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AIFOM: Annex 10

University Grants Commission of Bangladesh

Academic Innovation Fund Window 2 Complete Proposal CP! Improvement of "esearch Capa#ilities for Postgraduate Programs

$% a% &u#'pro(ect )itle* +sta#lishment of Plant ,isease ,iagnostic Clinic #% Area-,iscipline-&u#(ect as per $.%2 of AIF/0* AG"ICU1)U"+ 2% a% &ponsoring-+ndorsing University* Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur- !"# $ebsite% &&&'bsmrau'edu'bd #% Proposal &u#mitting +ntity* (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy, ,aculty )* Agriculture Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University Gazipur- !"# c% )otal Cost of the su#'&u#'pro(ect in )a2a!* -."'"" lakh /0aka 0&) hundred *i*ty lakh1 d% Implementation Period* 0hree 234 years i! Commencement* ii! Completion* April 23$2 0arch 23$4

5% General /#(ectives of the &u#'pro(ect Brie*ly menti)n the maj)r )bjectives that are aimed t) be achieved% 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7 2+((64 sub-pr)ject is taken t) achieve the *)ll)&ing general )bjectives%

i' ii' iii' iv' v' vi'

t) e8pand and strengthen m)dern and m)lecular research *acilities in plant path)l)gy' t) devel)p an academic and service )riented lab)rat)ry *)r adaptive and applied research activities t) s)lve cr)p disease pr)blems )* the gr)&ers' t) devel)p culture bank )* plant path)gens and *ungal and bacterial antag)nists as a parallel activity )* the clinic' t) categ)rize identi*ied *armers pr)blem in acc)rdance t) research merit 2Basic, and Applied4 *)r research syn)psis )* +)st graduate students leading t) MS and +h( degree' t) devel)p &ebsites *)r the (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy' t) increase the kn)&ledge and skills )* *aculties, students, e8tensi)n &)rkers and *armers t) s)lve *armer pr)blem-based plant path)l)gical issues thr)ugh training, &)rksh)ps and study t)urs'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
6% &pecific /#(ectives of the &u#'pro(ect Menti)n the speci*ic )bjectives )* the sub-pr)ject' +lease n)te that each speci*ic )bjective &ill pr)duce results and )utc)mes and has t) be e8pressed in terms )* milest)nes and measured &ith per*)rmance indicat)rs' Speci*ic 9bjectives )* the 5 +lant (isease 6linic7 Sub-pr)ject% Speci*ic 9bjectives Activities ;' ' t) e8pand and i' (esign and ren)vati)n )* strengthen m)dern lab)rat)ry *)r +lant (isease lab)rat)ry *acilities *)r (iagn)stic 6linic research in plant path)l)gy' ii' +urchase )r pr)curement )* e<uipments, chemicals and lab &ares' iii' =nstallati)n )* ne& e<uipments iv' +urchase )* b))ks:manuals, j)urnals and catal)gues 2print:electr)nic4 etc' v' >isit established +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linics' vi' ?ab)rat)ry ren)vati)n' vii' Green h)use and net h)use ren)vati)n' viii' (evel)pment )* research *ield' ;'- t) devel)p an academic i' Submissi)n )* plant diseased and service )riented samples by *armers' lab)rat)ry *)r the gr)&ers ii' Regular inspecti)n )* *armerAs t) s)lve cr)p disease cr)p *ield and c)llecti)n )* pr)blems' diseased samples' iii' 6linical e8aminati)n and identi*icati)n )* pr)blem' iv' Giving prescripti)n *)r s)lving the pr)blem' ;'3' t) devel)p culture bank i' )* plant path)gens and *ungal and bacterial antag)nists as a parallel activity )* the clinic' ii' =s)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* n)t)ri)us plant path)gens in Bangladesh' =s)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* *ungal and bacterial antag)nists' iii' @valuati)n )* antimicr)bial activity against the n)t)ri)us plant path)gens' iv' +reservati)n )* c)llected plant path)gens and bi)*uncti)nal *ungi and bacteria t) supp)rt *uture research &)rk' Results:9utc)mes @stablish a +lant (isease (iagn)sis 6linic under the (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy' Greater )pp)rtunity *)r *armers t) get need based services' 9rientati)n and c)n*idence build up )* undergraduate and graduate students t) s)lve *ield pr)blems' @8cellent research *acilities *)r *aculties and students'

A technical package service t) the *armers including diagn)sis, management measures and advices *)r *uture acti)n plan t) c)mbat against the pr)blem )* the cr)p gr)&er' Generati)n )* inc)me *r)m the clinical services +r)t)c)ls )* the is)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* the path)gens and *ungal and bacterial antag)nists' A culture bank )* path)gens and bi)-*uncti)nal micr)bes' 0echn)l)gy )* mass culture )* antag)nists and *)rmulati)n )* ec)-*riendly techn)l)gies such as bi)-*ertilizers and bi)pesticides' Generati)n )* inc)me thr)ugh selling culture materials

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
;'; t) categ)rize identi*ied i' Advertisement *)r MS and +h( sch)larship' *armers pr)blem in acc)rdance t) research ii' Selecti)n and admissi)n )* students in MS and +h( merit 2Basic, and Applied4 pr)gram' *)r research syn)psis )* iii' =denti*icati)n )* )n *ield +)st graduate students pr)blems )* *armers' leading t) MS and +h( iv' (esign )* research pr)jects degree' based )n the identi*ied pr)blems using e8isting and ne&ly devel)ped research *acilities' v' =mplementati)n )* the research pr)ject' ;'. t) devel)p &ebsites *)r the (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy' i' (esign and pr)curement *)r &ebsite devel)pment and net&)rking' ii' Regular updating the res)urce in*)rmati)n in the &ebsite' iii' Access t) )nline res)urces and techn)l)gies that satis*y *armersB service needs' iv' Gate&ay t) access gl)bal research net&)rk' S)me graduates +ath)l)gy' in +lant

,aculty and student access t) inn)vative research and current demand-based pr)blems' ?inkage bet&een and *armers' researchers

(istant services *)r *armers' (isseminati)n techn)l)gy' )* devel)ped

@stablishment )* gl)bal research net&)rk'

;'# t) increase the capacity, i' 0raining )n 56linical j)b )* +lant (isease (iagn)sis *)r kn)&ledge and skills )* Researchers and @8tensi)n *aculties, students, &)rkers7 e8tensi)n &)rkers and *armers t) s)lve *armer ii' >isit established +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linics and pr)blem-based plant di**erent plant path)l)gy path)l)gical issues' lab)rat)ries' iii' $)rksh)p -= )n C+lant (isease (iagn)sisC iv' $)rksh)p-== )n C (isease ManagementC v' $)rksh)p-=== )n C=ntr)ducti)n and applicati)n )* bi)l)gical c)ntr)l in +lant disease managementC

(evel)pment )* skilled *aculty members and students in )perating m)dern e<uipments and plant disease clinic' (evel)pment )* e8pert academic sta**s, researchers, students and e8tensi)n &)rkers t) s)lve plant path)l)gical pr)blems' Skill and analytical capacity build up )* *armers t) handle plant path)l)gical pr)blems'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
4% &u#'pro(ect &ummary ma7imum 243 words! Summarize the br)ad c)mp)nents, activities, meth)ds, e8pected results, )utc)mes and strategies t) be used in acc)rdance &ith the speci*ic )bjectives *)r implementing the sub-pr)ject' 0he br)ad impact in terms )* research capacity building e8pected as a result )* the activities carried )ut must be e8plicitly stated' +lease try t) *urnish the in*)rmati)n ab)ut the ab)ve menti)ned items under individual paragraph capti)ns' 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic 2+((647 is a sub-pr)ject )* establishing a specialized plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry and t) e8pand and strengthen m)dern and m)lecular research *acilities *)r rapid is)lati)n and identi*icati)n and characterizati)n )* *ungal, bacterial, viral and nemat)de path)gens causing di**erent diseases )* cr)ps and plants by using m)lecular techni<ues and als) t) devel)p ec)-*riendly c)ntr)l strategy )* cr)p and plant diseases &ith special emphasis )n the devel)pment )* bi)-pesticides and bi)-*ertilizers' Regular service )* prescripti)n giving t) the *armer *)r plant disease pr)blems is the marked inn)vative attempt )* this pr)p)sal' Al)ng &ith service t) the *armer )* the plant disease clinic parallel devel)pment )* physical *acilities )* advanced research &)rk, and pr)gressing di**erent learning appr)aches like *ield visit, training, &)rksh)p, seminar, e8pert c)nsultancy and p)st graduate MS and +h( pr)gram are acc)mm)dated in this pr)ject utilizing the devel)ped m)dern *acilities' (evel)pment )* &ebsite &ill enhance academic c)llab)rati)n, kn)&ledge sharing and nati)nal and internati)nal net&)rking' 0he +lant (isease (iagn)stic clinic is a c)ncern )* public service )riented academic pr)gram and designed as a c)ntribut)ry participant c)mp)nents )* issues )* *))d security, envir)nment, c)mmunity health, and strengthening <uality educati)n )* +)st graduate level' 0his pr)ject aimed t) e8pand the &)rking sphere and capacity )* plant path)l)gical research &)rk and upli*ting the <ualitative status )* learning and research )* the specialized m)lecular plant path)l)gy and thr)ugh this pr)ject pr)*essi)nal plant path)l)gist smartly called 5()ct)r )* plant Medicine7 is intended t) be devel)ped in near *uture' 8% &trategic Analysis Brie*ly state the strategic plan 2)r its absence4 )* the university vis-D-vis the entity regarding in*rastructural, *inancial and intellectual capacities building *)r p)stgraduate research pr)gram in the pr)p)sed *ield2s4' Als) narrate the l)cal, nati)nal and internati)nal pri)rities and p)tentials in the stated *ield )* research' Earrate the S$90 analysis 2including the participants4 per*)rmed t) *igure )ut the present state )* devel)pment and its e8pansi)n p)ssibilities using the strength and )pp)rtunity and mitigating &eakness and threats' 2+lease c)nsult Anne8 -B )n S$90 Analysis'4 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7 has been deemed *)r l)ng time by the students and *aculty members and *armers )* the surr)unding areas' Several departmental *aculty meeting &ere c)nducted *)r details analysis )* strengths and &eaknesses, )pp)rtunities and threats 2S$904 that characterize the state )* activities and devel)pment )* academic and research pr)gram )* the department )* plant path)l)gy, BSMRAU' +lant +ath)l)gical pr)blem based practical educati)n is highly necessity t) )ptimize the *ield service &)rking ability )* a plant path)l)gist and t) meet the demand )* *armers *)r cr)p diseases management' Fualitative enrichment in plant path)l)gical academic and research &)rk especially in the p)st graduate pr)gram )* MS and +h( can be acc)mplished simultane)us by establishing a 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7 in the department' 0he universities strategic visi)n, research pri)rity and c)untryAs devel)pment g)al &ere als) taken int) c)nsiderati)n during S$90 analysis'
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&trength that characterizes the state )* devel)pment )* the 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7% ' (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy )* BSMRAU is highly e**ective and e**icient department pr)ducing MS *r)m GH. and +h( *r)m GG ' A t)tal )* -"" MS and -" +h( in plant path)l)gy have been pr)duced until summer -" ' +resently 3" MS and 3 +h( students are enr)lled in the department' -' (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy )* BSMRAU is running by eight teaching res)urce pers)nnel c)mprising *)ur +r)*ess)r and *)ur Assistant +r)*ess)rs' ,)ur pr)*ess)rs are specialized in *)ur di**erent areas like Myc)l)gy, Bacteri)l)gy, >ir)l)gy and Eemat)l)gy' Am)ng the Assistant pr)*ess)rs, )ne has +h( &ith specializati)n in +lant gr)&th pr)m)ting micr))rganisms and bi)l)gical agents' 3' (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy have several lab)rat)ries namely Micr)bi)l)gy lab', @lectr)n micr)sc)py lab, Sample preparati)n lab, +)stgraduate and undergraduate students &)rking lab)rat)ries e<uipped &ith )ne 6lean Bench, 6entri*uges, Spectr)ph)t)meter, c)mp)und and stere)micr)sc)pes etc' (epartment has )ne net h)use and )ne glass h)use and has in*rastructural 2*ield and lab)rat)ry4 acc)mm)dati)n t) acc)mm)date e<uipments needed *)r 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7 ;' ,aculties have clear understanding and e8pertise in maintaining and e**iciently )perating path)l)gical e<uipments including Scanning and 0ransmissi)n @lectr)n Micr)sc)pes' All the *aculties are <uite *amiliar &ith c)mputer, lapt)p, di**erent s)*t&are and internet )perati)n' Str)ng nati)nal and internati)nal net&)rks and c)llab)rati)ns )* *aculty members' Wea2nesses that characterize the state )* devel)pment )* 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7% ' 0he technical e<uipments and physical in*rastructural setup )* the department is very p))r, impr)vised and sc)pe )* updating is restricted because lacking su**icient budget' -' At present -" MS and " +h( students are studying in this department but research *acilities t) carry)ut their research pr)gram is inade<uate, several essential e<uipments are )ut )* &)rk' Alth)ugh research pr)gram in m)lecular plant path)l)gy is c)nducting using the lab)rat)ry *acilities )* BRR= and BAR=, +)stgraduate students and *aculties are *acing tr)uble t) c)nduct research in time' $e have n) +6R, ?aminar air *l)&, @lectr)ph)resis chamber etc' 3' 9ur greenh)use:glass and net h)use &ere built in GH. and n)& these are g)ing t) be destr)yed because lack )* ren)vati)n' E) gr)&th chamber *)r in vivo research at c)ntr)lled envir)nment t) evaluate the ne& techn)l)gy )* the pr)ducts' ;' ?ab)rat)ries are n)t updated &ith m)dern technicalities and in*)rmati)n' 0he e8isting m)dern e<uipments are less in c)mparis)n t) the e8isting n)' )* students and *aculty members' .' 0he department is nearly in t)tal lacks )* updated b))ks and scienti*ic j)urnals and n) dynamic &ebsite' /pportunities that characterize the state )* devel)pment )* 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7 * ' 0he department has an appr)ved )rgan)gram &ith pr)visi)ns t) be strengthened the department &ith e8pertise manp)&er &ith the app)intment )* ne& *aculties' -' 0he department has cl)se c)llab)rative research *)r MS and +h( pr)gram &ith BAR= and BRR=' 3' Iigh pri)rities and interest )* the g)vernment t) pr)duce sa*e and healthy *))d by ad)pting ec)-*riendly plant disease c)ntr)l strategies by the eliminati)n )* chemical *ertilizers and pesticides &ith bi)-pesticides, bi)-*ertilizers and plant gr)&th pr)m)ting micr)bes'
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;' Rapid disease diagn)sis and prescripti)n *)r cr)p disease management &ill pr)m)te the sa*e pr)ducti)n )* agricultural pr)duces t) the adjacent districts' .' Eeed based <uality MS and +h( pr)gram &ill be launched in plant path)l)gy &hich &ill ensure the *))d security and pr)tect the envir)nment thr)ugh the eliminati)n )* en)rm)us use )* chemical pesticides' #' 0he department has high p)tential t) bec)me a centre )* e8cellence *)r MS and +h( degree in +lant +ath)l)gy t) driven the *uture Agri-business sect)r *)r healthy seed pr)ducti)n and pr)ducti)n techn)l)gy )* Bi)l)gical 6)ntr)l Agents 2B6A4 pr)ducts' Bi)-pesticides and bi)*ertilizers have high e8p)rt p)tential &)rld&ide' !' 0he e8penditure )* this pr)ject &ill *l)urish as human res)urce devel)pment and capital investment inv)lved in instrumentati)n *)r the establishment )* a lab)rat)ry, &hich &ill als) remain serviceable &ith l)& c)st management, and its )perati)nal c)st is minimum and service is *ree' )hreats t) the devel)pment )* establishment )* 5+lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic7 * ' 6)mple8ities arise in pr)gressing )* c)mmunicati)n and pr)curement )* e<uipments and g))ds' -' ?eaving )* skilled *aculties in abr)ad *)r p)st d)ct)ral study )r as visiting pr)*ess)r' 3' ,ailure in app)inting su**icient number )* *aculties in the department )* plant path)l)gy in time &ill hinder the &)rking *)rce )* the pr)ject' ;' 0imely c)mmencement, *und release, rep)rting and ending )* the sub-pr)ject' .' ,ailure )* electricity and l)& speed )* internet server'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10

9% Bac2ground ,ata &u#stantiating the &trategic Analysis A% +lease pr)vide the in*)rmati)n re<uested in the *)ll)&ing table' 0his in*)rmati)n &ill serve t) analyze the available abilities and capacities )* the human res)urces and the unitAs research capacity, pr)ductivity and )utreach in the last *ive years' )a#le $* ,ata on Academic &taff in Post'graduate "esearch Programs
' -' 3' ;' .' #' !' H' G' "' ' -' 3' ;' 2a4 2b4 2c4 .' #' !' H' K Items 0)tal enr)lment in +h( pr)gram ,irst year enr)llment in +h( +r)gram Eumber )* +h( degrees a&arded +h( rate per entry c)h)rt Stipulated time-t)-+h( degree 2in academic sessi)n:semester4 Eumber )* dr)p-)uts in M +hil and:)r +h( pr)grams Actual average time-*)rJc)mpleti)n )* +h( pr)gram 2in academic sessi)n:semesters4 0)tal number )* *aculty members inv)lved in research 0)tal number )* *ull time *aculty members inv)lved in research Eumber )* Assistants:,ell)&s inv)lved in +)st-graduate Research 0)tal number )* *ull time *aculty members inv)lved in supervisi)n )* research:+h ( pr)grams 0)tal number )* *ull time *aculty members h)lding +h( engaged in supervisi)n )* research:+h( pr)grams 0)tal e8ternal res)urces 20aka4 )btained *)r research:+h( 0)tal number )* publicati)ns% b))ks =S= E)n-=S= Re*ereed Average t)tal number )* publicati)ns per +h ( researcher Average t)tal number )* publicati)ns per +h ( h)lder Average t)tal number )* patents )btained -""# . G G- . ; ; " ; ; 3'" lakk -" ; ;'" -""! 3 ; H G- . ; ; " ; ; 3'" lakh -; ;'. -""H 3 " " G- . # # " ; ; 3'# lakh 3 -; . .'" -""G ; -" " ; . 3H G- . H H " . . ;'lakh -. . .'. -

! G- . # # " ; ; 3'# lakh

-; # .'" -

*In accordance to the Dean Graduate Studies every year so e Ph! D student ight not enro""ed after co #"etion of their courses! $hose students usua""y return "ater on to defense their $hesis research!

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10

B% +lease pr)vide data )n e8isting *acilities: res)urces available in the entity and the *acilities: res)urces re<uired t) devel)p the p)st-graduate research pr)grams' )a#le 2% ,ata on research facilities-resources in the entity
,escription of Facilities ' -' 3' ;' .' #' !' H' G' "' ' -' 3' ;' .' #' !' H' G' -"' - ' --' -3' -;' -.' -#' -!' -H' -G' 3"' 3 ' 3-' 33' 3;' 6)mp)und Micr)sc)pe c)nnected &ith c)mputer and camera Stere) micr)sc)pe c)nnected &ith c)mputer and camera Bin)cular c)mp)und micr)sc)pe Stere) micr)sc)pe =nverted phase c)ntrast micr)sc)pe Re*rigerated centri*uge machine Gr)&th chamber ?aminar air*l)& attached &ith EU> Ean) pure &ater plant 0hermal cycler @lectr)ph)resis chamber 6amera digital 6amera S?R (igital Gel ()cL MRN System 6)l)ny c)unter MiliF &ater plant =ce maker *)r m)lecular study >)rte8 ?)& temperature incubat)r Ultra ,reezer 2-H" 64 ,reezer 2--"64 +harmaceutical *reezer 2;- "64 Air c))ler Micr) )ven Gel dryer Spectr)ph)t)meter Analytical electrical balance pI meter 9ven 23"---"O64 $ater distillati)n plant Mechanical Stirrer E)n re*rigerated 6entri*uge Aut)clave $ater bath Unit E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)' E)' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' ; ; " +7istingAvaila#le "e:uired Comments Micr)bi)l)gical research and ph)t)graphy Micr)bi)l)gical research and ph)t)graphy Micr)bi)l)gical Research Micr)bi)l)gical Research Micr)bi)l)gical Research Micr)bi)l)gical Research Medium size Micr)bi)l)gical &)rk Micr)bi)l)gical &)rk Research &)rk Research &)rk +h)t)graphy +h)t)graphy M)lecular &)rk Micr)bi)l)gical &)rk Research &)rk Research &)rk M)lecular research Research &)rk Micr)bi)l)gical and m)lecular &)rk Micr)bi)l)gical &)rk Micr)bi)l)gical &)rk ?ab)rat)ry use ?ab)rat)ry use M)lecular &)rk Research &)rk Measurement Measurement )* +I =ncubati)n &)rk Sterile &ater Research &)rk Research &)rk Sterilizati)n Sample preparati)n


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" " " " " " " " " "

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

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;% Briefly descri#e the proposed field of research for which capacity #uilding is #eing planned% If possi#le< identify specific areas for postgraduate research students% &how clearly the lin2ages #etween the facilities proposed for development and the research% (iagn)sis )* plant diseases and its appr)priate management having great imp)rtance t) ensure pr)*itable cr)p yield and *))d security' +lant disease is )ne )* the maj)r threats )* cr)p pr)ducti)n and *))d security' =n recent time &ith the changing )* the climate, many min)r path)gens are creating epidemic c)nditi)ns )* many cr)ps, as &ell as many ne& races and strains are being devel)ped by the kn)&n severe path)gens' =t is di**icult t) devel)p any appr)priate c)ntr)l strategy &ith)ut regular m)nit)ring, is)lati)n and accurate identi*icati)n )* causal agents )* plant diseases' +lant path)l)gy is technical educati)n g)t the m)mentum )* public interest due its appr)priate package service precisely t) the *armer' ,acilities *)r rapid identi*icati)n )* plant disease and its path)gen are n)t available at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University' 0) enrich the e8isting p)stgraduate pr)grams as &ell as t) ensure ade<uate practical kn)&ledge )* teachers and students in diagn)sis )* plant diseases &ith their causal agents and t) devel)p appr)priate ec)-*riendly disease management strategy, the sub-pr)ject )* the establishment )* a m)dern +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic has been pr)p)sed' P ?inkages bet&een the *acilities t) be devel)ped under this sub-pr)ject and research' )echnical facilities Gr)&th 6hamber and ren)vati)n )* net h)use' 6ulture Bank *)r micr))rganisms "esearch and academic wor2 =n)culati)n and )bservati)n )* disease devel)pment and e**icacy trial )* di**erent bi)pr)ducts' +reservati)n )* micr) )rganisms including plant path)gens and *ungal and bacterial antag)nists *)r re*erence &)rk and c)ntinuati)n )* advance research' ?ive preservati)n )* h)st-path)gen system, (em)nstrati)n materials )* sympt)mat)l)gical study +reservati)n' 0) make 6)ntaminati)n *ree c)nditi)n and gr)&ing micr))rganism in speci*ic temperature and in re<uired am)unt )* nutrients *)r culturing micr))rganism Maintaining re<uired m)istureQ, separati)n in acc)rdance )* gravity )* cellular materials and path)gens Micr)sc)pic )bservati)n in diagn)sis +h)t)graphy *)r research re*erence and d)cumentati)n Gr)&ing pure culture )* micr))rganism Maintaining n)n reactive c)nditi)n in the system' (ata pr)cessing and analysis )* the pr)gram and in*)rmati)n c)llecti)n (iagn)sis )* plant path)gens

(isease Museum ?)& temperature maintaining instruments' Sterilizing e<uipments, incubat)r, electric balance, 9ven and 6entri*uge 9ptical e<uipments 2all kinds )* micr)sc)pe4' 6amera S?R (igital and (igital Sterilizing chemicals culturing agent' and micr))rganism

(istillati)n unit and pI meter 6)mputer and =0 service @?=RA kit

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
Multimedia pr)ject)r and )ther teaching aids Fuality impr)vement )* classes and research presentati)n'

.% Please su#mit-attach the =)a#le of 0ilestones> and =)a#le of Performance Indicators> as per Anne7 $< )a#les $ ? 2% $3% "elevance* (escribe the relevance )* the pr)p)sal t) the strategic plan )* the university, t) nati)nal devel)pment, and t) the tertiary educati)n sect)r devel)pment g)als )* the g)vernment' +lease elab)rate the plan *)r +h ( intake, i* any, speci*ying the *ield )* research' 6learly sh)& the linkages bet&een the *acilities t) be devel)ped under this sub-pr)ject and research' Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University has c)ntended strategic plan t) give technical package service t) the *armers' +lant path)l)gy is an established academic and research department intended t) d) mandat)ry &)rk in the area )* plant disease management' 0his pr)ject pr)p)sal is directly supp)rtive t) the *))d security, envir)nmental sa*ety and p)verty elevati)n strategies plan )* nati)nal devel)pment% 0his pr)ject &ill enrich the academic <uality )* the current p)st graduate pr)grams )* MS and +h( in plant path)l)gy, &hich is participat)ry subject t) the strategic plan t) the tertiary educati)n sect)r devel)pment g)als )* the g)vernment' E)& increase *))d pr)ducti)n brings envir)nmental p)lluti)n and health hazard due t) the e8cessive use )* pesticides and chemical *ertilizers, the pr)p)sed sub-pr)ject is aimed t) devel)p ec)-*riendly c)ntr)l strategy thr)ugh the devel)pment )* bi)-pesticide and bi)*ertilizer &ith the mass culture )* antag)nist and gr)&th pr)m)ting micr))rganisms' @lab)rati)n )* the plan *)r +h( intake, &ith speci*icati)n )* the *ield )* research 0he pr)p)sed pr)ject pr)p)sal has three years research based three +h( pr)gram c)mmencing *r)m the beginning )* the pr)ject' 0he +h( pr)gram under the *inancial assistance )* the pr)ject &ill be% i' =s)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* the ne& path)gens causing recent threat t) the *armerAs *ield &ill be studied' Appr)priate ec)-*riendly c)ntr)l strategy &ill be devel)ped t) minimize the applicati)n )* chemical pesticides' (evel)pment )* ec)-*riendly c)ntr)l strategy )* selected s)il b)rne cr)p diseases and increasing yield by using bi)-pesticides and bi)-*ertilizers' =s)lati)n, identi*icati)n, m)lecular characterizati)n and screening )* antag)nist and plant gr)&th pr)m)ting micr)bes &ill be the main *)cus )* the +h( research pr)gram' =ntended t) devel)p a pr)duct *)rmulati)n )* bi)l)gical c)ntr)l agents and bi)-*ertilizers thr)ugh the +h( research pr)gram'


$$% Benefits @ualitative and @uantitative! (escribe the bene*its t) be gained *r)m the sub-pr)ject in terms )* its c)ntributi)n t)&ards a better research in*rastructure and capacity, &ider +h( pr)gram c)verage and higher enr)llments and graduati)n rates, impr)vements in research )utputs, pr)ductivity, industrial and internati)nal linkages' +lease als) describe the e8pected impr)vements in p)st-graduate pr)grams and

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
instituti)nal per*)rmance and inn)vati)n' Susti*y &hether the e**ective c)st meth)ds have been selected' Capacity #uilding for doing research* Research capacity devel)pment )* plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry &ill be the resultant gain )* this pr)ject' 0he establishment )* +lant disease diagn)stic clinic is designed t) strengthen general research *acilities )* the plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry supp)rting *uture research activities and academic pr)gram' Sterilizati)n measures *)r maintaining aseptic c)nditi)n, is)lati)n, in)culati)n, identi*icati)n, and preservati)n )* in)culums 2 *ungal, Bacterial, >irus and Eemat)de path)gen4 and diseased specimens are the lab)rat)ry meth)ds c)mm)n principal and e8perimentati)n inv)lved in classical learning system and research &)rk )* plant path)l)gy' +r)ject pr)p)sal )* +lant disease clinic includes di**erent specialized enterprises like plant disease *ield lab)rat)ry, seed path)l)gy lab)rat)ry, epidemi)l)gical e8perimentati)n lab)rat)ry, evaluati)n )* plant disease c)ntr)l measures, m)lecular plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry t) e8tended the &)rking arena )* the departmental lab)rat)ry' 0hus the research capacity )* the plant path)l)gy department &ill build-up and receive a m)mentum in research' 0his pr)ject &ill be c))perative c)mp)nent *)r the *ul*illing )* the nati)nal g)al )* *))d security, ec)*riendly envir)nment and enhancement )* <uality higher educati)n and mass a&areness )* plant: cr)p health' Institutional academic :uality improvement* 0hr)ugh establishment )* plant disease clinic the c)urses )* plant path)l)gy practical learning &ill run by the e8ercise )* test and e8aminati)n &ith accessed diseased specimen *r)m gr)&ers *ield and c)llected *r)m the *ield visit' @stablishing a clinical plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry by service t) the *armer al)ng &ith the present plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry &ill be *)und &)rthy t) devel)p the agriculture graduate as d)ct)r )* plant medicine and specialist in plant path)l)gy in handling plant disease pr)blem, thus pr)*essi)nal plant path)l)gist &ill pr)duce *)r serving the nati)n' 0he devel)pment )* &ebsite in the (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy &ill pr)vide access t) the gl)bal research net&)rks and all)& <uick disseminati)n )* techn)l)gy t) the researchers, agricultural e8tensi)n &)rkers and *armers' Achievement of tertiary education development goals of the government during su#' pro(ect implementation and after completion* 0his pr)ject &ill c)ntribute in this p)int thr)ugh pr)ducing <uality technical e8pert and devel)ping *r)ntier researcher and skill pr)*essi)nal in the area )* plant path)l)gy' Research based academic pr)gram )* MS and +h( are the c)re c)mp)nent )* this pr)ject and need based <uality higher educati)n &ill be assured thr)ugh the establishment )* m)lecular plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ry, culture bank )* micr))rganisms and ren)vati)n )* net h)use' An internati)nal research net&)rking and e**ective c)llab)rati)n &ith the relevant institutes and universities )* h)me and abr)ad &ill be devel)ped:strengthened *)r establishing the department as a T6entre )* @8cellenceA in educati)n, research and )utreach activities' 0he jet e**ect )* this devel)pment pr)ject &)rk *l)urish impact )n disseminating technical inn)vati)ns and m)tivating the *armers t) ad)pt inn)vati)n techn)l)gy thus mass a&areness )* plant : cr)p health &ill increase' Austification as the cost effective methods* @nhancing kn)&ledge, research capacity impr)ving, tertiary educati)n and upli*ting pr)*essi)nal skill*ulness and disseminating the ac<uired kn)&ledge thr)ugh &ebsite and devel)ped academic research pr)gram are the <ualitative impact p)ints' +r)ducti)n sa*eguard thr)ugh plant disease mitigati)n is <uantitative bene*it' 0he public service &)rk )* the plant disease diagn)stic clinic &ill c)ntinue and )ther appr)aches )* this pr)ject are made *)r the interest )* academic and research capacity building, there*)re, the return )* this pr)ject

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
pr)gram &ill *l)urish and sustain, thus the pr)ject is c)st e**ective'


/peration ? 0aintenance of +:uipment-Instrument (escribe the capacity 2technical and *inancial4 )* the pr)p)sal submitting entity *)r the )perati)n and maintenance )* e<uipment:instruments t) be pr)cured under this sub-pr)ject' +lease menti)n the pr)p)sed plan t) build re<uired additi)nal capacity% ,aculty members in plant path)l)gy are &ell e8perienced in handling and maintaining s)phisticated e<uipments' ,)ur *aculty members are supervising +h ( pr)gram *)r a l)ng time' 0&) *aculty members are &ell trained in m)lecular plant path)l)gy' I)&ever, s)me unav)idable laps and gaps regarding the )perati)n and maintenance )* s)phisticated e<uipments &ill be )verc)me thr)ugh c)nsultati)n &ith the related research pers)nals *r)m )ther instituti)ns:universities' =* necessary sh)rt training &ill be arranged )n T9perati)n and MaintenanceA *)r the *aculty members and the p)st graduate students' Regarding the *inancial matter, BSMRAU has an )rganized acc)unt divisi)n and audit cell *)r *inancial management, transparency and necessary help' 0he university has als) central purchase c)mmittee, 0ender 9pen 6)mmittee 20964, 0ender @valuati)n 6)mmittee 20@64 and ,inancial 6)mmittee 2,64' ,inancial discipline can be assured thr)ugh these c)mmittees' =n additi)n, the pr)ject submitting entity has a purchase c)mmittee &ith e8perienced members'


&ummary of ma(or items and total estimated cost of the su#'pro(ect +lease *urnish summary )* maj)r items and estimated c)st *)ll)&ing table-3 bel)&' 0his table sh)uld menti)n )nly the maj)r heads )* e8penditure and n)t a detailed list )* all g))ds, services and &)rks that &ill be pr)cured under the sub-pr)ject' P"ease su% it the ta%"e in e&ce" s#read sheet!

)a#le 5% &ummary of +stimated Budget

0ype )* Sub-+r)ject% Research - ?eading 0) (egree Sub-+r)ject 0itle% @stablishment )* +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic B,) in 1a2h @c)n) mic 6)de ;."" ;#"" ;H"" ;G"" =tems )* @8penditure Unit Fuantity @stimated 6)st 20aka4 Q )* @stimated 6)st

a! "evenue +7penditure +ay )* 9**icer +ay )* Sta** Supplies U Services Repair U Maintenance 0)tal Revenue @8penditure #! Capital +7penditure #H"" Ac<uisiti)n )* Assets 0)tal 6apital @8penditure 3#'G. 3#'G. .;'!HQ .;'!HQ '.. !!'#" G'"" "H' . "'""Q ;'#-Q 3 '";Q !'#"Q ;3'-#Q

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
)otal Cost aB#! !G" 6( vat -;.' " ;'G" 243%33 GH'";Q "'""Q 'G#Q ""'""Q

2 c 4 9perati)nal 6)sts:6)ntingencies 2ma8imum -Q )* t)tal c)st4 )otal &u#'Pro(ect Cost aB#Bc!

$6% Please su#mit-attach the =Wor2-Activities Plan$> as per Anne7'2 $4% Please su#mit-attach the = Financing Plan> as per Anne7'5 $8% Please su#mit-attach the ta#le of =Procurement Plan> as per Anne7'6< '4 and '8 $9% Please su#mit-attach the =)raining Plan> as per Anne7'9 $;% Please su#mit-attach the C,etail BudgetD as per Anne7' ;% +lease give justi*icati)n )* any item and its c)st i* it e8ceeds .Q )* the t)tal budget' Als) justi*y *)r inclusi)n )* m)t)r vehicles in budget, i* any' 2+lease c)nsult secti)n 3 )* AIFOM4! Als) n)te that n) CP &ill be eligible *)r A"P evaluati)n &ith)ut Anne7' ;' @8penditure )* the item 5Ac<uisiti)n )* Assets7 e8ceeded .Q )* t)tal budget as the c)st )* 5?ab)rat)ry @<uipments:=nstruments7 2@c)n)mic 6)de #H--4 such as 0hermal 6ycler, (ei)nizer, Gr)&th chamber, Re*rigerated 6entri*uge machine, ?aminar air*l)& attached &ith EU> and 6ell culture system are e8pensive and these e<uipments are very much essential t) c)nduct inn)vative and advanced research in M)lecular +lant +ath)l)gy, &hich are n)t available in the (epartment' $.% &u#'pro(ect 0anagement )eam +lease menti)n the managerial and supp)rt sta** directly resp)nsible *)r the management and implementati)n )* the sub-pr)ject as per Anne8-G' Attachment'9 23% ,escri#e the type of technical assistance-consulting re:uired under the su#'pro(ect if any! and its )erms of "eference )o"!% 0echnical c)nsultancy service *r)m plant path)l)gy e8pert &ill be re<uired *)r the establishment )* the +r)ject' As the sub-pr)ject entity has a &ell e8perienced research team )* eight members just *)r training purp)se and installati)n and )perati)n )* the e<uipments related e8perts &ill be hired &ith *i8ed h)n)rarium &ithin the limit )* the pr)p)sed budget *)r c)nsultancy services' 2$% ,escri#e the lin2ages-colla#oration if any! with other university- ,epartment- InstituteCenter- EG/-Business Corporation-Company-Industry etc% (epartment )* +lant path)l)gy, Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University has an )**icial mem)randum )* understanding &ith )ther universities )r )ther )rganizati)ns such as University )* E)ttingham, UV, 6)rnel University, USA, Bangladesh Agricultural Research
+lease n)te that the &)rk plan, pr)curement plan and *inancing plan sh)uld be c)nsistent &ith each )ther and als) &ith the detail budget' Gross discrimination among them may lead to dis:ualification of the CP #y UGCBAIF% AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
=nstitute, Bangladesh Rice Research =nstitute, Sahanginagar University and A6=' A str)ng linkage e8ists &ith ?ab)rat)ry )* +lant +ath)l)gy )* Gi*u University, Sapan, Vag)shima University, Sapan, Vyushu University, Sapan, Saga University, Sapan, University )* Reading, @ngland, University )* Sydney, Australia, Fueensland University )* Australia and als) Bangladesh Agricultural University'

22% Briefly descri#e the effect-impact of the proposed su#'pro(ect on* i' +nvironment &oil< Water< Air< Bio'diversity< Biomass etc%!* 0his pr)ject ensure envir)nment *riendly mitigati)n )* plant disease pr)blems by e8pl)ring bi)l)gical c)ntr)l meth)d and ma8imizing the use )* b)tanicals, resistance cultivars, empl)ying antag)nists, and reducing the release )* chemicals in the envir)nment' E) sc)pe *)r any kind )* envir)nmental p)lluti)n, rather reduce the applicati)n )* chemical pesticides and *ertilizers &ill save the s)il, &ater, air and bi)-diversity and bi)mass *r)m pesticide p)lluti)n' ii' Women ? Children* Rural &)men can be trained *)r small scale &)rk c)ncerning seed and s)il treatment activities and disease *ree mushr))m culture' iii' +mployment< Poverty "eduction* +lant disease management industry &ill devel)p &ith sc)pe )* empl)yment and ensure intensive cr)p pr)ducti)n increase &ill directly supp)rt p)verty reducti)n' iv' Institutional Performance* =mplementati)n )* this pr)ject &ill ensure enhancement )* <ualitative educati)nal and research capability per*)rmance, (evel)pment )* skill and kn)&ledge )* the *aculties, ultimately enhance the impr)vement )* *aculty )* Agriculture, BSMRAU' v' Academic Program* A dipl)ma c)urse can be launched )n ()ct)r )* +lant Medicine a*ter success*ul c)mpleti)n )* this pr)ject' Academic and research <uality )* MS and +hd pr)gram in +lant +ath)l)gy &ill be enriched' vi' +ntity* 0he (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy &ill be markedly enriched in academic and research handling capability aspects' vii' "esearch* 0he *acilities devel)ped thr)ugh this plant disease diagn)stic clinic /subpr)ject1 MS, and +h'(' research pr)gram &ill increase the research capacity under this discipline' viii' Fuman ,evelopment* 0echnical capability, skill and kn)&ledge )* the students, researchers and trainees &ill be upli*ted' i8' Food &ecurity* 0he ultimate c)ntributi)n )* this pr)ject is t) ensure incremental *))d pr)ducti)n, envir)nmental sa*ety, and health hygiene by mitigating plant disease pr)blems thr)ugh inn)vative integrated appr)ach' 8' Production Innovation* 0his pr)ject includes a +h( pr)gram intended t) devel)p c)mmercial bi)l)gical agent *)rmulati)ns i'e' bi)-pesticide and bi)-*ertilizer against plant disease' 8i' Academic Innovation* +reliminary study )n devel)ping syllabus *)r (ipl)ma in ()ct)r )* +lant medicine 8ii' Fuality Assurance +r)gram 2i* any4 8iii' G)vernance
AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
8iv' 8v' Management +ractices ,isaster 0anagement* 0hese pr)ject activities &ill participate in management )* epiphyt)tic i* any )ccurrence &ithin pr)ject peri)d and there &ill be a study pr)gram )n epiphyt)tic in MS and +h'(' pr)gram Any )ther 2please speci*y4


25% &ustaina#ility +lease pr)vide a summary )* a sustainability analysis *)r this sub-pr)ject, e'g', &hat measures and budget pr)visi)ns the entity:university is likely t) c)mmit t) sustain the activities and )utc)mes a*ter the c)mpleti)n )* the sub-pr)ject' ' +lant disease clinic established thr)ugh the implementati)n )* this pr)p)sed pr)ject &ill sustain and p)ssible t) remain actively viable by the simple care and maintenance and very n)minal budget all)cati)n )* the university, h)pe*ully, the auth)rity &ill *ind it &)rthy t) c)ntinue, because this pr)ject is a c)ncern )* public service )riented academic pr)gram' -' 0he pr)p)sed pr)ject activities has n) kn)&n envir)nmental, and sa*ety hazard as dri*t and residue , rather &h)le pr)gram design t) minimize the release )* chemicals in the envir)nment' I)&ever, the researcher, &)rker and user )* any chemicals in this pr)ject in the lab)rat)ry &)rk and during spray )perati)n &ill use the envir)nmental, and sa*ety hazard pr)tecti)n measures namely gumb))t, apr)n and musk and *)r lab)rat)ry sa*ety *ire e8tinguisher and primary health aid : kit &ill keep ready' 3' Success*ul c)mpleti)n )* this sub-pr)ject &ill act as a *)undati)n *)r l)ng term c)nducti)n )* inn)vative research and need*ul access t) <uality higher educati)n' Strategic research plant &ill be taken based )n this sub-pr)ject )utput' Research pr)grams &ill be initiated t) pr)duce highly skilled manp)&er &ith high <uality MS and +h' ( degrees' ,)r the greater interest )* the academic and research per*)rmances, BSMRAU &ill taken *urther steps *)r the sustainability )* the sub-pr)ject' =n the years a*ter implementati)n, the *)ll)&ing needs &ill have t) be addressed% i' General e8penses *)r electricity, &ater and gas supplyW ii' Materials *)r the use )* the lab)rat)ries and instrumentsW iii' Maintenance )* the lab)rat)riesW iv' Maintenance )* the scienti*ic e<uipmentW v' Systematic update and increase )* purchased e<uipments and vi' Regular update )* the &eb-based c)ntents' 0he *irst three items )n the list are c)nsidered in the budget and &ill re<uire min)r adjustments' $ith regard t) the )ther items-maintenance and permanent updating )* the e<uipment the unity is c)mmitted t) integrated ne& techn)l)gies and impr)ve the <uality )* academic pr)grams )**ered )n a l)ng-stand basis, &hich means that these aspects &ill be c)nsidered in *uture budgets )* the university' =n additi)n, it is e8pected that g))d am)unts )* *unds &ill be generated by )rganizing sh)rt term training pr)gram *)r students, teachers and )thers, pr)viding analytical services and selling research materials such as micr)bial strains' ,urtherm)re, *unds *r)m l)cal and internati)nal d)n)rs &ill be earned by c)mpeting *)r the pr)ject grants' M)re)ver, the general maintenance c)st &ill be b)rne by the departmental all)cati)n, thr)ugh its revenue budget under the head )r repair and maintenance'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10


+lease attach envir)nment &afety Chec2list and 0itigation Plan under the sub-pr)ject in the *)rmat pr)vided in Anne7 '25 )* AIF/0' 'P"ease note that a%sence of the chec("ist and itigation #"an )i"" "ead to re*ection of the CP %y UGCBAIF.+ Attached

24% $%

Please mention name and address of two peers-e7perts national-international! in the proposed field of research and development program* Eame % +r)*' Md' Ashra*uzzaman 9**icial a**iliati)n 2i* any4 % Bangladesh Agricultural University 2BAU4 6)rresp)nding mailing address % (ept' )* +lant +ath)l)gy Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 6ell E)'% " ! #";3.! Eame% +r)*' (r' Sanj)y Vumar Adhikary 9**icial a**iliati)n 2i* any4 % Vhulna University 6)rresp)nding mailing address% (ept' )* Agr) 0echn)l)gy Vhulna University, Vhulna 6ell E)'% " G ;"##-H!


AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
Please print this page in a separate sheet 28% Please state if pro(ect of similar nature was implemented earlier or-and is under implementation #y the proposal su#mitting entity< or any of the mem#ers of the pro(ect management team% If so< mention the name of the pro(ect< duration and ma(or outcomes% E) similar pr)ject has been implemented earlier )r:and is under implementati)n by the pr)p)sal submitting entity'

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &ignature of the ,esignated &u#'pro(ect 0anager with Eame< &eal and ,ate

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &ignature if the Fead of the Proposal &u#mitting +ntity with Eame< &eal and ,ate

Institutional Commitment* Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University hereby c)mmits t) e8tend all re<uired supp)rt t) the implementati)n )* the pr)p)sed sub-pr)ject and pledges t) make e**)rts *)r its sustainability i* the sub-pr)ject is appr)ved by UG6'4

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG &ignature of Hice'Chancellor with Eame< &eal and ,ate

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10

Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -1 )a#le $% 0ilestones to +valuate &u#'pro(ect Implementation 1evel $!
0ilestones ' @8pand e8isting lab)rat)ry *acilities, devel)pment )* m)dern lab)rat)ry, +lant gr)&th chamber and ren)vati)n )* net h)use' (evel)pment )* culture bank )* +lant path)gens and *ungal and bacterial antag)nists' =nn)vati)n, skill and capacity devel)pment )* p)st graduate students and teachers' "eference to &pecific /#(ectives ,Critical Activities (esign and devel)pment )* m)dern lab)rat)ry, gr)&th r))m, e8pand the e8isting *acilities and ren)vati)n )* net h)use, purchase and pr)curement )* e<uipments, chemicals, lab &ares and installati)n )* ne& e<uipments' Specimen c)llecti)n, is)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* plant path)gens and antag)nists, preservati)n using m)dern e<uipments and techni<ues' =denti*icati)n )* )n *ield pr)blems )* *armers, (evel)pment )* research *ield, (esign )* research pr)jects based )n the identi*ied pr)blems using e8isting and ne&ly devel)ped research *acilities, =mplementati)n )* the research pr)ject by MS and +h( students and *aculty members' 0raining )n m)dern e<uipments, training and &)rksh)p )n +lant (isease (iagn)sis *)r *aculties, students, researchers, e8tensi)n &)rkers and *armers, &)rksh)ps )n +lant disease management, seminar: c)n*erences' Seas)nal list )* plant disease rep)rted &ith accessi)n n)', plant disease specimen c)llecti)n, ph)t)graphic d)cumentati)n, disease *)recasting rep)rt Herification methods Minutes )* the meetings, pr)curement d)cuments, st)ck register, physical veri*icati)n' +eri)dical )bservati)n )* the viability )* the path)gens and antag)nists' (evel)ped research pr)grams )* MS and +h( students and *aculty members' Assumptions 6)-)perati)n administrati)n suppliers' *r)m and


-, 3

6)-)perati)n &ith *armers and *re<uent *ield visit *)r specimen c)llecti)n' ?inkage bet&een researchers and *armers'



6apacity, kn)&ledge and skill devel)pment )* *aculties, students, e8tensi)n &)rkers and *armers t) handle plant path)l)gical pr)blems' Fuarterly evaluati)n )* service )* the +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic

., #

0raining rep)rt, devel)ped &ebsite'


Supp)rts *r)m )ther instituti)ns 2BAU, BAR= and BRR= etc'4, &ell devel)ped linkage and net&)rks' Active participati)n stakeh)lders, gr)&ers' )*


Rec)rded data, +ict)rial d)cumentati)n )* c)llected disease specimen, and &ritten prescripti)ns:rep)rts against each accessi)n n)' )* plant disease pr)blem'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10

)a#le 2% Performance Indicators to +valuate &u#'pro(ect Impact 1evel 2!

Indicators ' $ell e<uipped *acilities *)r +lant (iseases (iagn)stic 6linic "eference to &pecific /#(ectives , - and 3 Calculation method A scale )* satis*acti)n &ill be devel)ped based )n the e8isting status and target status' A scale )* satis*acti)n &ill be devel)ped based )n the e8isting status and target status' A scale )* satis*acti)n &ill be devel)ped based )n the e8isting status and target status' A scale )* satis*acti)n &ill be devel)ped based )n the e8isting status and target status' A scale )* satis*acti)n &ill be devel)ped based )n the e8isting status and target status' Assumptions @8pected c))perati)n *r)m administrati)n and e8perts' Recruitment )* ne& *aculties, 0imely m)dern lab)rat)ry set up' Active inv)lvement )* *aculties and p)st graduate students' Service )* +((6 t) the *armers, e8tensi)n &)rkers Active c)-)perati)n )* )ther institutes and stakeh)lders verification methods +r)curement management activity, pr)curement rec)rds and st)ck register E)' )* enr)lled and degree a&arded MS and +h( student, Fuality )* the research pr)gram and dissertati)n' Research publicati)ns, c)llecti)n )* micr))rganisms in the bank, devel)ped pr)ducts' E)' )* *armerAs pr)blem addressed and s)lved' 0rained *aculties, students and sta**s, established links 2M)U4 and devel)ped &ebsite' Calculation of Base Halue Base value 2Q4 Y 6urrent level )* satis*acti)n: (esired level )* satis*acti)n 8 "" Base value 2Q4 Y 6urrent level )* satis*acti)n: (esired level )* satis*acti)n 8 "" Base value 2Q4 Y 6urrent level )* satis*acti)n: (esired level )* satis*acti)n 8 "" Base value 2Q4 Y 6urrent level )* satis*acti)n: (esired level )* satis*acti)n 8 "" Base value 2Q4 Y 6urrent level )* satis*acti)n: (esired level )* satis*acti)n 8 "" Baseline Halue in Iear 23$$ Appr)8' ..Q ,esired &tandard in Iear 23$4 G.Q


Academic and research <uality )* MS and +h( pr)gram enriched

Appr)8' !.Q



@stablish pr)t)c)ls, techni<ues and devel)pment )* bi)*ertilizer and bi)pesticides Service )* +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic

-, 3 and ;

Appr)8' ..Q



-, ; and .

Appr)8' -.Q



(evel)pment )* skilled manp)&er, c)llab)rative net&)rks and e-res)urces *)r &eb based training

. and #



AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
Building )a#les of 0ilestones and Indicators 0ilestone-Indicators% (e*ine the speci*ic variables c)nsidered in the indicat)r' =n the case )* ?evel , de*ine the milest)ne, stage )r activity t) be reached:acc)mplished in time' "eference to /#(ectives% Speci*y the general and:)r speci*ic )bjectives related t) each Milest)ne:=ndicat)r' =n ?evel -, it is n)t necessary t) link all speci*ic )bjectives de*ined in the sub-pr)ject t) a +=' Critical Activities% =n ?evel , indicate &hich activities are critical *)r c)mpliance &ith the de*ined milest)ne' Calculation 0ethod% (e*ine the *)rmula used t) calculate the indicat)r, indicating the variables t) be c)nsidered' =n the case )* rati)s, identi*y the numerat)r and the den)minat)r' Assumptions% =ndicate pri)r c)nsiderati)ns used in measuring the variables inv)lved' ,)r e8ample, state the date )n &hich annual measurements &ill be taken' Herification 0ethods% =ndicate the data )r pr)ducts that &ill serve t) validate the indicat)r result' 0he data must be available *)r MU@ activities pr)p)sed in the sub-pr)ject' Base Halue< Iear 233.-$3% 0his re*lects the initial re*erence value *)r subse<uent annual measurements' Calculating the Base Halue% Speci*y the meth)d used t) )btain the base value )* the indicat)r in 233.-$3'

,esired &tandard< Iear E% 0his re*lects a *inal re*erence value *)r the indicat)r t) be achieved a*ter implementing the sub-pr)ject' ,)r e8ample, increasing the rati) )* t)tal number )* *ull time teachers &ith a +h(, *r)m an initial base value )* ! 2n) critical mass4 t) " 2su**icient critical mass4 )ver a peri)d )* # years i'e', ; years a*ter the c)mpleti)n )* the sub-pr)ject' And increasing the annual +h( graduati)n *r)m - t) ; and decreasing the time-*)r-+h( degree *r)m # t) ; years )ver the same peri)d' Performance Indicators PI! +er*)rmance indicat)rs are key instruments in the m)nit)ring and evaluati)n 2MU@4 )* subpr)jects since they help t) measure the achievement )* g)als, the e**ects )* clear strategies and e**ectiveness in the use )* res)urces' A small set )* independent indicat)rs that can be &ell de*ined and measured peri)dically is desirable' +r)per de*initi)n )* per*)rmance indicat)rs makes it p)ssible t) m)nit)r and evaluate achievements in measurable terms, indicating the bene*its' +lease menti)n the calculati)n meth)ds, s)urces and pr)cedures t) )btain base values, values c)mmitted during and a*ter the implementati)n )* the sub-pr)ject, and veri*icati)n meth)ds t) validate the results )btained' +r)p)sed indicati)ns must c)ntemplate t&) levels )* measurement% a *irst level 2?evel 4 inv)lving sub-pr)ject stages )r milest)nes &here critical activities are achieved in timeW and a sec)nd level 2?evel -4 inv)lving per*)rmance indicat)rs based )n the regular measurement )* key variables that &ill acc)unt *)r the degree t) &hich the sub-pr)ject a**ects its end bene*iciaries' +r)p)sed indicat)rs sh)uld take int) acc)unt and build )n measurements included in the indicat)rs set *)rth in paragraph !A ab)ve 50able % (ata )n Academic Sta** in +)st-graduate +r)grams7 )* this pr)p)sal' =n additi)n, i* necessary, speci*ic indicat)rs may be used' +lease c)nsult secti)n H )* the Operati ns Manual.

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex '# +lease list in detail each activity &ithin a time *rame that &ill be carried )ut during the sub-pr)ject implementati)n peri)d%

Wor2-Activities Plan
Wor2-Activities $ 6%$ to e7pand and strengthen modern la#oratory facilities for research in plant pathology i' (esign and ren)vati)n )* lab)rat)ry *)r +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic ii' +urchase )r pr)curement )* e<uipments and lab &ares' iii' +urchase )* chemicals iv' =nstallati)n )* ne& e<uipments v' +urchase )* b))ks:manuals, catal)gues 2print:electr)nic4 etc' j)urnals and 2 5 6 4 Iear $ 8 9 ; . $3 $$ $2 $ 2 5 6 4 Iear 2 8 9 ; . $3 $$ $2 $ 2 5 6 4 Iear 5 8 9 ; . $3 $$ $2

vi' ?ab' ren)vati)n vii' Research *ield devel)pment viii' Green h)use and net h)use ren)vati)n 6%2 to develop an academic and service oriented la#oratory for the growers to solve crop disease pro#lems i' Submissi)n )* plant diseased samples by *armers ii' Regular inspecti)n )* *armerAs cr)p *ield and c)llecti)n )* diseased samples iii' 6linical e8aminati)n and identi*icati)n )* pr)blem' iv' Giving prescripti)n *)r s)lving the pr)blem' 6%5 to ,evelop culture #an2 of plant pathogens and fungal and #acterial antagonists as a parallel activity of the clinic v' =s)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* n)t)ri)us plant path)gens in Bangladesh' vi' =s)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* *ungal and bacterial antag)nists' vii' @valuati)n )* antimicr)bial activity against the n)t)ri)us plant path)gens viii' +reservati)n )* c)llected plant path)gens and

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10
bi)*uncti)nal *ungi and bacteria t) supp)rt *uture research &)rk 6%6 to categoriJe identified farmers pro#lem in accordance to research merit Basic< and Applied! for research synopsis of Post graduate students leading to 0& and Ph, degree i' Advertisement, selecti)n and admissi)n *)r MS and +h( pr)gram ii' =denti*icati)n )* *ield pr)blems )* *armers iii' (esign and implementati)n )* research pr)jects based )n the identi*ied pr)blems using e8isting and ne&ly devel)ped research *acilities 6%4 to develop we#sites for the ,epartment of Plant Pathology for online learning of plant pathology and also open i' (esign and pr)curement *)r &ebsite devel)pment and net&)rking ii' Regular updating )* res)urce in*)rmati)n in the &ebsite iii' Access t) )nline res)urces and techn)l)gies that satis*y *armersB service needs iv' Gate&ay t) access gl)bal research net&)rk 6%8 to increase the capacity< 2nowledge and s2ills of faculties< students< e7tension wor2ers and farmers to solve farmer pro#lem'#ased plant pathological issues i' >isit +lant (isease ?ab)rat)ries in Sapan, 6hina U 0hailand ii' 0raining )n 56linical j)b )* +lant (isease (iagn)sis *)r Researchers and @8tensi)n &)rkers7 iii' >isit established +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linics and di**erent plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ries iv' $)rksh)p -= )n C+lant (isease (iagn)sisC v' $)rksh)p-== )n C (isease ManagementC vi' $)rksh)p-=== )n C=ntr)ducti)n and applicati)n )* bi)l)gical c)ntr)l in +lant disease managementC +ublicati)n )* research *indings Rep)rt &riting and submissi)n

P"ease su% it the #"an in e&ce" s#read sheet as a Gantt Chart $for assistance #"ease consu"t )))!ganttchart!co or )))!verte&,-!co +

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -%

Financial Plan
)ype of &u#'Pro(ect* "esearch ' 1eading )o ,egree &u#'Pro(ect )itle* +sta#lishment of Plant ,isease ,iagnostic Clinic
@c)n)mic 6)de =tem )* @8penditure :Activity ZearFrtApr-Sun -" a! "evenue +7penditure* ;."" ;." &u#')otal ;#"" ;#" Pay of Staff 'Conso"idated+: 6)ns)lidated pay U b)nus *)r acc)untant cum c)mputer )perat)r- n)s 6)ns)lidated +ay U b)nus *)r 0echnician:Specimen c)llect)r6)ns)lidated +ay *)r M?SS- n)s &u#')otal )otal Consolidated &alary 6433B6833! ,.// ;H" ;H ! ;H-! ;H-H ;H-G Supplies & Ser'i"es: 0ravel @8penses 2=ncluding rent-a-car, (A4 $ebsite devel)pment U maintenance +ublicati)n )n Research ,indings +rinting U Stati)nary Financia" Su##ort 0 A""o)ances: ,inancial supp)rt t) MS student ,inancial supp)rt t) +h( student &u#'total ;H3 B))ks U S)urnals *)r S+M 9**ice "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; -'"" "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; "'#" "'3!. 3% .; "'#" "'3!. 3% .; "'#" "'3!. 3% .; "'#" "'3!. 3% .; "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; "'3" "'3!. 3% 8; ;'H" ;'." .%53 -'"" '"" "'#" "'#" -'"" "'." '"" "'." '"" '"" "'#" "'." "'." "'." "'." "'." "'." "'." "'." "'-" #'"" -'"" -'"" 3'"" "'33 "'-! "'--. 3% ;5 "' H3 "';; "'3# "'3" $% $3 ' " "';; "'3# "'3" $% $3 ' " "'33 "'-! "'--. 3% ;5 "' H3 "'33 "'-! "'--. 3% ;5 "' H3 "';; "'3# "'3" $% $3 ' " "';; "'3# "'3" $% $3 ' " "'33 "'-! "'--. 3% ;5 "' H3 "'33 "'-! "'--. 3% ;5 "' H3 "';; "'3# "'3" $% $3 ' " "';; "'3# "'3" $% $3 ' " "'33 "'-! "'--. 3% ;5 "' H3 ;'#3'!H 3' . $$%44 '.. " " " " " " " " " " " " " Pay of Officer 'Conso"idated+: Frt-Sul-Sep -" Frt-3 9ct-(ec -" Frt-; San-Mar -" 3 Zear-Ftr . Apr-Sun -" 3 Ftr # Sul-Sep -" 3 Ftr ! Ftr H Zear-3 Ftr G Apr-Sun -" ; Ftr " Sul-Sep -" ; Ftr 9ct-(ec -" ; Ftr San-Mar -" . 0)tal

9ct-(ec San-Mar -" 3 -" ;

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
;H33 ;H;" Advertising U +ublicity $raining 0 Study $our: >isit +lant (isease ?ab)rat)ries in Sapan, 6hina U 0hailand 0raining )n C6linical j)b )* +lant (isease (iagn)sis *)r Researcher and @8tensi)n &)rkersC >isit established +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linics and di**erent plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ries &u#'total ' ,.,Conference1Se inar12or(sho#: $)rksh)p -= )n C+lant (isease (iagn)sisC $)rksh)p-== )n C (isease ManagementC $)rksh)p-=== )n C=ntr)ducti)n and applicati)n )* bi)l)gical c)ntr)l in +lant disease managementC &u#'total ' ;H.Che ica"s1Reagent etc Bee* @8tract +ept)ne - kg packet 6)rnmeal Agar - kg packet +)tassium +h)sphate Magnesium Sulphate kg packet 6rystal >i)let - kg packet (e8tr)se- kg packet Mercuric 6hl)ride - kg packet ?actic acid Acet)ne @than)l Salts Sugar ,)rmalin Iydr)gen +er-)8ide / I-9-1 Eutrient Agar Selective 6ulture Media "'"; "'"; "'"; "'" "'" "'" "'3" "' " "' " "' . "'. "'". "'""' "'" "'3 "'." "'"; "'"; "'"; "'" "'" "'" "'3" "' " "' " "' . "'." "'". "'""' " "'" "'3" "'." ' ' $% 43 ' ' ' $% 43 '." '." '"" $% 33 '." '." '"" 6% 33 -'"" 2% 33 4% 33 3'"" -'"" 3'"" -'"" -'"" 9% 33 '"" '"" -'""













AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
0&een --" (i**erent Antibi)tics " items and +GR "'-" "'." "' " "'3" "'". "'# "' " "' " "' " "'". "' "' " "'". "' "' " "' " "' " "'-"' " "'-. "'-" "'G" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'." "'." "'-" "'." "' " "'3" "'". "'#" "' " "' " "' " "'". "' " "' " "'". "' " "' " "' " "' " "'-"' " "'-. "'-" "'G" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'." "'."

Skim milk-."" g packet Zeast e8tract-."" g packet Ea6l-.""g packet 60AB Ea9I EI;E93 6a6l-'-I- 9 0ricalcium ph)sphate Manganese sulphate 2EI;4-S9; I3B93 RnS9; '!I-9 Ea-M)9;' -I-9 6uS9;'. I-9 6)6l-'#I-9 Ea- @(0A ,e-S9;'!I-9 Glycer)l Sucr)se Ea96l 0ris Base 0ris I6l 6hl)r)*)rm =s)-amyl Alc)h)l +hen)l Ig6lMethan)l 6)mmercial *ungicide Seed and +lants

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
,ertilizer @nzymes 2restricti)n enzymes @c)R +rimers (EA is)lati)n kits @?=SA Vit *)r virus detecti)n (EA puri*icati)n kits +6R reacti)n reagents 20a< p)lymerase, etc4 and kits (EA se<uence related chemicals (EA ?adder @thidium br)mide Agar)se p)&der ?)ading (ye Millip)re *ilter &u#')otal ;H!; Consu"ting Services: 6)nsultant *)r plant disease clinic establishment &u#'total ;HH3 Incentives for su%3#ro*ect anage ent tea : I)n)rarium *)r S+M I)n)rarium *)r AS+M U Ass)ciated S+M &u#'total ' ;HH# ;HGG Survey 2(isease specimen c)llecti)n4 9ther @8penses 2daily lab)ur, (EA se<uencing charge etc'4 )otal &upply ? &ervices 6;33! $9% 9; .% 2; ' ' "H "'HG 2% 33 "'." "'#" 4% 59 ' "'#" ;% 9; ' "'#" $2% 8; ' "'." "'#" 2% 4; ' "H "'HG 2% 33 "'#" 6% 39 ' "'." "'#" 6% 4; ' "'#" 5% 9; ' "'." "'#" 2% 2; ' "H "'HG 2% 33 "'!" 6% ;9 ' "'!" $% 4; 3'3-'#! 8% 33 -'"" #'-" 99% 83 " '"" '"" " " " " " " " " " -'"" -'"" and ?igase4 '"" '!. -'"" -'"" '"" -'"" -'"" "'." "'-. "'." "'." '"" $6% 43 ' ' ' .%8 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "'." "'." '"" '!. -'"" -'"" '"" -'"" -'"" "'." "'-. "'." "'." '"" 26% $3

6.33 ;G-

"epair ? 0aintenance Refur%ishing1Renovation: Research ,ield (evel)pment ?ab ren)vati)n &)rks Green h)use U net h)use ren)vati)n .'"" "'"" ;'"" ;'"" .'"" "'""

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
)otal "epair ? 0aintenance 6.33! )otal "evenue +7penditure 6433B6833B6;33B6.33! #! Capital +7penditure #H"" #H"! Ac:uisition of Assets Motor vehic"e: "'"" &u#')otal ' #H 6amera U access)ries S?R digital camera (igital camera &u#')otal ' #H 3 Machinery 0 Other 45ui# ents: "'"" &u#')otal ' #H ; 4ngineering 45ui# ent: "'"" &u#')otal ' #H . Co #uter 0 I$ 45ui# ent: (eskt)p U Access)ries ?apt)p U Access)ries 6)l)r +rinter +rinter B U $ Scanner U+S &u#')otal #H ! Co #uter Soft)are: $ind)&s )perating system Antivirus- . users 23 years4 Statistical applicati)n "'3 "'3!. "'# "'3" "'3H "'#" '"" ;'"" "'." "'-" "';" "'-. 8% 54 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '"" ;'"" "'." "'-" "';" "'-. 8% 54 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3%33 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3%33 -'"" "'." 2% 43 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -'"" "'." 2% 43 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3%33 .' "" 25% 83 ;' "" 26% 5; 8% 69 .% 83 $5% 43 5% 8; 4% $9 4% 63 6% 83 5% 5; 4% .9 2% 63 G' "" $3;%$ 4

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
&u#')otal #H G Office 45ui# ent: +h)t)c)py Machine Spiral Machine ?aminating Machine +aper 6utting Machine &u#')otal #H-" $eaching 0 Learning Materia"s: 6(s )* (i**erent (isease (iagn)sis +r)cedures *r)m A+S Multimedia and Access)ries &u#'total #HFurniture 0 Fi&tures: ,urniture U ,i8tures *)r clinical lab ,urniture U ,i8tures *)r meeting r))m 2 ,urniture *)r S+M )**ice ,urniture *)r general purp)ses &u#'total #H-La%oratory 45ui# ent1Instru ent: 6)mp)und Micr)sc)pe c)nnected &ith c)mputer and camera Stere) micr)sc)pe c)nnected &ith c)mputer and camera =nverted phase c)ntrast micr)sc)pe &ith camera Bench t)p pI meter Re*rigerated 6entri*uge machine 2,l))r type4 Gr)&th chamber Shaking incubat)r ?aminar air*l)& attached &ith EU> Ean) pure &ater plant 0hermal cycler @lectr)ph)resis chamber 6)l)ny c)unter .'." .'." !'3! '"" !'." "'"" .'"" #'"" -'"" !'"" '"" '"" .'." .'." !'3! '"" !'." "'"" .'"" #'"" -'"" !'"" '"" '"" r)und table U " chairs4 3'"" '." -'"" '"" 9%43 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3'"" '." -'"" '"" 9%43 '"" $%33 ' 2%33 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -'"" -'"" '"" 5%33 ';" "'3" "';" "'3" 2% 63 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ';" "'3" "';" "'3" 2% 63 $% 2; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $% 2;

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
MiliF &ater plant =ce maker *)r m)lecular study >)rte8 Gel ()cL MRN System Glass&ares ?)& temperature incubat)r +6R tubes, +ipettes, +ipette tips etc' Ultra ,reezer 2-H"O64 ,reezer 2--"O64 +harmaceutical *reezer &u#')otal #H-! 4"ectrica" 45ui# ent: Air c))ler *)r plant disease clinic Micr) )ven &u#')otal ' !G" 6( vat )otal Capital +7penditure 8;33! )otal Cost aB#! 2 c 4 9perati)nal 6)sts 2ma8imum -Q )* t)tal c)st4 )otal &u#'Pro(ect Cost aB#Bc! $2.% 33 .-' #" 5% 34 $44% 84 4% .4 3"' 33 3% 8$ 53% .5 2% 33 H' ;! 3% $9 ;% 86 $. .% 9. ' G' #" 3% ' 3' ." 3% 29 $5% 99 ' 3' #H 3% 39 5% 94 ' .' ! 3% $3 4% 2; ' .' ;" 3% $$ 4% 4$ ' ;' #" 3% 3. 6% 8. 39 5% 66 ' 3' 3H 3% ' .' G! 3% $2 8% 3. ' -' ;" 3% 34 2% 64 $58%. 4 -;.'" G 6% .3 243%3 3 3'"" "';. 5% 64 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3'"" "';. 5% 64 3'H" 3'." "'H" H'." -'"" .'." 3'"" -'"" '"" '." $$3% 69 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3'H" 3'." "'H" H'." -'"" .'." 3'"" -'"" '"" '." $$3%6 9

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -(

Procurement plan re:uired under PP" 233;K "ule $8 ;!

Procurement Plan for Goods Contract
Procurement Plan for Goods Contract Sl' E)' 6)ntract +ackage Eumber 6)ntract (escripti)n Unit Fty: E)s' @stimated +rice 2Actual 6)ntract +rice in 6)ntract 6urrency4 # US( #'"G! US( ;';3 US( G' . US( -'G3 US( 3;'! US( !'#H US( #' " US( #' US( .'# US( 3'". US( -'; US( '-H GH +rinting U stati)nary ?)t 3 G " GG G " @lectrical @<uipment 6(s )* (i**erent (isease (iagn)sis +r)cedures *r)m A+S ?)t ?)t US( '-US( '-US( ;'US( -';; +r)cedure: Meth)d +r)curement Guideline 2++A : BG4 +ri)r Revie&2Zes : E)4 +lanned (ate )* Bid 9pening 2Actual (ate )* Bid 9pening4 " 3-May- .-May- 3 -May- !-Sun- "-Sun- !-Sun- -;-Sun- -Apr- 3 "-Apr- 3 .-Sul- !-Aug- -"-May- !-Apr- 3 "-Apr- ; --Sep- .-E)v- -"-May- ---May- 3 -Sul- !-Aug- --Aug- -G-Aug- -Sul- H-Apr- 3 !-Apr- 3 --Sul- H-Aug- - -May- H-Apr- 3 -Apr- ; ;-E)v- .-E)v- +lanned (ate )* 6)ntract Signing 2Actual (ate )* 6)ntract Signing4 +lanned (ate )* (elivery 2Actual (ate )* (elivery4 -!-May- -G-May- 3"-Aug- #-Sep- --Sep- -9ct- H-Sul- .-Apr- 3 .-Apr- 3 -"-Sul- H-Aug- - -May- H-Apr- 3 -Apr- ; .-(ec- .-(ec- Eame )* Supplier +r)gress )* +r)curement Remarks

G 3 ; . # ! GG3 G; G. G# G!

3 6)mputer, =0 @<uipment, S)*t&are and Multimedia ,urnitureAs 9**ice e<uipments ?ab)rat)ry e<uipments 6hemicals 6amera U access)ries B))ks and S)urnals

; ?)t ?)t ?)t ?)t ?)t ?)t ?)t

! R,F R,F 90M 90M 90M 90M R,F R,F R,F R,F (irect 6ash purchase (irect 6ash purchase (irect 6ash purchase (irect 6ash purchase 90M (irect 6ash purchase

H ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A ++A

G E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) E) Zes

3 ;

++A BG

+ublic +r)curement Act -""# 9* G)B $)rld Bank Guideline *)r +r)curement )* 6)nsulting Services As per C+r)curement 0hresh)ld 0ableC

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex- )

Procurement Plan for Wor2s Contract

Procurement Plan for Wor2s Contract Sl' E)' 6)ntrac t +ackage Eumber $ 3 $$3 6)ntract (escripti)n Unit Fty: E)s' @stimated +rice in US[ T""" 2Actual 6)ntract +rice in 6)ntract 6urrency4 # US( ;'HH US( #' " US( -' G +r)cedure: Meth)d ++A: BG +ri)r Revie&2Zes : E)4 G E) E) E) +lanned (ate )* +lanned (ate )* +lanned (ate )* Eame )* +r)gress )* Bid 9pening 6)ntract Signing 6)mpleti)n 6)ntract)r +r)curement 2Actual (ate )* 2Actual (ate )* 2Actual (ate )* Bid 9pening4 6)ntract 6)mpleti)n4 Signing4 3 ; " .-Sul- --May- .-Sep- --Sul- H-May- --Sep- -"-Sul- .-Sun- -"-Sep- Remarks

3 Research ,ield (evel)pment ?ab ren)vati)n &)rks Green h)use U net h)use

; ?)t ?)t ?)t

! R,F R,F R,F

H ++A ++A ++A

++A BG

+ublic +r)curement Act -""# Bank Guideline *)r +r)curement As per C+r)curement 0hresh)ld 0ableC

Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex- *

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10 Procurement Plan for Consultancy &ervices Contract

Procurement Plan for Consultancy &ervices Contract Sl' E) ' 6)ntract +ackage Eumber 6)ntract (escripti)n Unit Fty: E)s' @stimated +r)cedure: +r)curement +rice 2Actual Meth)d Guideline 6)ntract +rice 2++A : BG4 in 6)ntract 6urrency4 +ri)r Revie&2Zes : E)4 +lanned (ate )* +r)p)sals Submissi)n 2Actual (ate )* +r)p)sals Submissi)n4 +lanned (ate )* 6)ntract Signing 2Actual (ate )* 6)ntract Signing4 +lanned (ate )* Eame )* 6)mpleti)n 6)nsulta 2Actual (ate )* nt: ,irm 6)mpleti)n4 +r)gress )* +r)curement Remarks

S S-

3 6)nsultant *)r plant disease clinic establishment $ebsite devel)pment U maintenance

; +ers)n ?)t

# US( -';; US( -';;

! (irect cash R,F

H =ndividual ++A

G E) E)

" E)t applicable 3-9ct- "-9ct- -

!-9ct- -

++A BG

+ublic +r)curement Act -""# 9* G)B $)rld Bank Guideline *)r +r)curement )* 6)nsulting Services As per C+r)curement 0hresh)ld 0ableC

Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -+

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
)raining Plan &u#(ect of )raining i' 0raining )n 56linical j)b )* +lant (isease (iagn)sis *)r Researchers and @8tensi)n &)rkers7 ii' $)rksh)p -= )n C+lant (isease (iagn)sisC iii' $)rksh)p-== )n ManagementC C (isease ,uration "3 days Participants ,aculty, researcher and e8tensi)n &)rker ,aculty, researcher, e8tensi)n &)rker, student U ,armer ,aculty, researcher, e8tensi)n &)rker, student U ,armer ,aculty, researcher, e8tensi)n &)rker, student U ,armer Place-1ocation-Institutio n BSMRAU +stimated Cost B,) 1a2h! -'"" Period From ,eb ", -" 3 )o ,eb -, -" 3

"3 days "3 days "- days


'." '." '""

May "., -" 3 San ., -" ; Aug -", -" ;

May "!, -" 3 San H, -" ; Aug - , -" ;

iv' $)rksh)p-=== )n C=ntr)ducti)n and applicati)n )* bi)l)gical c)ntr)l in +lant disease managementC

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -,

,etails of +stimated Budget

0ype )* Sub-+r)ject% Research - ?eading 0) (egree Sub-+r)ject 0itle% @stablishment )* +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic
@c)n)mic 6)de =tem )* @8penditure :Activity Unit Fuantit y Rate @stimated 6)st 20aka4 Q )* @stimated 6)st

a! "evenue +7penditure* ;."" ;." ;#"" ;#" Pay of Officer 'Conso"idated+: &u#')otal Pay of Staff 'Conso"idated+: 6)ns)lidated +ay U b)nus *)r Acc)untant cum c)mputer )perat)r- n)s 6)ns)lidated +ay U b)nus *)r 0echnician : Specimen c)llect)r6)ns)lidated +ay *)r M?SS- n)s &u#')otal )otal Consolidated &alary 6433B6833! ,.// ;H" ;H ! ;H-! ;H-H ;H-G Supplies & Ser'i"es: 0ravel @8penses $ebsite devel)pment U maintenance +ublicati)n )n Research ,indings +rinting U Stati)nary Finan"ial Supp rt & All -an"es: ,inancial supp)rt t) MS student ,inancial supp)rt t) +h( student &u#'total ;H3 ;H33 ;H;" B))ks U S)urnals *)r S+M 9**ice Advertising U +ublicity $raining 0 Study $our: >isit +lant (isease ?ab)rat)ries in Sapan, 6hina U 0hailand 0raining )n C6linical j)b )* +lant (isease (iagn)sis *)r Researcher and @8tensi)n &)rkersC >isit established +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linics and di**erent plant path)l)gy lab)rat)ries &u#'total ,.,Conference1Se inar12or(sho#: $)rksh)p -= )n C+lant (isease (iagn)sisC $)rksh)p-== )n C (isease ManagementC $)rksh)p-=== )n C=ntr)ducti)n and applicati)n )* bi)l)gical c)ntr)l in +lant disease managementC &u#'total +ers)n ?S ?S -M '. 3'"" -'"" -'"" !'"" ?S ?S ?S '. '. '." '." '"" ;'"" '-"Q "'H"Q "'H"Q -'H"Q "'#"Q "'#"Q "';"Q '#"Q ?S ?S M)nth M)nth ;8 -; 83# "'". "' . ;'H" ;'." G'3" -'"" -'"" 'G-Q 'H"Q 3'!-Q "'H"Q "'H"Q ?S ?S ?S ?S #'"" -'"" -'"" 3'"" -';"Q "'H"Q "'H"Q '-"Q M)nth M)nth M)nth 3#N# 3#N# 3#N# "' "'"G "'"! . ;'#3'!H 3' . '.. '.. "'""Q "'""Q 'H.Q '. Q '-#Q ;'#-Q ;'#-Q

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
;H.Che ica"s1Reagent etc

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10
Bee* @8tract +ept)ne - kg packet 6)rnmeal Agar - kg packet +)tassium +h)sphate Magnesium Sulphate kg packet 6rystal >i)let - kg packet (e8tr)se- kg packet Mercuric 6hl)ride - kg packet ?actic acid Acet)ne @than)l Salts Sugar ,)rmalin Iydr)gen +er-)8ide / I-9-1 Eutrient Agar Selective 6ulture Media 0&een --" (i**erent Antibi)tics " items and +GR Skim milk-."" g packet Zeast e8tract-."" g packet Ea6l-.""g packet 60AB Ea9I EI;E93 6a6l-'-I- 9 0ricalcium ph)sphate Manganese sulphate 2EI;4-S9; I3B93 RnS9; '!I-9 Ea-M)9;' -I-9 6uS9;'. I-9 6)6l-'#I-9 Ea- @(0A ,e-S9;'!I-9 Glycer)l Sucr)se Ea96l 0ris Base AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree kg pac kg pac kg pac kg pac kg pac kg pac kg pac kg pac ? ? ? ?S ?S ? pac ? pac kg pac pac pac ?S pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac pac ? pac ? pac 3 . ; G ; 3 "'". "' " "'". "'"'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "' "'". "'". "'". "' " "'". "' "'" 3 . "' "' "' " "'"; "'""'"; "'" "'" "'" 3" "'" "' " "' " "' . "'". "'"; "'"; "'"; "'" "'" "'" "'3" "' " "' " "' . "'." "'". "'""' " "'" "'3" "'." "'-" "'." "' " "'3" "'". "'#" "' " "' " "' " "'". "' " "' " "'". "' " "' " "' " "' " "'-"' " "'-. "'-" "'G" "'-" "'"-Q "'"-Q "'"-Q "'""Q "'""Q "'""Q "' -Q "'";Q "'";Q "'"#Q "'-"Q "'"-Q "'" Q "'";Q "'""Q "' -Q "'-"Q "'"HQ "'-"Q "'";Q "' -Q "'"-Q "'-;Q "'";Q "'";Q "'";Q "'"-Q "'";Q "'";Q "'"-Q "'";Q "'";Q "'";Q "'";Q "'"GQ "'";Q "' "Q "'"HQ "'3#Q "'"HQ


AIFOM: Annex 10
0ris I6l 6hl)r)*)rm =s)-amyl Alc)h)l +hen)l Ig6lMethan)l 6)mmercial *ungicide Seed and +lants ,ertilizer @nzymes 2restricti)n enzymes @c)R ?igase4 +rimers (EA is)lati)n kits @?=SA Vit *)r virus detecti)n (EA puri*icati)n kits +6R reacti)n reagents 20a< p)lymerase, etc4 and kits (EA se<uence related chemicals (EA ?adder @thidium br)mide Agar)se p)&der ?)ading (ye Millip)re *ilter &u#')otal ;H!; Consu"ting Services: 6)nsultant *)r plant disease clinic establishment &u#'total ;HH3 Incentives for su%3#ro*ect anage ent tea : I)n)rarium *)r S+M I)n)rarium *)r AS+M U Ass)ciate S+M &u#'total Survey 9ther @8penses 2daily lab)ur, machine U e<uipment maintenance, (EA se<uencing charge etc'4 )otal &upply ? &ervices 6;33! "epair ? 0aintenance Refur%ishing1Renovation: Research ,ield (evel)pment ?ab ren)vati)n &)rks Green h)use U net h)use ren)vati)n )otal "epair ? 0aintenance 6.33! ?S ?S ?S ;'"" .'"" "'"" G'"" "H' . '#"Q -'""Q ;'""Q !'#"Q ;3'-#Q ?S -'"" -'"" -'"" 3'3-# -'#!; #'"" -'"" #'-" !!'#" "'H"Q "'H"Q '33Q '"!Q -';"Q "'H"Q -';HQ 3 '";Q and pac pac pac pac pac pac ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ?S ; ; ; ; ; ; "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'". "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'-" "'." "'." "'." '"" '!. -'"" -'"" '"" -'"" -'"" "'." "'-. "'." "'." '"" -;' " "'"HQ "'"HQ "'"HQ "'"HQ "'"HQ "'"HQ "'-"Q "'-"Q "'-"Q "';"Q "'!"Q "'H"Q "'H"Q "';"Q "'H"Q "'H"Q "'-"Q "' "Q "'-"Q "'-"Q "';"Q G'#;Q


?S ?S

6.33 ;G-

)otal "evenue +7penditure 6433B6833B6;33B6.33! #! Capital +7penditure #H"" Ac:uisition of Assets #H"! Motor vehic"e: &u#')otal 6amera U access)ries S?R digital camera (igital camera &u#')otal AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree #H E)s' E)s' -'" "'.

-'"" "'." -'."

"'""Q "'""Q "'H"Q "'-"Q '""Q


AIFOM: Annex 10
#H 3 Machinery 0 Other 45ui# ents: &u#')otal 4ngineering 45ui# ent: &u#')otal #H . Co #uter 0 I$ 45ui# ent: (eskt)p U Access)ries ?apt)p U Access)ries 6)l)r +rinter +rinter B U $ Scanner U+S &u#')otal #H ! Co #uter Soft)are: $ind)&s )perating system Antivirus- . users 23 years4 Statistical applicati)n &u#')otal #H G Office 45ui# ent: +h)t)c)py Machine Spiral Machine ?aminating Machine +aper 6utting Machine &u#')otal #H-" $eaching 0 Learning Materia"s: 6(s )* (i**erent (isease (iagn)sis +r)cedures *r)m A+S Multimedia and Access)ries &u#'total #HFurniture 0 Fi&tures: ,urniture U ,i8tures *)r clinical lab ,urniture U ,i8tures *)r meeting r))m 2 r)und table U " chairs4 ,urniture *)r S+M )**ice ,urniture *)r general purp)ses &u#'total #H-La%oratory 45ui# ent1Instru ent: 6)mp)und Micr)sc)pe c)nnected &ith c)mputer and camera Stere) micr)sc)pe c)nnected &ith c)mputer and camera =nverted phase c)ntrast micr)sc)pe &ith camera Bench t)p pI meter Re*rigerated 6entri*uge machine 2,l))r type4 Gr)&th chamber Shaking incubat)r ?aminar air*l)& attached &ith EU> Ean) pure &ater plant AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' .'. .'. H'" '" !'. "'" .'" #'" -'" .'." .'." !'3! '"" !'." "'"" .'"" #'"" -'"" -'-"Q -'-"Q -'G.Q "';"Q 3'""Q ;'""Q -'""Q -';"Q ;'H"Q ?S ?S ?S ?S 3'"" '." -'"" '"" !'." '-"Q "'#"Q "'H"Q "';"Q 3'""Q ?S E)s' -'"" '"" 3'"" "'H"Q "';"Q '-"Q E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' '; "'3 "'; "'3 ';" "'3" "';" "'3" -';" "'.#Q "' -Q "' #Q "' -Q "'G#Q E)s' E)s' E)s' . 3 "' . "'". "'-" "'3" "'3H "'#" '-H "' -Q "' .Q "'-;Q "'. Q E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' '"" '"" "'." "'-" "'-" "'-. '"" ;'"" "'." "'-" "';" "'-. #'3. "'""Q "'""Q "'""Q "';"Q '#"Q "'-"Q "'"HQ "' #Q "' "Q -'.;Q

#H ;


AIFOM: Annex 10
0hermal cycler @lectr)ph)resis chamber 6)l)ny c)unter MiliF &ater plant =ce maker *)r m)lecular study >)rte8 Gel ()cL MRN System Glass&ares ?)& temperature incubat)r +6R tubes, +ipettes, +ipette tips etc' Ultra ,reezer 2-H"O64 ,reezer 2--"O64 +harmaceutical *reezer &u#')otal #H-! 4"ectrica" 45ui# ent: Air c))ler *)r plant disease clinic Micr) )ven &u#')otal )otal Capital +7penditure 8;33! )otal Cost a B #! 2 c 4 9perati)nal 6)sts 2ma8imum -Q )* t)tal c)st4 )otal &u#'Pro(ect Cost a B # B c! E)s' E)s' '. "';. 3'"" "';. 3';. 3#'G. -;.' " ;'G" -."'"" '-"Q "' HQ '3HQ .;'!HQ GH'";Q 'G#Q ""'""Q E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' E)s' ?S E)s' ?S E)s' E)s' E)s' 3 -'" '" "'. .'. !'" "'. '" 3'H 3'. "'; H'. !'"" '"" '"" 3'H" 3'." "'H" H'." -'"" .'." 3'"" -'"" '"" '." "';! -'H"Q "';"Q "';"Q '.-Q ';"Q "'3-Q 3';"Q "'H"Q -'-"Q '-"Q ;'H"Q "';"Q "'#"Q ;;' GQ

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -.

&u#'pro(ect 0anagement )eamL

Eame of 0anagement and &upport &taff Position in the Position in the Institution and &u#'pro(ect entity &pecific "esponsi#ilities )ime ,edicated to the &u#' pro(ectLL -" hrs:&eek

0anagement &taff! (r' Md' Vhurshed Alam Bhuiyan +r)*ess)r S+M 9**icial c)mmunicati)n, administrative &)rks' +r)curement and m)nit)ring activities )* the Sub-pr)ject Management 0eam' Supervisi)n )* Research &)rk U and training activities' 6) )perati)n : in absence resp)nsible *)r )**ice and administrative &)rks )* the Subpr)ject Manager' 9**ice management )* the clinic' +lant disease diagn)sis j)b and prescripti)n &riting, researcher U trainer Supervisi)n )* research U res)urce pers)nnel and trainer

(r' M)taher I)ssain

Assistant +r)*ess)r


-" hrs:&eek

(r' Md' Abdul Mannan Akanda


Researcher, trainer U and Res)urce pers)nnel Researcher, trainer U and Res)urce pers)nnel

. h:&eek

,arhana Begum

Assistant +r)*ess)r

+lant disease diagn)sis and prescripti)n &riting at the clinic, supervisi)n )* research U res)urce pers)nnel and trainer

. h:&eek

&upport &taff! 0) be recruited Acc)untant cum 6)mputer 9perat)r 0echnician: Specimen c)llect)r M?SS Supp)rting )**icial sta** Supp)rting technical sta** Maintain Acc)unts and data management, typing d)cuments: rep)rts Sample preparati)n, maintenance )* e<uipments, net h)use, chemicals: lab &ares, sample preparati)n, specimen c)llecti)n Maintenance )* the S+M )**ice and helping Sub-pr)ject team ;" h: &eek

0) be recruited


0) be recruited

Supp)rting Sta**

;" h:&eek

/ Attach su%3#ro*ect anage ent ta%"e of organi6ation as #er Annex- 10 // Per #erson #er )ee(

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex -10

Indicative /rganogram of the &u#'pro(ect 0anagement /ffice

Sub-Project Manager-1

lternate S P M-1

Associate SPM (Faculties -!

Accountant cum Computer Operator-1 M L S S -1

Technician /Specimen Collector-1

P"ease note that the a%ove organogra is indicative and ay %e e&#anded and1or revised as re5uired %y the su%3#ro*ect! Su%3#ro*ect anage ent tea inc"udes SPM7 ASPM7 and Associate SPMs!

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

AIFOM: Annex 10

Attachment ' A Please print 0esu1e 2 SPM & ASPM in a separate sheet "+&U0+
,)rmat *)r the Resumes )* Sub-pr)ject Manager $% P+"&/EA1 ,A)A ?AS0 EAM@ M=((?@ EAM@ Bhuiyan Vhurshed Alam (A0@ 9, B=R0I 3 - -- G.. ,AM EUMB@R G-".333 +?A6@ 9, B=R0I 6)milla $9RV=EG I9URS 2h)urs per &eek4 @-MA=? kabhuiyan..\yah))'c)m 0AM+AZ@R ='(' EUMB@R 20=E4 ".;- "--G!G! 0@?@+I9E@ 29,,=6@4 G-".3 ":- ". ,=RS0 EAM@ Md' 0@?@+I9E @ 2I9M@4 G-".33G M9B=?@ EUMB@R " ! #;H3H ;

6URR@E0 +9S=0=9E

+r)*ess)r and Iead )* the (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy, BSMRAU, Gazipur- !"# EA0=9EA?=0Z 6URR@E0 R@S=(@E0 A((R@SS =E ,U?? Bangladeshi +r)*ess)rAs Fuarter A:3, BSMRAU campus H%"" J 3%"" Break ;%""- !%""' U H%3" J -"%3" Y (aily " h)ur M # Y #" h)ur : &eek Academic c)urse &)rk% 3. h)urs N @8aminati)ns% . h)urs N 6)mmunicati)n, )**ice U meetings Y . h)urs N Research including *uture plan )* A=, *unded pr)ject &)rk% . h)urs'

2% ACA,+0IC ,A)A UE(@RGRA(UA0@ BSc Ag 2I)ns4 GRA(UA0@ MSc Ag in +lant +ath)l)gy MSc in 0echn)l)gy )* 6r)p +r)tecti)n +h( in +lant +ath)l)gy

UE=>@RS=0Z Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh UE=>@RS=0Z Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh University )* Reading Vag)shima University

69UE0RZ Bangladesh 69UE0RZ Bangladesh @ngland Sapan


5% P"I/" +MP+"I+EC+ IE I0P1+0+E)IEG P"/A+C)-"+&+A"CF 0=0?@ 9, 0I@ +R9S@60: (9E9R: +9S0=9E =E 0I@ R@S@AR6I A60=>=0Z S+9ES9R +R9S@60 (evel)pment )* Mass culture techn)l)gy )* $richoder a RM6:UG6, BSMRAU +r)ject =nvestigat)r

Z@AR ,R9M -""H t) till t) date


6% P"I/" P/&I)I/E& =ES0=0U0=9E Bangladesh Agricultural =nstitute, Sher-e-Banglanag)r, (haka Bangladesh Agriculture Research =nstitute =+SA =+SA:BSMRAU BSMRAU BSMRAU 4% IE&)I)U)I/EA1 A,,"+&& EAM@ 9, =ES0=0U0=9E

+9S=0=9E ?ecturer Seni)r Scienti*ic 9**icer Assistant +r)*ess)r Ass)ciate +r)*ess)r +r)*ess)r (ean, Graduate Studies

,R9M April -G, GH Sanuary ;, GH! April ";, GH! April , GG# Sune -"""

09 Sanuary 3, GH# April "3, GH! April ", GG# Sune -H, -""" till

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur !"#

?96A0=9E U A((R@SS (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy, BSMRAU, Gazipur

$@BS=0@ &&&'bsmrau'edu'bd

@-MA=? Vabhuiyan..\yah))'c)m

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

Attachment ' A
,)rmat *)r the Resumes )* Alternate Sub-pr)ject Manager * "+&U0+
$% P+"&/EA1 ,A)A ?AS0 EAM@ I9SSA=E (A0@ 9, B=R0I - A+R=? G!,AM EUMB@R "--G-".333 +?A6@ 9, B=R0I SA0VI=R $9RV=EG I9URS 2h)urs per &eek4 ;H EA0=9EA?=0Z BAEIG?A(@SI M=((?@ EAM@ M90AI@R @-MA=? h)ssain-m\h)tmail'c)m 0AM+AZ@R ='(' EUMB@R 20=E4 AS=S0AE0 +R9,@SS9R 6URR@E0 R@S=(@E0 A((R@SS =E ,U?? U0=?=0Z ,?0A0 -"3, BSMRAU, GAR=+UR- !"# 0@?@+I9E@ 29,,=6@4 "--G-".3 "- ;, @8t--"!3 M(' 0@?@+I9E@ 2I9M@4 6URR@E0 +9S=0=9E M9B=?@ EUMB@R " G !";3."# ,=RS0 EAM@

2% ACA,+0IC ,A)A UE(@RGRA(UA0@ BS6 Ag GRA(UA0@ MS =E +?AE0 +A0I9?9GZ MS =E +?AE0 +A0I9?9GZ +I(



Z@AR GG; Z@AR -""" -"". -""H

5% P"I/" +MP+"I+EC+ IE I0P1+0+E)IEG P"/A+C)-"+&+A"CF 0=0?@ 9, 0I@ +R9S@60: (9E9R: "+&+A"CF AC)IHI)I S+9ES9R =S9?A0=9E AE( @>A?UA0=9E 9, RM6 +=

+9S0=9E =E 0I@ +R9S@60

Z@AR ,R9M -" " -" 09

+?AE0 GR9$0I +R9M90=EG ,UEG= 2+G+,4 AE( RI=R9BA60@R=A 2+G+R4 ,R9M BAEG?A(@SI S9=? ,9R B=969E0R9? 9, +?AE0 (=S@AS@S

6% P"I/" P/&I)I/E& =ES0=0U0=9E =E0@REA0=9EA? UE=>@RS=0Z 9, BUS=E@SS AGR=6U?0URA? AE( 0@6IE9?9GZ BAEGABAE(IU SI=@VI MUS=BUR RAIMAE AGR=6U?0URA? UE=>@RS=0Z 4% IE&)I)U)I/EA1 A,,"+&& EAM@ 9, =ES0=0U0=9E

+9S=0=9E ASS=S0AE0 +R9,@SS9R ?@60UR@R


09 ,@BRUARZ -" " MAR6I -""-


?96A0=9E U A((R@SS GAR=+UR- !"#

$@BS=0@ http:33bs1rau.e4u.b43

@-MA=? in*)\bsmrau'edu'bd

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

Sub-pr !e"t Pr p sal Annex #% University Grants Commission of Bangladesh Figher +ducation @uality +nhancement Pro(ect Academic Innovation Fund Window 2 ? 5! 5n'ir n1ent an4 Sa2et6 Che"7list 2 r 0esear"h an4 Uni'ersit6--i4e Pr p sal Instructions 0he purp)se )* this checklist is t) identi*y p)tential envir)nment and sa*ety issues related t) the research pr)p)sal' 0his is a generalized checklist *)rmat *)r all categ)ry research &)rks' I)&ever, it is anticipated the research pr)p)sals under TArts, Iumanities and S)cial SciencesA and TBusiness and ?a&A &ill n)t have any envir)nment impact and thus the pr)p)sals under these disciplines &ill n)t re<uire t) submit the checklist unless the UG6 re<uest *)r such checklist' 0he applicant &ill *ill-up the *)rmat, &hich &ill be revie&ed and signed by the Iead )* pr)p)sal submitting entity' =* the checklist sh)&s p)tential negative envir)nmental impacts the applicant &ill submit a separate sheet *)r mitigati)n measures *)r it 2Attachment A4'

0itle )* the A=, Sub-pr)ject% @stablishment )* +lant (isease (iagn)stic 6linic' =nstituti)n% (epartment )* +lant +ath)l)gy, ,aculty )* Agriculture Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University

0ype )* Research% Research pr)gram as partial *ul*illment )* MasterAs:M +hil::+h ( Research pr)gramme leading MS and +h' ( in +lant +ath)l)gy' 9ther Activities 2Speci*y4% +lant disease diagn)sis and is)lati)n, identi*icati)n and characterizati)n path)gens, antag)nists and prescripti)ns giving t) the *armers are regular pr)gramme )* the plant disease diagn)stic clinic' Research Activity% 9n-g)ing:Ee& Activity% /n'going Research (isciplines% Agriculture

Arts, Iumanities and S)cial Sciences Business +hysical, Bi)l)gical, and @arth Sciences

@ngineering and 0echn)l)gy Medical, Iealth, and Eutriti)nal Sciences

Agriculture< 1ivestoc2 and Fisheries

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

(urati)n )* Research $)rk% 3# m)nths 0entative Start (ate% April -" -


Brief ,escription of "esearch-University'wide Activity Within 233 words! 0he sub-pr)ject is aimed t) enhance <uality p)st-graduate educati)n in plant path)l)gy' Research area and research syn)psis shall be )utline based )n the pr)blem identi*ied in the regular &)rk pr)gram )* the plant disease diagn)stic clinic' +r)*essi)nal plant path)l)gists &ill devel)p thr)ugh pr)ducing +h( in plant path)l)gy based )n research pr)gram' 0his pr)ject &ill enrich the current lab)rat)ry *acilities thr)ugh &hich is)lati)n, identi*icati)n and m)lecular characterizati)n )* path)gens and bi)-*uncti)nal micr))rganisms can be d)ne' 0he pr)ject is aimed t) devel)p a culture bank )* bi)-*uncti)nal micr))rganisms, bi)-pesticides and bi)-*ertilizers' @c)-*riendly sustainable technical packages *)r mitigating plant diseases by minimizing and gradually <uit the release )* chemicals in the envir)nment is )ne )* the purp)ses )* the pr)ject' 0he research &)rk &ill be d)ne in the lab)rat)ry )r ind))r envir)nment' 0he activities )* this sub-pr)ject &)uld n)t cause any negative impact )n the envir)nment 2land, s)il, &ater, air and bi)diversity4, rather the applicati)n )* bi)-rati)nal techn)l)gies )r pr)ducts 2bi)-pesticides and bi)-*ertilizers4 generated by research &)uld impr)ve 2p)sitively in*luence4 the envir)nment' M)re)ver, all re<uisite measure &ill be taken )r minimizing any detrimental e**ect t) the envir)nment'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

&l N &creening @uestions $ill the research &)rk be lab)rat)ry based] /=* the ans&er )* <uesti)n is n), then g) t) <uesti)n #'1 () the lab)rat)ry has i envir)nment, health and sa*ety pr)t)c)l )r guidelines] ii ade<uate *ire sa*ety pr)visi)n] iii sa*ety pr)visi)n *)r gas cylinder handling] iv pr)per &aste disp)sal *acilities] v ade<uate li<uid &aste management *acilities] vi pr)per st)rage *acilities *)r hazard)us chemicals, pesticides, acids etc'] vii ade<uate ventilati)n system] viii *irst-aid *acilities] i8 emergency e8it *acilities] 8 trained pr)*essi)nal t) guide the researchers:students ab)ut sa*ety pr)cedures] $ill the lab)rat)ry based research &)rk i re<uire pr)curement )* hazard)us pr)ducts 2$I9 Iazard 6lass = U ==4] ii pr)duce hazard)us &aste materials] iii generate in*ecti)us &aste] iv cause signi*icant emissi)ns )* gas harm*ul t) health] v generate li<uid &aste] vi cause any maj)r n)ise] ()es the applicant have received *)rmal training )n lab)rat)ry )perati)n and sa*ety rules] ()es the applicant have previ)us &)rk e8perience at lab)rat)ry )n similar &)rks] $ill the research &)rk re<uire interventi)ns at *ield level] $ill the *ield based research &)rk i l)cated at )r near an envir)nmentally sensitive area] ii re<uire pr)curement )* hazard)us pr)ducts 2$I9 Iazard 6lass = U ==4] iii discharge any li<uid &aste in the envir)nment] iv discharge large <uantities )* &aste:used &ater] v generate hazard)us &aste] vi impair d)&nstream &ater <uality] vii have any p)ssible degradati)n in land and ec)system] viii cause l)cal air p)lluti)n *r)m any plant:system )perati)n] i8 generate e8cessive n)ise and:)r dust] $ill medical, bi)physical )r clinical research be c)nducted using human subjects] $ill the pr)ject have any indirect impact )n envir)nment and ec)system] $ill the research &)rk inv)lve permissi)n )r clearance )* any g)vernment department )r agency] $ill *uture e8pansi)n )r implementati)n )* research *inding cause any maj)r envir)nment pr)blem] Ies Eo "emar2s

6entrally at University 6entrally at University

=ntr)ducti)n )* antag)nists and bi)-*ertilizers *)r plant disease c)ntr)l &ill enrich ec)-*riendly s)il envir)nment'

Management pr)t)c)l available

; . # !

?ab' 9perati)nal sa*ety rules kn)&n +)sitive impact )n *ield and envir)nment



AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

&ignature* 0he ab)ve ans&ers are true and c)mplete' = understand that the University Grants 6)mmissi)n &ill depend )n them t) make its decisi)n'

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Professor ,r% 0d% Ohurshed Alam Bhuiyan Eame )* Iead )* +r)p)sal Submitting @ntity and Signature &ith (ate% 6)ntact Eumber% " ! #;H3H ; @-mail% kabhuiyan..\yah))'c)m

Please sign #elow to verify that the information in this document is accurate and complete to the #est of your 2nowledge%

@nvir)nment +r)*essi)nalAs Signature U (ate%

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Signature &ith (ate% Professor ,r% 0d% Giashuddin 0iah (epartment )* Agr)*)restry and @nvir)nment 6)ntact Eumber% " H #!!G# ; @-mail% giashbd\h)tmail'c)m

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


AIFOM: Annex 10

Attachment A Figher +ducation @uality +nhancement Pro(ect Academic Innovation Fund 5n'ir n1ental Mitigati n an4 M nit ring Plan )a#le $* )ypical +nvironmental 0itigation Plan E)t Applicable Activity-Issue Potential +nvironmental Impacts Proposed 0itigation 0easures "esponsi#le Partiers +stimated Cost -

)a#le 2* )ypical +nvironmental 0onitoring Plan Issue ' ' ' ' '
AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree

Parameters '

0onitoring Fre:uency ' ' ' '

0onitoring 1ocation ' ' ' '

"esponsi#le Parties ' ' ' '

' '


AIFOM: Annex 10
Comments* @nvir)nmental Mitigati)n and M)nit)ring +lan is not applica#le, because this sub-pr)ject c)ntended &ith academic degree a&arding research pr)gram )n phyt)path)l)gical area'

AIFOM: CP for Research Leading to Degree


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