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MS Project Export Utility User Manual

For Use With MS Project 2010

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MS Project Export Utility: User Manual (For Use With MS Project 2010)

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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Background Reading................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Software Requirements ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Project Life Cycle Flow Chart ................................................................................................... 7

2.0 Preparing MS Project 2010 ...................................................................................................... 8
2.1 MS Project 2010 Legacy Formats ............................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options ......................................................................... 8
2.2 MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings .............................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings ....................................................................... 11

3.0 Installing the MS Project Export Utility ................................................................................. 14
3.1 Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module ........................................................ 14

4.0 Starting The MS Project Export Utility .................................................................................. 18
4.1 How to Start the MS Project Export Utility .............................................................................. 19
4.1.1 Default Shortcut Key .............................................................................................................................. 20
4.1.2 MS Project Export Utility: No Project Files Open ................................................................................... 21
4.1.3 MS Project Export Utility: Project File Not Saved, Continue? ................................................................ 21

5.0 The Baseline Schedule .......................................................................................................... 22
5.1 The Baseline Schedule Export Table ..................................................................................... 22
5.1.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Table ....................................................................................... 23
5.2 Export Baseline Schedule Process ........................................................................................ 26
5.3 Selecting the Save Folder ...................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Selecting the MS Excel Workbook Filename Options ............................................................. 30
5.5 Selecting the Export Map ....................................................................................................... 31
5.5.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Map ......................................................................................... 32
5.6 Exporting The Baseline Schedule .......................................................................................... 35

6.0 The Production Schedule ...................................................................................................... 38
6.1 The Production Schedule Export Table .................................................................................. 38
6.1.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Table .................................................................................... 39
6.2 Export Production Schedule Process ..................................................................................... 42
6.3 Selecting the Save Folder ...................................................................................................... 43
6.4 Selecting the MS Excel Workbook Filename Options ............................................................. 46
6.5 Selecting the Export Map ....................................................................................................... 47
6.5.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Map ...................................................................................... 48
6.6 Exporting The Production Schedule ....................................................................................... 51

7.0 Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy Export Maps .............................................. 54
7.1 Before Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer .................................................................... 54
7.2 Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer ................................................................................ 54
7.2.1 Method 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 54
7.2.2 Method 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 55
7.3 Copying An Export Map ......................................................................................................... 56

8.0 The MS Project Export Utility Shortcut Key ......................................................................... 58
8.1 Changing the Default Shortcut Key ........................................................................................ 58

9.0 List Of Figures ........................................................................................................................ 61

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1.0 Introduction
Welcome to the MS Project Export Utility User Manual.

This document describes how to use the MS Project Export Utility with MS Project 2010.

The MS Project Export Utility is contained in an MS Project file: MS_Project_Export_Utility.mpp
This file is available for download at the Midori Media website:

The MS Project Export Utility automates the process of exporting Task Baseline Data and/or Task Data
from MS Project to an MS Excel Workbook file (the Data Source File) for use with myPM SCG Classic to
generate a variety of S Curves and Histograms.

The MS Project Export Utility Main Form is shown below.

Figure 1: MS Project Export Utility

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1.1 Background Reading
For background information on S Curves, please refer to the following document:
The Mysterious S Curve White Paper
The White Paper explains in detail what an S Curve is, how Baseline, Actual, and Target S Curves
and Histograms are generated, and how S Curves may be used to determine a Project's Growth,
Slippage, and Progress.

Note: The White Paper is available for download as a PDF file from the Midori Media website.

For detailed information on myPM SCG Classic, please refer to the following document:
The myPM SCG Classic User Manual
The User Manual explains in detail how to install and use myPM SCG Classic to generate a Project
Status Report and a variety of S Curves and Histograms.

Note: The myPM SCG Classic User Manual is included with myPM SCG Classic.
The myPM SCG Classic setup file is available for download from the Midori Media website.

1.2 Software Requirements
The MS Project Export Utility requires the following software:
A supported version of MS Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
A supported version of MS Project: 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013

Important Notes
Macros must be enabled in MS Project to allow the MS Project Export Utility to run.
Users of MS Project 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, or 2013 should download the MS Project Export Utility
User Manual for their version of MS Project from the Midori Media website.

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1.3 Definition of Terms
Please find following a definition of some of the terms used in this document.

MS Project 2010 Global.MPT File
An MS Project file containing Modules, Export Maps, Tables, etc. Modules, Export Maps, Tables, etc.
stored in the Global.MPT file are available for use with any open MS Project file.

MS Project 2010 Organizer
The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy Modules, Export Maps, Tables, etc. between open
MS Project files and/or the Global.MPT file.

MS Project 2010 Export Map
The Export Map defines the Task Fields to be exported. The MS Project Export Utility may be used to
create the Baseline Schedule and/or Production Schedule Export Maps.

MS Project 2010 Export Table
The Export Table defines the Task Fields visible in the MS Project 2010 Gantt Chart View. The MS
Project Export Utility may be used to create the Baseline Schedule and/or Production Schedule Export

MS Project 2010 Task Field
A Task Field contains specific information relating to the task.
Examples of MS Project 2010 Task Fields include:
ID, Name
Baseline Start, Baseline Finish, Baseline Work, Baseline Cost
Start, Finish, Work, Cost, % Complete
Summary, Milestone, etc.

Task Baseline Data
Refers to the data stored in the Task Baseline Fields.

Task Baseline Data is required to generate Baseline S Curves and Histograms.

The Task Baseline Fields typically include:
Baseline Start
Baseline Finish
Baseline Man Hours (referred to as Baseline Work in MS Project)
Baseline Cost

The Task Baseline Data is contained in the Baseline Schedule. If the Production Schedule was created
by copying the Baseline Schedule, or has been base lined, it also contains Task Baseline Data.

Task Data
Refers to the data stored in the Task Fields.

Task Data is required to generate Actual and Target S Curves and Histograms.

The Task Fields typically include:
Man Hours (referred to as Work in MS Project)
Percentage Complete (required for Actual S Curves and Histograms)

The Task Data is contained in the Production Schedule.
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1.3 Definition of Terms (Continued)
Baseline Schedule
The schedule prepared prior to Project commencement, outlining the proposed allocation of resources
and the timing of tasks necessary to complete the Project within a set time frame and budget. The
Baseline Schedule contains Task Baseline Data. myPM SCG Classic may be used to process the Task
Baseline Data to generate Baseline S Curves and Histograms, and a Project Summary containing key
Baseline Project Statistics.

Production Schedule
The schedule used to track the actual progress of the Project to date, starting at Project commencement,
and finishing at Project completion. The Production Schedule contains Task Data. myPM SCG Classic
may be used to process the Task Data to generate Actual and Target S Curves and Histograms, and a
Project Summary containing key Actual and Target Project Statistics.

If the Production Schedule was created by copying the Baseline Schedule, or has been base lined, it
also contains Task Baseline Data. myPM SCG Classic may be used to process the Task Baseline Data
to generate Baseline S Curves and Histograms, and a Project Summary containing key Baseline Project

Data Source File: MS Excel Workbook File (*.xls, *.xlsx)
Contains the Baseline Schedule and/or Production Schedule Task Baseline Data and/or Task Data. The
Task Baseline Data and/or Task Data in the Data Source File is processed by myPM SCG Classic to
generate a Project Summary, and the selected S Curves and Histograms.

If the Project's Baseline and/or Production Schedules are maintained in MS Project, the Data Source File
may be created by using MS Project to export the Baseline and/or Production Schedule Task Baseline
Data and/or Task Data to an MS Excel Workbook file. The MS Excel Workbook file created via the MS
Project export process is referred to as the Data Source File.

The export process may be automated by using the MS Project Export Utility.

If the Project's Baseline and/or Production Schedules are maintained in Primavera or other Project
Scheduling software, the Data Source File will need to be created by exporting (if supported by the
Project Scheduling software) or manually copy-pasting the required Task Baseline Data and/or Task
Data from Primavera / other Project Scheduling software to an MS Excel Workbook file (the Data Source

If no Project Scheduling Software (MS Project, Primavera, etc.) is available, the Data Source File may be
manually created and updated using MS Excel.

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1.4 Project Life Cycle Flow Chart
The following Flow Chart illustrates the Project's life cycle.

Figure 2: Project Life Cycle Flow Chart

The MS Project Export Utility automates the Export Process used to create the Data Source File for the
Baseline Schedule and/or Production Schedule.

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2.0 Preparing MS Project 2010
The default MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options need to be changed before the MS Project Export
Utility may be used.

2.1 MS Project 2010 Legacy Formats
The MS Project Export Utility exports Task Data contained in an MS Project file to an MS Excel
Workbook file (*.xls). The default MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options do not allow MS Project 2010
to create an MS Excel Workbook file (*.xls).

The following MS Project 2010 Warning Dialogue is displayed when attempting to create an MS Excel
Workbook file (*.xls) with the default MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options.

Figure 3: Warning Dialogue: Unable To Save File

Click OK to close the Warning Dialogue.

To prevent the above Warning Dialogue from being displayed when creating an MS Excel Workbook
file (*.xls), and to ensure the MS Excel Workbook file is created, the default MS Project 2010 Legacy
Format Options should be changed.

2.1.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options
To change the default MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Open MS Project 2010.

Figure 4: Changing the MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options, Steps 2 to 4

Step 2: Click the View Tab.
Step 3: Open the Macros Drop Down Menu
Step 4: Select the Macro Security Menu Item.

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2.1.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options (Continued)
The MS Project 2010 Trust Center Form is shown. Select the Legacy Formats Tab.

Figure 5: Trust Center Form: Legacy Formats Item: Prompt...

The default MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Option is:

Do not open/save file with legacy or non-default file formats in Project

This option prevents MS Project 2010 from creating an MS Excel Workbook file (*.xls).

To allow MS Project 2010 to create an MS Excel Workbook file (*.xls), complete the following steps.
Step 1: Ensure the Legacy Formats Tab is selected.
Step 2: Select Prompt when loading files with legacy or non-default file format
Select Allow loading files with legacy or non-default file formats
Step 3: Click OK to close the MS Project 2010 Trust Center Form.

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2.1.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options (Continued)
If the Prompt when loading files with legacy or non-default file format option is selected, the
following MS Project 2010 Question Dialogue is displayed when attempting to create an MS Excel
Workbook file (*.xls).

Figure 6: Question Dialogue: Save File?

To ensure the MS Excel Workbook file is created, click Yes.

To prevent the above Question Dialogue being displayed each time an MS Excel Workbook file (*.xls)
is created, select the Allow loading files with legacy or non-default file formats option on the Legacy
Formats Tab of the of the MS Project 2010 Trust Center Form.

Please refer to the following screenshot.

Figure 7: Options Form: Security Tab: Allow...

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2.2 MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings
The MS Project Export Utility is written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and is considered to be a
Macro by MS Project 2010.

The default MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings (Disable all macros with notification) will allow
the MS Project Export Utility to run if the user clicks Enable Macros when the MS Project 2010 Security
Notice Dialogue is displayed.

The following MS Project 2010 Warning Dialogue is displayed when attempting to run the MS Project
Export Utility when the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings prevent macros from being run.

Figure 8: Warning Dialogue: Macros Disabled

Click OK to close the Warning Dialogue.

To enable the MS Project Export Utility to run, the Macro Security Settings should be changed to:
Disable all macros with notification
Disable all macros except digitally signed macros.

2.2.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings
To change the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Open MS Project 2010.

Figure 9: Changing the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Level, Steps 2 to 4

Step 2: Click the View Tab.
Step 3: Open the Macros Drop Down Menu
Step 4: Select the Macro Security Menu Item.

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2.2.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings (Continued)
The MS Project 2010 Security Dialogue is displayed. Select the Macro Settings Tab.

Figure 10: Security Dialogue: Disable all macros without notification

MS Project 2010 provides four Macro Security Settings.

Disable all macros without notification
Selecting this setting prevents the MS Project Export Utility from running.

Disable all macros with notification
Selecting this setting allows the MS Project Export Utility to run.

Disable all macros except digitally signed macros
Selecting this setting allows the MS Project Export Utility to run.

Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run)
This setting is not recommended, as it allows any macro to run.

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2.2.1 Changing the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings (Continued)
To change the Macro Security Settings, complete the following steps:

Figure 11: Security Dialogue: Medium Security Level, Steps 5 to 7

Step 5: Ensure the Macro Settings Tab is selected.
Step 6: Select Disable all macros with notification
Select Disable all macros except digitally signed macros

Step 7: Click OK to close the MS Project 2010 Trust Center Form.

When opening the MS Project Export Utility file (or any other Project file containing macros), the
following MS Project 2010 Security Notice Dialogue is displayed if the MS Project 2010 Macro Security
Settings allow macros to run.

Figure 12: Security Warning Dialogue

Click Enable Macros to allow the MS Project Export Utility to run.

Keyboard Shortcut Alt


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3.0 Installing the MS Project Export Utility
The MS Project Export Utility is contained in an MS Project file: MS_Project_Export_Utility.mpp
This file should be downloaded from the Midori Media website:

The MS Project Export Utility VBA code is contained in the following Form and Module.
Form: MSProjectExportUtility_Form
Module: MSProjectExportUtility_Module

The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy the Form and Module contained in the downloaded
MS Project Export Utility Project file to the Global.MPT file, or to another open MS Project file.

To use the MS Project Export Utility with any open MS Project file, the Form and Module should be
copied to the Global.MPT file.

3.1 Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module
To copy the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module to the Global.MPT file using the MS Project 2010
Organizer, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Open MS Project 2010.
Step 2: Open the MS Project Export Utility Project file: MS_Project_Export_Utility.mpp

If the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Settings allow macros to run, the following MS Project 2010
Security Notice Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 13: Security Warning Dialogue

Click Enable Macros to allow the MS Project Export Utility to run.

Keyboard Shortcut Alt


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3.1 Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module (Continued)
To open the MS Project 2010 Organizer, complete the following steps.

Figure 14: Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module, Steps 3 to 5

Step 3: Select the File Tab.
Step 4: Select the Info Tab.
Step 5: Click Organizer

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3.1 Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module (Continued)
The MS Project 2010 Organizer is shown. Select the Modules Tab.

Figure 15: Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module, Steps 6 to 11

Step 6: Ensure the Modules Tab is selected.
Step 7: Ensure Global.MPT is selected in the Modules available in: drop down list on the left
hand side.
Step 8: Ensure MS_Project_Export_Utility.mpp is selected in the Modules available in: drop
down list on the right hand side.
Step 9: Select MSProjectExportUtility_Form in the listbox on the right hand side.
Step 10: Select MSProjectExportUtility_Module in the listbox on the right hand side.
Step 11: Click Copy << to copy the selected Form and Module to the Global.MPT file.

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3.1 Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module (Continued)
After clicking << Copy, the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module are copied to the Global.MPT file.

Figure 16: Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module, Step 12

Step 12: Click Close to close the MS Project 2010 Organizer.

The MS Project Export Utility is now available for use with any open MS Project file.

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4.0 Starting The MS Project Export Utility
Before using the MS Project Export Utility, the following requirements should be met:
Project File: Open, Active
The Project file containing the Task Baseline Data and/or Task Data to be exported should be open
and active in MS Project 2010.

Note: If no Project files are open when starting the MS Project Export Utility, a Warning Dialogue
will be displayed, and the MS Project Export Utility will close.

Project File: Changes Saved
The Project file should be saved if any changes have been made since it was opened.

Note: If the active Project file has been changed but not saved when starting the MS Project Export
Utility, a Question Dialogue will be displayed asking the User if they wish to continue without
saving the active Project file.

Export Map: Available In The Global.MPT File
The required Export Map should be available in the Global.MPT file.

Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy Export Maps from open Project files to
the Global.MPT file.

Note: The MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Baseline Schedule and/or Production
Schedule Export Maps in the Global.MPT file.

MS Project Export Utility Form and Module: Available
The MS Project Export Utility Form and Module should be available in one of the following locations:
The Global.MPT file.
An open MS Project file.

Note: If the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module are not available in either of the above
locations, the MS_Project_Export_Utility.mpp file (which contains the MS Project Export
Utility Form and Module) should be opened in MS Project 2010.

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4.1 How to Start the MS Project Export Utility
To start the MS Project Export Utility, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Open MS Project 2010.

Figure 17: Starting the MS Project Export Utility, Steps 2 to 3

Step 2: Select the View Tab.
Step 3: Click the Macros Icon

Keyboard Shortcut: Steps 2 to 3 Alt


The MS Project 2010 Macros Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 18: Starting the MS Project Export Utility, Steps 4 to 5

Step 4: Select Execute_MSProjectExportUtility from the Macro Name: listbox.
Step 5: Click Run to start the MS Project Export Utility.

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4.1 Starting the MS Project Export Utility (Continued)
The MS Project Export Utility Main Form is shown.

Figure 19: The MS Project Export Utility

4.1.1 Default Shortcut Key
The MS Project Export Utility may also be started by using the following default Shortcut Key:

Default Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl


Please refer to Section 8.0 for details on how to change the default Shortcut Key.

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4.1.2 MS Project Export Utility: No Project Files Open
When the Task Data Export Utility starts, it checks to see if at least one Project file is open. If no Project
files are open in MS Project 2010 when the MS Project Export Utility is started, the following Warning
Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 20: Warning Dialogue: No Project Files Open

Click OK to close the Warning Dialogue.

To prevent this Warning Dialogue from being displayed, open the required Project file containing the
Task Data to be exported in MS Project 2010 before starting the MS Project Export Utility.

4.1.3 MS Project Export Utility: Project File Not Saved, Continue?
When the Task Data Export Utility starts, it checks to see if the active Project file has been changed, but
not saved. In the unlikely event MS Project 2010 stops responding while using the MS Project Export
Utility, unsaved changes may be lost.

If the active Project file has been changed but not saved when the MS Project Export Utility is started,
the following Question Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 21: Question Dialogue: Project File Not Saved, Continue?

Click Yes to continue without saving changes to the Project file.
Click No to quit the MS Project Export Utility.

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5.0 The Baseline Schedule
The Baseline Schedule Flow Chart shown below covers the creation and revision of the Baseline
Schedule. The steps in this Flow Chart are completed during the Project planning phase, prior to Project

Figure 22: Baseline Schedule Flow Chart

5.1 The Baseline Schedule Export Table
Before the Baseline Schedule is exported, it should be reviewed, revised as required, and baselined.

The Baseline Schedule Export Table contains the following Task Fields:
Task ID
Task Name
Baseline Start
Baseline Finish
Baseline Work (Man Hours)
Baseline Cost

The Baseline Schedule Export Map includes these same Task Fields.

The Baseline Schedule Export Table may be used in the MS Project 2010 Gantt Chart View to review
and/or revise the Task Data that will be exported via the Baseline Schedule Export Map.

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5.1.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Table
The MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Baseline Schedule Entry Table.

The Baseline Schedule Entry Table is created in the active MS Project file. The MS Project 2010
Organizer may be used to copy the Baseline Schedule Entry Table from the active Project file to the
Global.MPT file if required.

To create the Baseline Schedule Export Map in the Global.MPT file, complete the following steps.

Figure 23: Create Baseline Schedule Export Table

Click Create Baseline Schedule Export Table to create the Baseline Schedule Export Table.

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5.1.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Table (Continued)
The following MS Project Export Utility Question Dialogue is shown.

Figure 24: Question Dialogue: Create Baseline Schedule Export Table?

Click Yes to create the Baseline Schedule Export Table in the active Project file.
Click No to cancel.

If the Baseline Schedule Export Table already exists in the active Project file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Question Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 25: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Table?

Click Yes to overwrite the existing Baseline Schedule Export Table in the active Project file.
Click No to cancel.

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5.1.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Table (Continued)
After the Baseline Schedule Export Table is created in the active Project file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Information Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 26: Information Dialogue: Baseline Schedule Export Table Created

Click OK to close the MS Project Export Utility Information Dialogue.

The following screenshot shows the MS Project 2010 Gantt Chart View with the Baseline Schedule
Export Table applied.

Figure 27: Baseline Schedule Export Table

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5.2 Export Baseline Schedule Process
Once the Baseline Schedule has been reviewed, revised as required, and baselined, the MS Project
Export Utility may be used to create the Baseline Schedule MS Excel Workbook file (Data Source File)
for use with myPM SCG Classic.

Using the MS Project Export Utility to create the MS Excel Workbook file involves completing the
following four steps.

Step 1: Select the Save Folder where the MS Excel Workbook file will be saved.
Step 2: Select the MS Excel Workbook filename options as required.
Step 3: Select the Export Map to be used.
Note: The MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Baseline Schedule Export
Map in the Global.MPT file.
Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy the Baseline Schedule Export
Map from an open Project file to the Global.MPT file.

Step 4: Click Export to create the MS Excel Workbook file.

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5.3 Selecting the Save Folder
By default, the MS Excel Workbook is saved to the same folder as the active Project file. If the active
Project file has never been saved (that is, it is a new Project), the Save Folder defaults to the current

To select another folder where the MS Excel Workbook file will be saved, complete the following steps:

Figure 28: MS Project Export Utility

Step 1: Click Browse...

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5.3 Selecting the Save Folder (Continued)
The MS Project Export Utility Browse For Folder Dialogue is shown.

Figure 29: Browse For Folder Dialogue

Step 2: Select the folder where the MS Excel Workbook file is to be saved.
Step 3: Click OK to close the MS Project Export Utility Browse For Folder Dialogue.

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5.3 Selecting the Save Folder (Continued)
The MS Project Export Utility Main Form is shown, with the Save Folder updated.

Figure 30: Save Folder Updated

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5.4 Selecting the MS Excel Workbook Filename Options
By default, the MS Excel Workbook filename is the same as the active Project filename.

The MS Excel Workbook filename maybe modified by checking one or both of the following checkboxes:

Prepend "Export_" to the MS Excel Workbook filename
Inserts "Export_" at the beginning of the MS Excel Workbook filename.
Checking this option allows files created by the MS Project Export Utility to be easily identified.

Append Date "_YYYY-MM-DD" to the MS Excel Workbook filename
Inserts the current system date at the end of the MS Excel Workbook filename.
Checking this option is recommended, as each time the Baseline Schedule is updated and exported,
a unique dated export file is created. These dated export files provide snap shots of changes to the
Baseline Schedule over time.

The following screenshot shows the MS Project Export Utility Main Form with both checkboxes checked,
and the modified MS Excel Workbook filename.

Figure 31: MS Excel Workbook Filename Options

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5.5 Selecting the Export Map
MS Project uses an Export Map stored in the Global.MPT file when exporting Task Data. A list of Export
Maps stored in the Global.MPT file is displayed by the MS Project Export Utility.

Select the required Export Map from the list.

Figure 32: Select Export Map

Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy the Baseline Schedule Export Map from an
open Project file to the Global.MPT file.

Click Organizer... to open the MS Project 2010 Organizer.
Please refer to Section 7.0 for further details.

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5.5.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Map
If the Baseline Schedule Export Map does not exist in the open Project files or the Global.MPT file, the
MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Baseline Schedule Export Map.

To create the Baseline Schedule Export Map, complete the following steps.

Figure 33: Create Baseline Schedule Export Map

Step 1: Click Create Baseline Schedule Export Map

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5.5.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Map (Continued)
The following MS Project Export Utility Question Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 34: Question Dialogue: Create Baseline Schedule Export Map?

Click Yes to create the Baseline Schedule Export Map in the Global.MPT file.
Click No to cancel.

If the Baseline Schedule Export Map already exists in the Global.MPT file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Question Dialogue will be displayed.

Figure 35: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Map?

Click Yes to overwrite the existing Baseline Schedule Export Map in the Global.MPT file.
Click No to cancel.

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5.5.1 Creating the Baseline Schedule Export Map (Continued)
After the Baseline Schedule Export Map is created in the Global.MPT file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Information Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 36: Information Dialogue: Baseline Schedule Export Map Created

Click OK to close the MS Project Export Utility Information Dialogue.

The following screenshot shows the MS Project Export Utility Main Form, with the newly created
Baseline Schedule Export Map.

Figure 37: Baseline Schedule Export Map Created

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5.6 Exporting The Baseline Schedule
Once the Save Folder, MS Excel Workbook Filename Options, and Export Map have been selected, the
Baseline Schedule Task Data may be exported to the MS Excel Workbook file.

To export the Task Data to the MS Excel Workbook file, complete the following steps:

Figure 38: Exporting The Baseline Schedule, Step 1

Step 1: Click Export

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5.6 Exporting The Baseline Schedule (Continued)
If the MS Project 2010 Legacy File Options are set to Prompt when loading files with legacy or non
default file format, the following MS Project 2010 Information Dialogue is shown.

Figure 39: Question Dialogue: Save This File?

Click Yes to create the MS Excel Workbook file.
Click No to cancel.

If the MS Excel Workbook file already exists, the following MS Project 2010 Question Dialogue is

Figure 40: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing File?

Click Yes to overwrite the existing MS Excel Workbook file.
Click No to cancel.

After the MS Excel Workbook file has been created, the following MS Project Export Utility Information
Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 41: Information Dialogue: Task Data Exported

Step 2: Click OK to close the Information Dialogue.

After clicking OK, the MS Project Export Utility will close.

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5.6 Exporting The Baseline Schedule (Continued)
The MS Excel Workbook file (Data Source File) is now ready for processing by myPM SCG Classic.

The following screenshot shows the MS Excel Workbook file created by the MS Project Export Utility.

Figure 42: Baseline Schedule MS Excel Workbook File

The MS Excel Workbook file (the Data Source File) may be used with myPM SCG Classic to generate
Baseline S Curves and Histograms.

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6.0 The Production Schedule
The Production Schedule Flow Chart shown below covers the creation and updating of the Production
Schedule. The steps in this Flow Chart begin prior to Project commencement with the creation of the
Production Schedule, and finish at Project completion when the final update to the Production Schedule
is made. The Production Schedule should then be reviewed for lessons learnt and archived.

Figure 43: Production Schedule Flow Chart

6.1 The Production Schedule Export Table
Before the Production Schedule is exported, it should be reviewed, updated as required, and validated.

The Production Schedule Export Table contains the following Task Fields:
Task ID
Task Name
Baseline Start
Baseline Finish
Baseline Work (Man Hours)
Baseline Cost
Work (Man Hours)
% Complete

The Production Schedule Export Map includes these same Task Fields.

The Production Schedule Export Table may be used in the MS Project 2010 Gantt Chart View to review
and/or revise the Task Data that will be exported via the Production Schedule Export Map.

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6.1.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Table
The MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Production Schedule Entry Table.

The Production Schedule Entry Table is created in the active MS Project file. The MS Project 2010
Organizer may be used to copy the Production Schedule Entry Table from the active Project file to the
Global.MPT file if required.

To create the Production Schedule Export Map in the Global.MPT file, complete the following steps.

Figure 44: Create Production Schedule Export Table

Click Create Production Schedule Export Table to create the Production Schedule Export Table.

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6.1.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Table (Continued)
The following MS Project Export Utility Question Dialogue is shown.

Figure 45: Question Dialogue: Create Production Schedule Export Table?

Click Yes to create the Production Schedule Export Table in the active Project file.
Click No to cancel.

If the Production Schedule Export Table already exists in the active Project file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Question Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 46: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Table?

Click Yes to overwrite the existing Production Schedule Export Table in the active Project file.
Click No to cancel.

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6.1.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Table (Continued)
After the Production Schedule Export Table is created in the active Project file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Information Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 47: Information Dialogue: Production Schedule Export Table Created

Click OK to close the MS Project Export Utility Information Dialogue.

The following screenshot shows the MS Project 2010 Gantt Chart View with the Production Schedule
Export Table applied.

Figure 48: Production Schedule Export Table

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6.2 Export Production Schedule Process
Once the Production Schedule has been reviewed, revised as required, and validated, the MS Project
Export Utility may be used to create the Production Schedule MS Excel Workbook file (Data Source File)
for use with myPM SCG Classic.

Using the MS Project Export Utility to create the MS Excel Workbook file involves completing the
following four steps.

Step 1: Select the Save Folder where the MS Excel Workbook file will be saved.
Step 2: Select the MS Excel Workbook filename options as required.
Step 3: Select the Export Map to be used.
Note: The MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Production Schedule Export
Map in the Global.MPT file.
Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy the Production Schedule Export
Map from an open Project file to the Global.MPT file.

Step 4: Click Export to create the MS Excel Workbook file.

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6.3 Selecting the Save Folder
By default, the MS Excel Workbook is saved to the same folder as the active Project file. If the active
Project file has never been saved (that is, it is a new Project), the Save Folder defaults to the current

To select another folder where the MS Excel Workbook file will be saved, complete the following steps:

Figure 49: MS Project Export Utility

Step 1: Click Browse...

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6.3 Selecting the Save Folder (Continued)
The MS Project Export Utility Browse For Folder Dialogue is shown.

Figure 50: Browse For Folder Dialogue

Step 2: Select the folder where the MS Excel Workbook file is to be saved.
Step 3: Click OK to close the MS Project Export Utility Browse For Folder Dialogue.

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6.3 Selecting the Save Folder (Continued)
The MS Project Export Utility Main Form is shown, with the Save Folder updated.

Figure 51: Save Folder Updated

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6.4 Selecting the MS Excel Workbook Filename Options
By default, the MS Excel Workbook filename is the same as the active Project file filename.

The MS Excel Workbook filename maybe modified by checking one or both of the following checkboxes:

Prepend "Export_" to the MS Excel Workbook filename
Inserts "Export_" at the beginning of the MS Excel Workbook filename.
Checking this option allows files created by the MS Project Export Utility to be easily identified.

Append Date "_YYYY-MM-DD" to the MS Excel Workbook filename
Inserts the current system date at the end of the MS Excel Workbook filename.
Checking this option is recommended, as each time the Production Schedule is updated and
exported, a unique dated export file is created. These dated export files provide snap shots of the
Production Schedule over time.

The following screenshot shows the MS Project Export Utility Main Form with both checkboxes checked,
and the modified MS Excel Workbook filename.

Figure 52: MS Excel Workbook Filename Options

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6.5 Selecting the Export Map
MS Project uses an Export Map stored in the Global.MPT file when exporting Task Data. A list of Export
Maps stored in the Global.MPT file is displayed by the MS Project Export Utility.

Select the required Export Map from the list.

Figure 53: Select Export Map

Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy the Production Schedule Export Map from
an open Project file to the Global.MPT file.

Click Organizer... to open the MS Project 2010 Organizer.
Please refer to Section 7.0 for further details.

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6.5.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Map
If the Production Schedule Export Map does not exist in the open Project files or the Global.MPT file, the
MS Project Export Utility may be used to create the Production Schedule Export Map.

To create the Production Schedule Export Map, complete the following steps.

Figure 54: Create Production Schedule Export Map

Step 1: Click Create Production Schedule Export Map

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6.5.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Map (Continued)
The following MS Project Export Utility Question Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 55: Question Dialogue: Create Production Schedule Export Map?

Click Yes to create the Production Schedule Export Map in the Global.MPT file.
Click No to cancel.

If the Production Schedule Export Map already exists in the Global.MPT file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Question Dialogue will be displayed.

Figure 56: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Map?

Click Yes to overwrite the existing Production Schedule Export Map in the Global.MPT file.
Click No to cancel.

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6.5.1 Creating the Production Schedule Export Map (Continued)
After the Production Schedule Export Map is created in the Global.MPT file, the following MS Project
Export Utility Information Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 57: Information Dialogue: Production Schedule Export Map Created

Click OK to close the MS Project Export Utility Information Dialogue.

The following screenshot shows the MS Project Export Utility Main Form, with the newly created Project
Schedule Export Map.

Figure 58: Production Schedule Export Map Created

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6.6 Exporting The Production Schedule
Once the Save Folder, MS Excel Workbook Filename Options, and Export Map have been selected, the
Production Schedule Task Data may be exported to the MS Excel Workbook file.

To export the Task Data, complete the following steps:

Figure 59: Exporting The Production Schedule, Step 1

Step 1: Click Export

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6.6 Exporting The Production Schedule (Continued)
If the MS Project 2010 Legacy File Options are set to Prompt when loading files with legacy or non
default file format, the following MS Project 2010 Information Dialogue is shown.

Figure 60: Question Dialogue: Save This File?

Click Yes to create the MS Excel Workbook file.
Click No to cancel.

If the MS Excel Workbook file already exists, the following MS Project 2010 Question Dialogue is

Figure 61: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing File?

Click Yes to overwrite the existing MS Excel Workbook file.
Click No to cancel.

After the MS Excel Workbook file has been created, the following MS Project Export Utility Information
Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 62: Information Dialogue: Task Data Exported

Step 2: Click OK to close the Information Dialogue.

The MS Project Export Utility will now close.

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6.6 Exporting The Production Schedule (Continued)
The MS Excel Workbook file (Data Source File) is now ready for processing by myPM SCG Classic.

The following screenshot shows the MS Excel Workbook file created by the MS Project Export Utility.

Figure 63: Production Schedule MS Excel Workbook File

The MS Excel Workbook file (the Data Source File) may be used with myPM SCG Classic to generate
Baseline, Actual, and Target S Curves and Histograms.

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7.0 Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy Export Maps
If the required Export Map is stored in an open Project file, but not in the Global.MPT file, it will not
appear in the list of available Export Maps in the MS Project Export Utility.

The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be used to copy the required Export Map to the Global.MPT file.

7.1 Before Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer
Before opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Open MS Project 2010.
Step 2: Open the MS Project file containing the required Export Map.

7.2 Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer
The MS Project 2010 Organizer may be opened using one of the following methods:

7.2.1 Method 1
Use this method if the MS Project Export Utility is not running.

Figure 64: Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer: Method 1, Steps 1 to 3

Step 1: Select the File Tab.
Step 2: Select the Info Tab.
Step 3: Click Organizer

Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer will display the previously selected Tab when opened.

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7.2.2 Method 2
Use this method if the MS Project Export Utility is running.

Figure 65: Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer: Method 2, Step 1

Step 1: Click Organizer... to open the MS Project 2010 Organizer.

Note: The MS Project 2010 Organizer will display the Maps Tab when opened.

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7.3 Copying An Export Map
After opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer using Method 1 or Method 2, the MS Project 2010
Organizer is shown.

To copy an Export Map from an open Project file to the Global.MPT file, complete the following steps.

Figure 66: Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy An Export Map, Steps 1 to 5

Step 1: Ensure the Maps Tab is selected.
Step 2: Ensure Global.MPT is selected in the Maps available in: drop down list on the left
hand side.
Step 3: Ensure the open Project file containing the required Export Map is selected in the
Maps available in: drop down list on the right hand side.
Step 4: Select the required Export Map in the listbox on the right hand side.
Step 5: Click Copy << to copy the selected Export Map to the Global.MPT file.

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7.3 Copying An Export Map (Continued)
After clicking << Copy, the selected Export Map is copied to the Global.MPT file.

Figure 67: Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy An Export Map, Step 6

Step 6: Click Close to close the MS Project 2010 Organizer.

The Export Map is now available for use with the MS Project 2010 Export Utility.

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8.0 The MS Project Export Utility Shortcut Key
The MS Project Export Utility may be started by using the following default Shortcut Key:

Default Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl


8.1 Changing the Default Shortcut Key
Before changing the MS Project Export Utility Keyboard Shortcut, please ensure:

The MS Project Export Utility Form and Module should be available in one of the following locations:
The Global.MPT file.
The open MS Project file.

If the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module are not available in either of the above locations, the
MS_Project_Export_Utility.mpp file (which contains the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module)
should be open in MS Project 2010.

To change the Default Keyboard Shortcut, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Open MS Project 2010.

Figure 68: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Steps 2 to 4

Step 2: Select the View Tab.
Step 3: Click the Macros Icon

Keyboard Shortcut: Steps 2 to 3 Alt


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8.1 Assigning A Shortcut Key (Continued)
The MS Project 2010 Macros Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 69: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Steps 5 to 6

Step 5: Select Execute_MSProjectExportUtility from the Macro Name: listbox.
Step 6: Click Options...

The MS Project 2010 Macro Options Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 70: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Steps 7 to 8

Step 7: Enter the required letter.
Step 8: Click OK to close the MS Project 2010 Macro Options Dialogue.

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8.1 Assigning A Shortcut Key (Continued)
The MS Project 2010 Macros Dialogue is displayed.

Figure 71: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Step 9

Step 9: Click Close to close the MS Project 2010 Macros Dialogue.

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9.0 List Of Figures

Section 1: Introduction
Figure 1: MS Project Export Utility ........................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Project Life Cycle Flow Chart .................................................................................................... 7

Section 2: Preparing MS Project 2010
Figure 3: Warning Dialogue: Unable To Save File .................................................................................... 8
Figure 4: Changing the MS Project 2010 Legacy Format Options, Steps 2 to 4 ....................................... 8
Figure 5: Trust Center Form: Legacy Formats Item: Prompt... ................................................................. 9
Figure 6: Question Dialogue: Save File? ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 7: Options Form: Security Tab: Allow... ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Warning Dialogue: Macros Disabled ....................................................................................... 11
Figure 9: Changing the MS Project 2010 Macro Security Level, Steps 2 to 4 ......................................... 11
Figure 10: Security Dialogue: Disable all macros without notification ..................................................... 12
Figure 11: Security Dialogue: Medium Security Level, Steps 5 to 7 ....................................................... 13
Figure 12: Security Warning Dialogue .................................................................................................... 13

Section 3: Installing the MS Project Export Utility
Figure 13: Security Warning Dialogue .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 14: Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module, Steps 3 to 5 .................................. 15
Figure 15: Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module, Steps 6 to 11 ................................ 16
Figure 16: Copying the MS Project Export Utility Form and Module, Step 12 ......................................... 17

Section 4: Starting The MS Project Export Utility
Figure 17: Starting the MS Project Export Utility, Steps 2 to 3 ................................................................ 19
Figure 18: Starting the MS Project Export Utility, Steps 4 to 5 ................................................................ 19
Figure 19: The MS Project Export Utility ................................................................................................ 20
Figure 20: Warning Dialogue: No Project Files Open ............................................................................. 21
Figure 21: Question Dialogue: Project File Not Saved, Continue? ......................................................... 21

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9.0 List Of Figures (Continued)

Section 5: The Baseline Schedule
Figure 22: Baseline Schedule Flow Chart .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 23: Create Baseline Schedule Export Table ................................................................................ 23
Figure 24: Question Dialogue: Create Baseline Schedule Export Table? ............................................... 24
Figure 25: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Table? ........................................................... 24
Figure 26: Information Dialogue: Baseline Schedule Export Table Created ........................................... 25
Figure 27: Baseline Schedule Export Table ........................................................................................... 25
Figure 28: MS Project Export Utility ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 29: Browse For Folder Dialogue .................................................................................................. 28
Figure 30: Save Folder Updated ............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 31: MS Excel Workbook Filename Options ................................................................................. 30
Figure 32: Select Export Map ................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 33: Create Baseline Schedule Export Map .................................................................................. 32
Figure 34: Question Dialogue: Create Baseline Schedule Export Map? ................................................. 33
Figure 35: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Map? ............................................................. 33
Figure 36: Information Dialogue: Baseline Schedule Export Map Created ............................................. 34
Figure 37: Baseline Schedule Export Map Created ................................................................................ 34
Figure 38: Exporting The Baseline Schedule, Step 1 ............................................................................. 35
Figure 39: Question Dialogue: Save This File? ...................................................................................... 36
Figure 40: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing File? ......................................................................... 36
Figure 41: Information Dialogue: Task Data Exported ............................................................................ 36
Figure 42: Baseline Schedule MS Excel Workbook File ......................................................................... 37

Section 6: The Production Schedule
Figure 43: Production Schedule Flow Chart ........................................................................................... 38
Figure 44: Create Production Schedule Export Table ............................................................................ 39
Figure 45: Question Dialogue: Create Production Schedule Export Table?............................................ 40
Figure 46: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Table? ........................................................... 40
Figure 47: Information Dialogue: Production Schedule Export Table Created ........................................ 41
Figure 48: Production Schedule Export Table ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 49: MS Project Export Utility ....................................................................................................... 43
Figure 50: Browse For Folder Dialogue .................................................................................................. 44
Figure 51: Save Folder Updated ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 52: MS Excel Workbook Filename Options ................................................................................. 46
Figure 53: Select Export Map ................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 54: Create Production Schedule Export Map .............................................................................. 48
Figure 55: Question Dialogue: Create Production Schedule Export Map? ............................................. 49
Figure 56: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing Export Map? ............................................................. 49
Figure 57: Information Dialogue: Production Schedule Export Map Created .......................................... 50
Figure 58: Production Schedule Export Map Created ............................................................................ 50
Figure 59: Exporting The Production Schedule, Step 1 .......................................................................... 51
Figure 60: Question Dialogue: Save This File? ...................................................................................... 52
Figure 61: Question Dialogue: Overwrite Existing File? ......................................................................... 52
Figure 62: Information Dialogue: Task Data Exported ............................................................................ 52
Figure 63: Production Schedule MS Excel Workbook File ...................................................................... 53

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9.0 List Of Figures (Continued)

Section 7: Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy Export Maps
Figure 64: Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer: Method 1, Steps 1 to 3 ......................................... 54
Figure 65: Opening the MS Project 2010 Organizer: Method 2, Step 1 .................................................. 55
Figure 66: Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy An Export Map, Steps 1 to 5 ........................ 56
Figure 67: Using the MS Project 2010 Organizer To Copy An Export Map, Step 6 ................................ 57

Section 8: The MS Project Export Utility Shortcut Key
Figure 68: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Steps 2 to 4 ......................................................... 58
Figure 69: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Steps 5 to 6 ......................................................... 59
Figure 70: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Steps 7 to 8 ......................................................... 59
Figure 71: Changing the Default Keyboard Shortcut, Step 9 .................................................................. 60

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Release History
3rd March 2014: MS Project Export Utility User Manual released.

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Midori Media may be contacted via email.

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Any unauthorized copying of this material is prohibited. No part of this document may be reproduced in
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