Mother Board

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The motherboard is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic board.

If you ever open your computer, the biggest piece of silicon you see is the motherboard. Attached to the motherboard, you'll find the CP , !"#, memory !A# e$pansion slots, PCI slots, and %&ports. It also includes controllers for devices like thehard drive, '(' drive, keyboard, and mouse. &asically, the motherboard is what makes everything in your computer work together. )ach motherboard has a collection of chips and controllers known as the chipset. *hen new motherboards are developed, they often use new chipsets. The good news is that these boards are typically more efficient and faster than their predecessors. The bad news is that older components often do not work with new chipsets. "f course, if you are planning on upgrading multiple components, it may be more cost+effective to ,ust buy a new computer.

Motherboard components

Below is a listing of links that describe each of the above mentioned motherboard components in additional detail. Links are listed in clockwise order going from the top-left corner of the image. Components not listed above or found on other motherboards are listed in the next section.

Expansion slots (PC Express! PC ! and "#P$ %-pin case fan connectors Back pane connectors &eatsink '-Pin (P'$ power connector nductor Capacitor CP( )ocket *orthbridge )crew hole +emor, slot )uper -. /lopp, connection "0" ( 1E$ disk drive primar, connection 2'-pin "03 power )uppl, connector )erial "0" connections Coin cell batter, (C+.) backup batter,$ 4" 1 ),stem panel connectors /5& )outhbridge )erial port connector ()B headers 6umpers ntegrated circuit 7%8' headers )P1 / C1- *

Other motherboard components

Below is a listing of other motherboard components that are not shown in the above small picture or have been part of older computer motherboards.

B .) Cache memor, Chipset 1iode 1ipswitches Electrol,tic /use #ame port - + 1 header nternal speaker *etwork header .bsolete expansion slots ("+4! C*4! E )"! )"! 9E)"$ .bsolete memor, slots () ++$ .nboard LE1 Parallel port header P)-2 header 4esistor )erial port header )crew hole aka mounting hole )C) 9oltage regulator 9oltage regulator module (94+$ Motherboard form factors "s computers advanced! so have motherboards. Below is a listing of the various motherboard form factors and additional information about each of these form factors including "03 the most commonl, used motherboard form factor toda,.

"0 "03 Bab, "0 B03 LP3 /ull "0 /ull "03 micro"03 *L3

" t,pical "03 PC motherboard with constituent components is given below:

he important constituent components of an ATX Motherboard are given below:

1. Mouse & keyboard 2. USB 3. Parallel port 4. PU h!p

". #$M slots %. &loppy controller '. ()* controller +. P ( slot ,. (S$ slot 1-. MOS Battery 11.$.P slot 12. PU slot 13.Po/er supply plu0 !n

1. Mouse & keyboard1 ;e,board Connectors are two t,pes basicall,. "ll PCs have a ;e, board port connected directl, to the motherboard. 0he oldest! but still <uite common t,pe! is a special 1 *! and most PCs until recentl, retained this st,le connector. 0he "0-st,le ke,board connector is <uickl, disappearing! being replaced b, the smaller mini 1 * P)-2-st,le ke,board connector.

=ou can use an "0-st,le ke,board with a P)-2-st,le socket (or the other wa, around$ b, using a converter. "lthough the "0 connector is uni<ue in PCs! the P)-2-st,le mini-1 * is also used in more modern PCs for the mouse.

/ortunatel, ! most PCs that use the mini-1 * for both the ke,board and mouse clearl, mark each mini-1 * socket as to its correct use. )ome ke,boards have a ()B connection! but these are fairl, rare compared to the P)-2 connection ke,boards. 2. USB 2Un!3ersal ser!al bus41 ()B is the #eneral-purpose connection for PC. =ou can find ()B versions of man, different devices! such as mice! ke,boards! scanners! cameras! and even printers. a ()B connector>s distinctive rectangular shape makes it easil, recogni?able. ()B has a number of features that makes it particularl, popular on PCs. /irst! ()B devices are hot swappable. =ou can insert or remove them without restarting ,our s,stem. 3. Parallel port1 +ost printers use a special connector called a parallel port. Parallel port carr, data on more than one wire! as opposed to the serial port! which uses onl, one wire. Parallel ports use a 2@-pin female 1B connector. Parallel ports are directl, supported b, the motherboard through a direct connection or through a dangle. 4. PU h!p 1 0he central processing unit, also called the microprocessor performs all the calculations that take place inside a pc. CP(s come in 9ariet, of shapes and si?es. +odern CP(s generate a lot of heat and thus re<uire a cooling fan or heat sink. 0he cooling device (such as a cooling fan$ is removable! although some CP( manufactures sell the CP( with a fan permanentl, attached. ". #$M slots1 4andom-"ccess +emor, (4"+$ stores programs and data currentl, being used b, the CP(. 4"+ is measured in units called b,tes. 4"+ has been packaged in man, different wa,s. 0he most current package is called a 7AB-pin 1 ++ (1ual nline +emor, module$. %. &loppy controller1 0he flopp, drive connects to the computer via a %'pin ribbon cable, which in turn connects to the motherboard. " floppy controller is one that is used to control the flopp, drive. '. ()* controller1 ndustr, standards define two common t,pes of hard drives: E 1E and )C) . +aCorit, of the PCs use E 1E drives. )C) drives show up in high end PCs such as network servers or graphical workstations. 0he E 1E drive connects to the hard drive via a 2-inch-wide! 'D-pin ribbon cable! which in turn connects to the motherboard. IDE controller is responsible for controlling the hard drive. +. P ( slot1 ntel introduced the Peripheral component interconnect bus protocol. 0he PC bus is used to connect -. devices (such as * C or 4" 1 controllers$ to the main logic of the computer. PC bus has replaced the )" bus. ,. (S$ slot1 ( ndustr, )tandard "rchitecture$ t is the standard architecture of the Expansion bus. +otherboard ma, contain some slots to connect )" compatible cards.

1-. MOS Battery1 0o provide C+.) with the power when the computer is turned off all motherboards comes with a batter,. 0hese batteries mount on the motherboard in one of three wa,s: the obsolete external batter,! the most common onboard batter,! and built-in batter,. 11. $.P slot1 f ,ou have a modern motherboard! ,ou will almost certainl, notice a single connector that looks like a PC slot! but is slightl, shorter and usuall, brown. =ou also probabl, have a video card inserted into this slot. 0his is an Advanced Graphics Port (AGP) slot 12. PU slot1 0o install the CP(! Cust slide it straight down into the slot. )pecial notches in the slot make it impossible to install them incorrectl,. )o remember if it does not go easil,! it is probabl, not correct. Be sure to plug in the CP( fan>s power. 13. Po/er supply plu0 !n1 0he Power suppl,! as its name implies! provides the necessar, electrical power to make the pc operate. the power suppl, takes standard 77D-9 "C power and converts into E--72-9olt! E--@-9olt! and %.%-9olt 1C power. 0he power suppl, connector has 2D-pins! and the connector can go in onl, one direction.


#otherboards are divided into the following two main categories.

Designs of the Motherboard

-orm -actors are the design of the motherboard. It is how the components of the mainboard are laid out, and especially what what type of case they fit into, and so what power supply they will be using.

AT. stands for Advanced Technology )$tended. AT. was designed by Intel to allow easier e$pansion, and a higher degree of compatability amoung component manufacturers, while still allowing the main components of a pc intergrated into the motherboard. Its like the best of both intergrated and non intergrated motherboards. There is specific design changes that have taken place over the yearws in motherboards and since the AT. is one of the most recent, you can see that the ,ourney of motherboards has sometimes been drastic difficulties, including where the e$pansion slots are in relationship to the processor. It used to be that some motherboards couldn't have new components added to them, as there was no

room becuase of other parts of the board. The power supply connector for an AT. board is a /0+pin, and can support soft power off.

Micro ATX
The #icro AT. -orm -actor motherboard is much smaller than AT.. The ma$imum motherboard si1e is 2.34 5 2.34. #icro AT. uses a compact design, which is favoured by pc manufacturers, who like to focus on space saving pc's and designs for their customers. Typically their custoemrs are not pc enthuasats who prefer to get their hands dirty. This is the reason and shift from a few years ago when a pc was an enourmous tower, to the slimline versions that you see now. 6ormally the board will have more %& peripherial slots to allow e$ternal devices to be connected. There is also an even smaller version of the #icro AT. which is called the fle$ at$. This is a motherboard at the si1e of 2.34 5 7.84. 'on't e$pect to be able to add a pumping hot hardcore graphics card to motherboards like this.

The &T. -orm -actor is the smoothest and 9uietiest of motherboard designs. It was designed to make sure that heat that is generated from the components is not concentrated in one place, and the motherboard can be kept cool by the primary airflow from the pc power supply.
Classification on the Basis of Type of Processor This way of differentiating computer motherboards is based on motherboard socket types. In short, the CP s that are available in the current market are compatible to specific motherboards. :et us try to understand the different CP specific computer motherboards in a little more detail.

%ocket A #otherboards These motherboards are meant for the A#' and 'urons processors. The %ocket A motherboard is also known as %ocket ;3; motherboard. The CP socket in the motherboard has ;3/ pins and it comes in a P<A =Pin <rid Array> packaging. The bus speed of this type of motherboard is ?00 to /00 #@1.

#eant for Intel P+III and Celeron processor, this motherboard comes for CP s with A70 pins. It can also support (IA Cyri$ III and (IA CA processors. The bus speed for this type of motherboard is 33 to ?AA #@1 and it also comes in a P<A package.

%ocket A7B #otherboards This type of motherboard is meant for the Pentium ; processors. It also comes in a P<A package and has ;7B pins. The bus speed is ?00 to /00 #@1. This motherboard can also support Intel Pentium ;)) and Intel Pentium # processor. This type of motherboard is also known as %ocket 6 motherboard.

%ocket T #otherboards Also known as :<A 778, this type of motherboard is meant for Intel Core / 'uo, Intel Core / Cuad and Inel .eon processor. "f course, this motherboard can also support other Intel processors such as the Celeron, P+;, Pentium ', Celeron ' and Pentium .) processor. Its specifications include 778 pins and a very high bus speed of ?300 #@1. It also comes in a P<A package.

)ef!n!t!on1 " line of processors produced b, ntel for personal computers. )tronger than Celerons! but weaker than the Core 2 or iF series. The %ocket 2A2 is meant mainly for the A#' family. It can support A#' processors like the Athlon 3;, Athlon 3; -., Athlon 3; ./ and "petron. It has 2A2 pins and can have a bus speed from /00 to ?000 #@1. Dust like the other computer motherboard types described above, it also comes in a P<A package.

The Pentium is a widely-used personal computer microprocessor from the Intel Corporation. First offered in 1993, the Pentium quic ly replaced Intel!s "#$ microprocessor as the microchip-of-choice in manufacturin% a personal computer. The ori%inal Pentium model includes two processors on one chip that contains 3.1 million transistors. The Pentium Pro, released in 199&, was desi%ned for PC ser'ers and wor station that needed to ser'e multiple users or needed the speed required for %raphics-intensi'e applications. In addition to the microprocessor, the Pentium Pro includes another microchip containin% cache memory that, (ein%

closer to the processor than the computer!s main memory )*+,-, speeds up computer operation. The Pentium Pro contains &.& million transistors. The Pentium II is a Pentium Pro with Intel!s ,,. technolo%y included. It comes in microprocessor cloc speeds of /33 ,01 )millions of cycles per second-, /$$ ,01, and 322 ,01. It!s suita(le for applications that include motion 'ideo and 33 ima%es. +mon% the Pentium II!s features are a &1/ 45 ) ilo(yte- le'el-two )61 and 6/- memory cache and a 3/ 45 61 and 6/ cache, twice that of the Pentium Pro processor. The 6/ cache can include error correctin% code )7CC-. The latest Pentium II!s are Celeron, a low-end Pentium without the 6/ cache, and .eon, a hi%h-end Pentium that replaces the Pentium Pro for enterprise ser'er and wor station computers. Pentium 3 models8 #12,#127,#1&,#/2,#/&. Pentium " models8 #"&,#$&,91&,9"&,9$&,3121,312/,3931,39"1,39"&,39&#,39$$. ,anufacture companys8 I:T76, +,3 +;<; +;*=C4 ,7*C<*> 9I9+5>T7 5I=;T=C4 ,;I I5, +C7*

3766 0C6 +PP76 ,=T07* I37:TIFIC+TI=:8

%ocket A#A #otherboards %ocket A#A is among the most recently developed motherboards. Introduced in /002, this motherboard is meant for the A#' Phenom II and A#' Athlon II processors. It has 2;? pins and a bus speed range of /00 to A/00 #@1. The packaging for %ocket A#A motherboard is P<A.

The %ocket @ or :<A ??83 is another recent motherboard that has been introduced in the year /002 and is meant for the Intel Core iA, Intel Core i8 and Intel Core i7processors. It has ??83 pins and comes in :<A =:arge <rid Array> packaging.

*hat I have mentioned above are the most common motherboard types. &esides the different types of computer motherboard types given above, there are other computer motherboards too. -or e$ample, the %ocket - motherboard meant for the A#' "pteron and A#' Athlon 3; -. and the %ocket # motherboard meant for the Intel Core %olo, Intel 'ual Core and Intel Core 'uo processors.

Motherboard Type Based on Dimensions The dimensions of a motherboard, also known as the form factor, is another way of distinguishing between the different motherboard types. The different types of motherboards based on this form factor can be listed as under. AT. #otherboards The AT. =Advanced Technology )$tended> motherboard has a length of ?/ inches and a width of 7.8 inches. The IE" ports and %& ports meant for the motherboard are integrated directly into it. The bus speed in AT. motherboard is ?00 #@1. This board is mainly meant for the Intel processors.

-ull AT #otherboards This was the first type of motherboard, which were ?/ inches wide and ?? inches long. This motherboard suffered from a lot of problems like access to components was cumbersome and most importantly, the heating problem.

AT #otherboards

The type of motherboard used for your computer is also used for determining various other

factors. -or e$ample, ''! %'!A# is the fastest of all the different types of !A# and only %ocket A motherboards can be used for the same. %imilarly, %'!A# is compatible with %ocket A70 and !' !A# with socket ;7B. %imilarly, the type of motherboard determines various other factors too. *ith this, I end my article. @ope this article on computer motherboard types proves to be of help to you.

+ processor is the lo%ic circuitry that responds to and processes the (asic instructions that dri'e a computer. The term processor has %enerally replaced the term central processin% unit )CP<-. The processor in a personal computer or em(edded in small de'ices is often called a microprocessor. #odern CP s are small and s9uare and contain multiple metallic connectors or pins on the underside. The CP is inserted directly into a CP socket, pin side down, on the motherboard. )ach motherboard will support only a specific type =or range> of CP , so you must check the motherboard manufacturer's specifications before attempting to replace or upgrade a CP in your computer. #odern CP s also have an attached heat sink and small fan that go directly on top of the CP to help dissipate heat.

Two typical components of a CP are the followingF The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations. The control unit (CU), which e$tracts instructions from memory and decodes and e$ecutes them, calling on the A: when necessary. Also called clock rate, the speed at which a microprocessor e$ecutesinstructions. )very computer contains an internal clock that regulates the rate at which instructions are e$ecuted and synchroni1es all the various computer components. The CP re9uires a fi$ed number of clock ticks =or clock cycles> to e$ecute each instruction. The faster the clock, the more instructions the CP can e$ecute per second. Clock speeds are e$pressed in megahert1 =#@1> or gigahert1 ==<@1>. The internal architecture of a CP has as much to do with a CP 's performance as the clock speed, so two CP s with the same clock speed will not necessarily perform e9ually. *hereas an Intel B0/B3 microprocessor re9uires /0 cycles to multiply two numbers, an Intel B0;B3 or later processorcan perform the same calculation in a single clock tick. =6ote that clock tickhere refers to the system's

clock, which runs at 33 #@1 for all PCs.> These newer processors, therefore, would be /0 times faster than the older processors even if their clock speeds were the same. In addition, some microprocessors are superscalar, which means that they can e$ecute more than one instruction per clock cycle. :ike CP s, e$pansion buses also have clock speeds. Ideally, the CP clock speed and the bus clock speed should be the same so that neither component slows down the other. In practice, the bus clock speed is often slower than the CP clock speed, which creates a bottleneck. This is why new local buses, such as A<P, have been developed.

CPU socket
#otherboards are subcategori1ed by the type of processor socket they have. The processor socket =also called a CP socket> is the connector on the motherboard that houses a CP and forms the electrical interface and contact with the CP . Processor sockets use a pin grid array =P<A> where pins on the underside of the processor connect to holes in the processor socket. Computers based on the Intel $B3 architecture include socket processors.

'ual+core refers to a CP that includes two complete e$ecution cores per physical processor. It has combined two processors and their caches and cache controllers onto a single integrated circuit =silicon chip>. 'ual+core processors are well+suited for multitasking environments because there are two complete e$ecution cores instead of one, each with an independent interface to the frontside bus. %ince each core has its o!n cache" theoperating system has sufficient resources to handle most compute intensive tasks in parallel. #ulti+core is similar to dual+core in that it is an e$pansion to the dual+ core technology which allows for more than two separate processors.
Man#fact#red company$s processor

Intel Amd I&#

#otorola Apple (ia Intel modelsF Pentium-I Pentium-II Pentium-III Pentium-IV Dual core Core 2duo Core 2 quard Core I3 CoreI5 coreI7

Amd modelsF Athlon Duron Turion Sempron PHE !" A"D #$ A"D T%&I! #$'2 ATH(! #$'2 A"D D%! PHE !" )%A&D PHE !" )%A&D #$' *lac+ edition, -oth model. .uita*le /or de.+top and laptop mother *oard., Centrino i. u.ed onl0 /or laptop,

!A# is random access memory. a very high+speed type of memory, which makes it ideal for storing active programs and system processes. It is different than hard disk space in that !A# is made up of physical memory chips, while hard disks are magnetic disks that spin inside a hard drive. Accessing !A# is much faster than

accessing the hard disk because !A# access is based on electric charges, while the hard drive needs to seek to the correct part of the disk before accessing data. @owever, all the information stored in !A# is erased when the computer's power is turned off. The hard disk, on the other hand, stores data magnetically without re9uiring any electrical power. Another common type of memory is flash memory, which is typically used for small devices such as digital cameras, %& keychain drives, and portable music players like the iPod nano. This kind of memory, known as 4electrically erasable programmable read+only memory4 =))P!"#>, is convenient for portable devices, since it stores information even when its power source is turned off, but is smaller and more resilient than a hard drive

*hen your computer boots up, it loads the operating system into its memory, or !A#. This allows your computer to access system functions, such as handling mouse clicks and keystrokes, since the event handlers are all loaded into !A#. *henever you open a program, the interface and functions used by that program are also loaded into !A#.

TGP)% "- !A#%F

There are two different types of !A#F '!A# ='ynamic !andom Access #emory> %!A# =%tatic !andom Access #emory>.

SDRAM Memory
$# RAM memor% stands for short Synchronous DRAM, %ingle data rate = a t%pe of RAM that can run at much higher cloc& speeds than conventional memor%' # RAM Memor% actuall% s%nchroni(es itself with the )"*+s bus and is capable of running at ,-- MH('

''!? !A#
'ouble+'ata+!ate %ynchronous 'ynamic !andom Access #emory, better known as DDR SDRAM or DDR RAM for short, is a type of very fast computer memory. ''! !A# is based on the same architecture as %'!A#, but utili1es the clock signal differently to transfer twice the data in the same amount of time. In a computer system, the clock signal is an oscillating fre9uency used to coordinate interaction between digital circuits. %imply put, it synchroni1es communication. 'igital circuits designed to operate on the clock signal may respond at the rising or falling edge of the signal. %'!A# memory chips utili1ed only the rising edge of the signal to transfer data, while ''!!A# transfers data on both the rising and falling edges of the clock signal. @ence, ''! !A# is essentially twice as fast as %'!A#. ''! !A# is generally made for processors ?<@1 and faster. ''! !A# is generally made of ?B; pins.

''!) RAM
''!/ achieves speeds beyond that of ''!, delivering bandwidth of up to B.8 <& per second. -re9uently, ''!/ based systems can use memory installed in pairs to run in 4dual channel mode4 to increase memory throughput even further.

''! !A# is generally made of /;0 pins.

''!* RAM
The latest generation of memory technology, ''!A, began to appear in systems in late /007. ''!A is an evolutionary step beyond ''!/ and operates at lower voltages, thereby consuming less power, and can transfer data at rates up to ?/.B <& per second. Typically, ''!A based systems can address memory modules in banks of ?, / or A. If a system supports it, installing memory in matched sets of / or A modules =dual channel or triple channel modes> will deliver greatly increased memory performance over running a single memory module by itself.

''! !A# is generally made of /;0 pins.

<enerally speaking, motherboards are built to support only one type of memory. Gou cannot mi$ and match %'!A#, ''!, ''!/, or ''!A memory on the same motherboard in any system. They will not function and will not even fit in the same sockets.

+,AT (S C,(PSET Chip set is the generical name given to the set of circuits used by the motherboard. Normally the chip set uses two circuits, called North Bridge and south bridge. There are many chip sets manufacturers, like Intel, VI ,

!is and li. The motherboard"s #uality and performance is directly proportionaltothechips#uality. The chip set is the heart of the computer. It determines how fast components like processor, memory, and plug$ins can function. !elect a chip set that will ma%imi&e the potential and be compatible with other computer components. !'(T) B*I+,-.
!outh bridge is the chip that controls all of the computers IE" functions, such as %&, audio, serial, the system &I"%, the I%A bus, the interrupt controller and the . channels. In other words, all of the functions of a processor e$cept memor%/ "). and A<P.It is also called HII6P T " TP T C"6T!"::)! @ &II

N'*T) B*I+,-.

The north bridge, also known as the memory controller hub =#C@> in Intel systems =A#', (IA, %is and others usually use 'north bridge'>, is traditionally one of the two chips in the core logic chip set on a PC motherboard, the other being the south bridge. %eparating the chip set into north bridge and south bridge is common, although there are rare instances where these two chips have been combined onto one die when design comple$ity and fabrication processes permit it. The north bridge typically handles communications between the CP , !A#, A<P or PCI )$press, and the south bridge. %ome north bridges also contain integrated video controllers, which are also known as a <raphics and #emory Controller @ub =<#C@>. &ecause different processors and !A# re9uire different signaling, a north bridge will typically work with only one or two classes of CP s and generally only one type of !A#. There are a few chip sets that support two types of !A# =generally these are available when there is a shift to a new standard>.

Man#fact#red company$s of so#th and north bridge I6T): A#' ATA %I% (IA



0he Basic nput .utput ),stem! usuall, referred to as B .)! is software stored on a small memor, chip on the motherboard. B . is sometimes incorrectl, referred to as the Basic ntegrated .perating ),stem. B.O# instruct the computer on how to perform a number of basic functions such as booting and &e%board control' B.O# is also used to identif% and configure the hardware in a computer such as the drive/ flopp%/ optical drive/ )"*/ memor%/ etc' 5o/ to $ccess B(OS1 The B.O# is accessed and configured through the B.O# #etup *tilit%' The B.O# #etup *tilit% is/ for all reasonable purposes/ the B.O# itself' All available options in B.O# are configurable via the B.O# #etup *tilit%' The CP accesses the &I"% even before the operating system is loaded. The &I"% then checks all your hardware connections and locates all your devices. If everything is "J, the &I"% load the operating system into the computer's memory and finishes the boot+up process. The &I"% also is used after the computer has booted up. It acts as an intermediary between the CP and the IE" =inputEoutput> devices. &ecause of the &I"%, your programs and your operating system don't have to know e$act details =like hardware addresses> about the IE" devices attached to your PC. *hen device details change, only the &I"% needs to be updated. Gou can make these changes by entering the &I"% when your system starts up. To access the &I"%, hold down the key as soon as your computer begins to start up. The &I"% is an ))P!"# =)lectrically )rasable Programmable !ead+"nly #emory> that a user can flash =or program> and update via a software utility. "ccasionally, a &I"% chip may be corrupted or completely erased during an update or reprogramming process. *hen this occurs, a replacement or manual reprogramming of the chip will be re9uired. Therefore, you must first remove the &I"% chip from the motherboard. 'epending upon the physical structure the are classified into A typesF

-lat bios %9are bios B+pin bios /. !#are bios. .ts -0 pin bios chip' .nternal memor% capacit% is 012 3B to 1,0 3B 'it is used in ". 4 ".5 onl%' 0. )ori&ontal 123 pin bios chip. .t is 67 pin bios chip' .nternal memor% capacit% is 1,0 3B to , MB 'it is used in dual core and core 0 duo' 4. 5 pin bios: it is 8 pin chips' .nternal memor% capacit% is dual core and core 0 duo' , MB to 0 MB 'it is used in

Man#fact#red company$s of bios chip Intel %%T *in bon Pmc Ami AT #el Amic Award Phonics

SMD(C .s#rface mo#nting de/ice integrated circ#it0

Surface6mount technolo0y (SM7$ is a method for constructing electronic circuits in which the components are mounted directl, onto the surface of printed circuit boards (PCBs$. "n electronic device so made is called a surface6mount de3!ce (SM)$. n the industr, it has largel, replaced the through-hole technolog, construction method of fitting components with wire leads into holes in the circuit board.

The smdic preforms the three functions there are: 9enerating cloc& signals "ower management Error amplifier

,enerating clock signals: cloc& signals are used for transmitting purpose' with out cloc& signals we can not transmit the signals from one section to another section' 6ower management. Each and ever% component in mother board controlling b% smdic it directl% controlling some components and indirectl% controlling some component -rror amplifier. which amplif% the signals:

+-6-N+IN, 'N T)- 7'+-8 T)- 6*'C-!!'* 9I88 B- IN!-*T-+.

";...<";.5 )eler on ";.5< ";.5 )eler on

!'C:-T N'
-=7 60-;6=8


177mh( 4 ,-77 MH( ,677mh(; 0'8 9H(

";.5 pinless<dual core Or ual core <core 0 >uard' )ore i-<core i1


,277 MH( 4 -'2gh(

,,12 )ore i= ,-22 AM ?athlon<duron@ 620 AM ?turion<sempron@ =10; =16 AM ?phenon@ A-A/A67 AM ?dual core<26<26B0@ AM 26XAMAM0

0'7 9H( ;-'0 9H( 0'7 9H( ;-'0 9H( ,277 MH( 40'8 9H( 0'7 9H( 4 -'0 9H( 0'7 9H( 4 -'0 9H( 0'7 9H( 4 -'0 9H(

0'7 9H( 4 -'0 9H(


7'T)-* B' *+ 7'+-8

* 7

C C)7-7'* = 012 3B 1,0 3B

";...<";... )eler on ";.5<";.5 )eler on

8,7/8,7E/8,1/807/801 861

1,0MBC1,0MBD,9B?# RAM@ 1,0MBC1,0MBD,9B?# RAM@, 9BC,9BD09B ? R RAM@

";.5 pinless ual core

821/A,1/A61/A21/ ,7,/ ,70/ 9-, A,1/ A61/ A21/ ,7,/ ,70/ 9-,/ 9 6,/ 961/ 9 18'

,9BC,9BD09B ? 09BC09BD69B ? ,9BC,9BD09B ? 09BC09BD69B ? 69BC69BD89B? 09BC09BD69B ? 69BC69BD89B?


, MB

0 MB<6 MB

)ore 0 ual )ore 0 >uard'

A61/ A21/ ,7,/ ,70/ 9-,/ 9 6,/ 961/ 9 18' 9-,/ 9 6,/ 961/ 9 18'

6MB<2M B 8 MB

09BC09BD69B ? 69BC69BD89B?


*#B "ORT: 0he (niversal )erial Bus standard is a popular one. ()B ports and cables are used to connect devices such as printers! scanners!flash drives! external hard drives and more to a computer. n fact! ()B has become so popular! it>s even used in nontraditional computer-like devices such as video game consoles! wireless phones and more.
USB1.-82.-and3.)upporting up to 72F devices! ()B 7.D (788A$ and ()B 7.7 (788B$ provide a Low)peed 7.@ +bps sub channel for ke,boards and mice and a /ull-)peed channel at 72 +bps. &i-)peed ()B 2.D (2DD7$ Cumps the top rate to 'BD +bps! while )uper )peed ()B %.D (2DDB$ provides a huge 7Dx increase to '.B #bps (see ()B %.D$.

(!B 6'*T T*'(B8- !)''TIN,.

"ROBEEM: *#B devices are not detecting' ,' First chec& the usb device is wor&ing or not 'it is wor&ing in another s%stem' 2, Determine i/ there i. an0 ph0.ical dama1e to the %S- port2 .uch a. a *urned port or *ent %S- pin. in the port, %. '. @. A. =' 8' A' 0r, the different devices with different ports. Check the ()B driver is properl, installed or not. Check ()B ports are enabled in B .) 4einstall drivers )hec& ur s%stem is effected with virus or not' #till not detecting )hec& the usb port trac&s continuit%'

6!0 6'*T.
P%E/ is a type of port used by older computers for connecting input devices such as keyboards and mice The P%E/ port has si$ pins and is roughly circular in shape. keyboard and mouse connections are typically color+coded. -or e$ample, the keyboard port on the back of the computer is often purple, while the mouse port is usually green. %imilarly, the connector on the end of the keyboard cord is purple and the mouse cord connector is green. This makes it easy for all users to know where to plug the cables into the computer.

"in,D ata "in0 D Go connection "in- D 9round "in6 D C1 volts "in1 D )loc& signal "in2 D Go connection

V, 6'*T.
"lso called a Ggraphics portG or G9#" port!G it is a socket on the back of a computer used to connect a monitor. .n a PC! the standard video port is a 7@-pin 9#" connector for an analog monitor. 19 connectors are also used for direct digital output to flat panel displa,s.

A female ')?8 socket =videocard side>.

Pin 1


!ed video

Pin )


<reen video

Pin *

&: )

&lue video

Pin 2


formerly #onitor I' bit /, reserved since )+''C

Pin 3


<round =@%ync>

Pin 4


!ed return

Pin 5


<reen return

Pin 6

&: )K!T6

&lue return

Pin 7


formerly key, now L8( 'C

Pin 18 <6'

<round =(%ync, ''C>

Pin 11 I'0E!)%

formerly #onitor I' bit 0, reserved since )+''C

Pin 1) I'?E%'A

formerly #onitor I' bit ?, IMCdata since ''C/

Pin 1* @%ync

@ori1ontal sync

Pin 12 (%ync

(ertical sync

Pin 13 I'AE%C:

formerly #onitor I' bit A, IMCclock since ''C/

TOTAE ,1 "ORT# 1 "orts are important the% are port ,/0/-/,-/,6' Red/ 9reen/ Blue/ Hori(ontal/ 5ertical'

T*'(B8- !)''TIN,.
,' Mother is running condition but no displa%' 0' First chec& the monitor is wor&ing or not' -' )hec& the )MO# Humper setting properl% connected or not' 6' #till there is no displa%' 1' )lear the )MO# settings' 2' Remove the )MO# batter% and reinsert' =' #till no displa% means no problem in )MO#' 8' )hec& the RAM slots' A' )hec& with another 59A card displa% coming means the problem in port side' ,7' )hec& the components ?resistors/ capacitors/ coils/ transistors@ near b% port side' ,,' Ever% thing is O3 but still no displa%' ,0' )hec& the 59A port trac& continuit%' ,-' Trac&s continuit% is O3 ,6' #till no displa% ' ,1' Finall% change the 59A port'

!'(N+ 6'*T.
5OE*ME .# GOT )OM.G9 OR EOI 5OE*ME .# )OM.G9' ,' First chec& the spea&er settings'
/. A. ;. "pen the %ound pane and the "utput tab, and then select Internal %peakers. If Internal %peakers is present but not selected, select it and test again. If the "utput volume slider is low or the #ute bo$ is selected, raise the volume slider or deselect the #ute bo$ and test again.

1' 2' =' 8' A'

)hec& the sound drivers are properl% installed are not' river is wor&ing )hec& the spea&erJs wor&ing or not' #pea&ers wor&ing 'so problem in mother board side' Reinstall the sound drives'

,7' .f drivers are properl% installed then sound .) wor&ing properl%' ,,' .f there is no error found in driverJs means drivers installed properl%' ,0' )hec& the s%stem is affected with virus or not' ,-' Finall% replace the sound port'

8 N 6'*T.
.GTER GET .# GOT ETE)T.G9: ,' 0' -' 6' 1' 2' =' )hec& the EAG cable is wor&ing or not' )able wor&ing' )hec& the EAG settings' )hec& the EAG drivers properl% installed or not' Res install the EAG drivers' )hec& the s%stem is affected with virus or not' Finall% replace the EAG port'

86T 6'*T:
:PT =line print terminal> is the usual designation for a parallel port connection to a printer or other device on a personal computer. #ost PCs come with one or two :PT connections designated as :PT? and :PT/. %ome systems support a third, :PTA. *hatever the number, :PT? is the usual default. Gou can add a parallel port for a second printer or other device by buying and adding a parallel port adapter card to your compute

T*'(B8- !)''TIN,.
"rinter is not detecting' ,' 0' -' 6' 1' 2' =' 8' A' First chec& the printer is wor&ing or not' )hec& the printer with another s%stem' .f the printer is wor&ing means problem on s%stem side' )hec& the bios settings' )hec& the E"T port is enabled or not' .t is enabled' #till not detecting' r% solder the E"T port resistor pac&s' MaBimum problem is solved with dr% solder'

#I.T)H MO E "OIER #*""E!: ,' AT: advanced technolog% 0' ATX: eBtended advanced technolog%'

-' BTX: basic technolog% eBtended' 6' MBTX: micro basic technolog% eBtended

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