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5 Hobbies and activities

Text types
narrative texts: magazine articles, riddles and raps exchanges: conversations information texts: tables

Happy days

a magazine article


Post-reading activity
knowledge: write photo captions, classify different activities

adverbs of frequency: always, often, sometimes and never using -ing nouns and noun phrases to talk about activities: playing basketball, watching films

Main task
write a report on childrens weekend activities



There are lots of things we can do in our free time!

What are the children doing? What do you like doing in your free time?
swimming playing badminton playing football playing chess cycling

stamp collecting



Harry and his classmates are reading a magazine. Look at the page with them.

Free time activities

We can do different types of activities in our free time. Some activities are indoor activities. You do them at home or in a special place. Some activities are outdoor activities. You do them outside. There are activities for one person and activities for groups. Watching films is a fun indoor activity. You can watch films on your own or with your friends. Some people like watching films at the cinemas. Some people like watching films at home. Playing basketball is a fun indoor or outdoor activity. You can play basketball with your friends. Basketball players like running and jumping. They are also good at throwing balls. Playing the piano is a good indoor activity. You can play the piano on your own. Piano players are good at reading music.

Hiking is a healthy outdoor activity. You can go hiking with your friends and see the countryside. I 12


Post-reading task

There are some photos of children in the magazine. Harry and his friends are trying to work out which activities these children like. Can you help? 1 2

She likes ____________________.

3 4

She likes ___________________.



Harry and his friends want to make a diagram of indoor and outdoor activities. Can you help them write the activities in the correct places?

Indoor activities

Outdoor activities


Indoor and outdoor activities


Vocabulary practice

playing basketball

playing the piano

playing computer games

surfing the Internet

watching films

reading comics


ice skating


Harry and his classmates wrote some riddles. Read the riddles. Can you guess the activities? 1

This can be an indoor or outdoor activity. You need a ball to play. Are you tall? Do you like jumping? This is good for you! This activity is _________________________.

This is something to do with friends. It is an outdoor activity. Do you like the countryside? Do you like walking? This is a good activity for you! This activity is _________________________.
To learn more about riddles, turn to page 50.


Gammar in context

Harry is doing a class survey on how often his classmates go swimming. Read what they say.

Mon. Ann Joe Tim Emma Harry: Ann: Joe: Tim:  







How often do you go swimming? I love swimming. I always go swimming every day. I like swimming. I often go swimming after school. Swimming is OK. I sometimes go swimming after school.

Emma: I hate swimming. I never go swimming.

Now do your own class survey on reading. In groups, ask and answer.

Your friends









Grammar in context

Read this rap together. Do you and your classmates have the same hobbies?

A hobby is an activity we always like doing!

Hobby rap
I like reading comic books. I always read a lot. I like collecting action toys. Sometimes its hard to stop. I like swimming for our team. We win a lot of races. I like singing, painting, drawing I like hiking in wild places.

What do you like doing, Ruby? I like dancing.

Ask your friends about their favourite hobbies and tell the class.

: What do you like doing, ________________? : I like ______________.

For a quick review of -ing noun phrases, read pages 44 and 46 again.


Main task

You are doing a project on childrens weekend activities. Joe, Tim and Ann are talking about what they did last weekend. Listen to what they say. Tick the correct pictures. 1 Tim 2 Joe

3 Ann

Now interview some classmates and write a report.

Tim went to the cinema. He likes _______________________. Joe likes _______________________. Ann likes ________________, _________________ and _________________. I like ____________________________________________________________. _________ and ________ like _______________________________________.


Text type Phonics

A riddle
We can use riddles to play guessing games. In a riddle, we give the listeners clues and ask them to guess what we are talking about.

Points to note: Start with general clues, then give more specific clues. Keep people guessing until the end!

Listen and say.






Look at pages 44 to 49 again. Can you find words with the ng sound? Write them down and read them aloud.


Your turn Grammar focus

Some people have strange hobbies. Read this and see!

I like collecting bus numbers. I have a lot of numbers. I always take my camera and wait at bus stations. I take photos of different buses and their numbers. People think my hobby is strange or boring, but I like it! I like collecting stray cats. I always take cats home from the street. My flat is full of cats. I have more than thirty. It is difficult to count them!
Do you know anyone with a strange hobby?

We can use the following adverbs in blue to talk about frequency:

Mon. always often sometimes never








We can use -ing nouns and noun phrases to talk about activities:

I You We They He She



playing basketball playing the piano surfing the Internet hiking swimming


More on this topic: page 63.

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