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Case Analysis - McDonalds: The Arch Deluxe Launch Overview of McDonalds - Marketing trategy eg!

entation Demographic - age, family with children Psychographic - lifestyle (convenience, enjoyment with family and children) Behavioral - Benefits Sought (Convenience and speed) Differentiated mar eting! "appy meal (children segment) vs original meal (adults) - Product differentiation (#uality! standardi$ed products, innovation! happy meal) - Channel differentiation (%&'' restaurants in () countries) - Service differentiation (Cleanliness, minimal customer waiting time) - People differentiation (Burger *cDonald university provide well-training) - +mage differentiation (good for ids, a happy place) "ositioning state!ent: ,o -e families. favorite place and way to eat, *cDonald is a family restaurant that provides e/ceptional customer e/perience of food, fol s and fun0

Targeting "ositioning

Overview of McDonalds - Marketing Mix - "roduct: food, fol s 1 fun (pac age of positive e/periences) in family restaurant (island of enjoyment) - "rice: 2ow price (lower than the competitors e0g0 Burger 3ing) - "lace: %&'' restaurants in () countries - "ro!otion: theme songs with an advertisement campaign Co!#anys current situation $with the launch of Arch Deluxe% &acts'Data Analysis - *ar et its food to a more adult sense - 4ail to capture profits from adults -ecause it cannot get away with its child-centered image - 567' of adults who tried the 8rch Delu/e - ,oo optimistic -y saying that consumer reaction to the said they would -uy it again new sandwich was positive - 9esult may imply that adults do re-purchase for their ids, rather than for themselves - )6( said it is e#ual to or -etter than the - :#ual is not enough0 ,o guarantee success and -ring a fast food -urgers they eat most often -rand new taste to adults, taste must -e -etter (ey "ro)le!s: - ,oo optimistic for the new target - opened up new segment -ut neglected its ids-oriented image - 4acts and Data seems to have supported the sales of 8rch Delu/e towards the adult segment, yet the reality is %); of consumers still thin that the chain has -est -urgers for ids O##ortunities: - majority of consumers who tried 8rch Delu/e said they would -uy again! guarantee on the taste - *ar eting Strategy should penetrate into adult segment while complying the concept of family restaurant trategic Alternatives for !arketing Arch Deluxe *% &a!ily as a whole O)+ective: ,o invite the whole family, not just ids, to enjoy a meal in *cDonald.s0 ,he 8rch Delu/e originally was launched to capture the adult momentum -ut it ignored the ids who used to -e *cDonald.s target customers0 ,herefore it is suggested to target the whole family so that on one hand we can ta e children into account, and on the other hand we invite parents the adults to eat it as well0 eg!entation Targeting "ositioning Demographic - 4amily with ids vs0 family without ids <ndifferentiated mar eting as it is a new product +mage differentiation! differentiates itself -y emphasi$ing the -ond within a family0

"ositioning tate!ent: ,o -oth ids and parents who need something more than a meal, the 8rch Delu/e is a family meal that provides consumers with ids. enjoyment, family warmth and cohesiveness0 Action: :very 8rch Delu/e meal contains a -igger sandwich wrapped with a capital letter =*. and a smaller one with a small letter =m.0 ,he promotion campaign focused on the family unity -rought -y the *eal

Case Analysis - McDonalds: The Arch Deluxe Launch trengths 70 Penetrating the adult mar et while complying with the concept of a family restaurant where ids are an integral part )0 :nhance the warm and caring atmosphere for families to dine (0 enhance -undle purchasing ,eaknesses *ight not -e a-le to attract single adults

9ecommended reasons! 70 ,he 8rch Delu/e suits -oth ids and adults. flavors0 9eported in *ac ,oday, %); thin it was the -est -urgers for ids, and 5'; of adults who tried it would -uy it again0 )0 4rom the -eginning, *cDonald.s was envisioned as a family restaurant and ids were the integral part0 +t was a -ad idea to promote a =grown up taste. for adults as it shunned the ids0 ,herefore, the family campaign for the 8rch Delu/e would target -oth ids and adults with family as a whole (0 People -ought *cDonald.s not -ecause of its taste, so a =grown up taste. could not attract them0 "owever, people would come to *cDonald.s -ecause their ids li e placing their own orders and watching the coo ing process, as well as playing at Playlands, *cDonald.s restaurant playgrounds0 ,hus mar eting to a family could -e a good way to reach adults0 -% Arch Deluxe: A &resh and new taste for teenagers and young adult O)+ective: to attract teenagers and young adult to try the 8rch Delu/e as the young group is a large potential mar et and they li e product with a fresh and cool image0 eg!entation Demographic! age (teenagers and young adult) Behavioral! -enefit sought (-uild trendy and cool self-images) <ndifferentiated mar eting +mage differentiation! *cDonald.s could differentiate 8rch Delu/e from other -urgers *cDonald.s and competitors sold with a fresh and cool image0

Targeting "ositioning

"ositioning tate!ent: to teenager and young adult who see s for new tastes and cool products, the 8rch Delu/e is a new and fresh -urger that provides consumers with e/ceptional feelings of eating -urgers0 trengths 70 suit the needs of teenagers and young adults which is also one of the largest potential segment apart from little ids and adults )0 easier to attract teenagers -y a fresh and cool product image "ro#osed .ew Marketing Mix "rice "ro!otion - 8fforda-le Price - Discount Cards for 4amilies ,eaknesses 70 may -e not long-lasting -ecause of the fastchanging preferences and tastes of teenagers and young adults )0 may not cover the needs of all *cDonald.s customers0 +t only focus on the young segment

- 8dvertisement through different channels (,> Commercials and newspapers) - Develop the social enterprise image -y word of mouth! 9onald *cDonald "ome - ?immic s! attract children. attention such as providing toys collection0 - :/tensively distri-uted (:/pand mar et in different districts) - *aintain Consistency (food #uality and service e0g0 cleanliness, convenience) - 4urther improvement on supplements of products (i0e0 toys collection for children)

"lace "roduct

Case Analysis - McDonalds: The Arch Deluxe Launch

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