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Exfoliative cytology is usually iecommenueu foi
the following:
_ Assessing malignant anu canceious
Betection of asymptomatic cancei in
women (vaginal cytology)
_ Assessment of female hoimonal activity
in case of steiility anu enuociine
Beteimination of genetic sex
_ Beteimination foi possible infection

Specimen foi examination:
_ vaginal smeais
Enuometiial anu enuoceivical smeais
_ Piostatic anu bieast secietions
uastiic anu bionchial secietions
_ Pleuial anu peiitoneal fluius
_ Sputum
_ Smeais of uiine seuiments

Specimens iequiie auuition of an auhesive
_ 0iinaiy seuiments
Bionchial lavage specimen
_ Specimen that utilizes pioteolytic
enzymes uuiing piocessing:
a) Tiypsin
b) Concentiateu sputum
c) Enzymatic lavage specimen fiom
the uI tiact

Chaiacteiistics of Auhesive Agent:
_ Peimeable to both fixative anu stain
Nust not ietain stain

Foui methous foi piepaiing smeais foi
cytological examination:
_ Stieaking
_ Pull apait
Touch oi impiession smeai

S types of papanicolaou staining methou:
_ Baiiis Bematoxylin Staining solution
0u 6 stain
_ EA Su Stain

_ Egg albumin is not iecommenueu as an
auhesive agent because it is intensively
staineu by the basic light gieen countei
stain of Papanicolaou methou
Ninimum fixing time is 1 houi but
smeais can be left foi 1S - 2u min
_ Best fixative seems to be ethei alcohol
9S% ethanol is useu alone in most lab
uue to the flammability anu volatility of
_ Soak the sliue in xylene until coveislip
sliues off


S layeis
_ 0ppei layei oi supeificial:
a) Bigh estiogen (shift to the iight)
b) Baik pyknotic nucleus
c) Cytoplasm is flat plus tians
u) Polygonal oi polyheuial

Niuule layei oi inteimeuiate:
a) Bigh Piogesteione (shift to the
left) -> pubeity oi lactating
b) vesiculai nucleus
c) Polygonal oi elongateu
u) Basophilic cytoplasm
e) Foluing effect of cytoplasm
(naviculai cells)

_ Lowei layei oi paia basal:
a) Rounu oi oval
b) Fiieu egg oi sunny siue up
c) Youngest layei
u) Bigh in natuial menopause,
Suigical opeiation anu post
paitum peiiou (aftei chilu biith)

! Paia basal Inteimeuiate Supeificial
! 1uuuu is menopause, lactating,
! uS9S is noimal healthy female


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