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Central Information Commission Room No.

305, 2nd Floor, B Wing, August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 Web: www.cic.gov.in Tel No: 26167931 Case No. CIC/SS/A/2012/000988 Dated: 20.07.2012 Name of Appellant Name of $e"pon%ent (ate of )earing : Shri !nee"h #arg

: &n"tit!te of 'hartere% Acco!ntant" of &n%ia : 2*.+6.2+12 ORDER


!nee"h #arg, the appellant ha" file% thi" appeal %ate% 2*.12.2+11

before the 'ommi""ion again"t the re"pon%ent &n"tit!te of 'hartere% Acco!ntant" of &n%ia -&'A&., New (elhi for provi%ing incomplete information in repl/ to hi" $T& application %ate% 1+.9.2+11. The matter came !p for hearing on 2*.+6.2+12. The appellant wa" ab"ent an% the re"pon%ent were repre"ente% b/ Shri N. . Singh, 0AA, Shri 1. 2!rali%haran, (S an% 2". Seema #erotra, (ep!t/ (irector 3 ' &4. 2. The appellant file% an application %ate% 1+.9.2+11 !n%er the provi"ion" of aper 2 Strategic

the $T& Act, 2++5 in which he "o!ght information on nine 6!erie" pertaining to vario!" a"pect" of e7amination an% eval!ation of '.A. 0inal %ate% 11.1+.%enie% information on 0inancial 2anagement. The ' &4 vi%e repl/ No.&'A&:$T&A:' &4:1613:2+11 oint No. 3 an% 5 of the $T& application i.e. g!i%eline"8in"tr!ction" i""!e% b/ the 97amining bo%/ to the 97aminer" an% mo%el an"wer" i""!e% b/ the 97amining bo%/ to the e7aminer" b/ 6!oting S!preme 'o!rt :!%gement %ate% 2.9.2+11 in a "imilar ca"e &'A& ;". Sha!na<

Case No. CIC/SS/A/2012/000988 - '. No. 2+>+82+11.

). Sa/ta -'ivil Appeal No. 7571 of 2+11 ari"ing o!t of S= 4n

oint No. 7 the ' &4 %enie% information "tating that the verification proce""

of the final e7amination hel% in 2a/ 2+11 wa" in proce""? on the remaining point" re6!i"ite information ha" been provi%e% to the appellant. 3. The 0AA, before whom the appellant file% fir"t appeal, ha" vi%e hi" or%er

%ate% 29.11.2+11 conc!rre% with the repl/ of the ' &4. >. (!ring the hearing the re"pon%ent "!bmit that the/ wo!l% now provi%e oint No. 7 of the $T& application to the appellant, a" the

information on

verification proce"" i" now over. 5. )aving con"i%ere% the "!bmi""ion" of the partie" an% per!"e% the oint No. 7 of the $T& application to the appellant within one

relevant %oc!ment" on file, the 'ommi""ion hereb/ %irect" the ' &4 to provi%e information on week of receipt of thi" or%er. The repl/ of ' &4 on oint No. 3 an% 5 i" !phel% a" the p!blic a!thorit/ ha" no %i"clo"!re obligation !n%er the provi"ion" of Section *-1. -e. of the $T& Act, 2++5 an% in view of the aforementione% @!%gement of the S!preme 'o!rt of &n%ia. 4n the remaining point" re6!i"ite information ha" been provi%e% to the appellant b/ the re"pon%ent. The matter i" %i"po"e% of with the above %irection"8ob"ervation".

(S sh!a Sin"h# &nformation 'ommi""ioner A!thenticate% tr!e cop/: -A.A. Sharma. 4S( 3 (ep!t/ $egi"trar

Case No. CIC/SS/A/2012/000988

A%%re"" of the partie": Shri !nee"h #arg, ). No. 63*81, 2aler<otla )o!"e, 4pp. 4l% (.2.'.)., 'ivil =ine", =!%hianaB1>1++1. The ' &4, The &n"tit!te of 'hartere% Acco!ntant" of &n%ia, &'A& 1hawan, &n%rapra"tha 2arg, o"t 1o7 No. 71++, New (elhiB11+++2. The 0ir"t Appellate A!thorit/, The &n"tit!te of 'hartere% Acco!ntant" of &n%ia, &'A& 1hawan, &n%rapra"tha 2arg, o"t 1o7 No. 71++, New (elhiB11+++2.

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