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Fo r 2 to 4 play ers , age s 8 to adu lt OBJ ECT Each player has 22 tiles, selected at random, which have to be formed

into words in a cross-word style. The tiles are colour coded for value. The first player to finish wins....unless another players tiles have been arranged to make a greater value. SE T U P Shuffle the 88 tiles face down and let each player draw 22. In a 2 or 3 player game the remaining tiles are left unused. The drawn tiles remain face down in Di ag ram 1 front of each player. Place the Timer in a central position, within easy reach of the players. PL AY To start the game, press the small green button. Players turn over 6 tiles from their pile, using 5 of them to make up a word or words. If there are 2 or more words, they can be joined in a crossword fashion. (see diagram 1.)

The first player to get down to one spare tile hits the big red button on the Timer to begin the next round. As soon as the chime sounds, ALL the players (irrespective of the formation of their tiles) have to pass one tile (their discard) to the player on their right and turn over 2 new tiles from their pile. Now players have 8 tiles face up in front of them. 7 tiles have to be formed into a word or words as in the previous round, leaving one discard. Again the first player to get down to 1 tile can hit the red button, players will at once pass one tile to their right and turn over 2 new ones, and the next round starts. Play continues in this manner for 8 rounds, until only 2 tiles remain face down in each players pile. During each round players are free to break up their words and completely rearrange them. If no player succeeds in getting to their last upturned tile within 30 seconds, the Timer will automatically chime, signalling a new round, and all the players will pass a tile to their right and uncover 2 new ones. THE L AST RO UND With all the tiles face up, all 22 tiles have to form a cross word. No tile is kept as discard. (Diagram 2). The Timer giving special intermediate sounds, indicates that it is the last round with a maximum of 1 minute. If one of the players finishes and then hits the buzzer (or if the 1 minute elapses) the game end sound will be heard. In either case all players stop at once and no one Di ag ram 2 is allowed to touch their tiles. Whatever is part of their crossword counts, the rest does not.

SCO RING The player who hits the red button at the end is given 20 bonus points. Any player with all 22 tiles in their crossword at the time the game ends (whether the red button was hit or not) is given 10 points.

Di agra m 3

Then the value of the tiles in each players crossword are added up with black letters worth 1 point, green 3 and red 5. Letters forming part of 2 words count double (eg the letter j in diagram 3). Unused tiles count 0. The player with the highest score wins. DISPUTES If ta any point a player observes another player hit the red button when his or her crossword is incomplete (by having a wrong word or by not including all the tiles necessary) that player may press the yellow button which will pause the game. A skidding sound will be heard to indicate the pause in play. During a pause, players may not touch their tiles. A player found guilty is given 10 minus points, otherwise the player who pressed the yellow button is given 10 minus points. Disputes are settled with reference to a dictionary (the dictionary being used is agreed by all players at the start of the game). To resume play after a pause, simply hit the pause button again. IMPORTA NT: MA KE SU RE PL AYERS DO PASS 1 TILE A ND TURN OVER 2 NEW TIL ES A T T HE START OF EACH ROU ND.

Games of Excellence

Double Quick is a trademark of Winning Moves. Made and distributed by Winning Moves, Intnl. Ltd., Lyntonia House, 7-9 Praed Street. London W2 1NJ England. Telephone: 0171 262 9696. Facsimile: 0171 402 5126. E-mail:

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