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NEWS from the Marcum Family

- March 2014 Dear Friends & Family,

It is so exciting for us to be able to write to you again this month, and share all the good things the Lord is doing! We truly pray you are encouraged as we send you news from one of the equipping centers of the global prayer & missions movement. The 24-hour worship & prayer furnace here in KC is burning brightly, and we feel the impact of Gods increasing presence & power on the Missions Base here at International House of Prayer. Thank you so much for your prayers for us, and your gifts the Lord is using you in ways you may never know but will surely be remembered and rewarded by Him!

These are exciting days!

One of our favorite Scriptures is Malachi 1:11, which speaks of Gods plan for incense (figuratively prayer & worship) to arise from all over the earth: For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts. It is so encouraging to report that this past month the Orlando House of Prayer in Orlando, FL became the THIRD location in the U.S. where prayer & worship is ascending to God 24/7! Along with IHOPKC, and IHOP-Atlanta, OHOP has a sanctuary of prayer established that is lifting up prayer & worship before the Lord day & night. One of our desires is that every state in America would have 24/7 worship & prayer ascending from their state unto God not in every case will it be in one location, in many states it will be the united effort of various churches & ministries located in that state joining together. And not just in America, but in the cities & nations of the earth, there is an abundant & evident INCREASE in INCENSE taking place, as the Spirit & The Bride are together saying, Come, Lord Jesus! It was reported at our All-Staff Meeting here on the IHOPKC Missions Base last week, that for the first time there will be a Regional Summit of Prayer Ministries in Europe held this year in Germany. Leaders of the prayer & missions movement there will be joining together for several days in the presence of the Lord, praying and receiving the strategies of the Lord for their nations. Another report was given at our staff meeting regarding the Chinese churches, and their desire after years of receiving missionaries, to now begin SENDING missionaries out to the nations of the earth. A group of around 150 church leaders from China came to IHOPKC in 2012 for a special gathering to discuss this, and they recently reported that since that meeting, they have already sent 400 missionaries out to various nations ! It is estimated that these 150 leaders who gathered represent nearly 50 MILLION Chinese believers! and they have a goal that if the Lord should tarry, they will send ONE-MILLION missionaries for Jesus Christ from China to the nations over the next 40 years. A final report to bring encouragement you may remember that during OneThing 2013, we hosted a simultaneous gathering of leaders of missions organizations and Bible translation organizations. Just in the 3 months since that meeting, much has happened! One of our desires & goals is to mobilize prayer for the COMPLETION of the Bible translations in the remaining languages that have no Bible. We can now report that we have already surpassed 1,000 churches & prayer ministries who have covenanted to join together in prayer with us! IHOPKC has also raised and provided $200,000 to fund the translation of the Bible in five of the remaining languages. One of the leaders in Bible translation said recently, Ive never felt this kind of wind from God on our efforts its amazing!

Pray for Joys Mission Trip Joy is going to Pagosa Springs, Colorado on Spring Break, March 15-23, with a team of IHOPU students to serve the churches & ministries of the area who are joining together for a week of prayer & worship, and evangelism. Please pray for her, as she has been asked to be one of the main worship leaders for the week. Pray that the Lord will anoint her and her worship team to help usher Gods presence into that region of the U.S. Their pre -trip prayer & planning meetings have been incredible, and God has given them a real burden for breakthrough to happen this week!

CONTINUING TO PRAY FOR A CULTURE OF LIFE Our Life Initiatives department on the Missions Base has recently begun a weekly prayer meeting at The Womens Clinic in Grandview, MO. Jim has committed to serving & helping lead this weekly prayer meeting, covering the staff of the Clinic in prayer and praying for Gods power & love to be released to all the women & their families who come to the Clinic. I led a team who ministered in prayer weekly at Life Choices in Joplin, and have had the desire to do the same here at our Christian womens clinic ever since moving to KC. So happy the Lord has said now is the time! We pray weekly at The Womens Clinic on Mondays at 9 a.m. We are also involved in the Spring 40 Days for Life effort here in KC, March 5 April 13. You may remember we served in the prayer vigils last fall, and we are doing so again. The vigils take place at two locations in KC where abortions are performed Planned Parenthood, and The Center for Womens Health. Our site leader at CFWH is Wendy Curtis again, and we appreciate her and her husband Larry so much! She went recently to a THIRD abortion facility that is located in the KC area for a prayer vigil. Here is her report
The Lord was so gracious to answer a simple prayer today! I woke up this morning praying, "Lord, let there be a baby saved today." After arriving at the Aid for Women abortion facility in Wyandotte Co, at 7:30 this morning, I was told there were 8 women who had come for abortions, ...and one baby saved! This baby's mom left the facility and told our sidewalk counselor that she had decided to keep her baby. What a celebration of God's goodness! Within 10 minutes another woman walked out of the clinic with her female driver. As they drove out of the parking lot, this mom, in tears, shook her head and told us that she couldn't do it. Then she began to weep, saying again, "I just couldn't do it." We rejoiced with her and thanked her for giving her baby life. I told her that God loves her and her baby. We then gave her more resources and phone numbers that she might need. Her smile was so bright as they drove away. Within the next 1/2 hour a third woman walked out with her boyfriend. And as they got in the car and drove away, she looked at me, smiled and shook her head saying, "I didn't do it." The power of prayer is something we will never fully understand, until we stand on the other side. I praise God for letting me experience the joy of seeing moms and dads welcoming the love of a child into their hearts, and knowing their little one's hearts are still beating this evening. And I praise God for all of you who sacrifice your comfort to stand on the sidewalk and pray for those in need. It's not easy to watch those who do not make a good decision, like a fourth young mother who came outside numerous times with her boyfriend. Yet after our loving counsel and prayers she, in tears, walked back in for the last time, and would come out forever changed. Lord, please help this young woman tonight. And help us. In Jesus' name we pray.

We recently heard a statistic that at abortion facilities the no -show rate is normally 20%, but when there is a prayer vigil going on, that rate increases to 70%! That is just part of the effect of having these prayer vigils regularly at abortion facilities. A FINAL WORD We have so enjoyed meeting with so many of you as weve traveled now for 10 weekends to Jopl in for partnership development! Praise the Lord, we have now reached 2/3 of our goal! We still have 1/3 to go, and only 7 weeks left, so please join with us in prayer that we will reach our goal & be fully funded by the end of April. As much as we love being in the Joplin area, we are excited to complete our partnership development and give ourselves fully to the ministry were called to here at IHOPKC. Oh, and it was great to be at Grace Fellowship in Granby a couple weekends ago! David Price is the worship leader there, and Bruce & LaDonna Yelverton are pastors. What a wonderful family of believers! Jim spoke from Psalm 92:10-11 on receiving fresh oil and we prayed for many to receive from the Lord. Well, must go for now! We love each & every one of you, and thank you for reading our newsletter! Please text or email us any special prayer requests Were praying for you!

Because He is worthy of it all,

Jim & Melissa Marcum P.O. Box 1099, Grandview, MO 64030 Phone/text: 816-287-3525 / 816-287-2228 Email/PayPal: International House of Prayer Kansas City, MO

Jim & Melissa Marcum & family

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