like Youmn just happenin t re o d n il s h c it , t a u ri B y . In S even ecution d, separated, creasing pers te in c d je n re a a re a m n u a tr , childre h your nd the world ow Jesus. Wit ll fo ts n re a p in Syria. Arou eir ffering ause they or th ese children o th e d si g orphaned bec n lo a es ation. n Doors com hristian educ C a d n support, Ope a , n io ractical provis protection, p

G N I G N A H c Is LIVEs

t r o p p u s How your
Secret Child ren

uperheroes are strong. Quick. Powerful. Brave. They y over tall buildings. They defeat all the bad guys. They save the day. Children dont just look up to superheroes, they want to be one. But in May 2013, 300 children got to know the ultimate superhero at an Open Doors camp on the theme of Sidekicks: Real Power Comes from God Alone. Farida was one of them. Farida is from the Sama tribe in a predominantly Muslim part of the Philippines. Considered inferior by other tribal groups, Sama Christians experience double the persecution. Living in depressed villages on the coasts of Zamboanga, they struggle for their daily survival. Discovering Jesus can mean hope, strength and courage to face each day . Teacher Dexter describes one boy who didnt want to take part in the camps activities. He keeps on saying that he is stupid, but we tell him that no child of God is stupid because He gives wisdom to everyone who asks Him. Through songs, activities and lessons from Gods Word, the children learn they are special and that, with Jesus, they are strong. Farida clearly got the message. Isa (Jesus) can give us the power to ght fear, rebellion and lies.


When Amanda* came to Open Doors Childrens Centre in Colombia, she was 13 years old and she wasnt happy. She had never gone to school, never left home - and she certainly didnt want to talk to anyone. Living in a remote mountainous area in the north, this was not surprising, but on top of that, a Centre leader says, She was so traumatised that she did not want to share her story with other girls. Her story was that her father, Manuel, had become a Christian. A practicing sorcerer, for 13 years he was also a tribal authority. He knew his choice would have serious consequences. Arhuaco leaders expel Christians from their homes, deny them education, healthcare and benets, and cast spells on them to weaken them. Sometimes they may imprison or even murder them. As the daughter of a Christian, Amanda

Isa (Jesus) can give us the power to fight fear, rebellion and lies.


OPENDOORS magazine September 2013

*Name changed for security reasons

was now at risk, too - of being recruited by illegal armed groups. Thats why Manuel ed the community taking her to the safety of the Childrens Centre. He then continued his journey to a Bible institute, to study theology . But after her arrival in February 2012, Amanda experienced months of deep depression. It wasnt just that she missed her parents. It was witchcraft. From witchcraft to Christ In the Arhuaco community, witchcraft is rampant and Amandas cousin had been her teacher. She

advised Amanda that suicide was the only answer. After drinking shampoo mixed with chemicals, Amanda was rushed to a clinic for treatment, but a pastor at the Centre recognised demonic activity and began to fast and pray . The change in Amandas life since then has been nothing short of miraculous. She has been baptised and has made remarkable progress in her studies. Before, she says, smiling, I did not like to pray, but here I learned to talk with the Lord. Before I didnt like to share with other people, but now I do, and I have friends.

For Ben, Amanda and Farida. Pray that they may grow up to know they have a Father in heaven and a family around the world who love them For Open Doors staff working to support secret children. Pray for wisdom, strength and protection.

Children whove been rejected, separated or orphaned need someone to walk with them. You can be the one to give children like Ben, Amanda and Farida the hope of a better future. Become a Secret Child Sponsor for just 18 a month and you can give protection, provision and a Christian education to a persecuted child. We will send you materials to help you pray for the children your support is reaching. For their safety, you will never know who they are or where they live. But they will have the support of a family who loves them. For today, tomorrow as long as it takes. You can give to support Secret Children, or become a Secret Child Sponsor, using the enclosed response form or by donating online at www.opendoorsuk. org/secretsponsor
Welcome. Mr and Mrs John Sponsorship Pack. Q Samp 1 Samp le le Street Your Secret Child
Sample County AB 1 2CD mber one child When we reme them all. Secret Child we remember Spon Dear Mr Sample, Sample town Open Doors UK & I



Some childrens lives are secret because they exist below the radar. They are invisible to most of the world until we tell their story, of course. Others are secret because we must keep them so. For the sake of their safety, we can tell you little about them, but what we can say is that, around the world, we are helping to provide shelter and support for secret children whove been orphaned because of their parents faith. Young Ben* had Christian parents. For both of them, choosing Christ meant rejection by their families. His mum was rejected by her family when she married Bens father because he was a Christian, unusual in their society . Bens dad was rejected when he took his family

home to meet his parents. Word went round that he had converted his choice to abandon the traditions and religion of his community was considered a disgrace. So the religious leaders drugged him and killed him. His sudden death was a dreadful shock to Bens mother. The family pressurised her to stay, which she didnt want to do but without her husband, she couldnt get back home. Her own family asked her to renounce her new faith and marry a man of their choosing, but she refused. Then she became ill. The family offered help, but only if she recanted. We will take care of everything. Just come back to our faith, they said. Bens mother refused. Eventually she was brought to a hospital, where she died. Ben is now being looked after by his Muslim grandparents a secret child who needs our prayers. An Open Doors co-worker and friend of the family said, Pray that one day, when he grows up, he may encounter the truth about his parents great faith in Jesus, and that he may become a great testimony of the living God.

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OPENDOORS magazine September 2013


From drug trafficker to Bible smuggler

These were places where the Communist guerrillas were persecuting Christians. The guerrilla leader, Mono Jojoy, had declared pastors to be military targets and the Bible to be the most lethal weapon against his interests. When Pablos former FARC comrades and leaders discovered his activities, they began to hunt him down. He was accused of being an army informant and blamed for causing other guerrillas to desert. Jojoy ordered that Pablo should be captured and killed. In fact, Jojoy himself was killed in a military operation in 2010. But despite this, the order for Pablos murder has never been rescinded. And one night in 2012, a guerrilla death squad was reported to be near his home. Pablo spent the night in hiding at a neighbours house, and the next morning, escaped to Bogota. Despite this, ten years after he began working for Open Doors, Pablo is determined to continue. My job is providing Bibles and talking to people about Christ, says Pablo. God does the rest. After people start reading the Bible, something supernatural happens. The simple act of having a Bible in your hands causes miracles to happen.

From the time that he was a teenager, Pablo was a spy for guerrillas.

ater, when he learned to drive, he travelled through the vast regions controlled by the FARC, or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, using his truck to transport cocaine and political propaganda. Then, one day, he drove into trouble. Extreme right-wing paramilitary soldiers had encroached into the region, and they were the sworn enemies of the extreme leftist FARC guerrillas. In a desperate attempt to save his life, Pablo told the paramilitaries everything he knew. MiraculouslY, theY let him go. After that, he had nothing more to do with FARC. And he came into contact with Christians who had been forcibly displaced by FARC threats. Pablo listened as these Christians shared the gospel with him. Hed never before heard of the hope he could nd in Christ. Pablo realised that God had spared his life for a reason. He surrendered his life to the Lord and asked the Lord to protect him from the guerrillas and paramilitaries. In return, Pablo promised to serve Him for the rest of his days. He approached a pastor who was also an Open Doors volunteer. The pastor gave Pablo a job. Once he had travelled around with cocaine: now he would carry Bibles. New life new traVels So Pablo began a new set of journeys, travelling through war-ravaged regions such as Meta, Guaviare, Vichada, Guainia, Arauca, Nario and Putumayo.

My job is providing Bibles and talking to people about Christ. God does the rest.


OPENDOORS magazine September 2013

Through Open Doors micro-loan programme, Pablo has learnt to grow yucca, plantains and other foods

God does not want this war In the past year, Open Doors has become aware that in these regions, the FARC is increasingly pressuring pastors and church leaders to pay vacunas or taxes in other words, extortion money . In addition, guerrillas sometimes force Christians to participate in FARC activities, such as protest marches, or they forcibly recruit children and teenagers in the church to become guerrillas and prostitutes. So many Christians nd themselves having to ee. And, in the process, they lose their homes, lands and possessions. To help persecuted Christians such as these, Open Doors provides micro-loans: small amounts of money to start new businesses, or to plant crops. Pablo is the recipient of one of these loans. He has now been able to buy a small farm which gives him some economic stability . When youre forced to leave everything and ee for your life,

Once a drug smuggler, Pablo now delivers Bibles

that doesnt leave much opportunity to seek work options, Pablo said. The nancial support that Open Doors provides through its microloan programme gives greatly needed stability for my family and me. But he isnt staying down on the farm. He manages the farm whilst also juggling his ministry tasks, including providing Bibles and Christian literature in southern Colombias jungles. And despite the hardship, despite the death threats, he remains adamant that God has called him to take the gospel into regions of armed conict. God does not want this war, Pablo said. He wants ghters to know and accept Him. For that I was called to bring the Good News to people who need the light of the Word.

Give thanks for Pablos courageous determination to share the gospel. Pray for his protection and for greater opportunities to bring the Good News to those around him That current peace talks between FARC rebels and the government would bring an end to the violence insurgency that has wracked the country for five decades For Open Doors teams working to support pastors and children targeted by rebel armed groups.
Find out more about Christians in Colombia at

OPENDOORS magazine September 2013 | 19

ld go, and even when ou sh ey th y wa e th on off Start children from it. Proverbs 22:6 rn tu t no ill w ey th old e ar they

wing images during Ruth*, 13, drew these harro mme sponsored by a trauma counselling progra s seen things no child Open Doors in Syria. She ha ing, fighting as well as should see. Bombing, shell increasing persecution. me to terms with the Ruth has been helped to co tter future. But she is just past. She can even see a be children who face violence, one of many thousands of s of a parent because of discrimination, even the los one alongside them, to their faith. They need some help them on their journey.

For just 18 a month th you can give a child like Ru . the hope of a better future
da ild protection, provision an ch ted cu rse pe a e giv lp he they are living. onsor and you can o they are or even where Become a Secret Child Sp wh ow kn r ve ne ll wi u will yo eir safety, pport is reaching. And they su ur yo Christian education. For th ren ild ch e th for long as it takes. ials to help you pray r today, tomorrow and as But you will receive mater Fo . em th es lov o wh ily have the support of a fam

cret Child Sponsor, Se a e m co be or n, re ild Ch cret Please give to support Se se form. You can also donate securely online at using the respon cretsponsor se g/ or k. su or do n pe .o www
security reasons *Name changed for

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