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Muh. Hasby rasyad, S.Pi.


Having carrier at least forty years, Michael Jackson, or also we called him
Jacko, not just left an excellent record carrier. But also glorious legacy for world
music industry. The unique Jacko style such as “Moonwalk” and anti Gravity
dancing, amazed a Million Music Community. And it’s make him famous, besides
it melodius piercing voice.
Michael Jackson start his career, when he is eleven years old. Young
Michael is symbol of little boy who liked dancing and have a piercing voice. At
first carrier, he joined in the black boys band, named “The Jackson Five”. This
group is abrotherhood music group, because all the members of this group are
Jacko brother.
His voice and talent ability, attract people and get more attention, then the
other members of Jackson Five group. So he have confident, to start solo carrier.
Where he start it, people in the world more amazed with his ability. Quincy
Jones, his first producer, success raised up Jacko’s carrier to became Popstar.
And that make Jones very surprised because the album title “ Of The Wall (1979)
sold through 20 million copies. Jacko and Jones also wondering, when the next
album title “Thriller (1982)” sell over 100 million copies, the highest level sold
album that ever been. Because there’s no musician can compare it til’ now.
Jacko introduce a new ways of music, koreografi, and video clips. When
he in Jackson Jackson Five that just R & B music style. After that, when he go in
solo, Jacko combine R & B with many kind music style. Together Steve Lukather
and Eddie Van Halen (Van Halen’s guitarist) Jacko try to present a new colour of
music with song title “beat it”. In the Rockin’ Rabbit song, Jacko to give a new
kind of music he named it Rockabilly.
Koreografi is another Jacko’s innovation in smooth criminal video clip. He
show an illusion move that he called it “Anti Gravity Lean”. Jacko’ s patent it.
While the present in the 25 th Birthday of Motown, he introduce “Moonwalk”
action for the First time. In the Video clip, Jacko make an innovation too. Bad
clip is example. He involvd Martin Scorcese, to make it. The result is a video clip
which 18 minute duration clip, that astonishing million eye’s spectator. Thriller,
directed by John landis, another fenomenal Jacko’s Video Clip. When the Balck
or White video clip present together in 27 countries on 14 November 1991, once
again amazed spectator around the world.
Outside all of that, Jacko break off rass discrimination, in music
opportunity. He gave a significant vision to MTV (Music Television) towards black
Musician. Before “Thriller”, MTV didn’t want to show their clip. The reason is MTV
is a rock Music TV style. And it breakout when Jacko release Billie Jean Video
Clip, rassis reason finished. And Untill now, Black Musician becaming
subscription in MTV ‘s Music Program.
Jacko’s attended on the social and humanity problem, must be
appreciated. When in Ethophia occur poverty and hungriness, together Lionel
Richie, they create a song title “We are the world”. Not Just at all, he calling first
a few class world musician joined. Effort to decrease Ethopian people suffers. He
success to collect a lot of money to donate. He also build a charity foundation,
nam Heal the World.
His bright carrier in music, Makes his personal life interrupted. Mass
media raced to take news of him. Although it is a personal thing. News about his
face plastic operation, married and divorce with Lisa M. Priesly and Deborah
Jeanne Rowe is an example. Pedofilia accusation, convert religion, about
Bubble, his pet chimps, and more controversial news. Even though, sometimes
newspaper create a false story to increase it oplaghs circulation.
That controversial news, and his lonely life after divorced with his second
wife, comptetion with the new comer, make some media concluted that is the
reason, why Jacko rarely appear on TV anymore. And some media speculating
him, that he involved in drugs influenced.
July, 7 th 2009, World once again shock about his news. Michael
Jackson, King of Pop, has Passed away, says Jeremiah Jackson, his younger
brother, announce. Medical result that Jacko had a hearts attack. But once again
media present many speculation on him. Like drug’s influence, or murder by his
private worker. And until now, the real causes is still obscure.
Jacko’s funeral, is the spectacular funeral, in history that ever been. All TV
media take it at the special live program, which houndreds of first class world
celebrity joined.

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