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1) From ITIC Website What is a Tsunami? How Do Earthquakes Generate Tsunamis? How Do Volcanic Eruptions Generate Tsunamis?

How Do Submarine Landslides, ock !alls and "nderwater Slumps Generate Tsunamis? #an $steroids, %eteorites or %an&%ade E'plosions #ause Tsunamis? What is a %e(a&Tsunami and #an )t Happen Toda*?! Where and How !requentl* are Tsunamis Generated? How Does Tsunami Ener(* Tra+el $cross the ,cean and How !ar #an Tsunamis Wa+es each? Wh* $ren-t Tsunamis Seen at Sea or !rom the $ir? What $re the !actors o. Destruction !rom Tsunamis? What Determines How Destructi+e a Tsunami Will /e 0ear the ,ri(in and $t a Distant Shore? Wh* $re Locall* Generated Tsunamis So Dan(erous? ") From #$mai% In&uiries What causes tsunamis? How do tsunamis a..ect the surroundin( area that was hit? Where are tsunamis more likel* to occur? What happens as a tsunami approaches land? #an tsunamis dama(e the ocean .loor? Do tsunamis quicken sea&.loor spreadin( and i. so, how? How man* people ha+e been killed b* tsunamis? How do plate mo+ements start a tsunami? $re there places on earth with a hi(her risk .or tsunamis than others? How lon( do tsunamis (enerall* last? )s there a wa* to predict a tsunami? Do some people send out warnin(s to others? What are the a+era(e hei(hts o. wa+es at di..erent points o. the ocean? )s there a place ) could (o that is tsunami related? How do ) .ind out i. ) li+e in a tsunami e+acuation 1one? How does the Tsunami Warnin( S*stem work and what is D$ T? What is the Tsunami Warnin( S*stem-s purpose? Do *ou think the current TWS is su..icient? What are some errors in the s*stem? How can *ou make the s*stem more e..icient? What is a tsunami? What is the equipment used to measure a tsunami? Where ) could .ind in.ormation on the past Tsunamis 2Tidal Wa+es3, .rom the past 4 *ears to present?

How man* tsunamis ha+e been recorded since 5677? How man* tsunamis hit the "nited States per *ear? How man* .amilies were displaced due to Tsunami o. December 8779?

3) From 'TWC Website http://(((.prh.noaa.go)/pt(c/*a&.php What causes tsunamis? What does the word :tsunami: mean? Do :tsunami: and :tidal wa+e:: mean the same thin(? How are tsunami wa+es di..erent .rom normal ocean wa+es? How man* wa+es are there in a tsunami? How .ast do tsunamis tra+el? What does a tsunami look like when it reaches the shore? Where and how o.ten do tsunamis usuall* occur? How lon( do tsunamis last when the* happen? Do all lar(e undersea earthquakes (enerate tsunamis? What is the :wrap&around: e..ect? #an tsunamis be predicted? Where should ) (o .or the most accurate earthquake in.ormation? Wh* do Tsunami Warnin( #enters rel* upon seismic data? What was the bi((est earthquake e+er recorded? #an earthquakes be predicted? What is a D$ T buo*? What is a tide station? How do Tsunami Warnin( #enters use sea le+el data? What are the natural warnin( si(ns .or a tsunami? What should ) do in the e+ent o. a tsunami warnin(? What do ) do i. ) am in a boat at sea or in a harbor durin( a tsunami? How is the Tsunami Warnin( S*stem or(ani1ed? How does the Tsunami Warnin( S*stem work? How man* Tsunami Warnin( #enters are there? What is a Tsunami Warnin(? What is the di..erence between a :!i'ed e(ional Warnin(: and an :E'pandin( e(ional Warnin(:? What is a Tsunami Watch? What is a Tsunami $d+isor*? What is a Tsunami )n.ormation /ulletin;Statement? What are <TW#-s responsibilities? How does <TW# e+aluate earthquakes .or tsunami potential? How does <TW# disseminate its messa(es? Does <TW# send messa(es +ia S%S to mobile phones? Does <TW# issue e+acuation orders? #an <TW# predict earthquakes and tsunamis?

What are some other tsunami !$= websites? +) From 'aci*ic Tsunami ,useum Website http://(((*a&.htm% What causes tsunamis? What does the word :tsunami: mean? Do :tsunami: and :tidal wa+e:: mean the same thin(? How are tsunami wa+es di..erent .rom normal ocean wa+es? How man* wa+es are there in a tsunami? How .ast do tsunamis tra+el? What does a tsunami look like when it reaches the shore? Where and how o.ten do tsunamis usuall* occur? How lon( do tsunamis last when the* happen? Do all lar(e undersea earthquakes (enerate tsunamis? What is the :wrap&around: e..ect? #an tsunamis be predicted? Where should ) (o .or the most accurate earthquake in.ormation? Wh* do Tsunami Warnin( #enters rel* upon seismic data? What was the bi((est earthquake e+er recorded? #an earthquakes be predicted? What is a D$ T buo*? What is a tide station? How do Tsunami Warnin( #enters use sea le+el data? What are the natural warnin( si(ns .or a tsunami? What should ) do in the e+ent o. a tsunami warnin(? What do ) do i. ) am in a boat at sea or in a harbor durin( a tsunami? How is the Tsunami Warnin( S*stem or(ani1ed? How does the Tsunami Warnin( S*stem work? How man* Tsunami Warnin( #enters are there? What is a Tsunami Warnin(? What is the di..erence between a :!i'ed e(ional Warnin(: and an :E'pandin( e(ional Warnin(:? What is a Tsunami Watch? What is a Tsunami $d+isor*? What is a Tsunami )n.ormation /ulletin;Statement? What are <TW#-s responsibilities? How does <TW# e+aluate earthquakes .or tsunami potential? How does <TW# disseminate its messa(es? Does <TW# send messa(es +ia S%S to mobile phones? Does <TW# issue e+acuation orders? #an <TW# predict earthquakes and tsunamis? What are some other tsunami !$= websites?

-) From ./00 Center *or Tsunami 1esearch Website http://nctr.pme%.noaa.go)/*a&.php What is a tsunami? How can we prepare .or a tsunami? What should we do i. one strikes? What is bein( done to minimi1e the e..ect o. tsunamis? When and where ha+e tsunamis occurred? Where can ) .ind photos o. tsunamis? How can ) make a homemade simulation o. a tsunami? Tell me about the si1e and speed o. tsunami wa+es> Tell me about the Dec? 8@, 8779 Sumatra tsunami> What are some o. the worst tsunamis? 2) From 3ni)ersity o* Washington Website http://(((.geophys.(ashington.e4u/tsunami/genera%*a&.htm What is a tsunami? What causes tsunamis? How do tsunamis beha+e? )s there an* wa* to pre+ent a tsunami? When was the .irst tsunami? How man* tsunamis ha+e there been? How o.ten do the* happen? What was the bi((est tsunami? 5) /ther What is <TWS? What are )#Gs? Who are the members o. <TWS?

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