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I. A. Read the text and then fill in the gaps with the right PREPOSITIONS.

Living in a technological era, we have access 1)_____ the tabloids more than ever before. There are television sets, magazine covers, Internet blogs, and movies screaming 2)_____ be read and watched, and they are plastered 3)_____ images of these tacky celebrities. When a life 4)_____ parties, short-term relationships, dr gs, and alcohol are leading celebrities like !ritney, "aris, and Lindsay
)_____ spiral o t of control, yo

wo ld think that their lifestyle is

not ideal. ! t, fans !)_____ these stars disagree. #ow, in an age where we have more contact ")_____ celebrity gossip than we have ever had, we are faced #)_____ a $ estion% what are the effects that s perstars have $)_____ o r yo th& 'elebrities infl ence fans1%)_____ be destr ctively thin, p t harmf l s bstances 11)_____ their bodies, and many parents are concerned 12)_____ the overall content these celebrities are p tting 13)_____ television, in movies, and over the Internet. "op c lt re idols need 14)_____ think twice before making a poor decision or practicing awf l morals beca se of their infl ence 1 )_____ their yo ng fans. This effect is especially evident 1!)_____ their appearance and attit des. With celebrities creating impossible standards 1")_____ bea ty, more and more yo ng ad lts are feeling (less confident, more angry, and more dissatisfied( 1#)_____ their looks. !ased on a poll, )*+ of nine and ten year-olds had tried losing weight and at age thirteen, ,-+ of girls were nhappy
1$)_____ their image. This cannot all be blamed 2%)_____ the media, b t with celebrities

becoming thinner and thinner, m ch self-confidence is lost and images 21)_____ television stars or models have been connected 22)_____ body displeas re. .tars need to be concerned
23)_____ their image beca se of the

npleasant fact that it ca ses yo ng fans 24)_____ s ally beginning

strive to be

nhealthily thin. The #ational Instit te of /ental 0ealth estimates that eating

disorders affect more than five million 1mericans a year, with disorders

2 )_____ the teens or as early as eight. 'elebrities sho ld stay at a safe weight 2!)_____

ins re their health and the effects their weight has 2")_____ infl encing their yo nger viewers. Two in every three parents feel that their children are being e2posed 2#)_____ too m ch inappropriate content 2$)_____ the media. With television shows today incl ding se2 al content, violence, and ad lt lang age, children are e2posed to ns itable matters
3%)_____ their ages. 3ids have access 31)_____ shows, movies, and the internet blogs that

can tell them things that sho ld be left 32)_____ parents to e2plain. There is no possible way to end this media frenzy, b t e2perts say that (attentive parents, strong teachers and nice friends are an e2cellent co nterbalance,( to pop c lt re garbage.

I. &. Read the se'(nd part (f the text and fill in the )lan*s with the right f(r+ (f the Si+ple Present, Present -(ntin.(.s (r Present Perfe't (f the /er)s in )ra'*ets. .tars need to be more aware of their images beca se some 1)____________ 4all(w5 yo nger fans content that many parents
2)____________ 4n(t0want5




'elebrities 3)____________4n(t (nl10ha/e5 a negative impact on the looks and personalities of fans, b t also in their health. With s perstars like 3ate /oss who 4)____________ 4ta*e5 insane amo nts of dr gs, 1my Wineho se checking into rehab again, and movie stars lighting p their cigarettes on screen, there has to be some effect on their admirers. 66+ to 78+ of the top twenty-five bo2 office hits since 977,
)____________4'(ntain5 tobacco


'elebrities !)____________4gla+(ri2e5 smoking in the media and ")____________ 4set) an e2ample for s pporters everywhere that it is acceptable to smoke. "op c lt re icons
#)____________ 4need5 to s pport a dr g free program instead of

sing harmf l s bstances.

"rograms like 1bove the Infl ence, r n by the :ffice of #ational ;r g "rotection,
$)____________ 4.se5 the media for good instead of making dr gs and alcohol seem

acceptable to of dr gs

se. .tars sho ld make it a goal to refrain from and alcohol is a satisfactory

sing dr gs and drinking way to live.

e2cessive amo nts of booze beca se it 1%)____________ 4send5 a message to fans that a life

'elebrities need to change the way they act and how they 11)____________ 4/iew5. Their actions 12)____________ 4ha/e5 more of an effect on s then many people believe they have. Thin, addicted celebrities 13)____________ 4'hange5 the way many yo ng fans think and act. 'elebrities need to change these horrible habits now and 14)____________ 4reali2e5 that they need to be more concerned with themselves and with their portrayal in the media.
by 1nonymo s, <adnor, "1

II. SPEA3IN45 IN6OR7A8 9IS-:SSION- State 1(.r /iews (n the f(ll(wing% Celebrities should realize that they need to be more concerned with themselves and with their portrayal in the media.

III. ;rite an Opini(n text 49,*-96* words5 = Celebrities influence on my life

3E< I.A. 1) to 2) to 3) with 4) of ) to !) of ") with #) with $) on 1%) to 11) in 12) with 13)

on 14) to 1 ) on 1!) in 1") of 1#) with 1$) with 2%) on 21) of 22) to 23) abo t 24) to 2 ) in 2!) to 2") in 2#) to 2$) in 3%) for 31) to 32) for I.&.1) are allowing 2) do not want 3) do not only have 4) are taking
!) have glamorized ") are setting #) need $) 13) are changing 14) realize ) have contained

se 1%) sends 11) are viewed 12) have

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