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This is a Seed Stitch Tank Top / Vest that I created for Knit-a-Square ( Volunteers make an of the followin!: " in squares# $ests like this# hats# socks# sweaters. I make the squares and $ests. I%$e ne$er $entured into socks. &ou can knit or crochet items. 'ack to the pattern. (hen I do the seed stitch I like to use more then ) arn so ou can see the desi!n it creates. *ll ou need to +e a+le to do is a sin!le crochet and dou+le crochet. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO WEAR THIS? The t pe of arn ou use depends on the wa ou are !oin! to wear this piece. If ou want it for summer then use a cotton arn. If ou are !oin! for a warmer !arment ou can use a worsted wei!ht arn. &ou can wear a lon! slee$ed shirt under it. *t the +ottom of this is a si,in! chart in case ou want to make different si,es. This is the order in which o! wi"" #$%e the &est $'ter the 'ront $nd ($c% $re done) *ttach the straps to the -'ack- piece (this .*S to +e done in order to do the ne/t) 0etermine the arm hole len!th Sew the sides

*ront $nd +$c%# width 1 )2.3 inches / )4 inches (+efore straps) Str$,s 1 2.53 wide / " inches tall (uses 6 stitches) -o#,"eted Rows: 75 rows 1 )4 inches hi!h Worsted Y$rn/ 8aron ) 9ound# 'lue and Tan G$!.e: 2.:3 stitches per inches and 5.3 rows per inch Hoo% Si0e/ I / 3.3 mm Stitches Used: Sin!le 8rochet 0ou+le 8rochet S%i"" Le&e": 'e!inner A((re&i$tions: ; ; 1 <epeat the instructions +etween them PATTERN/ 8alls for an odd num+er of stitches. 8hain 7) with an I hook &ou are workin! from the +ottom up. There are 7 rows of +lue and 5 rows of tan. (hen ou !et to the top of the front/+ack ou end with 5 rows of tan. *RONT 1 +A-K Row 2/ 0o ;)S8 in second chain from hook# )08 in ne/t stitch; <epeat across the row Row 3/ chain )# turn= ;Skip ) stitch (which is the last dc on the pre$ious row)# 0o >)S8 and )08? in ne/t stitch (which is the last S8 from pre$ious row); <epeat from ; to ; Re,e$t row 3 !nti" o! re$ch 43 rows)

See ne5t ,$.e

Re.$rdin. the str$,s)))I alwa s do them on the rectan!le that will +e the front that wa when ou stitch the ends onto the other rectan!le ou can%t see the seemin!. @ollow the straps directions +elow. Re#e#(er the ($c% $nd 'ront $re identic$" so it doesn6t #$tter which one o! ,ic%)

Str$,s/ (hen ou are done with row 75 turn the piece and crochet into the first 6 stitches onl . See row 72 for that.

Row 47899/ chain )# turn# > ;Skip ) stitch# )S8 and )08 in ne/t stitch;? / 3 . *fter row 33 cut arn "e$&in. $ "on. t$i" and finish off. The tail is for sewin! it to the +ack.

This is wh$t it sho!"d "oo% "i%e)

SEWING THE STRAPS: (ith our lon! tail thread it to our arn needle. Aine up the strap to the +ack. Sewin! + !oin! under the top of the stitch (the -$-)See picture +elow.

(hen ou are at the last stitch secure it reall well. Then sew the other strap. If ou happen to ha$e a tail to work with ou can use that. Btherwise Cust take a piece of arn and start sewin!. :ETER;INE AR; HOLE LENGTH/ This has to +e done after the straps are attached and +efore sewin! the sides up. See photo +elow.

@old our $est in half Cust like ou see in the +e!innin! photo. Take a ruler and measure where D inches is and put a safet pin there. It%s hard to see +ut it%s at the +e!innin! of the ruler all the wa to the left. &ou need it so ou know when to stop when sewin! the sides up. 0o this for the opposite side as well. Eow ou%re read to sew the sides up.

SEWING UP THE SI:ES 'efore ou +e!in turn the tank top inside out so the arn ou are usin! to sew the sides does not show. 8ut a piece of arn that is ) )/5 times the len!th of the side that ou%re sewin!. Start at the +ottom and work our wa up. Fust thread our arn needed and pick up threads closest to the ed!e our sewin!. (hen ou !et to the safet pin stop and make a knot so it%s secure. (hen done flip it inside out a!ain and ou ha$e our Vest / Tank Top Si,in! 8hart $ia

Hope you have fun creating your garment. Thanks for stopping by and let me know if you have any questions. Heather heatherg !"

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