Ancient India

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Mudrarakshasa Mrichhakatika Mahabhasya Astadhayi Vikramankadevacharita Bhojaprabandha NatyaSashtra Uttar-Rama-Charita Prithvirajacharita HarshaCharita, Buddhacharita SuryaSiddanta, PanchaSiddhantika, Brihat Samhita

BrahmasphutSiddhanta Navasahasankacharita KumarPalaCharita

Bisakhadutta Sudraka Patanjali Panini Bilhan Billal BharatMuni ChandBardai Banabhatta Ashwaghosha Barahamihira

AmarKosha Rajatarangini Kural Kamasutra SvapnaVasabadatta Hammirkavya Dvayashraya Mahakavya Priyadarshika, Nagananda ,Ratnabali Gaudavaho Su-Yu-Ki Soundarananda Kavya Devichandraguptam

Brahmagupta Padmagupta Jayasimha Bhababhuti Bhararuchi Bhartrihari AmarSinha Kalhan Bhas Vatsayana Nyaychandra Hemachandra Harshavardhana Bakpati Huen-Tsang

Jaina Literature:
Digamvara Sect: Prathamanu Yoga(Containing Puranic Stories) Karananu Yoga(dealing with Cosmology) Dravyanu Yoga(dealing with philosophical works) Charananu Yoga(on religious rites) These are combinedly called as Jaina Vedas.

Ancient Indian Important Architecture

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Twin caves at Barabar hills,near Gaya : Dedicated by Asoka to the Ajibika monks. Caves at Nagarjuni Hills, near Baeabar : Have finely polished walls similar to the polish of Asokan pillars. Cave temple at Bhaja, near Poona : Oldest cave temple of the deccan, by the Satavahana kings, used as a meeting hall of Buddhist monks and lay worshippers. Cave temple of Karli : Near the temple of Bhaja, it is very beautiful example of the Bhaja style of cave temples. This showcases a great chaitya hall for Buddhist monks. Vitthala Temple : At Hampi, Karnataka is the finest example of Vijayanagar school of Architecture and temple making. Temples at Halbeid(Dwarsamudram), Somnathpur and Belur : Examples of later chalukya(of kalyani) and Hoysala Architecture. Kirtimukha : A motif used with temple architecture predominantly in deccan and mostly by chalukya and hoysala school of architecture shows a grotesque mask at an entrance. Temples at Madurai and Srirangam : These bear the signature of the temple architecture of the Pandyan Style. These are mainly Vaisnavite temples. Khajuraho Temples : In Madhya Pradesh, they are examples of Chandella Temple Architechure. Temples of Gujarat, Mt. Abu : Primarily built under the patronage of the Chalukyan or Solanki kings of this region, these are mainly Buddha or Jain temples .

Ancient Indian Literature

Natyasashtra : Written by an unnamed writer and attributed to Bharat muni, it is the earliest account of the three cultural forms of Dance, Music and Drama in Ancient India. Raga : According to Natyasashtra, a raga is a series of five or more notes, upon which a melody is based. Over thirty ragas are mentioned in Bharata Natyasashtra. According to it, there are basically six ragas and the rest are Ragini. The six basic ragas are Dipak(Afternoon, Love) Hindola(Night, Love) Megha(Morning, Peace and calm) Sriraga(Afternoon, Love ) Bhairava(Dawn, fear and awe) Kausika(Night, Laughter and joy) Vedas: Rigveda : It has 1028 hymns. The whole collection is divided into 10 circles(mandals)

Important Historical Terms

Agraharas : Land given completely free from all forms of taxes to all learned Brahmins in ancient India, mainly in the Gupta Period. Numismatics : Study of historic coins.

Early Indian Coins :

The earliest coins are the so called punch-marked coins mostly of silver and copper and rarely of gold. The coins of the kushanas are mostly in gold and copper and rarely in silver. The Greek-Kshatrapa coins are mostly of Silver and copper and gold coins are very rare. Guptas issued mostly Gold and Silver coins and Gold coins are more.

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