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Communications: Internet Access WiFi in Lobby Card Phones Sport & Leisure: Common Room Food & Drink: Included Guest Kitchen Bar General: Bicycle Parking Luggage torage !ours "esk

Aloha Hostel 24
Centrally located# the hostel is $ithin easy $alking distance o% Paris& most %amous sights including the 'i%%el !o$er# the Arc de !riom(he# the Cham(s 'lys)es# the *us)e Rodin# the *us)e des Arm)es and the li+ely Boule+ard *ont(arnasse, And $ith a metro station only a stone&s thro$ a$ay %rom our door# the rest o% this %ascinating city is yours to disco+er, We kno$ that tra+elling on a budget is demanding, In %act# Aloha&s %ounders $ere once back(ackers themsel+es, A %ree break%ast is ser+ed each morning# and to (re(are other meals $e (ro+ide our guests $ith a %ully e-ui((ed kitchen, A +ariety o% su(ermarkets# laundromats# bakeries and a (ost o%%ice are all %ound nearby, An in%ormation stand $ith brochures on e+erything you need to kno$ is a+ailable and our sta%% are al$ays $illing to hel( you out $ith anything else you may need, Free $i %i connection, .ou $ill not be /ust another number to us at Aloha, 0ur

%riendly 'nglish1s(eaking sta%% $ill make you %eel rela2ed and at home during your stay, *ALL GR03P 04L. acce(ted online 56 or less7 Grou(s o% 6 or more (lease contact the hostel be%ore making your reser+ation 1 other$ise your booking $ill be automatically cancelled and your de(osit lost, Be%ore booking (lease note8 1 !he hostel has a lock out %rom 99am until :(m 1 Cur%e$ starts at ;am 1 Credit cards are not acce(ted as (ayment 1 Payment must be made in cash or tra+ellers che-ues 5<uros only7 1 Payment in %ull is e2(ected on arri+al 1 heets and to$els are not (ro+ided but can be rented in the hostel 1 !o cancel or change 5minimun ;= hours in ad+ance7 40! o+er the tele(hone# you to send an e1 mail to8 %riends>aloha,%r and $ait the ans$er %rom us# you should kee( the con%irmation o% cancelling, For grou(s 5more than ? (eo(le7 you should cancel ; months in ad+ance# other$ise your card $ill be credited %or the %irst night,

Property Description


Communications: Card Phones n !oom Facilities: Linen Included Food & Drink: Included Guest Kitchen General: !o$els @ire

S"uare Caulaincourt# Paris# France 2$

; -uare Caulaincourt 6:A9?# France,

Located in *ontmartre# the most magical and authentic area o% Paris# $e are only a %e$ minutes a$ay %rom the acre Coeur, !he -uare Caulaincourt @ostel o%%ers chea(# sa%e and clean accomodation %or back(ackers, & 0ne o% the nicest# cleanest and %riendliest o% the chea(er hotels, *agni%icent +ie$ %rom Room 9B,& Rough Guide ;AAA 5(, 9=B7 !he Caulaincourt o%%ers you dormitories single# t$in# double and tri(le rooms some $ith (ri+ate sho$ers all $ith 8 1 FR'' French style break%ast# croissant# orange /uice# cereals# teas and co%%ee,,, 1 FR'' @ot sho$er day and night, 1 FR'' *a(s 1 FR'' daily ne$s(a(ers 1 FR'' e+ents magaCines 1 DA *inutes %ree internet access $ith W'LC0*' CAR" 1 FR'' WI 1 FI 5 $ireless internet access 7 1 FR'' local and national calls,,, com(limentary at the desk, 1!o$els are not (ro+ided but can be rented in the hostel

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